Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Complete Tales of the Tiamat

Tales of the Tiamat
[To include the 4th & 5th episodes]


Complied & Revised 2nd Edition

By Dennis L. Siluk

Copyright, 2005
Tales of the Tiamat

Dedicated to: Rosa

Book by D.L. Siluk; check at your local books stores, and at: and

Out of Print

The Other Door:
Poetic Exhortations Vol I [l980]

Two Modern Short Stories of Immigrant life [l984]
The Tale of Willie the Humpback Whale [l981]
The Safe Child/the Unsafe Child [l985]

Presently In Print

The Last Trumpet and the Woodbridge Demon

Angelic Renegades & Rephaim Giants

Tales of the Tiamat
[The Finality-‘The Tiamat and the King’]

Mantic ore: Day of the Beast
Chasing the Sun
[Travels of D.L Siluk]

Islam, In Search of Satan’s Rib

A Path to Sobriety,
The Inside Passage
Volume One

A Path to Relapse Prevention
The Inside Passage
Volume Two

A Romance in Augsburg
[Volume I]

Romancing San Francisco
[Volume II]

Where the Birds Don’t Sing
[Volume III]

Stay Down, Old Abram
[Volume VI]

Death on Demand
[Seven Suspenseful Short Stories]
Volume One

Dracula’s Ghost
[Eight Short Stories]
Volume Two

The Mumbler,
Murder by the Second Self


The McCabe Poems


Prelude: About the series

Introduction: “In the Beginning…”

Book One:
The Revenge of the Tiamat
[And Land and Spirits of Lemuria]
Note: Originally the 3rd of the Tiamat series written, 2002

Book Two:
Tiamat, Mother of Demon
[An Apocalypse, in a Deathless World]
Note: Originally the first book of the Tiamat series written, 2001/02

Book Three:
Gwyllion, Daughter of the Tiamat
[To Avalon, the Underworld & Atlantis]
Note: Originally the 2nd book of the Tiamat series written, 2002

Book Four [the short book/Tale]:
The Last Tale of the Tiamat
[The Tiamat and the King]
Note: Originally written in rough draft form during the making of
The Tiamat Trilogy [2001], but rewritten in 2003/2004 for publication;
Never complete prior.

[The Tale of:] The Ghost of the Tiamat
Note: a vignette, written to compliment the Tiamat series
In 1/2004

Illustrations by the Author:

1) The Fortress of Yort
2) The Tiamat
3) The Mantic ore

Index of Names:

2—Sergeant Snemelc
3—Marduk [good of chaos]
4—Baboon god
5—Ram-god [Golden Ram Temple/Khnum]
6—Lucifer’s Temple [or Satan]
7—Tiamat’s Temple
8—Diinn [demon from Arabian Desert]
9—The Sure [Sonoran]
10—Oni form Napaj [Japan]
11—Windigos [man eating creature]
12—Semas [Sinned’s slave]
13—Son’s of the Tiamat: Kalia, First Born, and Untamable
14—Ura’el [Arch Angel]
15—Serr’el [Guardian Angel for Sinned]
16—Ma’at [goddess]
17—She Ocean [seer]
19—King Thesas I, II and III [the third being the most troublesome]
20—Angelic Renegades
21—White Baboons [followers of the Great Baboon-god/demon]
22—Ecnal [Elder of the Lost Temple]
23—Jehovah [the One God Ephraim]
24—Enkid—[Old priest of the Lost Temple]
25—Nefilim [a form of the Watchers]
26—The Watchers—Angelic Renegades27—Tiger-woman [eaten by the Tiamat]
28—The Hawk [The Dead god]
30—Cro-Magnon Man
32—Azaz ’el [Angelic Renegade]
33—Semyaz [Angelic Renegade Leader]
35—Baal [Canaanite god]
37—Teammate [first born of the demon, prior to Tiamat]

Index of Locations:

1—Pillars of Hercules [Gibraltar Striate]
2—Prison House for Angels
5—The Wet-Lands [England] parts of France or Gaul
6—Germania [Germany]
11—Asia Minor [Yort]
12—Malta and Gozo


Between the primitive wilds of a demonic world and a monotonous civilization trying to adjust to its time, Sinned in the first book of the three [now four tales], called “Tiamat, the Mother of Demon,” tried to create a balance between them, so that every one could co-exist. He even tried to convince the Almighty to spare the world on these grounds.
In the second tale of this ongoing saga, put into the combined ‘Tales of the Tiamat series, his goal starts to change. With the now, new demonic forces in place, especially, “Gwyllion, Daughter of the Tiamat [name of the 2nd book,’ Sinned sees this goal in a less positive way; where maintaining a laze-fare [status quo], seems fruitless. He is starting to give up on his city; kind of a lost hope seems to be in the making, or prevails.
In ‘The Revenge of the Tiamat,’ the third tale, Sinned is but 20-years old in this trilogy, or collection of tales, of which I have put that book first, where it belongs; originally it was the last of the original three tales to be written for some odd reason. At this point, he just gets to know the Tiamat for the most part. His father had died by the hands of the Tiamat, when Sinned was young, and his step-father as well, was ambushed somewhat by the Tiamat, and the Amazons killed his mother. And so we see in this sage, tragedy the appeasing world order [which actually leads into the other two tales mentined].
In this 4th series of The Tiamat, or tale [I call the short book, which is really a big chapter in essence, although written around the same time of the other tales, in a sketch form, was never finished until recently, now added into this book with an ending that really didn’t please my wife, but by all means, all things must come to an end, I told her, yet she insisted Sinned should not …, and so we shall see.

Again, this part of the original trilogy was never published or polished, or put into the story form fully, now it has been: we see Sinned finds himself a few years older, teaching the younger cadets the principles of honor and dignity, and the love for their great city, then becomes a prisoner in his own house, by order of the king. In the Underworld, the Tiamat comes up with a plan, and you will have to read on to unwind the plan; a good conclusion to the original trilogy.
Sinned now is a few years older as I have just mentioned, and time is running out for the world. Satan now has full command in Yort, Marduk is history [or will be soon], and a secret resides somewhere in Sinned’s head.

First we will see the first three books in order, as they originally came out, when first published [yet revised], then please join me for the last tale unsung in the wilds of far off times, in a world that searched for what it meant to be human, ruled by the inhuman, for the most part.


In the beginning there was the Tiamat, in the primeval seas, Marduk subdued her, put her into a long deep sleep, but the carcass only died not the heart, and so the battle raged on with the mythical monster of the deep. And it came to pass, an Archangel was sent down from the heavens by God to earth to unlock the abyss, a vast subterranean cavern, and took the Tiamat prisoner, putting her in this sealed tomb of sorts. Thus, she would not escape for 10,000-years. At that point in history, the physical-demonic world was over. Until another day that is, where the Tiamat would be released, again entombed, and released for a thousand years thereafter. At this point, death along with her abyss was thrown into a lake of fire and she was destroyed once and for all.

These are the tales of the Tiamat, in-between historical time periods, when she roamed the earth unabated, unequaled.

The Tiamat

Book One

Revenge of the Tiamat
[6,820 BC]

Chapter One

Sinned at home, on leave from the Army

In the State of Dreaming
[The Camel Market]

Outside of the ancient city of Heliopolis, otherwise known as the: “City of the Sun,” in Egypt, down the road twelve-miles or so, is a camel market; I was there when I was eight years old, but I remember it well. You treasure such moments in life, when the mighty God of Heaven takes your father away. A mighty demon killed him, -- her name is the Tiamat. As I was saying, or is it thinking, I don’t know, I was there, twelve-years ago. I thought at the time, the camel keepers were cruel for tying their camels one leg up, folded kind of, up against their upper section of their leg, so when they walked they couldn’t escape by running out of the market place, or for that matter I suppose, running its owner to death. How could they with only three legs. So I told myself at the time.
I am twenty-years old now, looking at the camels again, I remember on the way to the market there were many of them along side the dirt roads, some half dead, some dead, and others in small groups being brought to the marketplace; they were so thin, you could see their ribs sticking out. I kept thinking at the time [when I was young that is]: --drink some of that water from your humps, fill them up.
When we got to the huge white gates of the market in Egypt, we went through the towering archway which leads into the center of the market, where we initially headed. I knew very little about Egypt (it culture, religious beliefs, customs, norms), coming from the Near East [Asia Minor], that is, and being so youthful, only that to the Egyptians, their Circle of Life as they called it, was governed by a deity called Ma’at, [goddess], by the way of Ra [primal sun-god], through their king whom was the embodiment of god, as they knew him to be. That is why the symbol of the Falcon was all about Egypt I think, you couldn’t miss it as you visited the busy Heliopolis streets and shops, The Great City of the Sun, as they called it, such statues, with of these images were everywhere.
My father told me not to talk about our spiritual beliefs with anyone; it was to be strictly, and he was stern when he said: ‘…strictly a military mission,’ and he added: to buy one-hundred camels, for a military campaign that was going to take place; along with gathering information for our elders at Yort, about their city itself, if we could: the market place, and their military strength and so forth.

—The sun seemed to be on top of me this early afternoon, as if it was dancing on top of my head, even though I had a covering over it. And here I stood in the middle of this huge marketplace, people all about, some feeding their camels, others feeding their own faces, people and camels, camels and people, uncountable. Some tying the legs of the camels the way I had mentined before, others buying and selling them. And there, there, right over there is that little camel, it draped my heart. He will come to me in a minute, he always does in my dream, just like he did so long ago; yes, yes here he comes, right to me, right over here, right to me. I pat him on his neck, I always pat him on his neck, I think he likes that, yet I can’t remember if he is a he or a she; in any case, then comes that young boy who was riding back and forth on that huge camel, he’s looking at me and the twenty-soldiers with my father, with my father and I that is. He is but only a few years older than me, not much bigger, no, smaller, maybe the same size.
The boy rode up to the little camel looked at me, as he always does (the good thing about dreams is they can come out the same way always, or nearly always), and rode away. What a show off he is I thought, thought back then that is. But now that I’ve had the dream a few times, a few too many times, maybe it was his job though. I don’t know, I never knew, and my never know.
As I watched my father walking to and fro, here and there, looking at camels, I sized up this huge marketplace, with my little eyes back then. It was bigger than Yort’s market by far. It was all of six-acres. A sex foot brick wall surrounded the market place, all the way around like a fortress. And as I stood somewhat in the middle, looked straight ahead, it seemed to go straight forever. I had modest sight back then, if I’d go there today, I’m sure it would seem smaller to me. Nonetheless, along the sides of the market to my left were areas for the camels and the owners to rest and feed their camels, and doctor them up; it was kind an area sectioned off, enclosures, made of brick, and painted white. To my right was where they were tying the left legs of the camels up, and some right legs. Many of the keepers were feeding them lightly, and doing most of the selling. It is where the shade was, where the business huts were, the same side my father was most interested in.
As my father bought the first few camels, I thought them to be quite expensive; two months wages for one camel, and my father being a high ranking officer in the military, that was expensive, but then, he was paying with tax money from Yort.
The sun continued to dance on top of my head this day, dancing and dancing as if it had found me, among all the rest here, found me and was tormenting me along with the camels. I think I was the only one noticing it, but on the other hand, I was the only one possibly without a job, just an observer.
As the day passed on a cool, a breeze set in, and I thanked Leo and all the other constellations in the heavens, yet the winds filled my lungs, nostrils, mouth and unseen areas with smells, dust and more dust, so much dust, it filled the holes in my inner nose, so I could not breath through them, and had to hang my mouth open for air. I seemed to be drying up like a prune, like a dying cactus. But I loved this journey, I loved it so very much, it was the highlight of my life with my father, I’d never, ever forget it, never in my whole life. It was my first and last journey I would have with my father. And that is why I can’t seem to let this dream go, for although it is a dream, it is real, or was real at one time, if I could write my memoirs I’d write this dream, about my father and me. I seem to be simply reliving an old memory, over and over again—I guess I’m still a little sad, and I suppose, like mom says: we all grieve different, therefore maybe I grieve little by little in my dreams. In a like manner, my father always said: “If you’re sad, it is because you lost something good. If you’re mad, it is because you didn’t get to do or say what you should have (so make sure you do it before hand). And if you are dreaming, you are either trying to deal with fear, desire or happiness.” It’s funny how you remember such things. I guess I’m doing a bit of all that.
—My father had now purchased all the camels that he could find that would be making the trip back with us. He told me in passing, on our way back that is, he needed to stop along the way, along the way back to York that is, we’d have to stop at a military site, or compound, or area, I can’t remember the name he used, something similar to those, but we had to drop off one half of the camels for their campaign, and then we’d head on home to rest.
As he paid in gold bulk to the seller, thereafter, we headed toward the gates we had come through. The small camel ran back up to me, just before I entered under the arch of the gate. I wanted to take him with me, I remember thinking that, but I just stared into his big eyes, stared it seemed for the longest time. Plus, it surely was not possible, how on earth could I take him back with me, a dog maybe, a cat possibly, a camel, no way, and so I didn’t know what to tell the camel at the time, it was like I wanted to say something, something to let the camel know, I cared for him, but what? And I didn’t say a word; I just gave a kind of silent goodbye; --for that was not part of the program. Then behind the small camel appeared the boy who I seen before, he was riding back and forth, here and there, on that big camel, that huge monstrous camel. As we went through the gates he quickly took a stick and guided the small camel back to its owner; as I noticed turning about on my own camel, our eyes were now both—the camel and I—going in different directions, and life had different roads for me, as it did for him; yes, we had to march down…
as I started to toss and turn in my bed, I knew I was half asleep, but I was fortunate to be able to finish the dream I thought almost to its end—for I knew once I fell to sleep completely, into a dead sleep, one that you remember nothing until you wakeup, I would not have been able to finish it, or get as far as I did. Now I knew when I woke up, I would be feeling grateful for my father’s memories. It would be a good day.

—“Wake up Sinned!” my mother called from the kitchen. I tried to hide and pretend I didn’t hear her, but again came the echo.
“Breakfast is about ready,” she explained in her strong but mellow voice.
I loved the smell of sweet bread, and the aroma of the wine; the fresh fruits she always had.
‘OK,’ I told myself…I am getting up.’
“I’ll be down in a few minutes mom,” I said with a dreggy voice. I had a good sleep last night, and a wonderful dream I told myself, as I tried to pull myself out of the bed.
I am but twenty-years old and I have already spent four-years in the military; I got thinking, twenty-years old, only twenty-years old. I had heard about the legend of the Tiamat, my father had told me many stories of her, and had a run-in with her concerning our national monument the Mesopotamian Stone, when I was quite young; the Tiamat killed my father. But King Thesas I brought the stone back, and my father was a hero, as was the king. My mother married another military man after the death of my father, and he too, has been threaten by the hands of this demigod, this sea beast. But to be quite honest, she is just a name to me, and that is all it is to me at this time. She has not stolen my memories and my dreams yet.
She was the breeder of evil spirits I was told, older than written time, I think. They say she was born before Atlantis was built or before the great world of Lemuria existed; Lemuria of course was beyond our reach, just another legend of sorts that was beyond the Pillars of Hercules, way beyond in another area of the world. They both sunk, that is, Atlantis and the land of Lemuria I was told. They both disappeared as did the known 3rd world when the Angelic Renegades and the Nefilim Warlords, both ancestors to the demigod race, and the giants another form of angelic-demigod, disappeared. At that time, many giants walked this earth. Giants that reached six-hundred feet, or so I am told, other giants of 13-feet or so.
As I put on my garments, I got thinking, as I smelled the bread from the kitchen, I live in a time when the world is upside down I believe. I wonder often what man would say 10,000 years from now; no let’s say only, only 5,000 years from now, what will they say about…about our society? Will they judge us fairly, and what is fairly, I dare not say? Will there still be demigods then like now; surely they will have some kind of destructive force facing them, for it has always been that way. The angelic forces of yesterday; the evil ones of today that is, the demigods of today, something always haunting society? I dare not think too hard, what for, tomorrow is tomorrow, and I will not be part of that. My imagination, my thinking never stops, and so my mother has told me so.
I know many of the giants have vanished, but we get the next best thing, these damn demons. What next is in store for mankind? God only knows. Will the future judge us accordingly, or by guesses? Only God knows this statement-question. I like talking to myself, assuring my thinking is kept in balance, but if he was to be in our sandals, what then, the future people, that is who I am talking about. You know if the future man was to be ruled by these demigods. Maybe then they will be invisible. Who cares, I will be dead, long gone by then, long buried by time, and I will look like a fossil, inside of a fossil, I have seen in the brownstone these things, creatures in them, in stone, down by the river. Maybe we are the last this world will see of mankind. The demons seem to be taking over.
I love my city of Yort, I always have, and it is where I was born, where my father came back to when we left the camel market in Egypt. It is impregnable. No city in the world has such strength to offer its citizens.
The Mediterranean is the only ocean I know, although I heard of another, but I have never seen it, so I am not sure it exist; there is only one fortress though, like ours, which is ours, and only ours, no, no—there is no city like ours. Maybe there are two oceans or even three. It doesn’t really matter, I’ve never seen them. For I have been to the coast lands of three continents that surround this Mediterranean Sea, that is my ocean, Africa, Europe and Asia and have not seen anything equal. Can these other oceans offer this? I doubt it.
“Sinned, are you coming to eat, the bread will get cold?”
“I’m coming mom,” she gets a little impatient, but then I have not been home for awhile, she likes it when she can still be useful to her one child, her one and only son; she wants to be useful, it makes her feel needed, worthwhile to live, she is a good mother.
As I put on my sandals I got thinking, of my step-father, for he told me sometime back, that there is an island called Gozo where giants built a huge temple called Ggantija [xaghra, Gozo], it was where a few of the Yortites from our city went 1,000-years ago to learn how to build such huge fortifications as we have today. On this little island, it is said the Calypsos live, giants with one eye. They were, or are, demonic in nature, these giants of old; it was why the designers of the city left so abruptly; that is, after six-weeks on the island they darted back to Yort. But 1,000-year’s a long time; I may have gotten some of my figures wrong. But on the other hand, some sailors have told me the great temples of the islands still remain.
As I walked down stairs to the kitchen, I sat in the chair by the window. I always liked looking out windows; I like the sun hitting my face. I think I got that from mom. You get to eat, and see life in motion also that way, be it animals, or vegetation, or people. Mom gave me some sweet bread, some apples, and wine. She smiled, and I simply remained silent taking in the new day; thinking about her smile, the sun, the simple things in life, yes, that is what life is made up of, a bunch of simple things all put together, and a few big things on the road of life.
My step-father is now retired, and keeps my mother busy with that old kind of tender loving care thing, when I say thing I guess I mean attention. King Thesas I is our ruler. His son is but 10-years old now. He seems like a good sort of kid.
I love being a soldier, I always have, even when I wasn’t I loved thinking one day I’d be one, there is nothing like it in the world, nothing to compare the adventure to. Life was great, adventurous, and what more could a young man like me ask for. It was my wine away from home, my high in life. I am the 4th to the commander, an officer of sorts. I am in charge of keeping the armory in good condition, and then when we have a battle, I am an infantryman, with those same men, but in charge. I have a squad of twelve-men I am in charge of. I know, not many, but I am young, give me time. I like the way the men respect me when they say, “Sir,” or “Commander, Sinned.”
My father always said battles are won if not in battle, in waiting for the battle; kind of a mind thing I guess. I had already seen this philosophy in action. We were about to have battle with some of the Spanish a year past, when our commander told us to wait. I wasn’t sure why, for we had 20,000 soldiers, they had but 5,000 at most. When he had me become the messenger, I rode out to their camp and gave them our Commander’s demands, which was simply, their gold, some of their women, for he liked to have several on hand to serve the men naked at night, not sure why, but it was entertaining, and he wanted supplies. Three times I went to the camp demanding these things. The commander ended up with all of this, and not one, not even one soldier killed. For each time I went I would tell them of how many soldiers we had, and of our Fortress at Yort, and our Armory. They slowly became scared, and gave us even more than the Commander expected. And paid or supplied gifts to us, or agreed to, once a year, as a tax to leave them in peace.
And so I learned, battles were not always won, not at all times by fighting; likewise, wars are not always won by a single battle, or for that matter, battles at all. But I was about to go on a journey of a lifetime.
As I finished breakfast, I kissed my mother on the cheek, and took a walk down by the city’s cannel.

Chapter Two

The Lost Temple

In Yort we had many temples behind our city-state fortress, to include the Tiamat’s temple, which she had one stationary here for many years (inactive for the most part, but not completely), it was close to Marduk‘s temple, and the One God in Three temple. In the One God Temple [OGT], we had the Mesopotamia Stone; it had our written laws on it, my father along with King Thesas I, took it during a battle in the dry country of Mesopotamia, some years past. We have had many battles in this area of the world to speak of for eternity it seems; I myself have witnessed them, and chased and out-rooted the enemy from this region. The flat lands of Mesopotamia were also a war zone to many other countries in the past. In battle we mostly fought naked and cleaned shaven so the enemy would not pull our hair or beards. We had only a groin cloth covering ourselves.
Someday the Tiamat would come to get the stone back I am sure of that, “…for revenge,” my father used to say, adding “…she is just waiting for the right moment.”
Among the temples within the fortress grounds, our city of Yort was the temple of the First World, or better known as the Lost Temple: the followers include the priests whom do not know the name of their god. Quite amazing I thought, praying to a god you had no name to call him by, kind of like saying: hello sir, whomever you are, help me kill the enemy in battle. This would seem to me, more of an insult to their god, had I been their god: and perhaps I’d kill them.
Let me make clear this further: my stepfather told me, and I do heed his words as being true to the letter, that we were, or we are living in the time of Leo, which is the constellation in the heavens, I am talking about. Well, right after the great rains destroyed the great city of Atlantis: to my understanding some 3,000 years ago, at that time many of the Watchers, (the ancient Angelic Renegades) were cast into the pit (or the abyss), an area underground locked by the Lord, the One God, in which I belong to His temple. In all respects, He has an angel watching over it I understand, over this underground Abyss. And deep in its bowels are these evil spirits of sorts: locked and chained to its walls. I hear that it stinks with the worst smells and slime every created in the whole universe, or body of stars we can see in the heavens. They left us a legacy of demigods here on earth, and giant sons, and other sorts of evil spirits. I have seen some of this myself, and so I know this part of the legend to be so.
In any case, this is the 4th world order; there will be another one called Aquarius, possibly; I dare not want to live in that one, in that time, for it will end in fire my stepfather told me; a time of which is also called the End of Days. My world, my stepfather said will end in a flood, or winds: how he knows this I don’t know, perhaps he has second sight; I seem to have something of that nature. The world before us ended in man-eaters, hence, dominating the world; and before that, storms and winds destroyed the world. Oh yes, we have been down this road before, mankind that is. So today, Leo is our constellation, tomorrow who knows.
But what I’m trying to say with all this is: we have lived in a cycle of time that will have five worlds, which consumes about 125,000 years. Before this time, was another time, and I do not know much about it, except for one thing, the One God, for whatever reasons, bound an angelic forces into a Prison House out in the heavens, some place. There they are imprisoned forever I think. And so you see, we have a rich history, mankind does. We just do not know much about it.
For some odd reason, we have a temple, a very old one, one that has outlasted all the other temples at Yort; it was the first one built I am told in Yort: it sits at the end of the fortress, the so called, Lost Temple, and its priests think it was from, built during, the First World Order, of which there are five; also, that their god came from this time: making them the oldest of all the temples, even outside of Yort.
Only a few people attend this temple, not like ours, where we have over forty and sometimes up to sixty people at one gathering. Their temple, “The Lost Angelic Temple,” only the priest exist, meaning: they have no followers only a few priests left, plus, nobody has ever seen the one godlike being they pray to, as I had mentioned before; I think it is a one god figure. But all the other temples have demigods, or their followers to pray to. Some say, their temple is no different than the One God temple, for no one has seen my God either. But in their case, no one even knows his or her name, thus, they pray to a no named-god. Unlike our God, we know His name.
But I am told the Tiamat, whose father was a Titan, or Watcher, I think that they are one of the same, I am not sure, but it is one or the other, both known as an Angelic Renegades, whom were commissioned to watch over earth by the Lord, my One God that is, but instead left their post, all two-hundred of them, and had sex with the human race, that is to say, they cohabitated with flesh, when they were spirit for the most part, but somehow could manifest themselves to be clothed in flesh. Accordingly, the Tiamat’s father knew of these beings, for he was the son of a Watcher. And when the holy angel named Ura’el came, that ended the empire of the Renegades.
But back to the Ura’el, for I am told this holy angel also knew the angelic force, or being: that the Lost Temple priests pray to. That is to say, the one angelic leader no one seems to know the name of. By the way, somehow the story seems to go somewhat like this: the Tiamat found out from Lucifer that these angelic forces were imprisoned in a great sea of fire, flaming and burning the air that it lit up. The place extended a great distance in the heavens, and looked like great pillars of fire from a distance. He said [he: being Lucifer] it was so great he could not see the end of it: the end to the region of fire, nor could he estimate its beginning. And the Tiamat became frightened, horrified at the sound of this terrible place, it was even worse than the pit or the abyss, or the underworld, so it was said. It was called: the Prison House for Angels. The temple priests prayed to these angelic forces—or force [meaning one being, possibly], why I’ll never know, but they did nonetheless. And they offered to any man notwithstanding, who could come up with the name of the leader of this angelic force, and prove it beyond a doubt, or belief, beyond reservation, one hundred times his weight in gold; a handsome price for any kingdom, let alone one person.

Sinned’s Gold

Said I, I’d like to get that gold I had told myself several times this. I’m not sure what I’d do with the money, but it would be fun spending it. Semas, our male servant, who my father took while on an island in the Great Sea, has served us well; I think I would reward him, yes, that is one thing I’d do with a part of the money. And buy my mother more dishes, and things like that, oh yes, oh yes, she has had a hard life, and the things the gold could buy would serve her well. And for my stepfather, I’d buy more orange trees to plant along the cannel of Yort. I liked that, it is what my real father and I used to do, we planted the trees. We had fun doing that when I was eight years old. But I am not sure why I am thinking like this now, I am a soldier on leave, simply a soldier resting in my stepfather’s house, in 90-days I must put back on my armor and go back to the military life I have chosen; as my real father and stepfather both had chosen before me. I hear we will be having a campaign in Germania; it will last about four-years; all these campaigns last so very long. And so I will not be home for quite a long spell—it would be fun to see if I could earn this gold, if not so, so be it: if so, I will have my adventures twofold, on my next voyage.

Chapter three

The Tiamat’s Children

I had heard of the Tiamat of course, she had many children, three or four that were sons that were living at the present, how many in the past only she’d know of the line, but with that we could add a few daughters. But as for the son’s I had only met one, he was called the First Born, although there were others born before him, it was a name I heard he picked out for himself, thinking he was above the rest I suppose. ‘Someday,’ I told myself, if fate was kind to me I would see her dead, vanished from this earth, along with her children, God willing. Revenge is sweet, and I have heard for the Lord, so my mother always says, but I pray, really, really pray, pray hard I will get a chance at it, be it by my hands or another’s: if this could only be, I’d be willing to lay down my life. But I will not force my God’s hand, it is not wise, and I respect Him, and fear Him, fear makes a person alert, and humble, as long as it does not come along with cowardliness. The other one, the other son of the Tiamat’s that is, the younger one, was also becoming a troublesome legend in his own time, he was called, Untamable, or ‘The Untamable,’ which I have never met. If anything he was somewhat reckless-–like myself I suppose—but not at 8-years old, which he is, I was simply careless in my teenage years, and put no one life at stake, nor did I threaten, although I did join the military at a youthful age. This 8-year old beast of a demigod was becoming more beastly and harmful to the forest people than one cares to mention.
In my own wishful thinking, I do hope they become a little more civilized. You could never guess their ages if you didn’t know them by reputation, for the First Born was already six foot tall. I had met him in the forest during my breaks from the military, what the military calls, ‘rest and recuperation,’ or ‘furlough’ or even still, ‘leave’. I got 90-days each time we came back from a military campaign, came back that is to Yort. And then off we would go again. Sometimes during a campaign, I’d get a few days off here and there to rest up in whatever location I was stationed at, or better put, wherever we made a camp site. Thus, we’d mingle with the local farmers, and visit their villages. I think sometimes we were the only civilization at war all the time, I mean all the time. We were spread out so far it’s funny we had a Yort to come home to. Moreover, it surprised me we have never really had much of a war at our location, or fortress that is, but went out to find them, or so it seemed. Or at least this statement is as true as I can remember, but then at the moment I can’t remember all my history, for we have had some combat at our Yort, but that was before I was born. Getting back to what I was saying before, some say that was good, to keep the military away that is, away in other lands. I guess there was a multi facet reason for it;--it sure kept us busy and we brought back many spoils, and the world at large knew of our reputation, and feared us, and was afraid to come to our gates with battle plans. We were feared in all the lands. And still it kept us soldiers constantly in training, plus, it did not allow for a coup d'état, or takeover of Yort by the military, as has been done in so many other city-states, in far off lands. On one hand I was proud to be part of this Nation-State, of Yort, as it was so titled. Then on the other hand I was not sure if I chose the best possible profession, but it was the only one I had ever desired, or preferred; save for my father was a soldier for 20-years, and so will I be. You can retire at ten-year service, but my real dad had twenty in, and my stepfather had just over ten. For some odd reason they both kept going beyond the required time. I fear if we ever have a war at home, here in Yort, he will be called into it, called back to fight in his old age. I should not say fear; my father would hit me on the head for saying that, thinking he was a coward. But you know we all want our fathers to live forever, but we all, also know, this is not the case. We all must all die in time, it has been ordained so. Death, like everything else, is for a reason. I am sure I will be stubborn when the time comes for me to face it: I will not believe it hovers over my head with it really does, then I will get angry maybe that I didn’t do all I wanted to do, and try to make a deal with God, but He will help me accept it, I am sure of that. We are a bunch of chemicals put together that is all our shell is. How God ever did it, I know not how, nor care to. It is just a marvel; yes a marvel of sticking everything together and making it work. And after it is all over, we are no different than the water we drink; accordingly, we go back into the world to help the trees grow possible. Except the soul, the character of man, so my father calls it, that I guess lives on, like a vapor, smoke from a camp fire it transmits our live back to us and I suppose to the God of god’s. My mother says if you can think of eternity, then, there must be one.
Anyhow, I was going to mention, the other one I was told was a werewolf, his name being Kalia. A blood thirsty demigod of sorts, he was more my age, and I heard twice my size, and I am close to six-feet tall, a little less possible, but close. He was literally a man-devour. If I could get to him, to visit him, see him, talk to him, then I could get to his mother the Tiamat, to get the name, you know, the name of the so-called god for the priests, so I can get the gold. It would be a treasure, and surely the adventure of a lifetime. I loved my One God, but I do not feel there is any harm in finding out about the other temple gods, they all end up anyways fearing mine. The Ram Temple had one demigod, and the Baboon temple had a huge demigod, but he wasn’t White like his followers, actually there were two sects, the Baboons to my knowledge, and the White Baboons. The White were like the wise men, and the browns were more the sex craved group, and the huge leader, as big as the Tiamat, was not White either, but more on the brownish side. And Marduk’s temple I knew about. And the Tiamat’s temple, although she was not there much, I expected she and Marduk would get into it one day, sooner or later, they were always competing it seemed, and if that is not the right word, let me add opposing one another, yes, yes, that is how it went, they both hated each other with an ardent desire to rid the world of each other, Marduk wanting to rule all the temples. The Tiamat wanted to rule the whole sea and all the land around it. Incidentally I left out one temple, the one in the woods, it was a small one, call the “Adversary,” and still yet I had heard the name, that is, I heard the name as a child, “Satan and Lucifer,” that he was under some kind of sentence of doom, and unending curse. I had never seen this creature, whom they say was like the Angelic Renegades of our past, the strain that created the demigods. I imagine some day, where time along life’s line, possible in my time he may also build a temple here in Yort, why not everyone else does.

The Old Priest & the First World

When I used to go to the temple with my father—now that I think of it I was quite young—they used to talk about the Tiamat, her ancient ancestors, and of the world before them, they were quite marvelous, and gruesome stories, yes, oh yes, dreadful but somehow, like most kids I suppose I got to thinking she was kind of a hero of sorts, an ugly one, no one could harm her. But then I hated her to. I am not sure what exact world it was back then, but maybe like the Lost Temple, it was their world, the first world, or possible the one before us, where the Tiamat came from I would guess. In any case I remember the old man saying many interesting things that our cool and hot winters and summers were at one time, simple hot summers. That every 1500-years or so we end up going through, or into a cycle, a weather cycle that is, and the weather changes with extremes, or can. He blamed these climatic changes on external factors being triggered. He had some kind of hidden knowledge within him.
At any rate, the giants before my time roamed all over the earth and caused havoc, they made the farmers bring them cattle, and harvest archers and archers of vestibules and wheat and other such things for their stomachs; and would have armies of humans picking fruit daily to feet some of these 300 to 600 foot giants; although most were a more modest size, such as thirteen to seventeen feet in height, like the demigods now, who measure ten feet to thirteen feet in height. The priest said the weather was moody then, as indicated in our records, kept in our marble library behind our One God temple. He explained back then how our great seas lost much of its water by the baking sun. And that during this time the tyrannosaur was running with the giants. They were about, some were I should say, the same size of he giants, the beasts that is. And still other creatures were some forty-feet long. I know this to be true, for my grandfather’s father found some of their bones when he built our house back then. It might be quite interesting to see the Tiamat fight one of those creatures, now that I think of it, instead of bullying humans half her size. But isn’t that the honest truth, why fight someone who’s a threat, fight a grasshopper instead, you’ll win.
We also talked about the Pterosaurs, his head being ten-feet long. This was the time when he said, environmental destabilization of the planet caused the weather to change. That makes me think if we ever get rid of these demigods maybe we will have perfect weather. Or like back then, maybe atrophy will have to take place. For he also added, about every 12,000 to 15,000 years we have a worldwide destruction. Like Atlantis, and the Land of Lemuria. He talked a lot about those areas.
Some people are like the great turtles I have seen, they live one or two hundred years. Like the Tiamat, they seem to live forever. My grandfather had a turtle once, it outlived him. Funny a turtle can out live a human being.


“Wake up Sinned,” I heard my mother say. She was preparing breakfast, and it was her normal routine, even though Semas was around to help—our servant that is—she liked insuring she was the head of his house, funny we all knew that anyway. But I am learning when people get old, they want to feel useful, and I suppose mothers are no different, although mother was not that old.
“I’m up, Mother, just half sleeping, the other half dreaming,” I hollered through the door.
“Is that you son,” responded my stepfather.
“Yaw dad, it’s me, and I am sure hungry.”
We both seem to open our doors at the same time almost bumping into one another. He put his hand on my shoulders; he was a proud stepfather, and I was a proud stepson, although, I would never say stepson to him; he was a good man, and was all a father could be to a son, although he wasn’t always home, but then most fathers are not, are they. He smiled a little smile, then caught eye contact with mother, and rushed over to her, for she was a jealous little housewife that wanted his attention. My stepfather once told me what she said before they got married. He had asked her to marry her, and she said:
“If you love me I will marry you but you must give me lots of love that is all I ask.” Well, dad was not sure what that meant—or so he told me—at the time, but I always seen it in action, that is, his devotion to her. He goes to kiss her, is about what I was going to say, and hug her and then, and only then, did he sit down and have his wine, and water and bread with honey. But it worked, she asked for only a little in life, and gave a lot. For father was gone at times for many years, and for a woman at Yort, it can be a lonely life; for most men go into the military for a while and in my family line, they go in for a long, long while. And she to my knowledge was always faithful—I think he was also. She had married father at a late age thinking she was never going to be married again in the first place. Matter-of-fact, the temple at one time had asked her to be a priestess; they never get married, or are married during their appointment to such an office, and sometimes demands are made on you, sexual demands and she did not want such things, although the King I’m sure would not allow the priests to take advantage of her, but who knows. But she refused saying, the One God, had someone for her she just needed to wait. And so she did.

Thinking about Love

As I finished getting ready, I then walked out of the house going down towards the Lost Temple, at which time I got thinking on the subject of I love, yes oh yes, of all things—l-o-v-e. I suppose because I was home now, seeing my mother and my stepfather together, it kind of made me think. And a lot of the soldiers were glad to be back to their wives and girlfriends. Me, no, not really, not for that reason in particular, it was no big thing I suppose, but it did cross my mind—somewhat.
I am no genius in this area called love, but I do know a little about it, that is to say, if one was to exclude love of parents, love of God, and love for one’s Nation, and move on up to the fast track called romance; for sex and friendship with a woman equaled love of a woman. Or so it seemed. I often wondered why people chose each other, and to my observations, they chose the wrong one mostly—I think you need to put the friendship first and then sex: something similar to that. I think most people marry the wrong person, yes, yes, I honestly do. Oh yes, you may say I am crazy for saying this, but my observations say I am right, maybe not an absolute, but pretty close to it. Soldiers cheat on their wives more than most other careers people do, or so I have figured out, as I have measured it by empirical data, during my campaigns in the military; and wives end up with their friends who did not go into the military service, and have babies when they come back after a year or two in the field. Oh yes, this is so, very true. And now tell me where is love and romance, it has lost the friendship that was never worked on. It is between the legs, no more any less. And what a hell of a life they have thereafter. It scares me to the point I stutter when I think about marriage, or about taking a friendship with a woman beyond that point; for what I’ve also seen is that, the only difference between a female friend and a wife is sex. And so should my male friend becomes friends with my wife, the only thing missing is sex, and that is not far off I would expect: but then, there are those who do not violate their values, men and women, but very few. Oh yes, when I think about it, I feel death on the way. The only three good relationships I’ve ever seen were my parents, my commander’s relationship with his wife, and King Thesas’ III. The rest seemed to go down the drain as fast as it came about.
For myself, I think passionate love is a nuisance, it simple gets in the way of being a soldier, that is, a success soldier, and I say again, especially if you are in the military, it can be deadly. I see soldier’s in the field of battle all the time, they are thinking about their wives, children, wine fields, not the battle, not me, not the swords coming over and under their them. And at night they wonder if they are cheating on them with another man, they get red and blue in the face, jealously over takes them and they do odd things in battle, drink at night and can not carry their supplies. They wonder if their farm is ok, if their live stock has been stolen. They do too much thinking of the wrong things; they should be thinking but how to kill the enemy before they kill you; --for example, strategies, movements, techniques, how to and what not to do in the heat of battle.
Most of my friends got married based on hot romance—attraction, and the need for sex, there went the adventure. But I suppose if everyone thought my way, I would not have been born: possible.
Again I say, by observation and examination I have become somewhat of an expert, if not a quiet connoisseur. Oh yes, one can learn a lot that way, just observing, and scrutinizing and studying the behavior of others. One thing I notice lacking in most of my interpretations within my mental notes I keep in my head, is flexibility on the part of the partners I know. And for myself, I would be too unbending, --I would not give in all that much I mean, and so it would be dangerous for me to think I could change a woman, or even want to change her, and on the other hand, for her to think—and they often do think—she could change me, and I have noticed most woman who find a man attractive, and want to win him, keep him, after a while, want to change him. And when they do, they go looking for another man, finding they miss what they have changed, and often it is too late, the romance is gone—something, yes something like that.
My mother and dad [stepfather-now] talk, walk, and pray, let me add and ate together; and when he was home from the Army, they always slept together. Now that he is retired he is always by her side, or almost always. I like that, but I think it would get to me, I mean if I didn’t have a little space, and so again it means I am a bad choice for a mate I presume. I have thought this out a number of times, gone over it and over it—I am not the right man for any woman. Having said that, it is starting to scare me to continue thinking like this: I should end this line of thinking, talking by simply saying, I, me, I am not a good candidate for marriage? NOOOOO’s.
My friends say sex, sex, oh I love that sex, and then marry the woman, and go have sex with her sister. Why marry at all then, just go have sex with the sister, make life easy, not complicated. And again in most observations I see no one adjusting, only enduring. I keep talking about this; I said I was not going to. Oh well, dad has a real direct approach, and mom kind of sly, shy one, but they have adjusted to each other’s ways. I couldn’t do that. Two things I could not be I guess is a husband and a king. If I were king I would rule the world with an iron hand, but a fair one I think, and I don’t think I’d be to keen on the mercy thing; and the husband part, I tired of talking about, its just bad, bad and dreadful news thinking of it.

The Lost Temple Priest

I had enjoyed breakfast today with my mother and father, and now my walk down by the Lost Temple is nice and breezy, I like this kind of weather, I had never been in that temple, if anything, it got my curiosity, yes it was getting the best of me now—kind of like snooping. My thoughts last night were haunting me; that is, I kept thinking about the gold, what a treasure, I think I bought everything I ever wanted in my dreams. Not sure why I got the greedy bug in me all of a sudden. Or is it the quest to find the answer to the riddle, the name of the god, I am not sure. My life seemed always to be a box of questions, my mother used to say:
“All you ever do is ask so many questions, questions and more questions,” and I guess she was right, she’d tell me to be quiet for awhile, I even thing she prayed I shut up—“Go play out side some place,” she suggest, and I’d go running off, out into the woods outside the gates and pretend with a wooden sword I was a soldier and kill the enemy; although I’d not go too far into the woods.
As I walked by the temple, hidden in the corner at the Northwest walls of the city, it was not much to look at, to the contrary, it looked more like huge stones piled upon one another, and you had to get on your hands and knees to look through the entrance of the structures; actually it was about three structures that composed the whole set or area of the temple site. Not like the Tiamat’s, which had huge pillars in the front and Marduk’s who had a huge archway entrance to his, and the Baboons who had a round dome to the top of his temple. This temple was more of a bolder style one, just huge stones, built its entrance; huger than any I had ever seen. However they got them in place is beyond me. Several small rooms, and about three-priests lived there. Some of the small sections to the site were underground. Passage ways leading from one section to another, or out to the other side or end of the opposite entrance, is what I’m trying to say. They had but a few attendants, young boys they paid to clean them out, and do odd jobs for them.
“Hello son,” said an old priest of the temple, coming out of the dugout part of the shrine, walking up towards me; slowly with a smile.
“My name is Ecnal, I am the elder of the temple, and how can I help you, for you look interested in something, that is, so you seem to be, you are walking back and forth are you not? [a pause]: what is on you mind?”
Said I, with a stomach full of air, and a mind full of ambition:
” Yes sir. I am a soldier, and on leave.”
Said he, “I know,” [a pause] “I have heard of you, and of course your family, you are gaining a reputation of being quite a gallant soldier like your father, and of course your stepfather [he added after a hesitation], and at such a young age, but why you are here?”
“Indeed,” I responded, “I did not know I had a reputation that preceded me.”
I then noticed the priest looking up in the air, like my father does when he is thinking about what an ass I am making of myself for being arrogant when all he wanted to do was make me feel at ease, and support Yort’s soldiers.
“I mean sir, I am here for something.”
“Then go ahead, get it out,” he challenged me.
Said I, with a bit of hesitation: “Well, I had heard of your reward for finding out the name of your god; —why is it that you are willing to pray to find a god’s name—; thus , you pray to a God, that you don’t even know his name. And how do you expect someone else to find it out for you? You would have to be of a supernatural kind to know such things?”
“Have you not heard of the lost city of Atlantis, or the lost empire of Lumeria, or for that matter, have you seen your God? God is simply a name for a higher being; the word God, is not a name in particular, but a title, can you tell me your God’s name?”
I had to stop and think. He was called many names, but his personal name I had heard only once by my father, and he mentioned it twice. One of his names was—I, I think was more of personal nature than the other. I was confused: “Jehovah,” I told him.
“You, my dear soldier are one of the few that knows his God’s true name, this is good. Most people do not, and I do not refer to gods in the same manner as the demon gods, would prefer man to call them. The Ram temple followers simply call their demigod, the Ram-god, and worship him, but we all know, he can die like anyone else, and a true God can not die. And Marduk, not much more than the Tiamat, who is a demon beast demigod. Oh yes, he is the descendent, the offspring of the first order of the Angelic Renegades of the outer heavens, but Marduk, simply has the beast blood, too bad, he would be more civilized if he had our blood, or if it he was a God, a real God, he’d need no blood. And that temple outside of the fortress, deep in the woods, made of giant stones. He is the Adversary you know, or so you may have heard, one of the angelic leaders who fought against the might God, and was cast down from far above. Beware of him; he will come someday to take over Yort, when the time is right. Yes, cast out by a higher God, and he does not have blood either, cast out the second time. His name is Lucifer.”
I was surprised to hear him talk that way, and commented on it. He simply asked where I wanted to go with this questioning. And I explained I would not mind using my 90-day leave to make this task of finding his god’s name my quest for him, providing he has the gold, 100-times my weight. And he assured me he did. I asked for more of a background on this subject, or should I say god.
Said the priest, “What we do know are secrets no one else knows.”
I commented, “But I heard the Tiamat knows some things about this ancient leader,” which I had found out on my own.
Said he, “Yes, she does, but we have asked her, and I am not sure what to believe from her; --she would like the gold, but you know how demons are, they lie, lie and lie. She is really unwilling to sit down and talk more than a minute, and wants the gold upfront. It is better we leave her to her own.”
Said I with much more enthusiasm then I had before I arrived at his temple: “What can you tell me, I will put my honor upfront and not tell any living or demonic being what you will tell me now?”
Said he, with a kindly and wanting face, looking me intensively in the eyes, not even blinking: “What I know son is this, -- there were two gods one called Jehovah, and as you say one called ‘no name god’. They fought over the throne of heaven, and thus divided the universe up into two sections, one ruling the far section better known as the lower part, and the other the higher part. This No Name God was somehow linked to the Nefilim and Watchers of old, the angelic force that created them god forsaken giants that we still cannot get rid of to this very day. Thank God the jaguars ate most of them, that is, the giant jaguars of a time period in our past, as they almost ate mankind almost to extinction back in that same period. Can you imagine if they were still plentiful as my parents told me they were during their grandfather’s day?”
Said I: “Is this all you know?”
Said he: “It is all I can really tell you that would make any sense; --I fear you will not accomplish your mission no matter what I tell you, for my lifetime and all those before me they have not found the name, I dare say you can; --but like you, we keep praying to our gods.”
“Do you not fear you are praying to the wrong god?” I asked, a bit embarrassed, but none the less I did.
“No more than expect you are convinced you are praying to the right god, but it is a good question, most people simply go on the word of their parents and select what they have for a god. You see son, we have been made with the need for spirituality, and this entails having a god, it is the inner part of our character that demands this part of our nature you might say.”

Having heard all this, I went about my way having said no more—for there was really no more to be said without offending the old priest. He was a nice old man, with a long white and brownish beard, small eyes, close by his nose, and round shoulders almost feminine one might say, his name was Enkid, a little fat man, with a round belly, maybe eighty-three, or so. He had lived longer than most men. If he had been a soldier, he’d most likely had only lived to be forth-five or so, not much more. If a civilian, he’d had lived, possible lived to see fifty-five years of life, thus, he was more than lucky to. And so he had seen two life times, matter of fact, over four of my life times.

Chapter Four

The Search for the Tiamat

I left the following morning, telling Semas to let my parents know I was going on a personal quest; not even letting Semas know the real truth of the matter. Why have any one worry, for that is all they would do if I had told them the truth. As I packed a few pieces of bread, some beef sticks, two bags of water—in sheep’s skin, and took my spears and bow, along with my sword, tying it to my horse, I was out of the gates of Yort while the sun was starting to rise.

I knew I could meet the ten-year-old First Born running around the forest like a crazy soldier; he was always playing the fool in the forest. He did that when he was but six years old remember I’m sure he has not mentally grown much more. I would find him, and let him know I wanted to make a deal with the Tiamat, his mother on gathering information on the Lost Temple’s god, his name. If she could help me I would share my gold with her. And so I trampled into the thickness of the forest, and walked about twenty-miles before noon, resting by a big cypress tree.
I had rested for about four hours when I heard footsteps approaching, and a snort here and there. It was the First Born I was sure.
“Sinned,” the voice said, calling from a distance of about ten yards.
“Is that you, Sinned?” he repeated.
“Yes,” I replied.
“Funny seeing you here,” he commented with a statement-question in his mind. Looking over me, down to me, I didn’t all of a sudden like my odd position, on the ground, next to a tree, available for a kick or some other kind of instant malice by the demonic-child-beast.
“I thought you were off in the land by the Pillars of Hercules, fighting the bull people?”
Said I [guarded], “I was… [pause], but the war is over now.”
Said he, “Oh, oh well, someday I will be a great soldier like my mother and Hercules, and I will… I will… I think I will kill you for fun, -- Ha haaaaa.”
“Very funny,” I said with a smirk, to let him know he was simply a kid.
“Anyways, Sinned, somehow I think you want something—what?”
“I do, I want to talk to your older brother or your mother, someone who might know about a certain name of the leader of a pack of angelic beings that lived before the time of the Watchers, or the Nefilim angelic warlords. I am willing to pay my weight in gold”. That seemed to interest the creature.
“Wait here I will find my mother, and see if she is interested in talking to you.” He ran than into the thick forest, as a wild kid would do, pretending I sensed he was the makings of a hero. I think he went down stream by the Great Sea for that matter. As I laid back again, pulled out a piece of dried beef, and sucked on it, I waited several hours for him to return, and when he did, he simply told me to follow him. And so I did.

Tiger Woman
Kalia and the Tiamat

Another several hours went by and I was getting quite tired but I couldn’t let the little demigod know, he’d make fun of me, and the light in the sky was changing, night was starting to set in, he could see in the dark and I couldn’t I did not want to be dependent on him. Then all of a sudden we came upon a house, where the Tiamat was sitting to one side, along side of the house, doing something, and the older brother Kalia, was standing by a well drinking water.
Said Kalia, the werewolf, my mother is busy eating as you can see. As I looked over at her, I got mostly her back configuration, a huge being she was, with a spine that protruded, and was greenish. The left side of her face, a profile view, I could see slightly, she was devouring a demonic creature, or being—she was a ghastly figure.
Said Kalia, with a spark of arrogance: “You’ve surely heard of the Tiger Women, my mother, she is eating her whole.”
I looked again, she sure was. I think this was a show of her strength, and her showing me her back indicated I was very insignificant to her. Another way of putting it might be, or could be: she was overlooking, wanting me to feel insignificant, belittling me, to shame me.
Said Kalia [defensively]: “What kind of a deal are you trying to negotiate with my mother?” the boy werewolf had slim dripping from his mouth, slimily drifting down onto his knees and then overlapping that down and over to his toes. I caught my breath, held my composure. I was getting a little sick in my stomach. I had seen torture before, once King Thesas I had hot-boiling water poured down an enemy’s mouth because he wouldn’t tell him what he wanted to know, and another time he tied up women, wives of the enemies, tied them to poles and let wild dogs bite and eat them as they squirmed up the pole in front of their bound husbands, for the purpose of showing what he called hard engagement, which was his way of laying the groundwork for punitive action so as to not allow the enemy who wanted peace to construct their own coexistence, but rather it would scare them into letting him control it after the war to his liking. But this was simply reducing the numbers of the Tiger Women, and for what purpose was unknown to me, other than extinction, for I had not heard of any Tiger Men left in the world; surely they were not a match for her.
“Kalia, I get the picture,” I said in kind of a hast driven way, to see if the Tiamat would stop her display of power, adding, “…but I am looking a name of the…” I stopped for moment as the Tiamat looked at me, turning slowly an arm hanging out of her mouth, and Kalia said, “I know, you want the name of the leader of the Lost Temple’s god. We do not know it. But for what it is worth, he along with a massive group of others is bound in some far off place in the third or fourth heaven. This distance is so far, it is beyond your minds understanding. But should you find the name, it will be only because you have found an archangel called Ura’el. That is all we know. My mother told me. But she also said I could give you this information, that you must pay me back, your weight in gold.”
“I wanted the name of the angelic being, you have not provided it.”
Kalia started to show his teeth, and the Tiamat looked around almost full face now, opening her mouth, that I could see was wide, she had swallowed the arm, and was ripping off a leg, and the First Born stepped back a foot. I figured this is where it was going to happen, if it was going to happen.
“I shall pay it to you none-the-less, if the priest pays it to me. Even thought you have not given me the name, you have given me some information.”
Said the Tiamat from about sixty-feet away, “He will…” and she mumbled something I could not distinguish, and went back to chewing.
Having heard all that, I excused myself cautiously, caught one more look at the Tiamat eating the Tiger-woman—disgusting I told myself, ripping her shoulder off with one bite, her head hanging from a thin piece of skin, and bone—that was it, I turned around not to witness any more, and I got the hell out of there.

Chapter Five

Serr’el and Sinned

It was during my second week of traveling, and my third night of relaxing trying to catch up on my sleep for some nights I’d travel through the woods with out any sleep, getting lost here and there in the dense foliage, but I feared there were too many insects to rest constantly, an army line of ants everywhere, and buffalo mosquitoes with long legs dangling a few feet over my head constantly, as if waiting for me to sleep, and the wild animals, I had no one to stand guard, take turns throughout the night, as normally I would have, but this adventure was strictly mine, and mine alone. In a village by Lvriz; as I had walked along the great coast of the sea, for a long way, for at least a half-day without stopping [knowing Yort was near by], I had many thoughts going every which way in my head. It was the land of the Hittites, or so I was told by some locals. I had heard of them, but have never fought them, or for that matter seen them, only heard. My other thoughts were on the Tiamat’s son, I couldn’t help but think about the information I had extracted from him. I knew she didn’t like me, or care for me for that matter, or my father: yet on the other hand, she really didn’t like anyone but herself. Down the line, or as one might say, some place in the future, I knew I would meet her again, maybe in Germania, Egypt, or even possible at Yort, but she left me alone, not sure why. She sensed Serr’el I think by me [his angelic friend]. I was told she had good senses if anything, and feared the God in One, and kept her distance from such beings as holy angels, and Lucifer, who I heard was an unholy one, angel that is, who had a temple in the woods, but she was not a match for him, and she dreaded also Marduk, who was born from the first generation of the angelic-beings, therefore, he was a more pure line in what would be considered god-like powers, that is, being the of a more supernatural being I would guess; more so than her. Yet she also was very powerful, almost as powerful I would expect as Marduk. The real question might be who was or is slyer, more cunning, more daring, or even more evil—that might be the best part of the equation of who would survive the future.
Again, she avoided all three beings; but I sensed she would have it out someday, somewhere with Marduk, and then we’d find who was the weakest of the three I suppose. But she was huge and no one wanted to mess with, even Marduk didn’t not go out of his way to pester her; long fingers, scales like a fish, greenish with wings. She was a fearsome creature to say the least. She must have stood all of thirteen-feet—maybe, possible four-hundred—pounds, maybe more.
It seemed when I stopped thinking, I was standing in front of the gates of York, I was home.

Back at Yort

As I was sleeping, it being the forth evening back at home [in Yort] from my recent journey, I had a dream-vision. I have had these before, and in so doing met an angel called Serr’el, in which we had become friends, or so its seemed to me, but maybe it was just his mission, me that is, and the friendship was just my illusion, but I don’t think so, he like me, and I liked him. He had helped me in wartime; that is, he had told me I would gain faith in the One God, if I sought him out, and I did, and he told me about the battles that lied ahead of me, and other such things. Sometimes it was if I had future insight, yet I took them as probabilities more than prophecies. You know, if you do this, that will happen, if you do that this will happen, --or could happen, or might happen. Along that order of thinking, but this evening’s vision was more real; he touched my toe, saying:
“Have no fear,” and I looked about. And this time, really truly it was him in person; before it was not quite in the physical person-way, if that makes sense.
I got up off my bed, sitting upright, said I: “Serr’el, is it really you?” [I asked in a dogmatic way.]
“Yes,” he said in a comforting voice.
“Why are you here,” I asked. Then added, “…wait, I mean, I’m glad you are here, I hope it is because you wish to help me.”
“Yes, I am here to help,” he replied, with a little disturbance in his voice.
Said Serr’el, again, “You seek something very few people know, and if you were to gain this information, how would you judge it, and share it?”
This was a question, or possible a statement-question, one I was not ready for; one I was not sure how to answer. He was a holy angel, not one of those demigods. You couldn’t give him bullshit and expect to get away with it. I had to think on how, just perfectly how, to say this, to say what I needed to say—and have it come out answering his question.
Said I [sternly concentrating],
“I think I would gather this information and give it to the Lost Temple priest, and get the gold,” I felt odd saying that, but it was honest. Frankly, I was saying I was greedy and I was, how can you hide that, especially from some superhuman brain this angelic holy being has. Forget lying I said, he can see through you.
Said he [with a calm, and tranquil voice],
“Everything has a price Sinned. One must make decisions and choices in life and in the process count the coast. And hopefully they are based on who they will not hurt for if they hurt someone, maybe it is a wrong choice, or decision; plus, one must weight them to see if they [decisions] can stand up against public scrutiny, and can you proclaim them in public? That is, after you have made these choices and decisions. I want to help you, but remember what I have said. You have values and you must not violate them, if you do it can be haunting; also, you can affect many people by your decisions, that is, in this case, with information you get. And you can change the course of history at times with information. For someday, what you write might be read 1,000-years from now, unlocking doors, or shutting them for other people; you may be dead, but there time will come, just as it is your time now. Everyone has their day.”
“I am not sure if I am ready for your help then, I am greedy I guess, and wish only for the gold.” I commented.
“No, Sinned,” said, Serr’el, “If this was true, I would not be here offering my assistance. Gold is a commodity, you already have all you need, you will judge things according to its impact, and I know you, for you seek the heart of God, do you not?”
“Me,” I replied.
“Then I must be a fool, if you are to deny this,” replied Serr’el.
“I’m sorry [a pause]… of course I think of my God night and day. There isn’t a day that does not go by, or maybe even an hour, that he does not fill my veins with his attendance, within the layers of my body, I always feel his presence: forgive me.”
“You are young, and you edit your responses too well, you must watch your tongue as you do your heart.” Having said that, Serr’el told me to get a good nights sleep—saying it was a gift of regeneration, and he would be here in the morning to talk to me some more about the coming events.
As I slept the night away, for some odd reason my dream world went into a roaring-mode, the sound of an earthquake shook my brain [the dream takes place]:

A name, I heard a name, I have heard this name before, but most people say it is the name for Marduk, or some demigod angry, and racing his horses across the sky. In any case, my dream shook Yort, as if it was falling apart. Then I thought about my father’s house, that is my real father, and the house my mother inherited, the one I come home to visit. My grandfather built it, and built it well, thick and with solid and sturdy walls, stones placed to form a casing, the inside being filled with limestone, sand, rubble to make the walls more solid and secure. So when the horses start running again [Marduk’s horses], the walls will not crack, or fall. I was not present when these things happened, but the house did not fall apart, but much of the city did. And then my mind went blank.

Land of Lemuria

When I awoke in the morning, I was quite rested, and Serr’el was standing by my bed, tall as he was, with broad shoulders, thick neck, large chest, he looked more like a doctor, not sure why, oh, I know, he has a white robe on, yet he is an angelic being.
“Are you ready for a quick journey, Sinned,” he asked.
Said I with a firm voice: “Sure…hmm” a curious hum came from my voice.
As I readied myself, got my cloths put on, we both walked into the other room. He put his hand around my waist, and like a flash of lightening [feeling as if a hedge-enclosure was around him], I was in a whirlwind of images, going over land surfaces. I couldn’t say too much, the wind was hitting my face, or so it seemed but I didn’t feel any pressure, but I knew it was, yet I was protected some how, --every time I opened my mouth, I swallowed tons of air; I was like a bird, without wings, a ship without sails. I seem to be in an invisible wind tunnel now; we’re slowing down, coming to a stop I think. We are on an island in a distant land. Water is all about.
Said I with a questioning hum: “Where are we?”
“This used to be called the Land of Lemuria, a few thousand years ago, that is; it is what is called the body of the Pacific Ocean. If you had an egg, and the world as you know it was this egg, and your legendary Atlantis was here [he pointed to a spot by the Pillars of Hercules, of which I was familiar with] then over on this side of the egg would be the land of Lemuria. When world atrophy came about, both sides of the world sank, and islands like this were spread all about this great body of water; and from the bed of the ocean,-- land came back up from the inside of the earth, and it made this island. I wanted to take you far away from the ears of the spirits that roam this island, and the near by village inhabitants. This island is called Rapa Nui, and someday it will be known as Easter Island.
Here I stood by an ocean of water, I had heard of seas bigger than our great sea by Yort, but now I was seeing it, and seeing is believing, or so I’ve been told my elders, and that is what I am doing right now. As I looked about, I saw strange and huge statues all about, faces on them, strange faces. The stones they were carved from were so huge I could stand on three-angelic beings like Serr’el. Now I had two questions, one on the Lost Temple’s god, and this island with the strange huge statues.
Said Serr’el, “You are familiar with the Watchers legend, the angels who cohabitated with the flesh of women, and were cast into the pit, aren’t you?”
“Yes, “I commented.
“Well, now I will explain their situation a little more before we get into the Lost Temple’s god. The Watchers and the Nefilim were bad, or cruel angels, that is/was, before the time of Atlantis. Matter of fact, they slept with the women of Atlantis as well as with the flesh of the land where your Yort is now. And from these angelic-renegades, came the giants that roamed the earth, and from them came the demigods like Marduk, and the beast type like the Tiamat, that roam the earth now; and only the future knows what kind of dominate beings will be present. But let me go on: there was a third species, allied with the Spirits of Lemuria. Some looked like you, and your mother, like human beings that is, and others had bigger ears. But none the less they were two-thirds Spirit, and one-third flesh and blood. They could manifest themselves into insects, and to this very day, still can. There were about five-hundred of those creatures, and most are scattered throughout the pacific island now, they have cohabitated with humans producing offspring, but not as drastic as those of the Tiamat, or for that matter, the other demigods. Some of these beings have escaped to such planets—a pause—such as the one you are most familiar with called Mars, and the other being the Moon. At one time there were two moons, if you’d like to know, that is, two moons overlooking earth. When it they broke up, or apart, became they overwhelm each other and the earth, with an asteroid in a catastrophic collision, becoming some liken an atrophy some 45,000-years ago, it caused many problems for your planet, such as crust moments, title waves, new seas developed, others were drained, mountains became part of the ocean floor, and marshes became lakes hidden in the new mountains—the face of the earth changed, as did the polar regions, for at one time there was none, none at all. And that is why the lands of this world on both sides of the egg perished.
And to the spirits of the Watchers and Nefilim, the Spirits of Lemuria, and the inhabitants of the island, about 10,000-populace, built these statues, of which about 900 of them, were the priests, holy men, the powerhouse of the scared, to insure their memory remains they had them built, some day this island will be called: ‘Easter Island,’ as I have mentioned before.”
[Inquisitive] Said I anxiously:
“I have not seen or heard of these beings for the most part, if they are here, where are they now?”
Said he: “If we were to venture beyond the normal pathways of this island, and search the underground cavities between the harder volcanic strata: there rest softer deposits, here is where you will find their sleeping places. These beings are cannibalistic in nature, that is, they are like your demigods in the Baboon Temple, at Yort. And so the island population has come and gone, along with the spirits worships to these statues.”
At that moment, I notice several flies and other insects around us, I said with an assertive voice: “What is this?”
“Be gone before I swat you, and cast you to the underworld,” said Serr’el to the insects, then added for my understanding, “They have transformed into insects. Let us walk.”
The insects vanished, nowhere to be found, when Serr’el spoke; I think they were just curious, if not simply snoopy.
“I will explain something now Sinned before we go onto the next step of this journey.

The Eye of he Sun

Said Serr’el [with a humble but stern voice]: “The personality-individual you are seeking was originally from a high order of angels, an angelic order classified as the: Cherubim. He had eyes on his wings. He was very powerful, and proud. The whites of his eyes symbolized purity, they were so white, so very, very white, that you could not even find the whitest snow any whiter. Their brightness and brilliance were like a celestial fire. He would be called the Eye of the Sun. When he left the high order of angelic beings, in the throne room of God—for he was one of the protectors of the room—he chose a different existence for himself. And he, like others, wanted to take God’s place within the existence of things, as if hew as none other than the creator himself.
What his name is I will tell you for Ura’el has told me, but the angel Ura’el, is the only one that knows where God put these angelic beings; we will soon meet him here and then we shall go to the gates of the great Prison House of the Angels, where this high order angel being is, and will remain.
What else I know is simply that, these Cherubim’s watched the Great Master at work while He was creating many of the worlds out in space. While God [He being the Great Master] could see all places at once, the Eye of the Sun, which is the angel’s name, and I know I repeat my self, but bear with me—could, and I emphasize, could only: see one place at a time, although he could see all around him, and this also brought envy into the picture. That is why he was created with so many eyes, so he could see about the room. If you do some research, you will notice Atlantis had a symbol of one eye. This symbol was stolen by the Cherubim, and given to Atlantis, and brought to a distinct area of the universe, where he tried to rule it as a second god. He was called, “The Hawk” and the “Bird of Prey,” and also “The Dead god”, for various reasons, which was his second and names. Possible the name you are seeking to know him by in the Hawk. He was shrewd, and lustful for power. He once had peace within his heart, but he found false love somewhere along the line.
The Bird of Prey, once said, and so Ura’el told me:
“It was better to be a hermit hidden in the forest, or in the corners of the Universe, than to be a symbolic figure of a person who does nothing more than act as a guard for a God that needed no guard; for He was absolute.”
He had served God for five-million years…pause…or was it six? In any case, He knew he would be an inferior god, that was not even questionable, and end up essentially evil, for God would leave his presence, but it was the price he was willing to pay, and yes, he did count the cost. And so the Universe seemed to have been split up for awhile. The Dead-god, went to a far corner of the Universe, and eventually started war with God’s angels. This was not the smartest thing he ever did. And the war of the heavens broke up the harmonious peace God put together, this was the first war, there has been another, but I do not care to elaborate on the other. But I will say in passing, it was with your angelic being that has a temple in the land of Yort, called Lucifer, the Adversary, or otherwise know as Satan.
The world was not as you know it during this time period, an eon or two ago. Matter-of-fact, I myself was not created. The new heavenly regime was like a swarm of bees on a carcass. And one day God said:
“Cut off life and now you will have death.” When He spoke these words, the Universe started to cascade, like a ball being thrown, or thrust into the air, we all knew some day the Universe would fall, collapse now, it would now come to an abrupt end, when the ball that is, when the thrust of the throw no longer maintained its speed, thus it would loose its gravity, landing in a an explosion when it landed. The only thing I often wondered is: what would it land on, or against? Possible at God’s feet. The Universe is like flesh and blood; there is a death to it you know, it is a haunting thing to us angelic beings, back then we don’t know everything. That is, because when you come from an everlasting creation, only to find out, things can end it’s a set back. Or you, you know death waits.”

Chapter Six

The Prison House of the Angel

We had walked for about two hours, here and there, along the beach area, talking and so forth, then all of a sudden out of nowhere like a falling star, a piece of lightening, Ura’el was standing about sixty feet from us, about ten feet from the water.
He was a handsome bright angel, like Serr’el, and was very respectful; and he was big, broad, thick looking. I thought why did God make all the angels so big, and allow the entire demon race to be big, and the giants big, and mankind so small in comparison? But I left that thought alone, I really didn’t want the answer, for some odd reason, I’d get it and look foolish asking it. Kind of why did God make apples small compared to watermelons.
Said Ura’el [with a light smile]: “Serr’el,” [pause] “…I got your request, and I, I as you already know, have the permission to take Sinned to the border of the Prison House of the Angels. Have you explained him the choices of man?”
“Yes,” said Serr’el, with a gleam in his eye.
“And so Sinned, you do realize no human flesh has ever been to this location. Matter of fact, nor has any alien force, or angelic force that has proven unfaithful to the Almighty. You will be the first among many who have had a desire to go, but the only one whom was/is or has been actually allowed to go.”
I didn’t say a word, but thought about why me. I was simply on an adventure, nothing that I expected was happening. That is, all I wanted was a name and go get the gold. But I was learning one thing leads into another. I nodded my head. And Ura’el smiled; I think he and Serr’el knew I was a little scared.
Then like before, Serr’el put his hand around me and Ura’el went to the opposite side of me, I seemed—thereafter—to be going quickly, into a trance, my body becoming numb. I was seeing blue-colors coming towards me like rays. Both angelic beings were on each side of me but I couldn’t really see them. And then we were going through a vortex of images again, and lights. I seemed to be trembling while hanging on, yet my muscles were not sore, or effort displayed, I just was.

The Nebula and the Seven Stars

As we flew through space—or so it seemed to me I was flying through space, possible, if such things are possible, I was being delivered in a bubble of some kind, an invisible bubble; or I could say, should say, I was being zoomed through the heavens, in this in this protective bubble, like being inside a glass egg. Serr’el pointed to the right of me, saying:
“That is a Nebula,” which was nothing but a phenomenon to me; after a few minutes, I saw more of these nebulas, as he pointed them out with his finger seemingly long lit-up finger. I think it was lit simply because of the speed we were traveling at. They were so very beautiful in this huge sea of darkness, a portion of the sky to me, yet I knew it was beyond it, I have never imagined it was so big. Now I saw blues, reds and white dots, shinning. He mentioned such names as the Horse Head, the Lagoon, and Timid. These night skies with all their colors seemed more like shinning gems hanging in the heavens. The radiance and reflection and brilliance were breathtaking. I now could see the beauty of the Lords handwork.
I asked Serr’el quickly, so as not to loose my breath: “…why does this whole place exist?” I knew it wasn’t simply for the Prison House of Angels, and I knew it wasn’t for its beauty, for I was one of the few who got to see it, other than the angels, unless it was for them. Serr’el looked at me with transcending eyes, eyes that seem to look beyond and through a persons mind and thought, that say: Yaw, what’s next, then spoke to my mind through his eyes, explaining:
“Everything needs a home, even God. It was not created for a moment of time, but many moments.” I knew it was an oversimplification, but he continued, adding:
“What you really want to know is gravity vs. the pillars of the Universe. Is it not the pillars of earth that has created gravity, it is the pillars of the Universe, oh yes, and I already explained that to you. But in a plane word, I will say again, balance. Tell me what makes the grass green?” It seemed a simply question but how would I know. Maybe he didn’t even know. Oh well, I felt I should leave this alone as we continued to zoom through space, I again thought of what my father told me so many years ago, I should say, what he and I would do, that being, my father used to point out meteor showers, calling them speeding light flares in the sky, and here I was, I felt just like one of those light flares now. One night we counted 400 an hour, then we got tired and went to bed. Funny all the thoughts, bits and pieces that come in and out of your mind, almost unwillingly, but possible we create them.
As we continued at this extreme speed, Serr’el pointed out what he called small solar-mass stars, calling them neutron stars about the size of Yort and its surrounding farmland, about forty-miles circumference.
Not far from them were some black-holes, at which Serr’el point out, they were about ten-times the size of the solar stars we had just seen. I got thinking maybe that black hole might suck up the stars, but before I could check it out, we were far from it.
I asked Serr’el how fast we were going, not sure how one can count speed, but I could use an analogy. For some odd reason he had to think; his eyes, trying to put together a figure. I knew I did not get him stumped, but I made him think, I suppose he had to try and figure out how to tell this little grasshopper mind of mine.
Said he [augustly]: “Put together 100-racing horses, and tell them to never stop running, and to go were we are now going, this would take them 200-million years of non-stop running to reach this destiny,” he said with a flat smile; he was right, or I should say I was, the figure was too big for me to comprehend.
He had an answer for everything, Serr’el, not that it annoyed me, just that why couldn’t I have one tiny question he couldn’t answer, and I could. You know, he should ask me a question I knew and he didn’t. Oh well, it was a fleeting thought.
Then as we continued, I came up with another question. It seemed questions were just filling my mind faster than the speed I was going, or almost as fast.
I said: “Why don’t these lights, planets stars and everything just falls down,” I knew I was on an old subject again.
This time he didn’t really hesitate and replied, “Gravity.” Then added: “Massive objects like earth to the sun, this changes space and time causing smaller objects like earth to circle the larger one, the sun.” But he didn’t quite explain gravity, or maybe he did, but I wasn’t’ going to ask again.
Somehow that made sense to, but I just couldn’t figure out why it made sense.
I said to him, “Sounds like some kind of mixed friction with motion.”
He commented, “Just a little further I think.”
He did not want to even consider that response, so I figured I’d drop the questioning, once and for all.

The Seven Stars

Then I saw seven stars in the heavens bound together, like a huge mountain, they were burning with fire.
I said at that point,
“Are they in that area?” Meaning, for the most part, the angels, the Prison House for Angels; was this prison, per se? I seem to be in disbelief, if not shock. Ura’el who was by my side to my left, guided me closer to the area, pointing,--then spoke, to me and said, “You have asked for knowledge, and exhibited eagerness to learn about this certain angelic being, and this place; these are the angelic beings you seek; among the stars is their Prison House.”
What I was witnessing was unbelievable, incredible, astonishing.
Said Ura’el, “The Lord has bound this place together with the angelic renegades, until the completion of ten-million years, for their sins were great.”
Then Ura’el, the holy angel with me, told me not to be afraid, I answered him by saying, “I am frightened because this terrible place is painful to my eyes, this place, the Prison House of the Angels, detained here forever, is unbelievable.’
Then Serr’el said, “There are corners of this area that are beautiful, deeper into the created area of the Lord, souls of children and people gather in many corners of these beautiful sites.”
I think he was trying to take my mind off the horror I was seeing. I saw a face coming from the mountains of stars and sea of fire. The person’s face was huge, his mouth was stretched to its limits, and his eyes were as wide as they could be, fire all about him. He looked frozen in a fire that could not consume him, only torment him. Terror was in his eyes. There was garnishing of teeth.
I took a deep breath, and said, “Is that the Hawk, the Eye of the Sun?”
No one answered me, and like a wind sweeping away the loose leaves on a tree I was sailing in a numb trance back through a medium of space, but this time when I closed my eyes I could not open them again. And when I did, about a minute later, I was in my backyard in Yort, with Serr’el. My mother was looking out the window as if in surprise, almost stunned.
“Where did you come from Sinned?” she asked.
She could not see Serr’el, for when she quickened her step to reach me, and hug me, she said I simple appeared like a ghost. Then she asked if demons were at work with me. I told her no, it was with a holy angel who took me on a trip, a very long, long trip past the moon and stars. Serr’el then vanished after assuring himself I was fine.
“You must be hungry,” said my mother, like all mothers, possible thinking I had a little too much too drink and: not questioning anything beyond this, in fear she would not like the response, only wanting to know all was well. And I assured her it was.
That evening my father came home and I told him about my journey. His advice was to abandon this quest as soon as possible in fear the demons would terrorize us. Or our household that is, saying:
“The demigods are not interested in winning a war, only terrorizing a society so they can select a dictator and don’t have to fight a war.”
It made sense to me what he said, and so I told him I was going to see the priest tomorrow and give him the name. But my father said something that haunted me, similar to Serr’el had said before.
He said:
“Let your conscience be your guide, and to think hard on this issue of sharing such information with the Priest. That when you create suspense out of this story of the lost demigod, or cussed angelic-renegade, you may create a hero of sorts, and others may leave the good temple to join the bad. And those who are not sure what temple to go to may select the wrong one because you create curiosity. Many men have been worshiped as gods because of false tales created by other men. And men are not gods, nor are demon.”
He made sense again as always, and as I laid down that night in my bed, my mind was spinning, spiraling, trying to compartmentalize, and weight everything.


As I was drifting into a deep, unfathomable, yawning sleep, my mind went back to some of the tales, sagas, my father used to tell me as a kid, my real father that is. Especially about the Wetlands [England] to the North, he said it was once the land of glaciers and bones, some 5,000 to 8,000 years ago. But I do not think it was that long when the glaciers were last unseen in that area, for it has been said the northern part of Atlantis, at one time had huge icebergs drifting onto its coastal island areas.
But what I know as truth to be is this--: bones, yes bones, many of our old-times, old soldiers brought back bones, yes, and their ancestors brought back bones also from this land, the Wetlands; and still some of the old soldiers have them in their homes. Even some have and still are used to support their beds, the big bones that are from the mammoths, the huge looking elephants. Other poor-quality bones, skeletons were used for tools, especially in the farm lands outside of Yort; I have seen many of them myself. I had asked my grandfather what happened to all these creatures, and he said: disease, plagues, rabies, anthrax, and simply sickness.
But my father said it was a shock wave from Marduk’s horses when they get wild that killed them. They, the horses stomp the heavens, and make the earth shake. My father believes in the One God, but he also believes Marduk has special powers, and is some kind of demigod, which we all know he is; put another way, he’s a hybrid from the angelic race of long ago.
All of a sudden a big cat came into my dream, it was that Marsupial lion seen when I was a kid walking with my grandfather by the forest. They are extinct I think now. I have never seen one since. It really scared me. Grandpa pulled me by the ear, as so to let me know to shut up, and let him handle it. It was his way of control I think. I just stood there froze as he walked in a circle around the cat; resembling two cocks ready to fight. The cat, which looked more like a saber-tooth-jaguar, had a big face, with long claws, and small pin pointing eyes [maybe a left over from the time when these big cats almost ruled the world, when they would kill and eat, men and giants]; for the most part, the cat had a short husky body, but strong. Grandpa had a chain in his hand, as the cat moved in a circling motion—a big chain in his hand—it, it stopped, and so did grandpa, then the cat leaped in the air, all 180-lbs of it, at me, as to bite me, claw me, eat me I suppose, and grandpa let go of the chain, and it twisted around the cats thick neck, as thick as my shoulder bones. The cat jumped in the air choking, and when it dropped to the ground again, it was like a mouse trying to chase its tail, when in reality it was trying to loosen the chain so it could stop choking, and it did succeed in doing so, --it then ran away from us, with the chain falling behind it, never to return.
What a dream, get me out of this. I now seem to be back with my dad, and his friends. They are talking about the Wetlands again [England]. Close by where they were with a brigade of soldiers, during a war they had in Germania. They are talking about the graves of young women buried deep in the peat bogs. This is a land of mystery; I will surely have to go there someday, I hope so.

Chapter Seven

The Testament

I knew I was only twenty years old. A loner of sorts, one might say, not that I didn’t like people, you got to like people if you are in the military, because that is all that is around you, night and day, people, people and more people; also I was a fighter, and an adventurous, but I loved my God, and I guess on one hand I felt special because He allowed me to have this experience, but I think I was wise enough to not belabor it. I hope so. For with gifts, one must have wisdom to guide himself, least he think himself a god and carelessly find himself in deep trouble. And I do not. For I had heard from my military commander once, pride comes before destruction, and that is what brought many a nation to its knees. And so what was right I asked myself, that being: if I did not give the priest the name, I would not get my gold, and the Tiamat and her son would be very angry to say the least. On the other hand, if I did, would I be the blame for souls lost in some kind of prison of fire in the future because of my actions [?] A rhetorical question, possible if I had the answer; allowing some of our people to worship a renegade angelic god who is imprisoned in a lake of fire in some far off corner of the Universe seems hilarious if not down right brainless, and so I tossed and turned while sorting this out in my semi sleeping stage, and dreams.

“Wake up Sinned, the priest from the Lost Temple is here to see you. He heard you were back and wants to talk to you.”
“Have him wait in the back yard,” I told my mother.
Boy, I thought, it didn’t take long for the word to get out that I was back and I wonder, does he really feel I have the answer, if so, why, I’m just a young soldier, --many unseen powers at work.
As I walked through the house to the back, there he sat on our stone chairs by two orange trees my father and I planted when I was quite young.
“Ecnal, how are you,” I asked.
“The Tiamat told me you got some information for me.”
“How did she find this out?”
“She heard it from some echoes that seemed to come across her ears. She heard you had taken a journey and was sure you found out the name of the Lost High Angel.”
I took a deep breath, saying, “I did find out something, but not exactly what you may want to know.”
“Tell me; tell me please, I have gold.”
“He is in some kind of heavenly fire being consumed by it as a punishment by the Lord, God of all the Universe, I seen him crying in pain and in terror.”
“I do not believe this,” said the priest, almost in torment himself, eyes like bubbles open wide sticking out as if to bite me, then he adding,
“You say this to build up your own God only. I knew something like this would happen.”
“Then you are unwilling to pay me the money, “I replied.
“Yes,” he said, “I want his name,” he added.
“I will give more information, but I do not have his name, and you are right, the face I seen might not have been his, but I do have one piece of information you would like.”
“I will give you one time your weight in gold for that information, but not 100, unless you have his name.”
I agreed to it: saying in essence, to let me see the gold. Then I added: I didn’t need to see the gold, I had already agreed to give it to the Tiamat, and so give it to her yourself, I requested, and repeated.
“The location of your god’s palace is by seven stars, which are aflame, in a mountain of fire; this is where he lives with his army of angelic followers. He is on the other side of the Universe.”
I figured this would not create or destroy anything; it was my way of washing my hands of this, and being responsible for future souls that might have been shifted over to their temple by my information; that is to say, by giving the name, in consequence, I had come to the conclusion, that if he remained with no name, he was, and would remain a part the windless imagination of a few priests, and time would bury that also.
Said the priest, “I think you know more than what you are saying, and why you do not tell me is beyond me, for I can reward you greatly, but let it be as you say,” and he left my house.
Serr’el then materialized, my mother was looking out the window, she put her hand over her mouth again in astonishment, and this time she could see him, thus, if she didn’t believe me before, she did now. He smiled at me, and disappeared. Possible I had done the right thing. I don’t, I’ll never be sure, I only done what I felt was right, and one must live with that.

Mother in the Window

My father once told me that: “This century, the one we live in now, you live from breath to breath, never knowing when the next one will be, or if it will be.”
I think now I was starting to understand what he really meant, that even if you hid you were still a part of it. The only difference is, if you don’t hide, you can make some kind of an impact within it, “If only people would try,” he’d say, they’d find out what miracles are made of. And so I am growing. You must be involved with life I suppose to change it. Some of my soldiers I’m in charge of, do not want rank because they are satisfied being a lower grade. I wasn’t quite sure why. But now maybe I do know, maybe they were afraid to open the door of their comfort zone and loose it. Giving orders makes one accountable, makes one take responsibility, as I said, I am learning, their way I suppose; by remaining a low rank, they can always complain about the food, the duties, and the money, you know, everything, this way, and they do. And I guess they will continue to, it is part of the nature of that mindset. But the way I feel, or think, is not quite on that order, I look at it from a different perspective, with few other dimensions involved; that is to say, without rank, you can’t change anything really—you just follow: and with rank comes more money, and of course more responsibility, and possible more rights. Another way of looking at it might be, I had to march twenty to thirty miles a day anyhow, so why not make more money for the march, what’s the difference: I am young; therefore I can fall on my face a few times, still get up, and have time to learn not to repeat myself, so this is the time of my life to make mistake, I do feel with rank, the higher-ups expect less mistakes, therefore, it tells me they want the right to make more mistakes. I should clarify, the higher-ups simply do not expect me to continue to make the same mistakes, and I don’t, but fall I will on occasions. My Commander told me in essence: the only one that doesn’t fall, and make mistakes is the one normally sleeping and God will not help either, something like that.
I want to be a good soldier and travel, have things, but I know things are only things, and again I must paraphrase my Commander that says to all of us: you have to select what you want to do with the time given to you.
On another thought, who could ever expect to experience a journey like I just had? That makes me thing: maybe I made some good choices in the past. It goes to show you, you just do not know what the Great Man in the heavens has in store for you. Everyone tells me to find a woman, settle down, and have a family, everyone except my father that is. He said in a poetic verse once:

“There is a secret that lies beneath those leaves that falls from those trees onto the ground, and if you want to know their secret-truth, you must go beneath them, ask them to tell you if they will, ’why does man crave women so much, to the point of becoming ill?’ Said the leaves unto the stranger, a scholarly lad like you, ‘man was always ill.’”

My father once said that God can see through the thick of the forest, not like us whom can hardly see the forest standing right in front of us; and in a like manner, we can only see the entrance to Yort when we are but some 500-feet from it. I guess what he was really saying is the whole world can be fooled for what lies beyond. My mother she doesn’t ever say much. But she doesn’t have to her expressions say it all. I think us in the household, and her friends have learned to read her expressions well, that is, in particular, her eyes, her walk, and her hands. They all tell a story, they all say something. I think she is cleverer than my dad [stepfather], you know, smarter, or call it witty, in many ways, like a panther. She can look at you and disarm, or neutralize you in a minute. Where as dad, he is like an ox, stubborn, immovable at times, and you kind of know what is coming, and usually can get out of the way. But mom, when she has you, I mean really has you, you find yourself in a corner, you can’t squirm anywhere either, it is like an invisible tiger got you by the tail. God sure made us men and women different. Dad says all women are odd, and mom says all guys are weird, I think we are all on some kind of dissimilar moon sometimes, and I am glad God made us different. It goes to show he has humor, I think.
As I walked through the house, my mother’s eyes followed me slowly, carefully like they were being dragged on/by my shadow, she had a smile on her face, a half smile that is, the other half I think was a grin, at the same time-- she was cleaning the kitchen walls. She was proud of me being a soldier I knew. Maybe mothers like to look at their sons, see what they produced, I don’t know. I kind of felt funny, as if I wanted to say, and I halfway did: ‘Anything wrong?’ and she nonchalantly replied, ‘no, just looking.’ Oh well, be that as it may, I loved her…
as I got to the front porch door way, I looked behind me, she was still looking, as if she was sizing me up, but I knew better, she was looking at me as if it could be my last day on earth, or hers. She once told me to cherish each day, that man or woman had no claim on life, it was the Creator’s mind that allowed us to live or die, and so use these numbered days as if it was your last. I would miss her should she die, you are so used to that person being there, was always there, and then gone, it would be hard for me I knew, when she’d pass on. I was not ready for it, not now, not this year, but then I said that every year of my life. I pray God will let her live longer, and when he does take her, he reads my hear, my soul, my character so I can deal with it; and in a like manner, the same for her, for if I was to die first, it would be pure panic on her part. I guess I’d rather die first I think, and then I would not have to go through a trauma of dealing with her death.
“Hello Son,” said my stepfather as she leaned against the doorway. The sun was starting to bake the streets now; somehow I could always feel the rays of the heat bounce from the streets right onto our porch. I think you could cook an egg on the street at midday, especially now in the summer. It got as hot as boiling water some days. Sometimes even, the sun seemed too had lost its orbit and fell right on top of Yort. But our house had good cross ventilation, with its door ways and halls and windows. We had two windows in the roof also.
“Haw dad,” I mumbled, “How about a walk down the cannel way, by the orange trees.” My real father and I planted them when I was about 10-years ago.”
“Sure son lets go.”
My stepfather jumped up and we started to walk. Mother was now looking out their bedroom window with a soft smile, dad didn’t notice. I got thinking, maybe all there is to life is work, a husband or wife, and children, work and prayer which is really a conversation with God. I don’t mean to exclude love or other things, and of course, the priests, I guess that is all there is though. But you know, in general, maybe that is what life is all about, family, people and friends. And like a puff of smoke we are gone. And so we try somehow to make more of it by ‘controlling’ others, everything, by wanting to takes God’s place. I, for myself, simply liked being Sinned.
I don’t think I will ever marry; I want to see too much, do too much. I do not want to leave behind tears and spend a life raising kids who will turn on you and hate you for the other half of your life. I was lucky; I had a father and mother that never did turn on me, and any sisters or brothers to bother me. And even though a father had a right to stone his son to death if he was insolent to him, that is, even in the slightest way, a tiny example might be, if he refused to do something, or he’d call his father a bad name, or he’d refused to work, in all cases they were punishable by death, and I think I was guilty of them all during my teens, but only slightly never to a point of shaming my parents in front of anyone, if I would have, I might have killed myself. Oh, he [he: being my stepfather] kicked me in the ass once and a few times grabbed me by my shoulders and shook some good judgment into me. But he never hurt me. Or for that matter called me names. I’m not sure how a father is suppose to act, I guess we do not get any lessons in fatherhood, other than watching our own fathers, but I think he did the best he could under the circumstance, at the time. Like he told me in so many words--: he made his choices and decisions and was willing to live with them as I would have to do someday; --he told me not to live other people’s choices: that if a man could control you, that is exactly what he would do, but it would most likely be to his advantage.

Chapter Eight


Jealousy and envy comes in many forms, and I heard the Tiamat was given information that I was to get my weight in gold, and that I had given it up to the Tiamat because of our deal. But I also heard the Tiamat was not satisfied, and was asking for one hundred-times my weight in gold from the Lost Temple priests:
Saying, “If Sinned gave it up, it belongs to me, all 100-times his weight.” The priest refused, and the Tiamat told him he hand it over within 24-hours, or to get busy praying to his dead god and hope he’d protect him because she’d be back to collect in full, and if he didn’t give her the gold, she would have him join his dead god wherever he was. My stepfather told me not to get involved, that there was still hatred between the Tiamat and our household for my father stealing the Mesopotamia Stone. I agreed to keep my distance.
I had used up forty-five days of my ninety-day leave. I guess for whatever reasons I had, I wanted to see what would happen with the Tiamat, the gold, and the Temple Priest, and as I walked over to the Lost Temple, the following night, I saw the Tiamat walking past her temple on her way to the Lost Temple also. I was quite a distance from her but she sensed I was nearby and glimpsed my way, kind of from the side of her eye. Her sons, the Werewolf, and the First Born, also Untamable were present, but I couldn’t see Untamable clear, he was to her right. As I got to the temple site over one hundred-people were standing around as if there were going to be a fight, or some kind of event. I stood about fifty-feet from the crowd, which was about seventy-feet from the priest. There was a dragging-black-silhouette over the area
“Priest, I am here for you, come out,” said the Tiamat with her ugly grin.
As the Tiamat stood outside the temple’s huge stone walls, some three feet thick, she continued to yell, holler, and almost scream. But she would not go in. Not sure, but I think there was some kind of rule on entering another temple, almost sacrilegious, almost as if one might be cursed, subject to some kind of horrific-consequences upon doing so; I think it had to do with, giving your god status to the other god. Something akin to that, and so none of them ever entered another’s temple, in any kind of harsh manner, or for that matter, I simply just never saw one enter another’s for any reason. But I doubt she could have fit into this one, she was too huge. This temple was not like hers with big pillars in front, and a stairway, and a massive back structure. This one was built like the cave people I heard of in the old days, out of massive big blocks of cut stone; one put on top of the other, and an underground structure built, like a cave—with short tunnels and other cavities in them [separate rooms]; some of these stones were weighting over 50-tons.
The Tiamat was mad, angrier than a hornets nest, and as nutty as well, as she jumped on top of the temple structure, and continued to jump and up and down on its platform-stone that stretched from side to side as a room, the temple that was underneath it; she was laughing, at the same time you could tell she was amused as she portrayed that grimes on her face in place of a smile. She was actually somewhat comic, if it wasn’t so serious, plus, she added her hissing like a snake to the drama. But it wouldn’t break, the stone was too thick. Then when she jumped off it, her massive hands which were the size of a person’s head, pushed upward along side the corner of the ceiling stone with both of her powerful hands which must have been all of 50+-tons, and pushed it off its two other supporting stone-walls, it slid to the side with a thump that shook the nearby area where the one hundred or so, citizens were standing, watching, and now: holding their breaths. Then she jumped on the two thick stone-walls, a foot on each three-foot thick supporting structures, and like a bird picking a fish out of the water, she plucked the old priest out of his temple. She opened her mouth, and stuck his head in it—as if he was a fly, and with a jerk and twist, his head, it came off, and she swallowed it whole, then ripping his arms off from the shoulders she threw the carcass in the air, as its blood spurted all over the bystanders, and I again I must say, the carcass of the old man was pouring out all over the ground. Throughout this ordeal, this tragedy of sorts, she was laughing and farting, and burping, as if nothing was wrong except for a little drunken behavior, after dinner.
As she turned about, she yellowed to me:
“Sinned, tell your stepfather someday I will meet him, and eat him, and take that stone back from your temple;” having said that, she walked away like a massive giant bull that had just killed its marauder, as if he was the intruder.

Chapter Nine

The Map

After things had calmed down, the rubbish of the temple was all about, and the crowd gone, the older of the three priest was there, in a section of the temple, a cavity, alone, or I suppose I should both were huddled now, in a corner, freighted to death. I think there might have been another priest, he ran reminiscent of jackrabbit, to safety after seeing the Tiamat eat his comrade I suppose he’d return later. But none the less, his body parts [the old priest the Tiamat had killed] were sill lying about, and the smell of death reeked from him. His blood stained the ruins, for it had spurted everywhere. This temple was older than Yort itself I do believe. As far as adventures go, I had enough for a while, this was worse than going to war, I just wanted to look about, since I was here already [dust approaching]. As far as my leave went I had still enough time on my hands where I could rest, see my family before going back to the military life, and see this situation through to its end, for it was not ended for me, not yet anyhow. It is funny how we try to put things back together after a tragedy. As if it has never happened, but you got to go ahead. Don’t look back.
As I jumped up on the boulders, not quite like the giant Tiamat, I had to actually climb on the slap-stone she pushed to the side, climb up on that first, then I jumped down into the temple area itself, where the priest was pulled out of. It was dark and chilled in the tunnel. But without the roof the sun was creeping around some corners. I got on my hands and knees and crawled down a passage, one down deeper into the guts of this tomb like temple, all made of great stones and by the looks of things simply dirt for a floor, except where it looked like the priests may have slept—a larger area I had come upon—where there were some rugs on each side of the temple floors leading to the edge of the walls. I walked down about thirty-feet more to another room, the ceiling above me looked like wooden beams about a foot thick, and earth being above that, covered by the earth and grass above the temple, possible where some of the citizens were standing and watching the drama unfold; as I tried to stand up, it was only five feet tall, so I had to lean my body forward, walk with an arch, it got to about two feet as I walked back farther, and I had to get on all fours and crawl through the remaining tunnel attached to this room, another thirty-feet, then I got into a big, huge room: a chamber
As I looked about the chamber, the floor was made from one huge granite stone, I’d say a good eighty-ton; the ceiling was about 12-feet high, and in the center of the chamber was an altar, a grave stone of sorts that covered a coffin. It reminded me of the inner chamber of the [Khafra] Pyramid in Egypt, but this one being four times its size; --my stepfather told me about it many times, for he was in it. Matter of fact, he brought back a piece of the stone-door, a secret door, that lead to a secret entrance.
Now I moved the stone to the right, and then, and there I saw some huge, massive bones. My body shook, trembled with excitement, as if it was being traumatized, as if I had seen the being that shelled these bones at one time—The Hawk [?] then that face, I seen that face, as if I was having a vision, a dream with my eyes open, that being in the Prison of the Angels, it came to me—that face out of nowhere. As I examined the huge bones, there were writings on them, carved into them.
As I checked them out,--intently scrutinizing them from top to bottom, such as the: shoulder bones, arms, skull and half the ribs where were all laying by one another, I allowed myself to calm down by sucking in some air to my stomach, and letting it out slowly. And so, I took them, rapping them into a rug that was lying on top of a big rug that covered the room, and fought my way out of this godforsaken tomb of tombs, its, the bones that is, last resting place.
As I got to the top, or back to the top of the temple, the sun was going down, a storm was coming in I could see, for the clouds were getting very dark, as if the Tiamat had did some magic to bring about a feast with the storms permission. She was the goddess of the sea and her powers were many I expect. This might have been possible. I didn’t want to leave the other priests there huddled like to cubs trying to protect one another, but I did, they’d pull themselves together tomorrow, I’m sure they would; or die right there.
When I got home I went right into my bedroom, put the wound-folded rug with the bones in it, on the floor and examined the bones more closely. There were many figures on them, languages I have never seen before, and I say languages because it looked to me there were a few different kinds. Perhaps it was from their long lost civilization, they called the: “The First.” I wish I would have found the gold, but I got these old bones instead. And neither I nor the Tiamat got the gold, and I doubt the priests were will at this point to give it up.
I asked my stepfather to come in my room and look at them, give me his advice on the matter, and he did. He did not like the idea we had the bones in the house in the first place, thinking they may be cursed, but he allowed me to keep them there, I think he felt, the house had belonged to my first father, my biological father, and he might be overstepping his values by stopping this, values only in the sense he inherited the house when he married my mother. Furthermore, I was a man now, and responsible for my actions, and he tried to be the good father, plus, take the place of the father I had lost, and try hard he did, and was all one could expect from a stepfather. He was always trying his best, even to be a good husband. Not sure if he ever got what he wanted out of life to be quite honest, but being a soldier, he was lucky to be alive at a ripe old age. But I guess all I ever thought of him wanting was my mother, and a pension, a place to sleep, and a few people to love him, and he seemed to have found that. I seem to want more, always wanted a deeper relationship with my God, wanted to travel, to be right possible, or at least to have said at one time I was. But I was still young, who knows what will come in the future. Maybe he found out there is no more, no more than what he had, and if some one like me thought there was more, the only way to prove there wasn’t was to live it, and so he stepped out of my life-light, sort of speaking, and allowed me to test life out for myself. He never got glory from Yort, not the grandeur my first father got when he and the king stole the Great Stone, the one the Tiamat was still mad about, but he got respect from everyone, everyone at Yort that is. Not the world like the King, and that was our world of course, and possible I wanted that also—I’m not sure, not yet anyway. I, on the other hand, wanted the world maybe to know about me too much. How foolish young people can be, yes, I call myself that, for I possible am. I think I will be lucky to simply get what my father has, or had. I think glory will cost much more than my mind realizes.

Chapter Ten

Lemuria and Atlantis

The old bones laid on my bedroom floor for a week now, a week before my stepfather had requested three of his friends, scholars of sorts, one from the library, one from the School of Study and Scripture, and one of the priesthood, from the Lost Temple, who was for the most part, unemployed, with no temple. He brought these people into my bedroom and asked them to study the bones with all the writings on them, in order so we could plan on what do to next with them, for we couldn’t make heads or tails out of them. The priest said he knew some of the legend behind the bones, but some of the writings were written in Eyepytona hydrographs, and on another section of the bones was writings of an Indo-European language, and still there was a Basque style of writing on them: hence, a tri-multi language used together.
My mother brought wine in the room for everyone to drink, as they sat down around my bed holding the bones, examining and trying to translate them.
Said the Historian who was the Librarian:
“This bone is about 2400-years old, which makes it around the time of Atlantis, and that cultured and passive land called Lemuria, yes, yes, yes, this one bone tells of how the angelic beings called the Watchers knew the angels of the first world, the ones before them,--yes they knew of them, and very I think, especially not any first names I’d guess.” [With an undertone of sadness he continued.] “These bones are from a prince of one of these two lands, Atlantis or Lemuria [Lemuria being for the most part, the Pacific Region]. For this one prince, lets say from Atlantis, met with another prince form Lemuria, which was in essence, was more ancient than they were, they met in a land across from their land, which was the size of Asia Minor twice, an island beyond the Pillars of Hercules, to joined in talks, culture exchanges one might add. I think this Lemuria was trying to do some missionary work with the elite of Atlantis, for they were known as the mighty power of its day, liken to Yort is today. The islands near their boarders were part of their empire and it tells about the women there.”

The school professor then said,
“By the looks of things, on his skull, I read he had a fairly large and pointed head, possible red hair, like the Atlantians, so I concur with our Historian, also, he was a slender soldier, about 6-feet tall, like our ancient ancestors, the Cro-Magnon man. This person had light colored eyes that slanted, as if he were asleep—as if there was a perfect rest; --again, characteristics of the old Atlantis culture I do believe. It gives a date of the foundation to the island nation as being 3,400-years ago, or there about; and that it ruled for 1,000-years, again, there about.”
Said my dad, “What did they want?”
Said the teacher, master of the school,
“You might say: to rule the world, and then again, you might say to be the main architects of the world,” reminiscent of the Angelic Beings we know now to be in the Prison House of the Angels; for they wanted to rule the Universe also.” Thence he passed his eyes to the priest.
Said the priest,
“I know some of the story of Atlantis and Lemuria, I memorized it as a kid, and these two shoulder bones I hold now with both hands, of this creature, or godlike figure, tells me much—it is like a letter you might say. Let me explain [with a strange crudity]: it seems there was one of these Watcher beings, or possible two, one called Azaz’el, another Semyaz, who ruled the other angelic beings, or Watchers. There was another angelic being also involved, called Poseidon—of which I have heard of this ruler before—he was given this large island now know as Atlantis to rule over, but at the time it was simply a big island with forests and mountains on it, and native women, in which he married one. It was not at the time, what it would become in the future, the Yort of yesteryear; in any case, the bones explain he was given dominion, and took high-bred dominance…over all of it, and the god of in the sea came to help him build the foundation [possible the Tiamat], as well as the Titans. I think this one word for the god of the sea is Lucifer or the Tiamat, I am not sure. If so, it’s possible this is the very one, the one that is in the forest temple, but for some reason that is hard to believe—I mean, he also has a throne in the ancient city of Pergamum? So I hear, and how could be back so long ago, and we have just heard bout him in the not so far past. Plus, he doesn’t seem to be all that anxious to rule. Oh well, oh well, let me continue. They built the foundations of Atlantis, as strange as it may seem, and the angels married flesh and blood, and he named the girl, girl-Atlas, after his island-nation-city. The empire was built with alternating rings of land and water. The structures were made of nothing holding them together, a marvel of work I’d say, and of a well cultured, Architectural mind. And let me add, they ruled most of the Mediterranean, and became acquainted with the island peoples of Lemuria, as I know I am repeating myself [Pacific Ocean area, and Mesoamerica].

Chapter Eleventh

The Lost Civilizations

For over a week these three men came back to meet with my father and me over the bones: talking, conversing, chatting, having a discussion over, and over, concerning the bones; groping about what they meant after they said what they thought. I was myself intrigued to be with such noble and worldly minds. I cold see in their great minds doors open and shut, as they huddled together, and separated for lunch, and gathered back in their corner by the bones. About all I got out of it to be honest, I mean as an ending thought was: it is thus that, life is better-sweet. On the more practical side of my learning, I had learned that the rulers of Atlantis could never find the Prison House of the Angels, in which the Watchers were hoping they could find it with their technology.
The Librarian was most interested in the way the Atlantians looked and dressed, I think, to see if he had any traits as to include himself to such an ancient esteem group of beings, as the group seemed to consider it existence to be; saying: they must of have wore a head bands from the sea-rams, some kind of bird that rams into the sea and gets his prey, the fish. Culture was not my thing I wanted to know his battle gear. And they told me he had at one time a breast plate of copper, that although he was a warrior prince, he was also a priest after the knowledge of Lemuria, who they claimed had mystic powers, which were greater than their technology. The South Pacific people, so my father claimed, simply did not use it in fear it would harm others. They were clean shaven I was also told, which I thought was smart for a warrior people, because the enemy can’t grab your hair during battle. In addition, I learned they were slender like the Greeks, dressed like the people on the island of Crete, and yet they lived in a world of their own, the Atlantians that is. They knew very little of the outside world, which was not really theirs. There seems to be only two worlds in their minds, theirs and the others. And possible that is all there was, that is to say, worth speaking about.
Lemuria’s people had a prophet of sorts, and the prince wanted to meet him; and he had gone to a land called the Yucatan to meet him. It was on this journey the sum of all things came to an end. And although my father had started the story, and the priest was finishing it, the priest would not tell anymore, and my father did not know anymore—But I think he knew more; we only tell what we are comfortable with.

The Island of Easter, which one of the wise men had said, was on the other side of the world with some forty-foot stone statues, gods in stone he called them, weighing up to 90-tons or more. He claimed they were erected by these same people of Lemuria by way of some kind of antigravity and sound devise: this discussion went on for a very long time, to see if this god-warrior was part of the group. The prophet of LEMURIA knew of this power, and could harness it, when he wanted to. Atlantis was in fear of him somewhat, but the prophet was a holy man, as the prince indicated, and Atlantis knew, thus, Atlantis would allow them to make a first strike only because they knew they would not, and since they were battling it out in many other areas did not want to fight without a sure win.
Although I do believe they would be preemptive if it was in their favor.
One thing strange came out of all this, that is: the priest kind of said it in a round about way, that the folks of Atlantis’ resembled the true men of Yort. That at one time the residue of the great city and Island of Atlantis was thrown all about the sea area in some kind of great upheaval of the earth, and the whole world felt it. And Yort got its share of disaster at this time. It was in our blood line, Atlantis that is, or so it was coming to be the longer I listened. The priest was confused though. As I believe he was making every one else
As the discussion was dying down, they [the group] wanted me to put the bones into safe keeping, and so I handed them over to the priest, since I took them out of his temple. But for me this was not the end of this road, oh now, it was still to be traveled on a little bit. For I know, somehow I knew, the Greeks had some of our blood in them, as did Italy and Spain, and if we had blood from Atlantis or even Lemuria, who are we then, is this why Yort seemed always plagued with the war cry, it very well could be. For I was learning the blood of Atlantis was strong, as was the blood of the Natives of Lemuria, pure; as was our mixture of blood haunting.

Chapter Twelve

The She Ocean
[Pergamum – Asia Minor]

A Week Later

As I entered the city fortress of Pergamum, I went to the summit of the Acropolis crowded with public buildings between the market area to the South, and the Royal Gardens to the North, there was an altar to some mysterious god, and a great hexagonal style Doric Temple toward the East. Its theater and terrace were on the west side of these fortifications, where I was. A library was visible to the north, the residential area way below and beyond the Acropolis. I could see everything from where I was; especially the amphitheatre, where I’m sure lectures and possible a small circus of entertainers once gathered, and will again one day.
Shortly thereafter I found myself standing on the highest part of a hill over looking a Coliseum of sorts, larger than the amphitheatre; the arena, a half moon stadium, maybe could hold 3,000 listeners. I sat down just staring at the center of it. I noticed a podium in the center of the platform where people gave their speeches. I was wondering where the seer was, I had some questions I needed answered. I think my youth was pushing me inside my guts to get the answers, so much so, as you can see, I have traveled a long way to be here: I am realizing I have little patience.
I didn’t want to wait a life time to find out the mysteries of life. Said I to myself: I wonder if she really knew hidden things, secrets; you know, knowledge no one else knew--: I needed answers, and so I left Yort—a trifle confused, but here I am, at a place one of the priests said the demigod or angelic being, the one called Lucifer, has his throne room, what was I getting into [?] I knew this demigod of sorts had a temple outside of Yort in the forest, somewhere in the forest no one seemed to really know where, but now I was in his backyard—figuratively speaking, his home away from home.
And here I am, this was his throne, a decaying temple site of sorts, but it had its majesty to it; I guess. Another thing I heard was that he was born in a temple in this city amongst all these broken down pillars: now called Pergamum, not all that far from our city, to be quite honest.
I didn’t want to talk to him, or even run into him for the most part, but rather I’d like to meet that certain seer I heard about, you know, the “She Ocean,” the priestess of something—maybe this is her something, perhaps this temple site. I was told she was captivating, most beautiful, and under her beauty were five-hundred years of diseased blood, and 10,000-years of wisdom, of which she got most of it from Seth, otherwise known as Set. It had taken me four-days on horseback to reach this crumbling temple city—crumbling as if it was a decaying carcass. It looked like it had been abandoned a thousand years ago, but again I repeat, some towering pillars are still standing, scattered about though. Some huge marble stones lay piled here and there, as if they had been misplaced. I could tell at one time it had grandness to it.

Then overlooking the edge of the temple mound as I had walked back up the steps to get a better view of the surrounding area, I saw standing at the bottom of the Coliseum area a lovely lady walking out to a podium stand, she came from behind a half standing pillar. It was her, yes, yes, oh yes, the: She Ocean. “Yes,” I said to my me, standing like an artful statue high above the coliseum looking down like a bird from a tree, ‘twas her artful movements that tranquilized me for the moment, “yes,” said a second time, again I speak to myself for she can not hear me, unless my whisper sends an echo to her ears. “Yes, oh yes, she is a lovely creature, to say the least.” “My compatriot’s,” I can just hear the orator speaking to the crowds of people in this coliseum a 100-years ago, or 1000-years ago. But her beauty at this moment overshadows that thought, the orator can sleep; let me gaze upon her from up high.
[Meditative] she stood stone-still looking, past all the marble coliseum seats to the top of the hill where Sinned stood, as his eyes leaped down upon her.]

--As I started walking down the steps again, towards her, reaching the bottom in about three minutes, I came within 15-feet of her, she had long black-pearl hair that swayed around her rounded face, and deep-dark eyes. I got closer, just a little closer; -- she was naked from the top of her ribcage to about two inches below her belly button. The lower part of her body had only a white sheet covering her. Now I knew how men lost control, it was mans nature to be adaptive to one another, not to the opposite sex, there was no way to adjust, my stomach was aching, and I knew if I talked I’d stutter.
I was now within ten-feet of her, and hoping to get closer; who can understand such creatures of desire, except dogs, witches and sears themselves. She was captivating, and paralyzing all at the same time. In front of her a storm was starting to fill my insides, I was getting a taste of desire, and she knew it...
“Hello stranger, or should I say, Sinned,” she said with a modest aloofness to her radiating sexuality she new she was magnetically transferring to me, if there is such a thing; --and with wet lips: looking straight at my lips, which were drying up for some odd reason, again she seemed to disarm me with her body and beauty.
“My name is Sinned, and I heard you were very wise, I guess you knowing my name confirms some of that. But I came here in hopes I could put to rest some questions,” I added for my own minds rest: I got it out, how did I do that without grabbing her and right then and there putting my mouth onto hers. She had a slight smile around them pretty semi puffed up lips—a smile that said she liked the situation, and possible me, that is, more so than what she had anticipated. The good things in life I have learned sometimes are predictable, such as this fresh-faced enchanting female.
“I know Sinned, I have seen it in the waters,” she explained.
“The water,” I said surprisingly.
“Yes, I keep it by my bed, it is like a mirror, and I can see things, as if they were already written down, or in the present, mostly in the present my dear young warrior.” She looked older than me, and I didn’t take that as an insult, and I didn’t feel she gave it as one, for she looked in her early 20’s, but god-forbid, should I ask her to confirm her age, and if her flesh was to show it, I’d run faster than a hundred horses any which-way.
“Wow,” I said with a tone of disbelief, “You’re very kind with your words; but truthful.” She smiled again, knowing my youth carried—as all youth does cocky-ness along with bravery and courage.
Without hesitation, she came to within an inch of me, and pulled my body into hers—pulled it in until if fit hers perfect—a-arousing the ire, fury in me. She then kissed me softly, very softly. My body felt like a snake on hers, as she started blending into her curves into my body mold; I seem to melt into her skin like water absorbing into a sponge. If ever I had the hunger for an eruption, it was now, but I cooled my mind, and told my body it was to be, not yet anyway. Intuitively, she stepped back a moment, and either out of reality, or for my manhood sake she gave a sigh of relief, I just stood there inertly trembling, not sure if it was noticeable or not, and if so, there really wasn’t much I could do about it. But I did get my composure back. What women can do I thought.
“I think I can help you Sinned, but first you must help me,” she said as she pulled her body back a ways—a good ways, some five feet. I really didn’t know what she wanted from me unless it was me. But I had never had a woman before I wasn’t sure how I would do, if I did anything.
“You want to know what happened to the Lost Empire of Lemuria; about the great city of Atlantis, about everything. Your young and curious mind will simply not rest will it,” I didn’t answer, it was surely a rhetorical question, and she was absolutely right.
Closing her eyes, she then said, “But first me.”
And like a school boy I followed her as she turned about, and walked down some steps to an underground chamber, where there was a huge bed in the middle of it. I was enchanted, and I wanted her, but I wanted the knowledge also. If only there was not price to be paid for anything, but one must always count the cost, as my mother had so cleverly planted into my brain throughout my formative years. What little cloths she had on fell, off they fell, like a leaf falling from a tree, swaying in the wind, it gently laid itself down on a tightly knit colorful rug by her bed. She was bare, unclothed, stripped: and I was frozen with pains throughout my lower body as I stared at her figure, her face, her hair—I was learning another thing, that being, men like to look. Oh I knew it to a certain degree, but not to this extent. She pulled me over to the bed gently with her stretched out arm and hand, and laid me down as if she was guiding a child to safety. Then she got on top of me, her thin waist, long legs, curving butt, and firm and hard breasts, and told me, “Enjoyment comes by doing things slowly, everything ever so slowly, as not to get too excited, too fast; hence, the pleasure will be ongoing, and the impulse to climax, always at the edge, where you want it, and there is where it must stay until you loose your breath—this is my price.”
“This way”, she said, “The desire is built along with pleasure, and the candle stays lit, it doesn’t burn out; it’s the way it should be.” We made love for 4 ½ hours, and I couldn’t stand it anymore, I exploded like a volcano, and so did she. I learned the art of love making quickly, but I knew if I didn’t move on, I would be wanting more, like a man who gambles, he chases his loss, or a drunk that can’t get enough drink in him, accordingly, he will sell his own soul; and he will say: no, no, this I will not do, and do it anyway. I did not want to chase the desire, nor have it control me, or have it in my mind and blood as a disease, I enjoyed it, as it was meant to be, as all good things are meant to be, and now it was time, to skedaddle, if I could.
She now sat upright at the end of the bed, legs crossed, and breasts staring at me.
Said she, “Now my young lover, what is it you want to know for certain?”
I had forgotten what I wanted to ask her. It was like my brain was all washed up—had stopped function in that capacity. I shook my head to and fro—again she laughed, but slyly, saving my manhood I think—and she leaned forward to listen to my response attentively. What came out of my mouth was, “Tell me about you.” She knew that is not what I came for, but she nodded her head. She had all the time in the world.
“Ok, Sinned, you will be the only human on this world that will know my life story in a nutshell. I was born in Egypt it was where I first studied my magic craft. I learned it from the fertility god you call, Seth, otherwise known as Set. My mother gave birth to me between the front paws, or legs of the Sphinx of Giza, with the shadow of the half built [Khafra] pyramid behind us. It was almost five-hundred years ago [she paused a moment, looking upward as if to draw a picture of her history]. At that time many demigods were angry at Set. He was considered the joker, the antagonist I suppose you could say, of the demon-gods, of their world. Nevertheless, he found me after my mother had given me birth, and died doing so. Set took me to the empty rock, that is, the cutout chamber within the pyramid. There for eighteen-years I lived, he was my tutor, and he became my lover for a few years. He was at that time in human form, but had an animal head, a few of them, from time to time, one being a dog the other an ass, and other adaptive wild beasts. After these many years had passed, he became uncontrollable. He started to rape me, slapping my legs and hurting me, and love making became painful, scornful if not down right trodden into an animal lifestyle. Then out of nowhere, he left to become a Canaanite god, they called him Baal. Well, to make a long story short, I took the hidden secretes of heaven he taught me, and on my journey to Asian Minor, I ended up here at Pergamum, where I have lived ever since. Lucifer was here when I arrived and he became company for me—I seem to be caught in this unbroken circle of demonic greed and ego, it is quite fresh to have you as my lover, and so natural. Actually, this was his Seat of Power; or so he claims. He said the dawn of a new age is about to start, and he would be the opposing god—he said there was two in the peephole, wanting to rule mankind, and he would be the master one way or another; that the days of the human flesh, that is, the demigods were coming to an end—as possible humankind. Like in the days of the lost era of when the Jaguars and the Panthers roamed the world, killing and eating the giants, and humans. Extinction almost came about you know, or maybe you do not know, but none the less it is so, the wild cats ruled the world, the saber tooth creatures of a lost era. But that’s another story, for another day. Many angelic friends of his have come and gone from here. It is where they stop as they roam the earth.”

And she commented again to me: “Let me tell you a story,” I sat back against the bed listening as she gained her composure, and I started to not feel less scared, a bit more comfortable, yet I knew there possible cold be a trickster in her, as I feel are in most women who what they want, and if there is none, it can be cultivated quite quickly, and I say that from observations, not hands on experience, then she said:

“There have been many cycles of time, most everyone would like to leave something behind so others can remember them. But these cycles of time seem to devour all of that. So what you build sooner or later will be destroyed. The earth has been destroyed many times. But in our cycle, it will be destroyed five-times. It was destroyed about seven-hundred years ago, and again, about 3700-years ago, and it will be in another 3,000-year or so, and after that another 2,000-years will pass and again it will be destroyed. We are but pawns to the fate of a God we can not see I hear whom carries our destiny within his breast.
Even thought Lucifer says he can out smart him, I do not believe him, for if he could, he would have, and he’d not be here, he’d be where he was. Nonetheless, the earth has a way of revamping itself each time. Lemuria, the land you want to know about, was simple an empire that existed—like many empires in the past, as did Atlantis, after Lemuria that is. And Atlantis will exist again, and be destroyed for the third time. Like you’re so called, Yort, it will go through trials and tribulations, and find a new name, be destroyed another nine-times. So you see nothing last forever. The angels you wanted to meet, in the Prison House, are from a time cycle very few people know about, they to be once, and are no more. I can only guess what time cycle they came from, and my guess would be 7,000-years short of one-million. For in the year of 2016 AD they will be released. That is a long way away, some 8,000-years to be exact. But that is what I see in the water—the water here by my bed. I see many things Sinned. [She peered over her bed for the forth time, I was wondering what she was doing, and a dark large container of water rested there, and as she looked into it she saw much.]

The Great Cats

I see in the water, and now in my mind you want to know about the Animalistic 4th World Order. Let me put it another way, the world order of the great Cats. You do not quite believe what I have told you before; save for the fact, there was another time, and another world ordere. But listen closely, my dear lover—it is so [and so she leaned seriously forward, and looked deep into my eyes] it was when the Jaguars and the Panthers ruled the world—the time when red skin and brown skin mixed with one another. There have been many world orders, this was just one. The demigods have this time as their world order, for you know, they do rule it. Satan will create a world order in the far off future, but their will be another to follow that one also. It is all written, and unless, or until someone tares off the written stones these events to be, so they will be.
The Greeks and the Romans will have a world order, the Romans you do not know about yet. Oh yes, just like the Great Cats, before had their time, and then came the end of their world order. As does all world orders, that is, they all have come to an end in the past, and will in the future.
But I am not finished, so do not shy way my lover, after all, I am here for you, the disappearance of the angelic force that is now in the Prison House for Angels, and let me remind you, they too had a world order, and then came the Big Cats, they will find, finality in the future—an end to their mistakes with a mighty god that they thought was less than them, for some odd reason. [I said nothing about my God; she seemed to know him in the shadows of time]. They devoured man and beast; ate the giants, and when there was no more to eat, they ate each other. These creatures were 80% beast, 10% spirit, and 10% human—they had thinking minds, minds that could out maneuver man, himself. A form of a demigod one might say—and possible could have been, through sexual relations, but no one is sure how they came about, again my thoughts are they were the ancestors of the Prison House of Angels, who somehow gave birth to demonic forces who copulated with animals forming the wild cats. For these angelic beings raped the stone people.

The Category

There are many forms of beings on this land called earth. Again, let me explain, there are angelic beings that are not human; they came from whom I call the creator, the one that out smarted Lucifer, or put another way planted him here on earth. I know of three such beings, the Watchers, the Nefilim, and the First or, as you know them as, the Prison House Angels. Then there are the demigods, or as you call them, demon-gods, half breeds, or hybrids. Some are like the Tiamat, who are spirit, beast and human. Their fathers were the first generation of one of the angelic beings I mentioned above. Then there are such beings like Marduk, who is a first generation demon, that is, his parents were one of the angelic beings also. And then there are what I call, cross-breads, such as the Jaguars and Panthers, and the giants, kind of what you might call an accident, or freak of nature. Some of the giants were direct sons of the Watchers. And the Jaguars and Panthers had at one time—as I had previously mentioned—demonic, yes demon blood in them. You see, the giants would capture the animals, and have sex with them, and this is what they produced, to their sorrow. ”

I commented as I started to get out of the bed—for she was convincing—and put on my cloths, “I find you most beautiful, and interesting, but I must go.” I also sensed something, possible she was going to lock them doors behind me at any moment, and keep me here as her love slave—not to say it was a bad futuristic career, it simply was not me. So as quickly as I could, before she put two and two together, I got dressed hastily and headed to the doors with a smile, putting on the best smile I could find. But the doors were shut by some kind of magic force she had within her being.
I looked at her for a moment, thinking what I should do:
“You don’t want to keep a lover that doesn’t want to make love. Do you?” I volunteered before she came to some unsympathetic gesture and froze me like a stone, or whatever creatures of her power and caliber do, or can do.
She thought about that for a second—a moment, and said,
“If you can answer, or solve my riddle, I will let you go. And if you can’t you must be willing to stay here for a year.”
I had little choice to argue, and airily inquired, so be it on your head should you break your word, and I agreed. Yet she looked at me with a stern look, an irrelevance where once desire was.
“My riddle will be simple,” she said in a matter of fact way, then spoke: “What is stronger than the Ocean?”
I had seen the ocean when Serr’el took me to Easter Island, and our Great Seas, but other than God, I knew not what.
“Sinned, you can’t say your God either,” commented the She Ocean, as if she read my mind.
I prayed inside my mind for the answer, pacing her bedroom. She looked at me with glaring eyes, and an assured smile: saying, “…if it takes a year so be it,” thinking I would not come up with the answer. Then I heard the whisper of Serr’el’s voice within my mind, as he had told me, the One God had whispered it to him.
“I have it [I almost yelled], Ms She Ocean, it is the cold, for I have seen the waves of the sea frozen; rivers turned to glaciers, and rain drops turn into ice balls.”
Spoke the She Ocean, “You must have a silent friend near by placing such things in your mind, which whispers only to you, for I could not hear him, yet I sensed him, for you are right. And I must keep my word.”
Just then the door opened. Had she not kept her word, I feared for her, for she knew beyond a doubt, the whisperers were beyond her reach, and normally there was not much beyond her grasp.

“You do not want to hear more, Sinned,” she asked with a mild and saddening voice, “We can simply talk, if you please?
I did, for she was quite involved in telling her story as well as other things, and I wanted more knowledge, but I didn’t want to be part of her furniture. I told her, in a somewhat clumsy manner, I had to go back to Yort, that being in the Military, I had an obligation to be close by incase I was needed, even while on leave; I hated to put it that way, for on one had it was truthful, but my intent was not, it was to get away. She simply nodded her head, a single that meant to me, ‘be that as it may’. She was my first love for the most part, my first experience, or should I say love affair and she knew it, as sedate as she was in that bed, she was hauntingly lovely even as I kept my distance. I asked myself, if her mother had sex with Seth, and maybe she had an ounce of demon blood. But her heart seemed to be a little more on the other side of the story, the human side.
I almost talked myself in to staying as I readied myself to depart, and she so lusciously sat on the bed as if she was a ripe fruit ready to be picked at any time, with the assured look on her face, that womanly smile that know the nature of the man-beast inside of his chest. Yes, O yes, I wanted to say hell with life, heck with everything, and stay here, in her warm and caressing arms; I could, but it would lock me up, and boredom would set in, and I’d die slowly, and the beauty of the sex we had would be stained with resentment, and she knew that, and she wanted to leave a favorable stain on my soul, and she had. In a like manner, she’d also get tired of me in time. On one hand, she simply wanted a virgin, and whatever her quest in life was, it was not mine. So I suppose, we were both winners.
I did not find out all the information I wanted to, but I got some questions answered, my mind was not twisted in so many different directions as it had been; the rest will have to come as I grow older I told myself, no sense in trying to unveil everything. Youth has its impatience I’ve notched, and I’d just have to learn to be satisfied with what wisdom or knowledge was granted me.

As I started walking up the coliseum steps to its summit, the sun was high, and it was hot, very hot, and as I looked back, in back of me that is, there she was with that light see through linen gown wrapped around her loosely. I didn’t know much about her, but she seemed to be a friend, that is, more than a friend, and more than a lover, and less than a wife, not sure what that makes her or I to her, other than close acquaintances—and that we were; you know, one that opens their heart to you, not hiding anything, even though she belonged to some cult of sorts. Life is odd, sometimes the ones we think are the bad guys turn out to be better than our friends. Many of my friends hid their feelings, intentions, and desires. She was upfront with hers: in a matter of speaking, you either liked her or you didn’t—and I guess it really didn’t matter to her one way or the other—although in my case I think she’d have preferred it be more on the liking side then the disliking side, and it was.
As I journeyed back to Yort, I knew things had changed in my life, just being there was a new beginning. “Yes,” said I to myself, “’Twas not love per se, but desire mixed with lust, up to the brim of a bowel, that is what we had…” I was not a kid anymore, but a man. Funny I say that, because I was a man before, a soldier needs to be a man. I had killed many a men in battle already. But to be exact, the She Ocean gave me permission to move on in my growing process. And as I’d grow older, something told me my sins would grow more. I didn’t know what a sin really was, but my mother said, God puts into each man a 5th sense, it tells you right from wrong, no matter whatever anyone else says—you have to listen to it. I think she was right. I fear if I gave the She Ocean a child or I could have, it would grow to be something I did not care for possible; but that is just a conjecture, perhaps she can no longer have children. In any case, it makes a man think. But I repeat, I had to move on, and so I am. And she had sex with, only God knows how many others—that went through my mind, on this journey back to York, a man thing I think—why should I care, but I do, and I didn’t see any kids running around—but as my mother use to say, stop guessing what other people you think might have said, it is your imagination playing tricks, the demons at work. Yes, I shall put it to rest, and wish her good will, and luck in her life: may she be blessed in finding her way out of a fretful dilemma, or so I see it as that, she may not.

Chapter Thirteen

The Amazons

When I got back to Yort—in the forenoon of the day on horseback, in which I took my time, taking about a week, I got word that the Amazons were on the march to our city, marching from the Maikop area behind the Black Sea to its shores, by way of sailing to the other side and landing by Amastris. And thereafter, the Amazons would be headed for Yort, which was about four-hundred miles from there. I got a note from the commander that we had a mission, possible a campaign as we called it in military terms, to stop them at the coast line; that we needed to beat them there before they landed. And that all the military reserves and the regular army soldiers needed to be ready within forty-eight hours, in anticipation, the Amazons were expected to land within the next two weeks. It would take the Yort army about that long to get to the coastal site. If luck was on our side, that might give them a few days ahead of the landing, to prepare for battle, rest and eat.
And here, I said my farewells, and packed my horse, along with my gear and on that Friday, I found myself waiting in the plaza area with my platoon of men. The Commander rode up on his white stallion—with a powerful look, we had the whole Army of about 6,000-soldiers standing at parade rest waiting for his command. He ordered five-hundred of the soldiers to go and see my stepfather, for he would secure the fortress, although this was really a small amount my stepfather told the King and commander, a small amount in the sense of trying to hold at bay the fortress should it be attacked. But the King felt the Army was needed elsewhere, that is to say, to subdue, if not overwhelm the oncoming Amazons, and therefore, my stepfather was overruled. We had all known the Amazons either had an army equal to ours in numbers, or more than ours, and so I felt on one hand, to overwhelm them was a good idea, but we could have also used a smaller army I felt on the other hand, and simply used our best trained soldiers, specifically, our archers, our Calvary, our charioteers. And should they get past them, well, then we got the great walls of Yort, and an ensuing battle, and surely they would have a harder battle this way. Living with a career military family, such things float in and out of ones mind, but again, I was only one to take orders, not give them to the masses, and as I said, the King had made his mind up.
Before the warmth of the air could take hold of the morning, we were out of the gates of the city. And the smells of the horses filled our nostrils instead of the morning baking of bread, and the aroma of the fine grapes that made delicious wines; breakfast smells I loved them.
I wasn’t worried about dad taking command, he was a great soldier, but I was a little worried if the Amazons slipped by us, and came to the city, it could not be held by five-hundred soldiers, no way. But then, we were the best soldiers in the world—might I be foolish enough to think we could if need be, I do not think they can out fight us hand to hand, I convinced myself of this at least, and we would meet them before they even seen Yort. I just felt a little insecure about leaving Yort so unprotected. I guess that is why we fight wars in other lands, so we do not have to fight them on our own ground. So many thoughts went through my mind as we rode out of through the gates of Yort, on to our destination.

As we marched, and rode for ten-days [that is, walking the horses, and sharing the horses with other soldiers], we had finally got to the coast of the Black Sea earlier than expected, as we all hoped for. Then after making our many camp sites and digging trenches so the men could hide in them to catch the Amazons by surprised, when their ships came in; thus, surprise was our weapon, as was the overwhelm them with or troops, we all got a break from the long marches.
After a day of rest, we rolled huge rocks into positions where soldiers could shield themselves by them also, in addition to the trenches. And then we waited, again and waited and waited. Three nights went by, no sign of the Amazons. As a result of the long hours of travel, and now the sleeping, and the boredom creeping in, three men were caught sleeping on guard duty in the wee early hours of the forth morning, just before daybreak in camp. We did away with capitol punishment years ago, not because we did not believe in it, only because we could not spare the men. And so the commander sentenced the captain of the guards in charge to having his nose and both his ears cut off; his second in command, got one ear cut off, and the third that was about my age got two hundred lashes with a whip that had knots in it to rip the skin open more. I thought it was somewhat extreme and so I went to the Commander and asked if he could lower the sentences, and he did. The young soldier got on fifty-lashes, and the Captain of the guard got to keep one ear.
In our military, you had to join between the ages of fifteen and nineteen years of age, and stay in a minimum of two years. If a war was going on, you stayed in until it was over. And you were always on call until you reached fifty-years old if you reached it for the dying age was normally at forty for most folks. Thus, it might just as well be said, every male was a soldier all his life for the most part.

The commander sent out scouts to see if the Amazons had landed in other areas of the coastal Black Sea but all came back negative, not a sign, not one little. It was become rather spooky, to be honest. Then we started to think it was a false alarm until a farmer came by one morning, it was the 8th day we were there. And he asked for some food and supplies, and would pay in silver. As they were given to him he asked why such a big Army was assembled here. And the private who was giving him some supplies answered, “I can’t tell you, we are preparing for war.”
Questioning the farmer further, he asked, “You mean with the Amazons down the coast by Yort?”
Having heard that, the private came running up to me, as I had already overheard the conversation, and we both ran to the Commander explaining what the farmer had said.
The Commander took in a deep breath, shook his head, and said: “Indeed, they have tricked us.” We then brought the farmer to the Commander’s tent.
“Did you see anything that might help us understand why we might have missed the ships of the Amazons, we have been combing this coastal area going on a week.”
The farmer looked frightened, but said vivaciously, “I have seen them coming out of the water, but I couldn’t see their ship. I think they had air tubes in their mouths, and sacks filled with air as they sucked it in-through the tubes to their lungs. Thus I saw heads walking out of the sea. I thought at first they were some sea-devils, but no, it was pig skins filled with air I do believe. After they left the area, I went to get on, that is pick up one they left behind, and I put two and two, together after grabbing one, they were carrying them on their stomachs, as to float and breathe at the same time.”
After explaining, the farmer went back to his donkey showing the commander the air bag he had found, sure enough it was constructed to do just as the farmer had said. At once the Commander was stomping his feet like a raging bull, and a tear filled his left eye, it was not for the loss of a victory, and it was for Yort being abandoned. My heart was raging also, as if in a cockfight. He looked at me, with one thought going into his mind. The Amazons were at Yort right this very minute killing our citizens, right this very minute cutting heads off, poking spears into to the lungs of our old men and women, stealing what they could. They had no mercy. They were like rats on a carcass—yet had he examined his own fighting legacy, it would not have been much different but do we not demonize the other to justify our reasoning. And the second question was how long they could last.
“Sound the horn,” commanded the Commander to the soldiers standing, standing ready by his tent, and “…we are headed back to Yort.”

Chapter Fourteen

The Tiamat

We rode all night, which killed a dozen horses, so we had no choice but to rest them or loose the rest; then the commander ordered the foot soldiers to continue on marching, which were about four-thousand. And being part of the Calvary I got to rest with the other fifteen-hundred or so soldiers until morning. In the morning we started up again. We got back to Yort in seven-days flat, it was 11:00 AM when we arrived, the sun was shinning, it was low, and seemed to burn my back somewhat, along with my neck and heat up my armor on me faster than usual. As we walked slowly, -- within five-hundred feet of the fortress looking toward the forest, to see if there was an ambush in ready, it seemed safe, then I caught focus of the huge doors to the city, we [we being: my platoon and I] noticed they were open.
Several people came running out, cloths all torn, some burnt from head to toe, scorched face, hand pealing red, with flesh showing. Others had to be carried out under their arms, or on stretchers. Then Semas came to my side, and the Commander standing not far from me, heard Semas tell me: “They came two days after you left sir. There were about two-thousand of them. They overwhelmed us, as you can see, burnt the city somewhat, and took many babies, a few women, and several men. They killed all the soldiers, to include your mother and father, I’m very sorry Sinned, so very sorry.”
Revenge was going through my mind now, I held back my tears, and I think I was in disbelief, for I had just asked, just at that moment:
“Is Mom all right?” Then I caught Semas’ eyes. I shook my head, “I, I, I damn it.” I was stuttering. Then the Commander asked,
“How did they know when we left, and for that matter, how did they know where we were going?”
I was trying to get my breathing back to normal I wanted to catch my breath. Said Semas,
“One of the Amazons, the queen I think, stopped at the Tiamat’s temple, and I read her lips, it was a ‘thank you,’ that she said.”’

I was holding back my tears yet, as we entered Yort to see bodies piled upon on one another. Semas said he buried my parents in our backyard, but he could dig them up if I wanted to give them a proper burial. I said nothing, I could not look at him, I was either going to cry, or shout. I was a soldier above all, and I needed to act like one. My time for grieving would come. I was too angry at the moment, to fuming to talk at this split second also, so I said nothing.
Horses were laying dead, arrows all about. I really didn’t know if the farmer was seeing the Amazons coming or going now. What would I do, my life had changed in a matter of days. The Tiamat said she’d get my step- father, like she got my real father, and she did. My father said revenge is for the One God, not for us. But in my mind, it is all I wanted now. And so I pray for this revenge to take place while I lived. If I was not allowed to be the one to get it, by the great God I prayed he would let me see it, let my eyes gaze upon her death.

As the days passed, the Commander gave us all another ninety-days of rest, and to take care of things. Our nation had been crippled, but not defeated. We needed time to morn, take care of our wounds. We all pulled extra duty throughout Yort in those ninety-days, ensuring the city was secure. Never again said the king, never again would he leave the city so unprotected.
King Thesas I, ruler of Yort, a ruler of much renown, and respected by all, thus, he now walked about the city, he was not taken as a prisoner by the Queen of the Amazons, she said it was her duty to leave him there to care for his people. I would expect this may have angered the Tiamat. I was trying to think about what he was thinking, as I looked at him, looked at him walking about aimlessly, he seemed to have a distant look on his face, depression, a suicide look, his head was down as far as it could go, almost as if he was ashamed to be king, almost like he was looking for the cliff to the sea, so he could jump off of it. We all knew it wasn’t his fault, it was just a bad judgment call, for he listened to his generals, and priests as all kings do, and made a decision; but yes, one that was, rash, hopeful, but very costly. He was just shaking his head all about, as if he was about to go crazy, fanatical. What was he thinking? I would have given one-hundred ounces of gold to find out, if I had it to give. I would guess, burying the dead, rebuilding the city, revenge like me, that’s what he was thinking; for that is what I was thinking.
About 20% of the city was damaged, some areas pretty bad. And about one-hundred children were missing, after the count was completed that is, along with four-hundred and eighty soldiers killed, and eight-hundred civilians. It was a bad, bad day for Yort; grotesquely bad. It will be remembered for the rest of my life time, locked someplace in the many chambers a man has in his mind: I knew it would reshape me, my thinking, my life, my goals, my everything. I did learn something from all of this, I think I will carry with me for a life time, that the enemy can be creative, when it is weaker than you, it has to be, to show its strength. Look at what no one else is looking at, that is what they did, should I ever get a command, I will surely remember this, was will every other soldier that is at York this day.
In war I have learned there are many kinds of weapons. They did what I would have done, not that I think of it, had I been in their place, had I wanted to battle with York and win, or if not win to wound Yort, for winning was not on their agenda, they knew in the long run it was not winnable with their resources, so they took the next best thing, the wound, the awful and damaging wound.. They knew they could not take Yort, and keep it for very long without having to give it back, that is why they left. But their commander was cleaver. I have learned in war one major thing in commanding, a good commander defeats and must destroy his opponent with as few casualties as possible. The Queen of the Amazons did just that with her siege on Yort. And another thing, you attack at a place one must secure, this brings out the enemy. She hit the beating heart of the nation. And now the whole world will know we are vulnerable, not as untouchable as these walls proclaimed to be; the ones we prided ourselves in before the Amazon conquest. Tomorrow will come, and I hope we will be ready.

The First Night Back at Yort

That evening as I lay down to sleep the first night back in Yort my heart was beating fast, my eye lids seem to be jumping with my pulse. But I knew I was falling into a sleep, but not completely, a dream, a fog seemed to be filling my head. I created a song as I shifted over clouds and sea, the motion the motion, tears were coming out of my eyes: from my eyes, my mother and step-father were at peace, they seemed to be telling me that anyhow. I was looking for permission to have revenge, but in my drifting, and dreaming I got no approval. A song seemed to come to my mind.


My beloved city by the Dardanelle’s
By the Aegean and Black Sea
Born from the seeds of Atlantis
We became the forbidden fruit
The world wanted to pick for victory

And at the edge of your gates
That tower like giant wings;
There stands Yort, destroyed
Citadel, platform, trenches
Filled with soot and debris

But I will not let you die
Not ever, not ever, not me…

End of book One

Book Two

Tiamat, Mother of Demon

“To know the myths is to learn
the secret of things.”
Mircea Eliade 1907--

Chapter One

The Fortress and the Forest
[6807 BC]

As I stepped down from the pedestal the crowed started clapping. I looked into their eyes, shopkeepers, merchants, old soldiers, priests, and alike, they clapped as if I had something worthwhile to say. I was simply talking on my travels, the travels I had done. They liked hearing about the Titans who built the pillars that held up the city place of Knosses, along with its underground structures, that held the bullfights for the Titans, who were in reality, really the race that ruled by the side of Atlantis, an island-continent by the pillars of Hercules—out in the great Atlantic Sea, whom also was a Titan. These were angelic renegades, turned gods I told them. Some believed me, some didn’t. Some worshiped them, and thought what I said was blasphemy, and hated me for it. But all clapped none the less. I shock a few hands as I walked through the crowd, on my way out of the city.
The city walls made the metropolis hotter than the forest outside its fortifications, and so I was headed for the city gate. I liked walking in the narrow streets where the shadows hid me from the scorching sun. The large temples kept the heat away from my body. I wore a straw hat with a cotton lining. It was softer on my forehead.
For six long months this heat was always down upon the city it seemed. But then it was no different than any place in Asia Minor. But being a soldier for eleven-years, you learn to live in places not so hot. Half of them pass your mind every time you get a hot spell like today.
I noticed smoke coming from the temples, they were sacrificing to the gods. I had but only one God. It was taught to me when I was young. By the great stone structures in a land called Egypt. They did not know his name, but he was of three circles on a pyramid. And they all were stuck together. And I was told to pray to the Great One. And so this is what I learned. There were not many like me, who believed in One God. It was the way it used to be, I am told: that is, until the many gods came, and then it became a popular thing to believe in.
Such as Teammate, I have never seen her but am told she was the first born of a half god; --someone who had a man’s body, and angelic wings. The other gods who gave her birth were really angels I was told. And now we have this new mother god, Tiamat, who was the first born. I guess they call her that because her father had intercourse with a beast, making her one third beast one third human and one third angelic being; she had several children. I had met two of them in the past.
Another god of sorts within the city walls was Marduk, from the main angelic breed, meaning, he was half man and half angelic. He was not very happy with the Tiamat. And from what I heard during many of my travels, would most likely have an encounter some time with her. Both wanting the others worshipers, temples, and power I would seem.
The peace of the city is what I loved most though, and was always most concerned about. Even though we had many gods and envy along with jealousy, we had peace. I had fought many wars with the great King Thesas I, and had retired but a year ago. It was nice. I had my own little house, a slave to take care of my belongings and serve me meals, wash my cloths, etcetera. He was old, but wise, his name was Semas.
“Sinned,” I heard my name being called, it was Prince Thesas II. As he approached me, half winded, not well for a boy of twenty-two, he stopped to get his air.
“I need your wisdom, old friend.”
“And how can I be of assistance,” and old friend I told him, I am only thirty-three. He laughed.
“The elders want me to rule the city-state. I fear they will take over if I don’t. They think my father is dead and will not return from war. Please give me your advice?”
I had fought with his father up to a year ago. He was a loyal and a brave man; a good and kind king. But I knew if his son was to take his place, being king, he would simply be a figurehead. And so I commented, “Your father got to be king by blood and battle. If you take this upon yourself, they will be your master, the clergy and politicians of the city. Tell them to wait, that you talked to me.”

The Walk in the Forest

Once again I returned to my walk out to the gates of the city as Prince Thesas II, the son of the king walked away with several new thoughts in his head. As I stepped into the densest dark—the cool forest, with beams of light shining through the top of the forests’ foliage, to guide my way I, stopped as I usually did by a huge cedar tree, I called Weasel, because it was huge and had a big pole like sticking up and out of its center; you couldn’t miss it if you tried. Weasel, was a word I made up during one of my battles years ago in the cold lands of Germania. I liked the forest, even though it was dangerous and filled with demons, beasts and robbers. But even the robbers feared this forest, for it was the home away from home for the famous Tiamat, whom I never really seen. So they were not plentiful.
As I rested I saw a figure approaching me ahead. It looked like the First Born. I had seen him several times in the past; he was swinging his arms like an ape. He had the head of a bull, with little horns. And was naked and hairy as a beast; he was Tiamat’s first born— as, as she was the first born of an angelic Watcher. Before her there were no demon-beasts. She was more like her son “Untamable,” I was told. And I had seen the boy on a few occasions. She had winds like an angel, a body of a fish and a head of a serpent. Five fingers like a human, and feet of hooves and toes like a paw. Her son was much like that also.
As I lay back against the tree the First Born approached me.
“Hello Sinned”, he said with snarl.
“I like you.” He was young for his age, and still growing. In time he would be a force to reckon with, but I did not fear him much at his age, although he wanted to build a reputation, thus becoming a hero unto this brother, and mother, and onlookers, like Hercules; --and what a better way than testing it on me.
He cautiously walled around my tree several times as if to size me up, with his hideous looking head. I did not like the position I was in. I was too vulnerable for the liking. I jumped up quickly landing on my feet like a soldier flying through the air. The beast jumped backs a foot, looked startled. I caught his eye, he cried: “My, my … mother told me not to fight with you, to leave you for her…” He turned around and ran—and ran, until he faded into the windless forest.

The Farmers

I then started to walk deeper into the forest, making a turn to the South-East, where the open land was, the grazing and farming area. As I got to the edge of the forest I looked about to see if either the First Born was around or his brother. His brother was younger, but more daring than he. Then in the distance I noticed several horses and ponies by a stack of hay. They were about 1000-meters from the great walls of the city Yort. A dangers area incase there would be robbers, strangers or demon wanting a quick meal, or needed a ride.
“Hello,” I called to the two standing by the hay stack. They looked at me carefully. Not pulling away: assuring themselves one way or the other.
“I tell you Sinned, you are welcome, come forward.”
It was their way of saying all was well; --for they had spears and swords by their sides ready to defend their property and lives. I knew them kids well. I had been to their house many a times knowing their father and mother. It was Ydoc who had called me forward, and his twin brother was by his side, Nwahs.
“Hello, hello, my fathers great friend, and fighting warrior.”
He had said that simply because he remembered the many stories his father and I sat and talked about around a warm fire drinking wine, sometimes to its last drop. We fought a great siege-battle when he was but 10-years old, 9-years past. It was with the Amazons. They had come to destroy the city. But ended up leaving, but not without killing twenty percent of the 15,000-inhabitants, of which fifteen percent were men. They took with them several women of the city and over a hundred female children, some babies. It was a black month. For it took that long to rid them of the forest, and encampment they made around our city walls. They promised to come back someday and do what they had come to do the first time, destroy these great walls.
“When,” said Ydoc, “Are you coming over to talk to father and us. My sister loves your stories, and Sotilrac, our youngest recites your stories by heart now.” Sotilrac was born with a birth defect. He had little use of his hands and legs, but he helped around the house mostly, and was a pleasant lad.
“Soon,” I said to Ydoc, “I have stayed away too long, I will have to stop by soon”; having said that I left the two boys to walk back to the walled city.

The Priest – Elder

Had they built the walls any smaller, or not as thick, I would not be saying these words to myself. I would be dead with the rest of the city. There was a faint darkness ahead; it came to rest right on top of the draw bridge, beyond the moat. I saw Thesas arguing with one of the elders: as I approached.
“There are no obligations, your father has been gone a year Thesas II, or prince.” The elder looked at me, I knew him well, he was my fathers friend before he died in the battle of the Amazons, along with my mother, brother, and grandfather; my whole family. He looked cautiously at me.
“I do not demand anything, it must be his will or desire in these matters, Shinned. It is that of the people. We need a leader,” said the priest.
On one hand he was right, on the other, I knew I had to be loyal to my king, for he wanted to strip him of his kingship, give it to his son, and thus, rule the city with either one of the gods, Marduk or the Tiamat.
“The king must live,” I said with a loud voice. Replied the elder, “It shall be as you wish, Sinned, but please be fair in your speaking, and thoughts, I can have the position placed within my power. We could even choose you as King.”
“Ah,” I snarled.
“But I do not ask any man to put this upon me, least I be a trader to the king. If you but say a word that I had any such desire, I shall cut your lungs out and feed them to the demon of the forest.”
“You shall have your way, but before this year is up, I dare say, we will have a new king, be it Thesas the II, yourself, or me. And I am not a good chose, Sinned.”
He was right on one hand, we needed a king before the city rebelled, and on the other he was not so right. And it was not because he was a bad person, or elder, simply because he was of the old laws. If one was to marry the woman would have to sleep with him before her husband; this was part of the old law, such old laws many did not like. And he was of he old Temple of Re, the Sun god, --and believed in many of the old laws of the Watchers; such as, blood sacrifices of women and children. Being buried alive with your king as they did not long ago in the land by Egypt in upper Nubia, --four hundred were buried with their king. I can only imagine the spasms and fear along with agony that they felt. That is not to say they did not do it willingly, but them days are gone thank God. And these priests built temples to them. No man would be free to worship as he pleased.
It was King Thesas’ grandfather who brought back the stone, and he surely would destroy it. It was a ton in weight, and taken from the hands of the Tiamat when she was sleeping. The grandfather King, and my grandfather, brought it back from Mesopotamia, when he was in war with that land 115 years past.
When she couldn’t find the stone, she tormented her father until he found it in our city walls. But before he could do anything, he was chained to the abyss of the pit; her father was an angelic-watcher; leaving her to fend for herself. He had also given her the land of Asia Minor, and Mesopotamia. She swore she would knock the walls down of this city someday to get that stone, but until then she simply had fools build her a temple with the city. And the only reason she didn’t as because she was afraid of two people, Marduk, the elder’s choice for a god, whom was the descendent of one of the Watchers, but was half human and angelic. And of the One God person, who sent the angelic force down to the pit in chains; her father being one of them, whom now is resting in that god forsaken pit of the abyss. She knew Sinned was a follower of him.
And so the Mother Demon, left well enough alone for the time being. And the my grandfather along with Thesas’, carved in the stone the new laws of freedom: such being, to worship who you will; to walk freely in the city without harm; to speak freely at the podium without being incarcerated; and to make laws by way of petition to the elders, who would bring them to the king, one law that was passed that way was the law of the right of the king to take to bed the woman who was to be married, prior to the wedding. And all had a fair vote in the process, but the king having one percent more. But even the king knew not to go against high odds, even if they were in his favor. The tide could go against him, and many a king had lost his life because of overlooking the wants and needs of the elders.
And I too, knew this as well as the king. Access to the thorn made sense; it was access to the temple, and to the city gates. Only the king and the elders could tell secrets from our ears. It was better to be in the crowed that did the talking. And so I smiled to show the elder Ossacip I meant no harm, and I did understand, and respect his opinion.
He left with peace on his face. But someday the Tiamat would come back to imprint on the stolen stone her demands; As we had cracked the stone in half, smashing it to pieces, and keeping the other half, carving our laws and rules on them.
“Let us precede, Sinned,” said Thesas II.
And on through the gate we walked.
“I must trust your judgment, yet at the same time I fear the elders, especially the power Ossacip has, --for he has been an elder for many years.”
“I do not fear him,” I replied.
“Nor for that matter you or your father; or their gods Marduk, or Tiamat, or her sons. I only fear my God.”
It was with difficulty I restrained myself and said no more on the subject. If he should become the leader, it would not be the end of the world; he would make a good king, although he would have to grow quickly.
With silence we both walked through the gate, I swung my hat off to cool my head, and bid him Good-by, as he walked to his quarters, and I to mine.

Chapter Two

The Decision

As I walked along the cannel that lead out to the moat, and to the river that circled the fortress, and down to the Mediterranean Sea, out of the corners of the narrow streets mingled shadows of many people getting water to bring home, and mysterious looking priests appearing and going back into the temples, an all-enduring days work.
Beyond the cannel that cross-crossed the mighty fortress where ten thousand of the fifteen thousand inhabitants lived within the walls of this city-state the rest being outside the walls but within a 2000-meters radius; Was the Chamber of darkness, which lay the stone of Mesopotamia, a treasure to the people of the city? It was kept in the bowels of the free temple, where there were no god-statues, or prayer allowed. Just the stone, 30-feet below the earth, kept in a tent like square. And only allowed to be seen by the elders, and once a year it was paraded around the city for the Feast of the Rock.
I walked by the temple of the Mesopotamia Rock Temple, slowly. Then I walked up its 13-steps as if a man was paddling through mud. My reaction was to go see it, as I had the right as a veteran of many wars, and held the rank of 3rd in Command.
The guard immediately appeared from inside the temple. I could see the lights in the temple seeping though the door way. “Ex Commander, can I be of assistance,” said the guard. Directly before me he stood.
“I was going to look at the rock, read it again, but I changed my mind.” And he then disappeared back into the temple, blocking the light and bringing back the darkness that had filled that space before.
As night was starting to fall, I heard an awful roar, as if it came from the subterranean caves of the Tiamat’s children. At night sometimes they liked to wake up the dead. It was a way of scaring the city folk; terrorizing them.
As I reached my house, Semas, my slave was waiting outside by my gate, tending to the garden.
“Are you hungry sir, “he asked politely?
“No, just tired, very tired,” I commented.
Having said that he went into my room and readied my bed. With a sigh from my chest, looking down as if I had a big belly to look at, and I didn’t, turning the covers over and down I fell went with a mighty reckless thump. Semas, laughed, “You must be tired, to drop like that sir.” He responded.
Semas was from an island in the Black Sea. His father was killed by the Amazons, and my father had taken him in as a boy slave when he was but 12-years old. He now was in his 60’s. Faithful to the last he always seemed. I often said how lucky he was to have a nice home like this, and good masters. I often thought, and grateful he was for the little things. He liked his place in life; he liked his family, which was me now. Funny, I seemed to have wanted more out of life. But now that I look at him, I wonder who got the more, me or him.
He had lived long for a slave, but my father was always fair with him. And he chose after his death to stay with the house hold. He surely was family; he had not married, for being castrated at a young age, to serve on the island as a king’s servant. But the king was butchered by the Amazons— and ever since never had any affairs that I knew of with males or females. But then I was gone off to war for much of the time.
I had slept for several hours, and could not force myself to sleep any longer. And so I found my way out of the bed, walking outside of the house. The air was cool, and Semas was asleep on the porch, sleeping on a rug, with his hands as a pillow.
As I looked up into the sky there seemed to be many stars this evening. More than usual; never in my life could I remember seeing so many stars, I told myself, a full moon to boot. As I sat on the steps, I seem to drift off, hours seemed to pass. Several times I caught myself asleep, only to shake my head to see if I wasn’t. At last the sun started to come up over the horizon. I was convinced, this century I lived in could be the last one. Maybe one more big war to be fought; who knows, no one really ever knew, why? never knowing if the enemy was coming from the land of the Greeks, or the Egyptians, is the worry one has to sense as days pass, that is a soldiers, a leaders dilemma of course; or for that matter, if the Demons of the forest had a plan to invade. I could scarcely restrain from shouting. But I knew what was bothering me now.
They had gotten to me, my nerves I fear; the elders, the prince, the lost king, and the demon-son. Quickly I abandon all my previous thoughts, and told Semas, I was going to go look for the king. That he was to inform Thesas I, that I would be gone for a short period of time, and have him inform the elders; that upon my return, I would either bring the king back, or why I couldn’t. I knew I was 6-months behind on this task. I just didn’t want to have anything else to do with the military. And now I was going to be a one man army. God help me.
I made good time putting together the things I need for travel. My sword, knifes, some bread, and dried beef. Two water sacks, and a spare pony, plus the horse I was to ride. A mirror, salt, and fire wood, very dry, so it could be lit easily. I instructed Semas to tell Thesas to give me three months, and if I did not return, to make his decision to be king or not. I knew the elders would at least wait that long for a response. And I suppose what they really wanted was a deadline so they too could go on with their lives.

Chapter Three

The Hunt for the King

And now came the hideous days and nights I walked through the forest, looking for any sign of he king. Hoping to find the First Born or his brother, and assured somewhere along the line I would meet up with Tiamat, although this was not an ardent desire. And so by night I build a circle of fire around me, as so the demons would not capture and eat me. Or bind me so as to toy with me until they got tired, and then cast me to the sea. As the weeks passed and the forest rats and vermin-snakes, and mud pulled at my every step, I thought of the glorious outlook that might be ahead. Finding the king alive, and bringing him home with his three hundred soldiers.
Or would I find myself after a few days walk in the fields further bloody fields of body parts left behind by beast and demons. If I were lucky enough to kill a demon-beast, he would be cast to the netherworld I was told. I had never killed one myself, although I had killed many an enemy with my sword. Many of the bodies were torn apart from waist down. Eaten away by cannibalism if not buried quickly, if not the boars the beasts, and sometimes by the hungry robbers of the forest. But even they feared the long stay in the wooded areas.
It was the evening of the 40th day; I had made my circle, and lit the fire around it. In the center of the circle was a large rock where I laid my head on, with a piece of cloth to make it less hard. I was naked because of the heat, and the long walks that brought exhaustion. As a fighter, and soldier, cloths often got in my way. I had cut my hair short, for the same purposes for in battle, it could be your death, should someone grab it to secure a hold, and cut your head off. Thus, it was not to your advantage. The hair on my face was cut for the same reason, and so I remained cleaned shaved.

The First Born

As I rested, I noticed a figure approaching me, it jumped into my circle as I tired to open my eyes, and my head hit back upon the rock. There was a moment of extreme utter blackness, as if I was on top of something looking down. Then I awoke. It was the First Born; he had jumped clear across the circle, kicking me in the head landing on the other side. He was laughing.
My eyes opened wide involuntarily during his laughing. He asked: “What you looking at old man, “laughing again.
“A wrinkled face, withered beyond description, limbs hanging like an ape, ribs showing like a cows, this is you.”
I grabbed a mirror jumped up to the end of the circle, mirror in one had, sword in another, he looked wide eyed in the mirror, my agility was superb. I leaned over as he was in anguish over his sight, and with my right hand took the sword across the fire sliding it along his shoulders, and cutting his head off, as his torso ran like a chicken bumping into trees.
I jumped over the circle of fire and cut his limbs off his torso, and cracked his skull open. And it lay there rotting. A black mist, configuration came out, and was quickly taken to the underworld. This is not how I wanted it to end. I wanted to question him about the king, but as always he wanted to be a hero, and this was good timing for him he thought. I knew now time would be sort for me, his mother would be looking for him, as well as his brother.
I stood watching his futile body parts, effortlessly trying to reconnect it, but it was too shattered. And so I gathered my belongings from the enclosure, and headed deeper into the forest. I was not a new comer to the forest, and remained quite naked, carried a club in one hand, a sword in the other, and my horse and pony carrying the rest.
I knew now I would have to deal with the manic brother of the First Born. He would be more atrocious. And the mother demon, the Tiamat: both serious opponents, and antagonists. Death at their hands would mean the city would be up for grabs. Thesas II would never be able to hold power long.

Journey to the Untamable

Several more days had passed before I got wind of a smell. Sometimes you can smell a demon; usually it is at their desire. And when they are trying to cause havoc— as I approached a cabin of sorts, in the thickness of the forest, I saw an old man lying over a stump of a tree. His legs looked broken, the side of his jaw crushed, and he was holding his groin area as he was castrated. In the cabin, was a woman screaming. I grabbed for my bag of salt, and walked up to the old man.
“Who has done you harm, and who is doing you’re…” before I could end the sentence he cried: “It is the Untamable, he has been here day after day raping my daughter. Killed my wife and I can not do a thing; she must be pregnant by him by now, I fear.” Tears rolling down his eyes, as he was in agony.
The Untamable must have heard us talking, for the cries had stopped. He then stood covering the doorway, with the old man’s naked daughter being pulled by her hair. She was bleeding badly from bite marks, scratches across her back, and here legs were badly brushed. She was bleeding from half-dozen places I couldn’t make out for certain where.
He hadn’t known about his brother’s doom I gathered for he simply looked at me with a satisfied heart. “Here, Sinned, you can have her now.” He said with his viper like tongue hanging from his mouth.
“Mr. Untamable,” I said with as much friction as I could hold back, “I’d like your assistance.”
“You call me Mr. What do you want, for surely there is a point to this.”
He bowed his head looking at the girl. It was my time to kill him I thought, this chance may never come again, but I couldn’t until I got the information I came for.
I tried to show him the picture he created didn’t bother me. “I’m simply searching for King Theses I. The city wants to make or crown a new king; in fear the old one is dead. I need to verify this.” He looked at me strange.
“Why not ask my brother, you two seem to hit it off good.”
He then started laughing, which was more of a roar as loud as a wild cat, the words came out: “HE IS DEAD! --months ago. His army is dead. And you better be on your way before you are dead.”
I was astounded he told me this. I started to walk away. “Ha, Sinned, don’t you want to know who killed him.” I did, but knew I had to play coy. I turned around; he wanted to tell me bad.
“I suppose, it would be nice,” I softly chanted.
“Come here, closer, I’ll tell you.”
I got within an arms length of him. He still had one of his hands on the girl’s hair. My sword was tied to my horse. I had a club in my left hand and a letter pouch in my right.
“What’s in the pouch” he asked.
“Water,” I said.
“My mother killed him. She ate him. His bones are in her stomach with all the little demons, which will soon be born.”
He started to laugh like his brother, and then the girl looked up at him, caught his eyes, and he lowered his head, at that moment I hit him with the club, and opening my pouch up, took the salt and throw it on him. He started to burn up like paper, and at the same time I beat his body until it was smashed all over the doorway. No single part was left of his body; it was all separated. It was like leather split open. A black mist came from him as the spirit part left the body and was sent to the underworld.
The woman was of great beauty, as she picked herself off of the blood stained wooden porch slowly, upward from her knees.
As I looked at the demon, he looked gruesome laying there in parts. There appeared to be a number of women running from behind trees, and wheat fields. Thus, within minutes she was attended by a score of women, some armed like warriors, others mothers and daughters.
The old man, the host of sorts, said with a smile, trying to pull his broken legs together: “I am not the captor,” a soft tone fading.
The tones and gestures of the woman, daughter to the old man, paused to give me a look, almost with shame. I could not do less than smile, and bid her Farwell; for she was marked mentally for life, and physically, she needed to deal with a pregnancy, a rape, and somehow go on with life.

Chapter Four

Meeting of Tiamat and Marduk
The Fire and the Jewelry

As I found my way to an open area not far from the sea, I built a great fire, and made my circle huge so the Tiamat would not be able to get me off guard, as did her son. I put my head against a rock again in the center of the circle and kept the fire going. I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to do should I meet this mighty Tiamat. I had seen her on occasions at her temple in the City. But she liked the sea, and was not all that interested, especially since Marduk’s temple was right across the street from hers.
It would be unwise not to fear such a beast as the Tiamat; she was the mother of all the first generation demon-beasts. Marduk was one of the first generation of the angelic-demon, not having the genetic third trait of the beast: normally a more powerful race, having more superpower that is.
I had also seen Marduk on occasions at night walking up and down his temple steps. He was a pacer. Both were huge creatures to say the least. But Marduk feared the One God in Three more than the Tiamat, an unwise choice by her, I think. And they both knew I was a priest of sorts within our temple; although we had only about ten members now. Many from our, or should I say my congregation shifted over to the Baboon-god temple, and some to the Ram temple, or Marduk‘s temple; but most feared the One God in Three Temple.
The Tiamat mingled in the sea mostly, and gave birth to all them little demon that normally went their way after several years of learning all they could from her. She was not going to be happy with me for killing her two sons. For her surely she knew by now; and she knew of me, if she had not seen me pacing my steps at my house a number of times. That is all we had in common. But I knew she would be patient of course. She had been around for 6000-years I was told. Her wings did not help her fly all that much, although she could for short distances. Her body was too big. And her fish like skin and her snake like face, with horns, was nothing but ugly. But she had her follower’s none-the-less.

Meeting of the Tiamat

As I put more wood on the fire, and lay back with my sword by my side, knife by my belly, I quickly fell to sleep. I was dreaming of the Tiamat’s mouth dripping saliva trying to get to me. Trying to take her long thick tail and wind it around my legs to pull me out of the circle. Her big five finger hands, with her long nails, and feet like a bears were all reaching over the fire trying to grab me. She was infuriated over the loss of her two sons she held close.
All of a sudden my head hit a bottom portion of the rock, as if I was made to slip. I opened my eyes, and there she was; the great Tiamat swinging her tail at me.
“I am going to eat you, like I did the Thesas’ II, father.”
She hesitated, looked about, it was dark, and then got brave saying: “Your God is never around besides s, so don’t think he will protect you or scare me.”
I knew she had a fear of him, but she was emotional now. Anything could happen.
I couldn’t get close to the fire without putting myself in danger. I figured I would die fighting, like a soldier. I knew what happened to the King for sure now. She cast a quick glance at me.
“I will leave your corpse right where you sleep for the hogs, and rats to eat, my Sinned, old friend,” commented the Tiamat.
I was not her old friend. She had heard of my military conquests, and adventures I was in and therefore was mocking me as of little effort to her, for a quick kill. She was simply trying to build herself up in thinking she had a good rival to conquer.
As the night faded away, and the sun was rising, the wood around the circle was but a flicker. She looked at me with a thirst in her eyes.
She commented, “Oh please don’t hurt me.”
She was making fun of me again.
Then I replied: “You can not harm me without harming yourself.” She was about fifteen-feet from me. She knew what I meant. Diligently she looked about. No body was there. Then she looked up in the sky. She noticed something but couldn’t make it out.
“Why have I gone to such pains to get you I don’t know,” commented the Tiamat.
“If you take my life, I pray this minute my God will bind you in the pit.”
Her eyes opened up wide. It was the one thing no demon wanted. The underworld was not half as bad as the abyss of the pit.
“But can you can not do it anymore,” said the Tiamat; then adding, “I do know that at one time you had such powers given by your One God. But I have not heard of any demons going to that place in a long time by your hands.”
I said with a revengeful smile, and pride in my God, “You will surely suffer the consequences should you cast me into your large mouth.” She started laughing again.
“I do like you, and you killed my children; my very dear children.”


At that moment, Marduk showed up. “What do you want, Marduk,” asked the Tiamat.
“To help Sinned,” he answered.
He was full of it. He had something else on his mind, I told myself. Life was not so simple with such powerful creatures. They had been mortal enemies for six thousand years I had heard. One would guess Marduk to be the stronger one, but Tiamat was no one to fool with either. But was he ready for this fight. She was prepared to fight anyone at this juncture. He was too calm.
Marduk blew fire in the Tiamat’s face, and she leaned over and hit him with her long powerful tail, knocking him on the ground. She smiled. He came back up with his long claws, and dug them into her body, as she gorged him in the shoulders with her horns. He then grabbed her by the jaws and looking down deep into her stomach area seen a thousand little demon—and blew fire into her. She coughed up several fetuses, along with jewelry from the king. Marduk jumped back in fear she had a good stance and could use her horns, weight, and tail to damage him; --plus she could fly at angles trying to out maneuver him, although with his four eyes, he could see almost every movement.
Coming to a draw, the two were tired, and the Tiamat left. Marduk said in a harsh voice, you owe me. I told him to look in the sky. There were two angels: Ura’el and Asor ‘el.
“Mr. Marduk, I will never worship you, nor do I owe you a thing. You simple saved the Tiamat’s life. Had she harmed me, she would be in the pit. As you would be,” I said, answering his question.
Commented Marduk, “Oh well, I had fun with that old witch of a demon; her day is coming, and maybe your is also –Sinned!” --having said that he, left as he came, unexpectedly

Chapter Five

The Golden Ring/ and the Sea

“The ring,” a voice said, “Pick up the ring”. As I searched the ground, the puke from the Tiamat stomach, and the dead corpses stunk: smells beyond human the senses--so nauseating, and putrid I had to stop breathing at intervals, hold my breath, let it out slowly or pass out—at points when holding my breath when I got near the fetuses, I choked on my puke coming up from my insides, in contesting what I was seeing. As I leaned down to she something gold like shinning, I pushed away some of the debris, it was Kings Thesas I, ring. His initials were carved in it, “TI”; I picked it up, wiped it off with a large leaf by a tree, and put it on my index finger for safe keeping. It fit quite well. I would bring it back home now, if ever I could find home.
I told myself this time I would go home by the way of the mighty sea. It was the sea that was by my mountain fortress, the one I could see when looking down. And so with the salt water breeze drifting inland, of which I could smell, I followed it to its edge.
From this distance, standing on shore I could see three islands. They looked like a big fish. I will chose whichever one I come to first, I told myself. Then go to the second and third if need be, and to the sea again, and beyond and home.

The Way Home - The Islands

I wasn’t sure how far I had gone, in the past six-months if not longer. I was sure Thesas II, was king now, and having his troubles. I looked up toward the sky once more [standing on the edge of the sea]; kind of a way of absorbing the reality of another will, other than humankinds and demons, there was a higher order, thank God.
“You saved my life once, angels of the sky. Please thank your God [our God] for sending you.”
Having said that, I went among the many trees built a stone ax, and started cutting a few down to create a barge; I had seen them used, and built during the wars I fought, and we even had a few of our own at our city of Yort. Many had brought supplies for the fortress from other lands also. I had not built one before, but with the wood from the trees I started to put one together. I also used wooden pegs to fasten the water craft together.
Again I built a campfire with a large ring of fire around it. For several days as I continued to build this raft of sorts. I had no meat during this build project, or time to find any, but I ate figs that were growing all about. Did some fishing with a spear, and dug some holes in the ground near the trees where I knew fresh water would have been, for their roots.
Slowly the barged emerged. I told my self, kidding; I would make an ideal sailor. Although I was a solder never thought of being on the sea for more than it took to get to a location for battle.
As the days came and went the barge was ready by about the 45th day. I put the few supplies I had left on it, and made my home on the 20 x 20 foot square box, and when I pushed it into the sea, it floated; to my amazement. I had a paddle to steer it, and a mask I could turn to catch the wind. I had made it out of the skin lining of the
Horse and pony I had left behind. It took me six weeks to put it all together. It now was now going on seven and a half months in what I call captivity of the world.

At Sea

As I sailed for four days I could see the small island I witnessed from shore. But every time I got close to it, the tide would shift me away. It became frustrating. I cried to the God of Three Circles again.
“You may have noticed Sir, but because this tide keeps me out from the shores of the island; I can not make it back home.”
I thought dumb for saying it out loud, but maybe he would hear me. He did send two angels in the form of clouds to protect me before.
As night came, the sea became still and as shinny as a craftsmen making glass. The moon appeared to be as thin as ice, a sheet, or top layer of ice that is, over a lake, just slightly out this evening, yet, it seemed to be right over my head, with its pock-marked craters standing out, it’s funny I thought, something I noticed right away, something peculiar. It was almost as dark—or it seemed to be moreover—as dark as a gave-yard. I was once in a battle within a far off land called Libya, there I just stood and watched the black jackals roam back and forth, with the light of the moon shinning on these horrific creatures, looking for food, digging up the dead to have something to eat. I think they thought I was a ghost, for they left me to myself. I almost hated them for that. As if I wanted, and for the most part was, provoking a battle with them. And so I stood there in the dark of the night, watched them fight one another, running around me, pulling the meat off of the carcasses, as they ripped at them with their saber-teeth, pulling them up, and out from under their graves.

As the sea shifted back and forth, I had fallen asleep; and was once again in a deep dream. I was dreaming I had landed on the island, and all around me were natives pushing me about. I was dreaming of caves and the big mouth of the Tiamat. Then all of a sudden I awoke and noticed big fish where hitting my square raft: like sharks. I looked over board, and beside the several large fish, one huge one stood out, its mouth was as wide as the Tiamat’s, with sharp teeth, hitting my side of the raft. I thought this a gift at first from my God, then I saw the teeth again, they were hungry for me. They were as sharp as the Tiamat’s horns. Then several of them hit my raft from all corners. I was being shoved past the tide, and the raft pins, I had lodged to keep the wood together was starting to loosen up. And then, those teeth seem to get closer.
A storm started to pour heavy drops of rain, and the waves started to push me closer to the shores. One of the sides had fallen into the sea, and that large fish crept aboard the rafts on its belly using its fins, it opened its mouth wide showing me its teeth, and wild looking tongue. I quickly moved my right leg, and just at the right moment, and when it shut its mouth, it got a taste my blood, and the slippery wood slid the beast back into the sea. My leg was damaged, and I was loosing blood, but I had enough strength to hang onto the other side of the boat.
I shrugged my shoulders close to the sides of the wooden raft.
“My God, Lord of all the little gods here on earth, I am but a man, I can not fight these mighty waves, give me…”
And I passed out. When I awoke I was on the shore of an island, I was sure it was the one I seen from the land a few days ago.
I knew perfectly well, the mighty Lord, and his two angels had helped me. A thousand thanks I gave the Lord. My foe, the sea had been conquered, but not by me, I am not fool to think a brave man can do such things. A brave man can only do what I had done, pray to the God of Gods. And do all he can to survive. There is no more. He has to do the rest. It is fact. God may even chose such an ordeal to use to show a man he is no island. I held my hands in the air, telling the Mighty God in three, “I am no island,” I need no proof, and I had learned this lesson in War. One man is killed; a hero too many, while a coward stands still and survives. Only God knows why this is.

The Cave-Village

When I awoke from my weathered and drenched body, I was being brought to a cave, called, “The Cave of Darkness”, as the man Arthur, called it; a dwelling place with many inhabitants who had lived there some twenty-generations to date. They came from the wetlands of the North, he said, as we walked along the shore to his sub terrain village of watch of it, to see if it worsened, at the same time looking at it strangely, out of curiosity I gathered. I think he was trying to take my thoughts off of the pain I was having, and fatigue.
Said Arthur, to break the silence, “My fathers of long ago came from this land of the North, wet lands, an Isle called Nolova. They had lived there for 75,000-years. They built great things my ancestors told me, --for instance a walk way, kind of like a bridge some 8000-feet long. They cut down ten thousand trees to build it. You are a solder it seems, maybe you have heard of this land?” He asked me, hopefully. His daughter awaited an answer also, with anticipation.
“No, I have never been to that land, and yes, I was a soldier for many years, but I am not anymore, I guess.” I assured him.
Although I had heard of a land far to the north, and that it was wit, and there were tribes of people, and huge stones to the gods there. But these were only legends told me when I was a kid. I knew nothing more.
Said Arthur again, “My people moved to this island long ago to escape the wars, to have peace. Here in the Cave of Darkness, we have this. It is our home. We seldom leave it, except to go to a near by village and trade goods now and then. We do not hunt for food; only eat what can be grown.”
As the dark clouds started to cover the island, and darken the sky, Arthur suggested we move quickly, the Sea Devil, he said might be around, he comes during the night, and when people walk alone and when the clouds are dark. And so I tried to pick up the speed.
As we continued the long walk, he explained to me as we climbed a hill onto a higher level of ground, to journey overland some more. The monster was described as having twisted eyes, changeable cheeks, and full of wrinkles. An odd looking fish like beard, and disheveled head of hair more like thorns. It seemed to have feelers made of some kind of skin that curled. It had huge hands like the wings of a bat; with a scaly body. I thought of the Tiamat when I heard all this—maybe, just maybe one of her beast-demon sons; or a grandchild of sorts. Wherever the truth lied, they were scared enough to make me hobble like a drunken sailor to get away from the sea, and inland as far as possible before dark.

The Great Cave

When we finally got to the cave, I was taken through the main entrance cave which was a wide open space. It was full of people, males, females, and children; the men wearing a little cloth.--for myself, I had but a sword belt around me, with the sword hanging down along side of me. On my other side a knife propped tight against my belly. As for the rest of me, I was naked. Arthur the leader I gathered who found me and his young daughter brought me farther into the community cave. It was the largest cave I had ever seen. A civilization unto itself lived there. There seemed to be some kind of organization to things also, or at least, everyone was about doing something.
Families seem to have their own little sections; either dug into the side of the cave walls, or natural holes that were already carved out by god, producing a sleeping residence. Some were simply sectioned here and there out in the main open area. One might call it the plaza area. It was like an underground fortress.
They had huge pottery jars used as cisterns. I could smell lots of garlic around.
Explained Arthur,
“We do not eat meat as I have mentioned before and so we use garlic with most everything—.”
He then took me by the hand, as we explored his underground, village and my new home. There were animals about I noticed drinking water from stone trout’s. How unique I thought.
The cave had huge looking pillars all above and around the interior domain. And light was filtered through many holes in the ceiling of the cave. The ovens had chimneys to allow for ventilation and release of the smoke. A strange group of people I told me; but then, they were simple people making due with the necessities of life.
In all my life, no one had ever mentioned such a people. And for 20-generations, someone should have. On the level of a city, it was small, but it was a whole community. I had noticed not one soul left the cave. As Arthur had mentioned, this was home to them.
People now started to stop their chores and look at me as I walked through the cave’s center. I was introduced to many of the people. Arthur pointed out an empty cavern where I was to sleep, and yes, I was their guest --today. I would find out soon if this was going to be my new home for awhile.

My New Home

I was extremely tired and so I followed Arthur and his daughter as they lead me to my assigned area. A woman came up to us as I was about to lay down, and she put straw and a cotton blanket on the stone floor, for my bed. I thanked her and dropped right on top of it. Within minutes another woman came at Arthur’s calling with water and bandages to stop my bleeding.
I noticed the men now were mostly naked, but not as much as me; from the shoulders to the waist. The women had full garments on, a peasant’s style. They spoke a language I seldom heard, but understood somewhat. One with a lot of sounds in it— I had heard it from sailors, that is, sailors, passing through the sea ports and entrances to the Black Sea. They had come from the North, and that was all I really knew of them: a wild bunch you could say.

Cave Life

I had slept two days straight when the little girl woke me up, in fear I would sleep my life away I think. During my first week I found the cave was even larger and deeper then I had come to believe upon my first day of arrival. I explored it when I had time.
The more I got to know the people, I noticed very little of the going back and forth, or should I say, in and out of the cave. This still surprised me, even though I knew it before I had even entered the cave, Arthur had already explained to me, the people feel safe here, and seldom leave.
These were good and kind people, but lacked in the charm area. They had a flat affect. Seldom smiled, and just occasionally laughed, -- but very close to one another.
I noticed only a few people had shoes, and no hats. But they all seemed to be quite clean, and healthy.
The little girl I learned was called Aifosiram came each day with either fruit or some kind of raw or cooked vestibules for me. Her father was often busy watching over the cave, fending the few animals he had. His wife as I had learned went with her two other sisters to another island not far from this one, of which there were three all together. She had been gone a year. I was told they were living in another cave trying to get some extra supplies for the family, but never did return back. The father had gotten word they were fine. It was hard to believe since the other two islands were less than 25-miles away. The little Aifosiram was very sad about her mother being gone, and I think she was thinking I could bring her back, being a man of travel. But of course I could not, and I tried to avoid that area of thought whenever she brought it up.
In the meantime, the days passed by quickly, and before I knew it, I had been there going on six-weeks. I was actually starting to like it here. I would ask every day a few people if they needed help, and assist where I could. I kind of became a jack of many trades.

As Time goes by

After another two weeks I did not need a cane to walk with anymore. My leg had healed well from the bite the big fish took from it.
As I got to know the families, I noticed most had either a cat or a dog. At night the men would put on a turban sit with his wife at a table, children sitting on the ground floor of stone, some straw under them, and work on wicker baskets, and other such things. The elders would rest in the hammocks early on in the evening, and their children would find them snoring. There was always a large fire in the center of the cave where a new person each night would care for it.
The cattle drink from the troughs by my bedding most every evening. And this evening was a full moon evening: somewhat enchanting. As I looked up trying to get a better look at the stars through one of the larger holes in the cave ceiling, there were man cubicles with which the people kept their supplies. The fire was blazing. Young women were fixing their pony tails and bringing wine and water to the grown ups. And my little friend brought me a cup half filled with wine, the other half with cool water. She knew I liked it that way. I sat about fifteen-feet away from the fire with a number of the elders, as I usually did each night.

Time to Go

I knew I was still their distinguished visitor, but I had to tell Arthur I must be on my way in the morning. Go back to my land; even if I was unwillingly doing so, I had to. As we sat there I explained to him I had the king’s ring, and I had to bring it to his son Thesas II. That it was my duty to insure the city had a rightful king. Arthur understood this well, realizing his family came from the far off land of the North, and duty and leadership were prized virtues to have, if not top of the line values.
As morning came, the little girl woke me up. And her father explained how they had fixed my barge up, a week ago, assuming I would be on my way some day. It was hard to leave. I had got to know them all so well, even if they didn’t smile. I guess if I left them with any thing it was laughter, and a lot of smiles. It was all I could pay them with. They took nothing, and gave all.
As I approached the sea again, I bid my farewells to Aifosiram, a few other friends, who dared to leave their caves for a few hours, and Arthur. They all seemed a little more alive than when I first arrived. I got into my raft, put up the sail, and they gave it a push, and within minutes they looked like ants from afar.

Chapter Six

The Sea Devil/and the New Order

I tried to talk myself to going back to the cave people. But ever time I went to turn the raft around, I said to myself: ‘I am merely a subject!’…paused a minute, adding ‘Merely.’ But I can make a difference if I go back. The old king is dead. You--er--ah--soldier in heart, and like it or not it needs to be done. I need to preserve the city of the laws of the stone. The elders will try to take command. Yes, go home. And so each time I went to turn the raft, I had this to tell myself. Over and over, until I got far enough away from the island, I was a point of no return. Then it stopped haunting me.

The Sea Devil

I lay awake on the raft a long time, before I got my first night sleep. Then nights and days passed as if they were but another wave. It seemed forever. My fresh water supply was down to a few drops, and my bread was gone. I had caught a few fish, ate them raw. The beautiful little girl from the cave haunted my dreams. As did the Tiamat, who would came crashing in and out like an ongoing nightmare. One night I dreamed of an odd looking horned goat. One that had its horn receding back along its skull and turned up like a cat’s tale; I thought of the Egyptian gods of the winds. Right now I needed a strong North and Eastern wind. Maybe I was seeing a vision I thought; one that would come and save me; then that woman’s face that was forced to make love to the demon-beast came creeping into my nightmares. So much did I think about these images night after night, I started to drift off into a trance state? Then on the 9th day, my raft was hit by a great shove. I looked up, and there it was, the thing Arthur had told me about, The Sea Devil.
To be quite honest, I was somewhat happy to see it. It was buoyant, floating on water like a lily pad. The creature’s face was like its mothers or grandmothers, caught between a snake and a fish. It smiled at me.
“I’m simply waiting Sinned, you will die soon,” it said in a rustic voice.
I shook my head to wake up and make sure my dream was over. This sea was as big as the oceans people have told me about. How could I get back home? The monster was right it was just a matter of time. I than remembered that Arthur had mentioned this monster was not the smartest in the world. Maybe, just maybe, I could make a deal.
“Listen, Mr. Ah, Sea Devil, or whatever you are called. I want to make a deal with you.”
The creature just laughed, saying: “Now what do you have that I would want?”
I took off the king’s ring. Showed it to him, and then put my hand over the wooden raft as if to drop it in the water.
“Wait,” he said.
“Is that King Thesas’ ring?” I replied it was.
“What do you want for it.” he asked. I looked up in the baking sun, and around me, I could see no land.
“You seem interested in land,” he said, laughingly. He stroked his chin and eyed me narrowly to the point of being gratified he hand such power over me.
“Push me to the shores of my land and I’ll give you the ring. It was taken from non other than your,” I stopped, and he replied;
“Grandmother,” I added, “I think she’d think of you highly if you could give it back to her.”
He hesitated.
“How do I know you will keep your word,” he asked.
“I am too weak to fight you, and you are too young to win her glory without doing something big. To give her back this ring, would mean you tricked me, or killed me or something. You make it up, whatever suites you. I have no use for it other than to bargain with you. Plus, I am a man of my word, a soldier, a priest.”
He frowned a little, but knew I was right. I would not go against my word, and he needed something to impress the Tiamat with, at his young age.
“Ok,” he said with a seemingly low voice.
“I will carry you on my back.”
I thought about that, and told him no. It was against his nature to follow through on his word, he’d most likely stop in the middle some place, and try to feed me to the birds, but before hand, rip my finger off.
“No, I don’t trust you,” I answered.
“Ok, ok, I’ll push you it’s not all that far I guess.”
And like four horses racing on a track he kicked his feet, and his web arms which looked like a bats, and built up momentum. I swore he was going faster than the birds could fly. It must have been three-hours before I spotted land. And when he did, he made one big push, and the sale on my raft caught the wind, and I sailed to land the rest of the way.
He must have been warning out for he didn’t show up until I hit the coast about an hour later. He was still gasping for air.
“That was one long hall,” he mentioned to me.
I had gained my strength back by this time, and had my sword in my hands.
“Do you plan on giving me the ring, or must I fight you for it,” asked the beast.
“Do you think you would win,” I asked the beast.
He looked at me like a little boy about to pout. I took off the ring saying, “A deal is a deal,” and gave it to him. And with a smile that went from ear to ear he grabbed the ring, and jumped back into the sea, as fast as a bear grabbing a fish.

The City’s New Order
And Sinned Speaks

As I journeyed up the rocky structure, to the top of the plateau, I headed east to the great walled city of mine. It had been a while I expected the king to be under some pressure, if he still was king. And maybe a new order of sorts was in place. Especially with the priests, --they all wanted their temples to be number one— in particular, the temples of Marduk, the Tiamat, and the Baboon god. The House of the Ram was not normally a fighting religion. They were more peaceful. Like the waters of the Nile; although they did have a radical side to them, called the Baboon Whites the other sect, being simply the Ape or Baboon gods.
As I came upon the city, my heart started to jump. It was home. It was like jumping into a cool pool of fresh water. Your body knows it belongs there, or should I say here. I felt like a bird flying home to its nest, and all the little ones waiting. I wanted to run to it when I caught a glimpse of it. I could only see the front towers and the top of the walls, and one of the temples in the back. But that was enough for me to almost loose my breath in awe.
As I got closer the picture unraveled. I could see it all now. The whole front, and parts of the side structures of the walls. It’s funny, now that I think of it, when ever I could get a better view except if a bird was flying out over the city. This was a beautiful sight. I wanted to be home in my house, with my servant,--my friends—where I belonged.
As I got about 50-feet from the gates, a guard yelled, “Who goes there!”
I replied, “It is I, Sinned.”
A moment passed, another guard came, then another, then the Governor and Commander of the Armed Forces. The Commander was looking through his distance-crystal. I could see him holding something long. And I had held them before. They were cut according to the craftsmen’s ship of our ancestors. And you could see long distances. You could see an ant five hundred feet away if you had a good one.
I heard some one say, “It is Sinned,” and the gates opened. As I entered the gates, the sound of a horn went off, alerting everyone
Besides my arrival, something else was happening. And as I stepped foot into the city once again, several people came running to see if it was really me. A few were standing by the gate in disbelief, eyes wide open, and all about people started to clap and call my name.
There was the lovely Princess, and the King Thesas II, and many of my friends. My servant came running up and grabbed me in a bear hug; while the King came by side, put his hand on my shoulder, and quietly said, “Welcome home my friend, I wait for your report.“
Then after a few minutes of chaos, I asked the crowd to be silent so I could report to the king.
“Do you have news of my father?” asked the King.
A few people crowed around me to hear my answer. As I looked at them, they stepped back, for the king also was becoming impatient with the commotion.
“Yes, sir,” I said, “I do have news. Do you want it privately or in public? “
The king looked around, and felt he didn’t want to spoil the celebration, but needed to know the news. And now the priests were coming to see all the commotion.
“Tell me know, Sinned, the priests will demand it, and they have really taken over. They want to change the laws on the Mesopotamia Stone, especially the Temple House of the Tiamat. Since you have been gone, they have made a new order of sorts, the people have not voted on it yet, but it is suppose to be by months end. It will require everyone in the city to select one religion, and to eliminate the One God Religion. The Baboon-whites have been terrorizing everyone so they will pick their religion, or face some kind of reprisals. They have stolen babies and women from their husbands in the past, and now have threaten to do worse to the women should they loose the ‘pick‘. They have even went as far to openly state in the orator area to impregnate them, and then cut them open for the children and hide them so their husbands will not find them. I am becoming more of a figure head.”

The Orators Circle

“I see, I told the King,” adding, “We must have a debate at the orators area, now.”
As we started walking over to the speaker’s area, I ended up shaking a hundred hands or so. Twenty or thirty hugs and a few kisses along the way.
As we reached the open air stratum, called the Orators Circle, which had several circles of seats, I stood in the middle. Called the people to order as, they had been draw on to me in the past. Everyone was quiet. There were about five thousand people sitting. I started to tell them how happy I was to be home, in my city, where I belonged. I always started my speeches with something light. Then I told them about my journey, my meeting with the Sea Devil, and I explained how the Tiamat had killed the old king.
They remained quiet. Then I started into my second part of my speech.
“Our conflicts within our civilization within these walls seem to have more to do with our religious beliefs and freedom of, then our will for the people to live a happy and wholesome life; one that allows free will, and selection. We have allowed new and old religions to live within these walls, within it is a freedom, but it is the King who runs the city, not the religions. If your god demands what the city can’t provide, in the area of freedom on the Stone, then you should go seek a place to preach your beliefs out side of these walls.“
The Priests stared at me, talking among them. But none dared to bring this subject to a debate, not with a new and old hero standing at the podium. They were hoping the election might sway their way.
“Do you not agree priests,” they all looked at me—not saying a word; then suddenly, the people starting clapping.
“I say to the people of this great City. Think about the rise and fall of the demon-gods. They come and they go. They have done nothing to put food on your tables. But our soul demands we worship, for we are creatures of worship, and the stone says we can do so, with whomever we please.”
The priest were holding their breaths, thinking they were all going to be kicked out soon for trying to rob the people of rights. And then when they heard the last few words, ’free to worship,’ they gave a sigh of release. I did not put them in the corner. Nor mention their names.
“I say to the good and hard working people of this city, and to the good King we have. And the holy priests, the renegade angels who were once here, our ancestors worshiped them. But they too are gone now. And their giant sons from the Rephaim Circle, they were also worshiped here, but are also gone. The fact is, the city will change from time to time, change is inevitable, and we must change with the times. But it is not time for one religion to wipe out all the others. And this seems to be the new order developing.”
It was not a question I had asked them, rather a statement-question, one that would haunt them, and one they all knew was so.
I added: “Will we all be forced to worship Marduk, or the Tiamat out of fear? Oh, yes, it will be a moment of peace, and a life time of fear. Let us keep the laws of the Mesopotamia Stone as a reminder how far we have come in building a civilization within these walls. These ancient gods would have us blinded as was the case for our ancestors. We must crush the temples if they choose to have war with us citizens of the city. Let the priests rise and give oath to us in unity, or to them in war.”
The priests were lost for words. I over heard one replied to another, “What are we to do.”
Then said one priest to the Baboon-whites: “Be like Sinned, patient, our day will come, and he shall not live within these walls forever. He must die someday, like all men must die.”
The other priests laughed, and several along with the White Sects Leader, and some cheered me, but with a grin. Yet he was right. We don’t live forever. And a wise man is patient.
“And so it is. The king is dead, and the city will need no more votes. It will go by the laws on the stone, and set by the king.”
The priests now sat down at that note, and the king came to my side, put his hand on my shoulder, and said, “Sinned, I wish I had what you have inside, love for his city, king and God.”
I replied, “The time will come for each man to be tested under fire, you will have your day, and you will be strong. Today was my calling, tomorrow, yours.”
Several from the first circle of the crowd smiled at me, that I could see, and we left the stand, the king, princes and my slave, and I.

Chapter Seven (7) Part I

Marduk and the Baboon God:
Fight for the Temple

I had not been back home but a week, guarded by the great walled city, when there was commotion in the temples of the Baboons and Marduk. There always seemed to be conflict between them two anyway, but Marduk, who wanted to be king-god of all the temples, was starting to provoke a situation. And the Baboon Temple was notorious for its parties, drinking, and debauchery. They among all the cults were the worse for stealing women during their sleep, or while they were walking home at night and bringing them to the temple basement, where they would rap them several times during the evening orgies. If the husband would come looking for them, they could only enter at their own risk, and many never returned home; and many of the males were used like their wives.
Many crimes took place within them temple walls. To include baby snatching, as they would use them for blood sacrifices to themselves. Cannibalism, to who would defy them. Marduk’s temple was side-by-side to the Baboons.
The Tiamat, whose temple was right across the street, didn’t show up much nowadays, but when she did everyone took notice. That is, Marduk in particular. I do think she stayed away because of the impending conflict which all new would occur with Marduk, sooner or later, knowing their quest for dominance of the demon and human races.
The Baboon god and his disciples, which looked more ape than demon or man like, seemed always to around though, love the sexual prowl ness involved, which excited all them, and gave them some kind of high.
They seldom left, except to rape a women within her own home, knowing the husband would be gone, or if she was known to have prayed to the One God of Three, they left well enough alone, not wanting to provoke the Almighty, as some called him is secret. So the people of the city would not worship him. Actually they were much in fear of him more than any other god.
The Baboon demonic-god, was of course friends with the Tiamat, and was hoping somewhere along the line she would fight with Marduk, and eliminate him, thus, having some peace. He also knew if the Tiamat lost, he would be next in line.
The Baboon god had many animal traits, --such as, moving slowly with his knuckles towards the ground; having a tendency to jump, rather than walk up right like most humans, although, he did a certain amount of his upright walking. He thought like most of the demon-god beasts, subversion was the sugar on the pie. His dominate sect was the White-baboons. Although he allowed both sects to be in his temples for pleasures unknown. He himself was not White, but rather a plain rustic color. He was huge though, with a fearsome grin.
They not only would rape the women of the city, but would force them to have sex with animals. As they did themselves participate in such acts. If any were resistant in such areas, they would be killed and used for animal food. When they killed the men who came for their wives often times you would find their corpse laying about the city half eaten up by the baboons, if not by the rats, bats, and cats.
They often thought like an animal, without reason; insane behavior. I know this because a few of my friends belonged to their cult, only to be saved by their parents, or friends, and taken to the One God temple, and thus, having their mind and body cleansed. The babies sacrificed at the baboon temple were but half the hordes this temple had. I had often said to myself, if Marduk was to cause trouble for the Baboon god or his temple, the city would be happy. And for the most part, win some of the people to his side.
The baboons like the taste of blood. And they often commented on how warm it was when they drank it. For some reason they equated it with other gods.

Winter & Marduk

The days were short now, as it was winter. And Marduk this evening as I was walking the street for exercise as I often do, was pounding at the temple door of the Baboon-whites. The baboons were celebrating, as always, and at first could not hear the knocking. I was across the street from the Marduk temple, and standing by the cannel. Right next to his was the Baboon. Although it is a little distance I could see the huge figure. He couldn’t see me though. There were also the light from the moon, and the temple was slightly lit up; inside and out side.

The Baboon & Marduk

The city gates were locked up tight until morning. Again I heard another pounding at the door. Marduk wanted to get in bad or he had some kind of a plan. He looked about, he didn‘t see me, but he usually left me alone if he did. He too was in fear of angering the One God. But being it a temple of sorts, he needed an invitation to get in, I guess; --something to do with their kind. As if it was an embassy. I never thought there was much honor among demon-gods though.
And to my surprise, the tall, strong looking Baboon-god opened the door. Now they were both standing face to face. Both so huge I could seem them as their bodies made even the slightest movements.
Before the Baboon-god could close the door, Marduk grabbed him and pulled him out onto the temple steps, by the hair on his chest and head.
“At last my ugly demon-beast god of nobody. At last we have come to a showdown. One of us will be worshiped at both temples before the night is through. I will show the world that I am the greatest. I could not have them thinking I might not have been.” Yelled Marduk as the Baboon-god fell into his arms.
The Baboon tried to catch his step, but stumbled and his protruding toes hanging onto the back of the temple doorway, did little good, as his body twisted back and forth trying to fall backwards out of Marduk’s arms if possible, back into his temple, knowing at any moment, fire may come out of Marduk’s mouth; the four eyes of Marduk seen every move he made after his initial fall. Thus, all balance had been lost, and so he could not get away.
I could see his desperation; his eyes showed hopelessness, and doom, they were opened wide as a falling star. I had to step forward twenty steps to see this completely.
Marduk had not lost balance, although his back and spine went backwards as the Baboons weight started to shift again towards Marduk’s chest. In Consequence, he fell completely on Marduk whose eyes open up wide, as the Baboon god released a great sigh from his lungs; a sense of doom filled the atmosphere. A smile filled Marduk from ear to ear.
Said the Baboon god [in a trembling voice], “Why do you come to cause chaos. Can we not share being gods together?”
Marduk did not come to talk, he should have known that. He should have fought, not talked, I said to myself. Win or loose, he had no chance with his mouth. I had learned from knowing Marduk, watching his ways, one thing, when he confronts, he is simply implementing a plan that most likely he has been thinking out for years if not centuries.
Matter-of-fact, I learned two things, he was one of four beings mostly feared by other demon, and he wanted to have the majority of the cults under his command.
The four things I had learned were, Marduk was feared, an Angelic being called Satin was feared, the Almighty, the One God was really feared, and the Tiamat was fear somewhat. Although Marduk pretended not to be fearful of the Tiamat, he was careful around her.
The Tiamat had many children, and so she had them do most of her dirty work. She liked the sea, and lived in its depths among the many coral caves, and other such places. Places Marduk would not find very comfortable. She was more selective also, and didn’t care if she ruled the world or not, as long it didn’t get in her way; although she did want Yort as her personal temple, or would like it.
Before the Baboon could make another sound, Marduk grabbed him by the groin, ripped out the whole areas insides, testacies and all; all the way up to his belly-button. He was more than castrated, he was butchered. And bleed a mixture of black-blood, as if it was kept under pressure for a long period of time. He bleeds like a ram that was butchered from its neck to its buttocks.
As he fell against Marduk, for the last time, Marduk pushed him against the side walls of the steps, as to not get all his blood on him. The Baboon was in disbelief, agony. Then the White old Baboon came running out of the temple. Marduk threw fire from his mouth at him, stopping him in his tracks.
Then he opened the stomach area of the Baboon god with his long finger nails, pulled all living things from his insides, out. Then like a hammer, he took his fists picking up a rock he put along side of the steps for this very occasion, he crushed his lungs and skull until he fell to his knees. He then hit his forehead popping out his eyes so he could not see to fight him directly; they were looking at the ground. And then he stepped back started thinking what was left of him. The Baboon god was hanging on to his eyes tying to see his way. Marduk had little mercy. At that point, the Baboon was lying on the ground like a dead rug, and Marduk then started blowing all he had inside of him out onto the baboon, fire upon fire, like a volcano until his body turned into ashes.
The Baboon-white, priest of sorts radically looked at the black essence leaving the corpse of his master, onto its journey of the netherworld. His eyes as big as the moon, the White Baboon bowed to Marduk. Marduk then turned to him, weak but not to the point he could not challenge the White Baboon, and the White knew that, and said very little to irritate Marduk.
“I wash my hands of this,” cried the White Baboon; and left the door open for Marduk to enter.
“Come in, you are the new god of this temple. We will be your soldiers.”
Marduk walked slowly through the corridors and passageways almost identical to his temple. He had won a victory. I could not see any more, and knew that somewhere along the line, he would take over the Tiamat’s Temple and the Ram’s. But the Tiamat’s would be the one he would have the most trouble with, and needed to be very cunning in provoking the Tiamat. She was no ordinary demon. She was not only the first of her kind, but the most ferocious.

Chapter Seven (7) Part II

The Tiamat
And the Mesopotamia Stone

The Mesopotamia Stone was our national treasure. Along with the message it had on it, which was incised designs carved upon the huge stone; all symbols consisting of form, shape, structure and somewhat connection in meaning, thus creating vocabulary for us to read. I considered the stone a form of inscription, maybe the first. We had seen drawings by other cultures or character representations, but no one had a form of writing to really explain reasoning, rather only events for the most part.
Our ancestors created a good symbolic language. Most priests, high ranking officers in their own right, and the king and queen, could read the symbols. I considered it a marvel for it was to me a wondrous communicational gift. It had helped me in the field during war. We sent back think-rocks to inform one another where the enemy was.
But this stone was even more special. The images on it held a large circular symbol, representing a single day. Then there were extensive series on concentric hoops, meaning days of the year. Some damage had been done to the stone, and so all the markings were no longer there, but we knew for the most part, what it meant and read. There were rows of wavy lines indicating the days in the week; a number of vertical parallel lines in the shape of a V indicating a month. And there were zigzag lines also, and a pyramid with three circles carved into the rock, indicating the One God in Three. The stone said in essence The Universal God gives the right to mankind to have freedom of choice each day, each week, and each month of each and every year.
The incased design was a statement to and for the people, somewhat used as a calendar also.
I heard a horn blow. As I ran up to the fortress walls, looking over towards the ground, I say the Tiamat was approaching the gates of the city with several of her little demons, whom jumped at her command.
I was a little surprised, she normally did not show herself to the whole community like that; matter-of-fact, this was the first time I seen something like this.
She yelled, “Give me the Stone, it is mine.”
It was kept in the temple of the One God. I feared she might try to enter without permission, and if so, all hell might break loose. But so be it, if that was to be the case.
As I noticed she was entering the gate area, her eyes caught mine. She wanted the stone worse than me I believe. By her taking the stone, and breaking it to pieces, it would give a signal to the entire city, to choose her for the God of the city. Marduk would not like this. But even worse, it would destroy our One God temple, and strike fear into the city’s inhabitants to join one of the demon cults.
She could get more followers also, if that was part of her plan. I think the main part was simply, she felt it time to show her power, and see what we could do; kind of like testing the fire, or water. She had a run in with Marduk awhile back, and maybe was feeling brave; whatever the case, she was walking fast.
“I want the stone,” she yelled.
Marduk was watching from the distance, in the woods. The king got very worried as he and I left the upper part of the wall of the city to follow the Tiamat. I said to myself, Marduk is smart enough not to fool around with the Almighty, the one in three God-head. I figured the Tiamat would have to go to my temple, for there is where the stone rests.
I was not sure how she was going to get the rock out of the temple, for the demons never entered without permission another temple. Maybe they had changed. The Tiamat had quite the temper when aroused. As the Tiamat caught sight of the temple, Sames came running up to me.
“I have an idea. I told Sames,” adding, “An ideal that my grandfather had told me years ago.” Having remembered that, I told Sames to go quickly to the iron smith, and have him create a symbol that was carved into the rock. It was a pyramid with three circles on top of it. On the bottom two ends of the triangle or pyramid, were to have two ram horns going into a twist. At the other pointed area, or end of the triangle there was to be a circle attached to the pyramid. With haste he went.

The Temple of the Three God-Head

As the king and I arrived at the temple, he stayed behind. By the temple steps the Tiamat and his seven demons awaited for a priest to open the doors.

“Open the doors or I’ll pound them in,” yelled the Tiamat. The Tiamat stood on the second to the top of the temple steps, waiting, and yelling. Then the priest appeared. The Tiamat eyes followed me as I walked up the temple steps by the arch way of his door.
“Sinned, what are you up to now,” asked the Tiamat.
“I think the question is, what you want, for I belong here, you do not.”
You could see her face getting angry. I thought for a moment, maybe should keep quiet. But for me that is not so easy at times.
“If you are wise, you will bring me the stone from your temple.” She protested, and threatened again, “Bring it here and I will do no one harm.” Do not and I will tare down this temple stone by stone.” She said with a powerful and prideful voice. The Tiamat knew Marduk would not appear, simply because he feared the One God more than she. And he wanted nothing to do with him.
As I entered the temple I saw Marduk in his temple across the street looking out a window. I then entered the temple and requested the priests to bring the stone up to me. They did as I asked, not sure why, they commented, but I being one of the elders, they obeyed me.
It took four of the priests to carry the stone to the main area of his temple. The Tiamat could see partly through the temple doors, and knew we, or I was up to something, and the stone was not far from his reach. He had a big smile on his face as I looked out the arch of the door, as if he were the king of gods already.
As Semas come running up the stairs and into the temple, he had the metal symbol in his hands. I took it from him, being about a forearms length, and took some mental clips and nails with a hammer, and fastened the object over the carved indented object on the stone. Then I grabbed the two metal horns on the end of he symbolic pyramid or triangle, and it filled the mental with some kind of electrical energy; like lightening. My grandfather had said there were certain priests that have this kind of energy within them, and they were immune to its forces, but no one else would be. In the center of the circle-metal piece at the other end of he pyramid was the glowing light. It seemed like there was an electrical force going back and forth within the circle.
I then had the priests help me push the stone to the temple door, but only enough to have the two ram head figures sticking out so the Tiamat could pull it out the rest of the way, should she attempt to. The priests shook their heads as if I was crazy, but did not say a word.
As the Tiamat stepped forward examining the symbol, he asked us to push the stone out farther. I refused to. As I looked beyond the Tiamat and his followers, there were a hundred or so bystanders. He wanted the whole world to see him conquered the One God temple, once and for all.
“Bring the stone out further,” demanded the Tiamat. I shook my head, and simply said: “It is now between you and my God.”
The Tiamat leaned over to get a good grip onto the extending ram horns to pull the rock out. I think she thought I did that to make it easy for her to get the stone. Feeling me as an elder of the temple did not want to offend my God. The Tiamat looked at the stone with a thousand faces. Marduk now was pacing the steps of his temple wondering what on earth she up to be: --but yet too fearful to leave his temple site. A wise decision I would say.
Then with no more hesitation, she grabbed the two horns to pull the rock from the door way. As soon as she got a good grip her body was filled with an electrical lightening shock that paralyzed her where she stood. She then started shaking. Her demon comrades tried to free her but ended up flying several feet in the air, landing on their backs, by an electrical current. She started to scream.
Marduk for some odd reason came running over to the temple, and with a solid kick to her side, she fell over back wards onto her thick tail, jumping back onto her feet, but released from the rock. She tried to get her breath. Staring at me, she quickly turned to Marduk, and thanks him.
He commented, “I did not wait six thousand years for the One God to get the glory of killing you. It will be me some day.”
Then he quickly ran over to his temple, not wanting to be anymore a part of what the Almighty might do. It made sense. If he did not kill her, he could never get her followers. And he did not want the One God to get it. He knew we or I had only ten members left in the temple, and time would eliminate that.

Chapter Eight

The Apocalypse of Sinned
6805 BC

My slave opened up the large front window in our main room in the house area, looking out onto the street where some goats were grazing on grass by our yard. Then an old soldier friend of mine walked by our window, he waved at me. He was always a loyal soldier I remembered. As I looked into the sky along side of Semas, something was strange. I stepped outside and I felled with sudden anxiety. A strong mystic pressure was in the air I told myself. For the first time I can remember the whole city was standing still, all eyes were looking about, watching the clouds forming into a huge figure. Even the birds nesting in the tree by my house stood still unsure of what to make of it—the stillness, --changing of the sky into a smothering figure. As if someone was going to squeeze us to nothingness.
I sensed the whole world had come to a stand still. The sun stood still. The sea was like glass, not a wave. The trees were silent. The goats, horses all stood still. The cats let go of the mice; the dogs run to the side of their masters. It seemed like a silent command had taken place.
The priest from all the temples came out, crossed the street to gather by the front gats, and walls of the city looking up, dumbfounded, staring into nothingness, but a cloud that looked like a figure.
“It’s time to leave,” I told my slave.
“We must go to the edge of the cliff, where the great sea is beneath us.”
And so with horse and sword we both dashed off through the gates of the city toward the cliff. The King had noticed this and followed behind with several soldiers and the Princes, the commander and a few priests. And when I looked back a large number of residents were following on foot.
When I approached the edge of the cliff, getting off my horse, I could see below, there was a cluster of demon standing, which was also looking at the heavens. The Tiamat was among them, standing in the water up to her knees. And the Sea devil was by her side; Marduk was on the shore not all that far from the Tiamat, but far enough away not to start a war. He too was curious on what was happening. But somehow I got the feeling they knew more about these phenomena than I did.
As the figure became more visible, Marduk started to hide behind a rock, and the Tiamat went deeper into the water, as to escape. They both seemed as fearful as a child that was abandon; --unsure of the unknown.
As I looked into the sky again, I saw another configuration of clouds that looked like angelic beings: --one on each side of the huge figure in the center.
The center figure was so bright I could hardly keep my eyes open to observe the happening. The two winged beings got in front of the brightness that was blinding me, the huge being then being covered somewhat, as He covered the entrance of the sun to the earth, which was even brighter than the sun. I told myself, what was all this?
Staring into the clouds for a third time I found myself being somewhat desperate, in not knowing way. Restless, I heard the horn starting to blow again from our city. I turned to the king and asked: “Why is the horn being blown again?”
The king signaled for it to be stopped, and the word got back to the city within 30-seconds. And the horn stopped.
At this point I had become absorbed by this God cloud; which I identified him as being my/or the One God. But was He? That is what went through my mind nonetheless. Or was it a new god? There was only a slight image being allowed for us to see. I think it was best, because he was so very bright.
Then He spoke, it was like an echo vibrating throughout my body. Many of the cities people fell prostrate to the ground. Others started running back to the city. And still others hid behind rocks like the demons that vanished from site.
I became intoxicated with fear and joy at the same time. I told myself it was a colossal being. I could now see its upper lower limbs. He did not look like an ape god or Ram god, or Marduk playing his games, or any of the Tiamat gods. He looked a little like us, but my consciousness would not allow me to put it together.
The voice said, “I am your God, and the only God; the God of gods.
And my son is the King of Kings. And my spirit is the essence of my word. I command you to give up your stupidity.” There was a complete silence throughout the land, if not the world. I said to myself, this is my God, the one in Three.
He continued, “I will send the angel Serr’el, he will take three men tomorrow and two will be a witness to what is going to take place, and one I will be allow to receive my message. He will speak for the city. Serr’el will meet you here, at the edge of the cliff. You people kill the merchant who sells you bread with a fly on it, saying how you dare feed me filthy bread, and go home and eat the caucus of a dead dog.”
And then the figure was gone, but the earth stood still. No wind, no anything. The sun remained out. For some reason I felt, we would not age this one day. It was God’s warning to us—; that if he can stop time, he can stop anything.
As we went back to our city, with its great walls, it towering figure, and beautiful temples, red tapestries, and pure white marble, the priests and Governor were standing on my steps of my home, slumped over somewhat, hungry for talk. The only time they did this was when they were in need, when they were lost for a better angle, when the sly and devious wouldn’t work. Other than that, they avoided my house, avoided it as if it had deadly snake, creatures built into its walls.
“There is no point in being cautious with words Sinned,” commented one of the priests from the Baboon Temple.
He continued, “It serves no purpose. You must be one of the three to meet with the angelic being tomorrow, yes, yes you must, must, must.”
Everyone looked at each other, crunched over, looking at the ground, in the air, trying not to be catch the Kings eye, or mine. Without a doubt, the priest was waiting for a response from me. I had learned in life, there is always a crisis somewhere around the corner. Normally we are not safe for very long. Either we are running up or down, and seldom in the middle of gravity where possible there is a moment’s peace. And when we get a winter of peace, that special moment, one should take it, for it will not remain, it will not last, it will fade like all things in the physical world, fad and rust, and spoil, and rot and evaporate. I guess it is just a part of life. Unless one stands still, not making a move, and then of course nothing happens, life is safe, but passes you by as if you had never existed.
Said I [to the priest], “You are right, no sense in being canned, we simply need to show up tomorrow, and see what the Mighty God wants.”
I thought about the meeting by the cliff. Even the demon-beasts were in fear of Him, life on earth could be altered, shifted, voided out, if things were not handled right.
Said one of the government officials, a fat, lower official, one with a fat lower lip, a detruding belly that flopped every which way as he walked,
“It is hard to find one person to go let along three; for we all know our sins are deep, as he has told us so. I for one, am a tax collector, an official, and damned like all tax collectors, disaster-prone to be should I stand in front of a sin free God. Yes, I get paid, and for that, I put the person in the dungeon, go home and try and figure out how not to pay my bills myself. I am guiltier than the ones I put away. How can we stand in front of a God and claim we are innocent. And answer his questions without fear of destroying ourselves? This must be for the King and Sinned.”
He made sense, but it was wise not volunteer to go along. As there were several people now standing by my door way looking at one another, the King said, with a commanding voice, a stern look into my eyes: “I will be one of the three, and my servant volunteered to be the other one needed.” And so we had our quota: myself being the first.

The Morning, the Cliff and Serr’el

The morning came quickly, and in no time at all the sun had risen to meat the gates of Yort, I got dressed and was about to leave my home when the king came, I heard him humming as if he was on a joy walk. Semas was all dressed also—as I. We didn’t say a word to each other at first, but simply took a deep breath, letting it out slow to comfort our bodies:--and then started walking to the door to greet the King. He looked at me, smiled, a nervousness shown around his eyes, wrinkles that never were before were now, and then with a sigh, a letting out of carbon dioxide, we were on our way to the edge of the cliff, where Serr’el was to meet us.
Staring over its edge, I saw Serr’el. Gently, he approached me, took my hand and in holding it I felt safe, safe as ever.
“Fear not, if the Almighty did not want to talk, I would not be here, and you and your city would not be, “he said with an apocalyptic voice, yet as humbly as one could be without loosing its strength.
The Angel hesitated, looked at the King momentously, --
said the slave—gathering air from his stomach, pulling back his chin:
and the slave-said, “The One God of Three is having a universal meeting, at the Gates of Heaven. You three are guests. There will be 1,400,000,000-guests in all. The whole universe is being called. Three people from each planet, to select one to speak on its behalf; you are not alone. When you arrive, you will select one person among you to answer a question or two-from the Almighty. If you answer it to his liking your planet will survive. If not it will be destroyed with all that is living, on land, water, in the air-and in the underworlds. You must remain here-clean yourself and come with me naked, as you were born, to heaven.”
Serr‘el left as if it was a puff of smoke leaving a camp fire.
For a long time us three sat there thinking, and washing ourselves clean, praying. Night came, and then day arrived again; for the 4th time I washed myself, and again prayed to my God.
My slave and Thesas II did not pray, but in fear, they did lower their heads each night in respect, and ask the Almighty to spare the earth. They did not want to displease, or anger the mighty One God of Three.
Then about midday Serr’el appeared where he had left the day before.
“I suppose once again you haven’t eaten,” he said looking at me. And like magic he went to the back of a tree and picked three-green delicious apples-giving them to us. We all three quickly started to eat the apples as if it was a delicious roast, and to our surprise every bite, seemed to replenish itself until we were full. Then the apples seemed to dissolve in our mouths.

The Gates of Heaven

As we all stood in front of the angel Serr’el, in less than a breath, we were being taken in a whirlpool of winds and lights, images passing through a universe on fire, or so it seemed. Tunnels of light were off in every direction. Colors I never even dreamed of. Then all of a sudden, several more angels appeared, and then we three came out of our travel-dream.
We were standing suddenly outside a gate with a mass of people. Beyond this gate I noticed there was a door. It looked heavy and as if it was shut and fitted very tightly. There were angelic beings guarding the door, as well as by the gates.
“So, how was it, “asked Serr’el?
I knew he meant the vortex.
“A little bit unnerving, but fine,” I said.
Then he commented, “Have you three selected the person to do the speaking? the one to meet with the Almighty?”
We were all looking about, all the 1.4 trillion guests; as were the thirty foot height Golden Gates—the door beyond.
We then cross-examined one another.
“Oh,” said King Thesas II, with a heart throbbing voice.”
“You Sinned are the one to speak.”
Then, out of the blue, the slave concurred with him.
Serr’el knew I was chosen somehow, and commented by saying,
“I see. “
Again he once more took my hand, and walked me up to the Golden Gates; they were as if the sun was built right into them. I feared to touch them. Like magic, the gates opened, I found myself walking to the door where two large angelic figures stood, and they were as huge as stone statues I had seen in the land of Egypt—as high as our great walls around the city, if not higher.
The closer I got to the big door in front of me, I could hear beautiful music, and smelled fragrances I had never smelled before, they were perfect in smell. The light that was coming from the door seemed to fill my every pour. Like a process of osmoses. I seemed to not have a care in the world. It was a high. I had no sorrows, no sense of tears or fears within my heart. I neither could grieve for others, I was too filled with love of some sort; a peaceful sort.
As I came closer to the door, a beautiful hand was in front of me. It had light all around it, and through it.
“I am the right hand of God, believe this, and you can enter,” said a voice.
I felt like a child, but I said, “I do believe.”
As I entered through the door way, the light got more intense and started to blind me slightly.
Another voice said, “I am the Spirit, of God.”
It seemed instantly I was empowered to walk further in. Yet it became more intense. As I tried to look about the light was almost blinding, there was an angelic force present of a higher order. They had many wings, heads. Their strength was owed striking. I couldn’t go any further. I knew there was a person in front of me, a being, but it was too enduring to try and focus property, or step forwards another inch.
Said a voice as if in an echo chamber, from a far distance, although I knew the being was somewhere around one hundred feet in front of me.
“Yes sir, My God,” I said with exhausted lungs from the enduring light. Trying to look up at the figure my eyes started burning, as was my body somewhat, but I was not hurting. I had come home I felt. The other feeling inside of me was longing as for a long lost, but found parent. This was my creator.
“Sinned,” said the voice. I trembled with love, fear and grace. I filled my lungs up with its mystic air. The angelic beings were steady, blocking the creator’s brightness as if to protect me. I felt as if I was being cooked alive, and yet preserved. But I didn’t hurt. I was walking through fire, yet no tears in my eyes. A voice said:

“Why should I allow your earth to remain in my Universe?”
He asked, and before I could answer, which I had no real answer for, at the moment, He continued.
“It is like a child with no discipline, no rules. They kill one another for selling bread that a fly landed on, and go home and eat a whole camel. They kill the baker for finding a piece of hair in their bread, and go rape another mans wife. Ten percent of the world fights the other ninety percent for their treasures, women, and food. Three fourths of the world believes in demon-beasts or false gods as their creator, and many others believe in nothing, and yet I have given them life, the trees, the rain, the animals. What have they given? Tell me why I should not wash my hands of this world. Take out the storms and lightening from within my storerooms, and wash away the sins of the earth. Flood them to the underworld. Wipe their names out of the book of life. They kill in my name, and think I needed them to assist me as if they can do my job. What can they do? They can’t make the grass green. They are like little grasshoppers with pride as big as the mountains. And can do nothing. They talk, drink wine and sleep with animals. Do you have an answer for me Sinned, for I am the potter, no other are before me, nor was, nor will be.”

I thought in my head He is right, how one challenges this. I have said some of these very same things in the silence of my head many times. Does the world need to be kicked in the head before they can see what is going on. It’s surely a conspiracy of the highest living order on earth. I had to make a decision for the earth or myself. If it was for me, I told myself, I just as soon he crush the earth and take me home, right here. I was home; I did not really want to leave. Was this a possibility I thought. Let Him destroy the earth, and me in it, and I’d just come right back here.
Then I thought I was elected to come in here for a reason. It was not for me, but on behalf of the earth. The rights and the wrongs on earth were one thing and my reason for being here another: two issues.
“My God, my Lord,” I said.
“Who am I to come up with the right words to satisfy the wrongs mankind has done to your, to themselves, to others. You are right in all you say. The table is not clean. I do not know how to plant the right seeds. I only know how to cry for us. We have wronged you. But maybe my voice, or one of the few that still believe in you, will make a difference. We have taken life to mean, to live, when life is not living without you. But we are blind. And we have only freedom of choice to blame, but to take it away would mean our love would be less than real. And so I ask in the name of all the ugly-ness on earth to give it one more day.”
That came out wrong I said to myself. I meant one more year I think one more day is very short I thought. Maybe he will understand what I meant. He reads my soul. I was really hoping for 10 or 20 more years when I said that; I think.

Said the Lord God, “Tell the people of the earth, as many as you see, I am a jealous God, and time is short.”

I was then taken out of the chambers and through the gates where Serr’el and my two friends were waiting. They all asked me what was asked. And I told them. And I also repeated to them “…time was short,” adding, to take this as a warning, meaning it was now or never. What more could I say. The world had another day, or two, or three. No one really knew bit the Giver.

Chapter Nine

Return of the Amazons
6795 BC

Everyone knew the Amazons would return. They said they would. But it was as always, not expected. The city had been through a lot in my short life time. And I was not yet, fifty years old. Although life expediency around forth four years, for the most part. Many people had lived to a ripe old age of sixty, even seventy if the sword did not get them; and some eighty. But they were the minority. I was in my 40’s and although I felt strong and good, being a solder for many years, a business man of sorts I was now; for I had purchased several properties in the area, within the past five years, and made a handsome living. I could feel my bones acing, and my nerves were not the same. I had pain in my spine, and my eyesight was going. I felt like jumping off an edge of the mountain that leaps to the sea; killing myself at times, so I could kill the pain once and for all. I didn’t like the growing kids to see me this way. I was a hero of sorts to the whole city. What now could I do?
The soldiers who were posted outside of the city for days had been saying an army of Amazons were but a few days march from the city. They estimated it to be as large as five thousand. We had only two thousand soldiers. And of them, one thousand were reserves. The old timers like me made up the high ranking officers, which accounted for about one hundred. Making the real fighting men about eight hundred.
The city now had about 22,000- inhabitants; about ten thousand being outside of the walled city, and the remaining twelve thousand inside.
The last siege was never forgotten by soldiers like me. The Amazons had a tyrant queen. One that was as beautiful as she was wicked. I had seen her in battle. She fought with the best. She had no fear in cracking a skull, or cutting half a brain in a man’s cranium out and tossing it like a piece of meat. Cutting his private parts in front of the wall of our soldiers to infest fear in us was another act she did to instill fear. That was a good trick of theirs in the old days. But a beautiful beast as she was, she had admirers in these sacred walls of ours—men whom would cut a figure off to take her to bed. She was as the morning star some have said. And those who had taken her at her will, ended up dead.

The Siege

As the city woke up to the sounds of the dogs, and the blowing of horns of the city, I knew something was wrong. The streets were too busy to be normal. I readied myself; Semas stopped me as I was putting on my sandals.
“Master,” he said with a vice of terror,
“There, -- one hundred meters from the gates of the city are the Amazons.”
“Yaw,” I exclaimed, laying my head back onto the bed to get a deep breath of air. It was expected. He returned my look.
“I was hasty,” he said.
“I should have waited until you had some breakfast to alert you on such a matter.”
“Let it pass,” I said instead of an apology, it was a little more than I expected, but not a surprise. He had evidently been to the wall, and checked things out.
At that moment I heard the war horn blow, Commander Dnalromtsew was surely in control of things. I grabbed my bow and arrows, my spears, and sword, along with several knives,--and left the house hastily. When I got to the wall the Commander was there with a hundred soldiers shooting arrows and spears at the enemy below who were running up to the walls to see if they could make it, then running back to get ladders. I was fairly adept at this work, although I set about with some misgivings. We could hold out for months, if not year’s maybe, and the Amazons knew this. And so what was their plan.
“We got them Sinned,” the commander said to me with a smile.
We can send some Calvary out there and wipe a hundred or two out of the way. Get back inside, in time for lunch.” I smiled, and he was right, but this is not what was happening.
As the noon meal time came, I found I was out of arrows, and spears, I just watched the woman soldiers running up to the walls, all around the fortress all morning long and running back. Some arrows followed them as to protect them on their journey. As I looked through my two crystals at them, I could see the tall leader, queen of the Amazons. She was receiving information from the runners. She was as others had said, as lovely as our cities princess. She didn’t have big breasts, but her thighs were huge with muscle, as was her spear arm. A solid jaw and she wore short hair. A good sign for a fighter, so not to have it pulled during battle. She was surely as wise as she was wicked.
As I watched the partially won battle taking position hour after hour, the commander had left to eat lunch. And as night came he did not return. I think he thought we were beyond safe. But something was wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it. There was a red glow to the moon this evening. As if it was being filled with blood. But my mind directed my action to walk the wall, all around the city. I had to know what they were up to.
As I walked the wall, I saw fires all around. We were rounded by them. But was I right in obeying the Commander. Fighting on the wall like this. I remained a member of the king’s entourage he knew, and I could take my own forces if I wished to fight these Amazons, but I did not want to command anymore. The blood heating battles of the past were enough; and commanding means you must be watching every member of your command, and fight. I needed to work this thought out, we needed leverage.
Now a black cloud of sorts covered the moon. And in the distance I heard noises; some loud some not so loud. I like the rivers, seas, and cannels the flow of water. Whenever I was in need of comfort, it was always either a woman, drink, or looking and listening to the water. The sound seemed to relax me.
As I glanced I noticed the heat of the summer must have evaporated a lot of the water in the cannel, it wasn’t as high as I such things. But I was getting those old soldiers intuition. You know, that sense or feeling, you can’t name it, prove it or even reason it. But it is better than thinking or emotions. It was always ninety percent right, when everything else was not. Something was wrong. And there wasn’t much rain. Well, too much rain that is. We did get some a week ago. Matter-of-fact, we got a lot a week ago.
There was my house in sight, my mind stopped thinking of the cannel. How did I end up here I asked myself, as if I didn’t know. My eyelids were starting to close. I was tired. My mind was empty.
“Master, is that you,” called Semas.
I said “Yes, yes Semas.”
As I got closer the old man asked: “Do you mind me asking how you see things?” He was smart, in stead of asking me how was things, he really wanted to know the showdown, was our new war being fought right.
I replied, “Not well.”
He commented, “But, but sir, I heard we are keeping them away from the walls.”
I replied: “Semas, they are keeping themselves from the walls. We have done little but waist arrows and spears. They have other intentions.”
Semas looked grief stricken, and he knew better to ask another question, because if I had the answer, I’d have told him.
I sat in my chair outside on my porch. I could hear the sounds I heard before on the wall between the normal sounds of the city. If I had anything, I had good hearing. You get that if you’ve been in war. It is a sense you sharpen up quickly, or die not doing so. Like a dog, they live by sounds. They can tell your commands with simply a whisper. I know this, for we had battle dogs. They could smell the difference between my blood and the enemies. I liked those dogs. I had learned from them dogs. They never sleep in war, like me. I doubt I ever got nights sleep while enduring a campaign.
The night went by slowly. I fell to sleep off and on. My body would not allow me to stay sleeping. The sounds continued.

The Dream and the Siege

My eyelids seemed to be steadily fixed on not opening up, yet my mind kept me semi awake. I was drifting through a cloud and that noise I heard kept getting louder in my mind. All the other sounds were knocked out one by one. Serr’el was standing on the cloud above me. I think I was drifting into a dream world. I had to look above the cloud to see him. And there was Asor‘el way in the background. Neither one was smiling.
“Where am I?” I asked, by way of yelling this to both the angels. They were trying to tell me. But I couldn’t hear them. I kept hearing the noise, it got in the way. It sounded like rocks, boulders being dropped on one another. I shook my head, asking, why I would hear something like that.
“What is the matter,” I cried.
“Why are you not smiling?”
I knew there was something to this. This was a dream I could not get out of. I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn’t. I told myself this was not real. Then it started to rain harder and harder, but I wasn’t getting wit. How could this be I asked myself. Now the sounds of the boulders were getting louder, and the rain, and I started running down the street telling everyone, look at the rain, it is pouring and pouring, we got to get to the cannel before it overflows into our houses; --the Cannel, the cannel! Then I awoke. I was sweating.
I said out loud: “The Cannel, it’s the cannel. The boulders, they are damming the river, going to march under the city walls, down through the cannels. The river runs directly into the city, and shifts into three different cannels. They will be able to walk the muddy river bed, right to the cannels, and into the city.”
I sat up thinking out loud. They probably built several small dikes up the river to slow the flow of water, just slightly noticeable as I noticed yesterday the river being slightly down. It’s the river, a dam the cannel. Yes, yes.
I jumped up from my chair, woke Semas, and told him to run to the Commander, and let the king’s guards know what I said. Tell them this is an emergency; having said that I ran with my sword and knife in my belt to the cannel. As I looked down about fifteen feet, it was almost dry. That was it. It was about 4 AM, it would be light in less than two hours. They wanted to cut our thoughts while we were sleeping, kill us in our dreams like the demon gods do to our women.

The Cannel

I said to myself, “Don’t blow the horn, not the horn, it will alert the Amazons,” and no sooner did I think it, it sounded. Not once but several times.
Here we go I said, no time to call names just get into the battle. I walked by the cannel, soldiers were all running up to it. One came running to me: “Sir, how do we fight this kind of a war, in the middle of the night?” He asked. He was a Sergeant Snemelc.
“Listen” I said, “have someone go to all the houses and tell child, mother and old people to bear arms, come out with everything they have, it is all we can do. Keep the gates locked, twenty five percent of the soldiers are on the walls. When all the Amazons have come in, open the gates for us to run out if we have to. Tell the commander to have every Calvary man on a horse, and every young man with a horse and sword riding up and down the cannel. The Amazons will be on foot; the horses will plow them down, and help the foot soldier.
“Yes, sir,” he said running.
He most likely would be able to get the word to some of the men, like the commander, who was a good soldier, about my age, but had only been in the service of the military some seven years. Not many battles behind him. On the other hand the young Sergeant [Snemelc] was most likely more seasoned in battle; day battle that is.
All of a sudden the moon gave light to the cannel, and the Amazons were running up the sides onto the city streets like rats chasing snakes.
They were screaming, a war cry to build their tolerance up for pain, strength, and to get their mind in order for the kill. Their faces were terrifying to look at, stretched out, teeth grinding, showing, and slim dripping from the sides of their mouths. But that is what they wanted, to terrify us, so we would not fight, strike us with awe, fast, hard and not stop, push, push was there agenda. But I knew they died just as quick as us, if not quicker. They were full of rage, I was full of thinking. I knew a cool head in battle was better than a hot one: unless you were scared.
And now the city streets were filled with horses and our soldiers on their backs, wounded, dead some pushing the Amazons away from them. Many of the soldiers from both sides stuck their swords in the horse’s neck to down the horse and rider. Take their long spears and poke at their eyes, throwing the men off the backs of the horses, as they’d jumped on them killing them. They ran to the women and over powered them quickly. And I noticed other women bringing out their furniture and using it as shields. Red and black blood was flowing all over the city. One shot an arrow at me, I threw my knife, and she didn’t think I knew how to use it so she didn’t move, right between her eyes it landed, half way through her skull, she dropped to her knees, as her eyes rolled upward; then the rest of her body dropped to the ground. The tall Amazon queen looked at me then quickly shifted to cut the head of a young man trying to fix his bow, if fell off and rolled under her feet. She looked at me again, I was fighting with another Amazon, sword to sword, then I kicked her alongside of the head as I fell to the ground, and she came towards me, I caught my feet between hers and she fell into my knife. I got up.

The Blood

The blood beaten stones were becoming so covered that just walking trying to get into a fighting stance, you slid shifting your position in the battle, and some to their death. I noticed the queen had killed two more of our city folk; one old man, the other a husky soldier trying to save him. She had become a master of life and death, and this was her moment, her blood feast.
As I looked about toward the other Amazons, they were carrying babies out of houses, taking wounded men to the cannel where other women were waiting to help them. They were like robbing our storehouse of essence. The queen looked at me again. The battle had been going on for about thirty minutes now. At this rate, either there would be nothing left of the city, an hour or two from now, or nothing left of the Amazons; or for that matter, possible nothing left of either of us.
I notice the queen looking over at one of the temples, and so I did also. It was two Amazons carrying the Princess Anaid. One striped her, another put her lying on one of our horses, and another jumped on the horses back and noticing the gates open ran through them. The Amazon queen was smiling, and then started walking towards me. I was thinking she was pretty. Not at pretty as that little angel I saw in the havens, but pretty.
It was almost as if she was trying to seduce me. She ripped her cloth that held her breasts tight against her chest and let them drop. As I looked down, I noticed I was naked. I hadn’t even thought about it. The night had come and gone, and here I was sleeping in the nude as I always did, had a dream, put on a belt, and never noticed my nakedness.
“No,” I said.
She was but ten feet in front of me, and then her sword went past my head, when it came back it sliced the tip of my ear off. She wanted to make love and war. I covered my groin area with my left had hand, as I started to grow, she opened her eyes wide, at that point, almost a smile and laugh at the same time, I kicked her in the stomach then, and she fell back wards, then driving forward, I dropped my sword, and shifted my hand over to my knife, and as she was falling I fell on top of her. She looked straight into my eyes, deeper and deeper. My one hand was holding a knife two inches from her heart; my knees were over her upper portion of her arms. She tried to kick me in the head. And then a moment came when she let go, I should have killed her ten seconds ago I told myself, but her eyes grabbed mine, and I failed miserable, but then out of instinct my knife went into her heart. She opened her eyes wider, her lips wit, pushing them up to mine, she kissed me gently, and her warm blood started to spurt from her body onto mine.
There was a silent moment around me. Everyone stopped, then the City’s inhabitants got more courage, and the Amazons ran out of the city. They knew their queen was dead.
The Commander had the gates locked again. And the dead were counted. I asked that young sergeant who was about thirty feet from me to bury her whenever possible, in the grave area in my back yard. She died with honor, a warrior and something else, something I couldn‘t put my finger on quite yet, maybe later.

The Princess

As we all tried to get our composure back I went to clean myself. The Commander went and had all the cannel entrances guarded with skilled bowmen. Then as the morning got old, and the sun started to heat up, I was called to the top of one of the wall guard towers by the Commander, where the King was watching something. As I approached him he said, “See Sinned, they have my Princess.” I looked down upon the ground. And there must have been three thousand warriors there; most of their nation. I laid my hand on his shoulder, to comfort him.
“Don’t bother,” he said abruptly.
I should have known better, this was not a moment for grief, but for dealing with the issue at had. So I soothingly took it off. A harsh voice hollered.
“Watch King Thesas, this is for our Queen. “
Then a rider with rope came dragging a live body up by the gate, it was the Princess. She was tied by the feet and hands behind her back. She was being dragged back and forth along the sides of the towering walls like a rag doll. The king cried.
“What has happened to the world, she has done no one any harm?”
I made no answer. She would soon be a hideous carcass, he knew this. It was time for him to grieve. He tried to catch her eyes for one last moment. Most women I told myself would scream, for her mouth was not tied shut, but she didn’t. She knew if she did, it would not only kill her father, but boil all the soldiers to an emotion that would allow the Amazons to win a war. After all, she was the Princess of a great city.
The show was ending. She was dead. The king asked to have his daughter back, and they refused. Then he called to the new leader to talk briefly with him below the walls, that his soldiers would do no harm. And it was given to him. Women came up on a spotted white horse; it was none other than a look alike of the queen. She announced she was the Princess of the Amazons, and now Queen.
Said the King [with tears] upon his face, that no one at the moment could notice.
“My daughter has had her beauty and enjoyed it, I can assure you so has your mother, the Queen. We are two great nations who went to war because of perhaps differences, needs. Who will win this one? Perhaps you, maybe we—maybe, just maybe we will destroy one another and become two small tribes. It was ten years plus, when we had the last war, or was it twenty plus. I forget. We will open our city to you. Give you food and clothing to take home. Give you some children. And you can sleep with any man you want for a night, so you can give birth to a new generation. But you must give me your word you will not war with us in your lifetime. We will keep our gates open to you in the future. And will do this service for you every five years.”
“Oh,” said the young Princess.
She was looking at the carcasses all about her, as the king had done previously. It was all an ugly site to any onlooker.
“There is no beauty in war,” she answered.
“And I do not care to ruin the lives of my people for no reason. So be it. Today, and every five years; and we will trade as do the Greeks from afar, and the islanders from Malta, and the Mesopotamians and this will be a time for peace.”
The king shook his head, and told the Commander to have the gates opened. And as they came down hitting the ground with the large chains holding them, both sides shouted with victory: --all accept the King and Queen.

The Great Horse of Heaven

No sooner had the Amazons left the great horse of the heavens galloped the solar system that belonged to us. It shook our city like a tree dropping its leaves in a wind storm. The foundation of the city shook. My house was not built in soft soil, like the opposite end of the fortress, thus, that part of the city was in shambles, plus when it was built one thousand years ago the builders put in deep pilings making the structure of this block of houses solid. Although there was enough damage in the cracking of my walls within my house, --the word throughout the city was reconstruction.
When the earthquake hit it gave the whole city a shock wave. Most of the granite structures collapsed. It was like the sea at high tide. First comes a few small waves, and then the big one behind it hits. In a like manner, this is what took place. Somehow the wave made a refraction movement. Going first North to South, and then to North West, my side of he city. I was lucky that it did not fracture the house structure.
As I walked around the neighborhood, and down by the cannel area, I could see the layers of rock strata, showing the depth of the cannel; the whole city was opened like a woman’s womb, like a man who had been cut open like a hog from his stomach to his neck [with his guts hanging out]; torn open from a sword, the ax, the stone, the arrow. It looked in certain area there was an ancient city underneath this one. I was quite surprised. Maybe the city was older than I had thought. Maybe it was two thousand + years old. I had thought it about thousand years.
Many of the priests at the Marduk temple were saying the horses of Marduk were angry at mankind. And that is why the mighty quack came. It was his horses. It was a riddle of sorts, for I had not better explanation. I put it in the category that my God created a world that had natural things in it. And every so often he had to let the pressure from the underworld released. In lack of a better answer, I have lived with that.
As I looked about into the great cavities this quack had caused, it was like looking at a fresh face of the earth. Like a man being naked. The surface was ruptured. There were several injuries, and only three deaths. I think the reason being, everyone was out and about, because of the recent war; and thus, still mentally prepared. As I walked through the streets I could still see blood stains on the walk ways the conflict with the Amazons.
Were we really the center of the world as the priest of the Baboon Temple claimed—the center of civilization; --why not the Greeks, the Egyptians, or the inhabitants of that great city that perished a few thousands years ago called Atlantis; how about Malta, land of the giants.
As I continued walking, observing the damage the quack had done, I noticed that young Sergeant Snemelc, the one that had run up to me during the Amazon invasion, he was walking up to me. That reminded me I did not get formally introduced. I just happened to know his name by reputation.
“Hello Sergeant,” I shouted, as he came to greet me.
“I never got your name,” I asked.
“Yaw, I guess …my name is Snemelc.”
“We have one trouble after another.” I commented.
“Yaw sure seems so,” and we shook hands. “Hay thanks for the advise, it was surely helpful.”
“You fought well,” I told him.
He got a small smile on his face hearing that; --for most likely; everyone had an injured if not dead family member, except me.
“Thank you again,” he said as he walked down the street.
Yes, the war was over. It is like most things, they pass with time. Like seeing a comet fly by—an asteroid hit, crash, and then it is all over with—
as if nothing happened, as is with, most everything in life, it has to come to an end, you bury the hurt, anger, save it for another day, and go on with life.
Many things were going though my head. And I am a man who likes a plan. And I like direction. To me, we had to rebuild the city, or should I say, a city, for we had one of very little value at the moment. And if we did not hurry, winter would come, no food, disease, it is like all wars, the country side along with the city-state, if you do not die by the sword, you do by starvation, disease or the elements of the weather kill you. There was no question other than that which was more important to that. This was my home. At this point the only thing I could give it was an epitaph. And maybe, just maybe, that could create a start. And so I went to the cities oratorio center, where I gave many speeches in my day, and on the podium stand of granite, I wrote:

“What killed this city, was it war or nature? What will resurrect this city, war or nature?
Today the city is a grave, tomorrow she will give death back to its owners, cover up the bones, the ashes, and death will not longer have its sting.” Sinned.

Chapter ten

Rebuilding of the Great Walls of Yort
The Gift & the Roaring Horse

And Serr’el said to Sinned in a private moment, “They will fall another six times these great walls in mans quest for peace and war. But they will never be this high again, so build them for when man uncovers the earth he will know you did exist.”
The Amazons had achieved some of their goals-- breaking through some of the walls untouchable mortar, which was amazing to the inhabitants, who had built the walls six feet thick. The attacks were bad enough and then the earthquake came.
Yes, the wild horse of the underworld roared and broke loose of its harness and ripped the earth open around the fortress. My house one of several that was build with an underground structure build on a underground frame that extended five hundred feet with other buildings, were still standing. But most of the city had fallen with the horse’s roar, as the priests had indicated. All the temples were a pile of stones. The moat was another twenty feet deep, and the water had sunken into sink holes of the ground, returning to its subterranean bases.
In a dream about several days old, Serr’el came to me and said there are but a few people that can control the demon-race; --one being myself that I didn’t know. I only knew, I knew, the great God, and He was my helper. Then in my dream Serr’el said there was another, not be born for another five thousand years or so, his name will be Solomon And yet there will be another called the King of Kings, to walk the earth another thousand years after him. I had seen him on my journey-quest with him through the gates of heaven, along with a number of selected archangels.
Awakening from my dream-vision, I summoned Semas, my slave to get word to the King, Governor and the priests so we could get word to the inhabitants of the city, it needed to be rebuilding after the siege. Of the twenty thousand inhabitants, sixteen thousand were left.
When the group of three got together at my house I proposed to rebuild the city, instead of vacating it, as was one of the plans of the priest from the Marduk Temple. I told them it would be built so strong and stung it would last another five thousand years without a rock falling from its highest point, and would be a mountain city until the end of days. They were all interested in how it was to be achieved.

The Plan

As we sat around the table, that is, myself, the King and Governor, --I explained we had to do whatever we could to get this city rebuild. That is a main part of my life I told them. I belonged here. This is who I am. The world as we knew it, knew us through the city, our society. When they talked of Yort, and when they knew we were from Yort, we presented a position in this old world. I’ve always had to deal with strength and fate together. And rebuilding would take all of that once more.
They listened and I think simply needed to here from someone, it could be done. But they were waiting for how to do it. I explained, I have seen enough havoc for three life times, as we sat at the table. It is 5am. The sun will be soon being rising over the grand sea; and now for my plan.
“I will send out several soldiers to find Marduk and Tiamat. I will make a deal with both. Marduk has the influence of the giants of Malta and other islands. Tiamat, has influence over the demon of the sea, the forest, and opened lands and desert. The deal will be that I will not curse them to the abyss of the pit in my life time. If they can get their demon and giants to build the city that is. If they can not, when I see them, and I will hunt them down, they will be cast to the ugly depths of the pit, where they will be chained, and the smells and filth are as no other place in the Universe. This I will not promise the other demon though, only the two. I expert somewhere along the line they both will come to a conflict with one another and one will be left. And so I need not in my life time worry about two of them. Walls ten feet thick, and thirty feet high; that is what we will build.”
“It sounds like a good plan, Sinned, if it could really work,” said the king with a heavy sigh.
The priest simply did not like the idea his god was being used, and had a hard time believing I could put him in the category of a first generation demon. Tiamat, a second generation demon-beast, at best; but they gave me their blessings and the command of the military, as Commanding General, and left dumbfound. Again I was out of retirement. I had never made such a rank in the military, but I was the only officer left to tell tales.

The Solomon Plan

I had sent the soldiers out on horseback to search for Marduk and the Tiamat, and then sat on my chair on my porch, looking at the ruins of the city.
Would it ever look normal again I asked myself; I know I told everyone it would, but I needed to be strong for them. Would people a thousand year from now, remember, or would they simply go on with raping and killing within these city walls. Should I wipe my hands of the city, as God was going to wipe out the world?
Yes raped, our city was rapped twice; like that beautiful woman whom had to face the horror place upon her body by that devoid of compassion demon Untamable; a hurried crime. I shuttered to think of it. Death may have been far happier for her but she was one of the few who got to see revenge in its highest degree. Was God testing me, or was he testing the city? He could have stopped the wild horses from creating the earth quake. He is the Almighty. But he chose not to. Why I wonder.
I know, He must allow the underworld to let out the pressure. But that is just not a good enough answer. I guess I will never know. Who can know him? It is like having the power to count every sand on earth; or in another like comparison, every fish in the sea. I am but a spoiled grass hopper to him.
I wondered about her life before the beast. As I’m sure the next generation will about this one, once the city is rebuilt. They will think it was always beautiful.


On the Seventh day of waiting, one of the soldiers came back with a good report. Saying they had made contact with both Marduk and the Tiamat, through the Sea Demon. But they wanted an assurance I would not cry to my God and have them sent to the abyss, if they were to show up. That afternoon I went to the cliff that one can see across to the other side and Marduk and the Tiamat, stood down on its coast by the sea, to here me cry my words to the Almighty.
“You seem deep in thought,” said the King, as I glanced up to the heavens, he had followed me to the site.
“Interesting,” I mused.
As I looked down again by the sea, there was the Sea Devil by his grandmother, smirk and all, stroking his chin.
“I’m just wondering,” I replied again to King Thesas II.
“I suppose I must prepare myself to pray.”
Having said that, I took my cloths off; washed my body several times, and Semas, wiped me dry. There were several soldiers by the king, a handful of citizens. Most were afraid of both the God of the sky, and the demons of the sea. And now were wondering about me.
I had no wise words to bestow upon the God of Gods. I had learned faith, not much else. And so I got to the point and started my monologue.
“I asked for forgiveness of my ways, to guide my people into prosperity.” I then told him that I loved him beyond redemption, for that was true. And that I was giving my word that in anger or revenge I would not ask to have Marduk or Tiamat put into the pit, should they command their subjects to rebuild our city to my liking.”
There was no lightening, as some thought there would be. But I could see the angelic being Asor‘el, within the clouds as I looked up. She was standing on a cloud. As pretty as the day is long, she was a small angel compared to the other ones I had seen.
Said Marduk [with a matter-of-fact voice from his sea bed below me],
“He does not answer you,” Sinned.
With an echo like the wind of a hurricane, a voice said: “It is not wise to try and test my subjects, Marduk. For in my name he calls. Should I send you to the abyss and build the city in a blink of an eye. “
Marduk said not a word. He started trembling. His legs got weak. I had never seen him that way. He couldn’t swallow, and he started to piss on his legs.
Then as if a storm had come and gone, there was silence.
“Lets get this built,” said Marduk, walking slowly to a stairway that led up the mountain to where I was.
He also commanded his subjects to take my commands, as likewise did the Tiamat. Then they both went their own ways; as the others came to consult me. It was best I suppose they could do, since neither could work together.

Construction Begins

As the demon and giants approached me, I knew some by name, others by legends, and had to ask others whom they were: the Surem, about three feet in height was present, from the Sonoran desert. His job was to have him and his five hordes start picking up rocks to be reused, and put them in piles; --and if need be to communicate with animals to be more helpful, for they are known for that.
Then I instructed the Djinn, from the Arabian Desert with his ten hordes. They had taken on dead bodies of previous soldiers who died in wars. They had to; they had little choice because their essence was of fire. They could travel anywhere instantly, and so their job was to get whatever was needed to the workers, the support unit I called them.
Then She’ dim approached me, from the land by the Dead Sea. He had twenty hordes with him. His job was to rebuild the cannel that was destroyed by the earth quake, and make sure the moat and drainage system was in place. They ate and drank like us humans, and so I had some of the citizens on hand to feed them when they were hungry.
Then I instructed Oni, along with his thirty hordes to do the motoring of he walls, they were from the Sea area of a land called Napaj [Japan]. They had three toes and fingers, and could fly. They had a lot of energy, although gruesome looking, with two horns and a pinkish-blue body. They liked to eat and drink too much, but they fared the pit more. Then there was the thirty-Windigos. They were man eating creatures, huge and strong—with hearts like ice, cold and calculating.
Then there were the thirty-five giants from Malta islands. They would quarry out the huge stones needed to build the city and bring them to the Windigos, and they would put them in place. And there were some I did not know, or for that matter, ever heard about, they just followed every one else, small in structure. There were over one hundred and fifty workers or demon, plus our military and civilians.

The Great Walls Go Up

As the weeks passed, the great walls were going up. The demon-beasts seem to never tire, except for a few. A Lion Gate was built as a side entrance, along with the draw bridge that was replace. The stones were twice my height on the gate, and across they were no less than ten tons stones. The main phases of the rebuilding would be the outer walls, inner guard posts, and then the city wall, with guard posts, and then the city itself. There were only to be three temples. One to the One God of mine, one to Marduk, and one to the Tiamat, and one to a new god-woman called Athena. This came about because of the sailors from the trading lands across the sea.
The giants built two small theatres, and the wall structure went about thirty feet to the moat, which was in the sanctuary area. This area would be used for battle in case we had another invasion; thus, avoiding the enemy to go from the moat to the front door. They would have to cross this twenty meter area first. On the eve of the 90th day, work was stopped. The reconstruction was finished. It was more magnificent than it ever was; and the walls almost twice as thick. And the temples were four stories high not two like before. Never before had we dreamed of building so high of temples.
“Can we leave now?” asked she dim.
I didn’t respond. He turned a nasty sneering smile at me. I returned his look, hasty.
“You may go,” I replied.
Surprised, he looked upon me watching every movement, spell-bound, just watching, and like the day they came they all turned around and were gone. A faint sigh from my lungs seeped out of my mouth. They were like a city of hornets. I never knew when they were going to sting or not. But the fear of the two demonic gods, and my God kept them working.

Temple Cults -
Sinned and the Soldier

6789 BC

Some time had gone by now, since the rebuilding of the city. Things were getting back together, as normal could be that is. The temples were up, and everyone was back into their different patterns sin, within the city walls, put another away, people just doing, doing their thing. We had the One God temple, and now there was one called Lucifer’s Temple, he was not an angelic renegade, nor a first or second generation demon, or ghost. He was one of the original Arch Angels, we heard about. Like Serr’el, or Ura’el. I guess he became an adversary to the Almighty. In any case he got his own temple like so many others within the city—yes an open society has its vulnerable rights that people took advantage of, and slowly they planted seeds in York, seeds that would someday I felt, destroy Yort. Marduk left him alone for the most part, not sure why, but sure time would inform me. And there was a new one called the Golden Ram Temple also, from the land of Egypt.
It seemed also the Tiamat and Marduk was seen in the city square always fighting with one another. For Marduk wanted to be king of the demon-gods. And it would seem somewhere along the line he would. And getting rid of a few gods here and there would do the trick, or be most helpful
‘t’s funny, after life gets back on track; everyone forgets how it used to be. Ha, there is that soldier again.
“Hay, Sergeant, over here,” I said.

“Yes sir, Mr. Sinned. Or are you still the Commander General?”
“How are you doing,” I answered. “And no, I’m a retired person now, I hope.”
“For myself sir, I’m not too well in my mind, trying to sort out an issue I do believe. My father… is the issue; you got some time to listen to me, for I need to talk.”
“Sure,” I said, for I was just standing outside of my house.” Adding, “Lets walk along the cannel, the water calms me.”
“Good idea, Mr. Sinned.”
“Well, how can I help?” I asked.
“I guess my father, the commander, and even the king want me to select a religion. I never have you know; I just kind of rebelled when I was young, and never joined any. They all seemed to want their own ways they religions, as well as those folks wanted me to fine one. And the price is too heavy for me, that is to say, selecting a religion and having to accommodate it night and day, as if it was all I had to do; for the most part, it would just get into my way of being a soldier, or so I believe. But now, now they are pressing me, or possible the better would is pressuring me to do so, to pick one, to adapt one, to eat and sleep one. They said according to the laws on the stone I could pick any, that I had this freedom to do so, but it seems I should have freedom not to do so likewise. And I really do not want to pick one. I know which one you would pick. What’s more, how does one come to a decision in this area?”
“Good question. I guess we can walk around and I can tell you a little about all of them. At one time or another I belonged to most of them. They have come and gone you know, and come back again one could say. I based my decision on which one could I go public with, and be proud of. You know, one that doesn’t have a lot of hidden secrets to belong to. Which one caused the least heart ache to others?” I hesitated.
“Yes, please go on please,” said Sergeant Snemelc as he listened attentively.
We were walking by Marduk’s temple, and the Baboon-gods temple, which were side by side; but Marduk owned it now.
“Let me explain these two temples son, and you can make your own judgment. The Baboon-temple, still has many parties, almost nightly, even though he is gone, Marduk honors the ways of the previous gods, as long as he is number one. They like to dance, sing, joggle things in the air, and all that kinds of stuff. In side the temple is the White Caped Baboon, --other wise know as The Lord of Wisdom. He is kind of the leader somewhat. They have followers called Aztecs, and Maya’s and people from the corner continent called India; and in the land called China. They like to abduct women, rape them, giving them children, which they hide underneath the temple. Everyone knows this, but they do nothing in fear of reprisal.”
I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. Then I pointed at Marduk’s temple.
“And then there is Marduk, as you surely know. I call him the god of chaos. He makes trouble, and he has chosen to conquer all he can. He has many demons and god like figures on his side all ready to do his bidding.”
Then we walked to the South end of the fortress, and there was the Temple of the Golden Ram of Khnum.
“I heard of this one Sinned, they say he is a good and fare god.”
“He is a god of the Egyptians, and some islands off their coast. They call him the Potter. He likes to mold his followers. He too walks upright, like the Baboon gods do. And has a head of a ram. I have seen him at night. He is quiet. He seems to be going to the Nile a lot. He is a watcher of the Nile I am told. He is a god not around very much, if anything. And when trouble comes he surely isn’t there. It is said he shaped the kings princes, and others. I guess I would like a more powerful god if any.”
“Yaw, Sinned, me too,” replied the young sergeant.
We then walked by the temple of Satan.
“He had a temple somewhere in the woods some time ago, now he has one here. A powerful god of sorts I am told. Smart. He seems to change shapes. He can look like a goat, or a handsome man. He is neither a demon or beast, or human. He is all angelic, matter-of-fact; of a higher order I am told. But be careful, he is cunning, and is not called the Adversary for nothing. He is the one that caused the tree of life to dye. He is the one who will let the scorpion demon out of the pit at the end of days. He is the one that goes to the One God, called the Almighty trying to accuse his creations. He is the one that fears the One God. Yet openly defies him. I can’t figure him out. I was told he had everything an angelic being could ask for.”
“There are many gods to choose from, I wish I could not be subject to having to choose,” commented the Sergeant.
“Listen my friend, by not choosing any, you have chose Satan. Now here is my temple. He is the One God, in three. The Almighty, He is the one all others fear. He says you do not have to come to him if you do not want to. But if you do, he will protect you from all other gods. But he also says he is a jealous god, and there must be no others but him.”
The Sergeant put his hands to his temples as if too much pressure was on him.
“And then Sergeant you got the temple of the Tiamat, a god of its own, a self proclaimed god that is; demon of the waters, ruler of many cities, temples. Many follow her. And her sons are as she is, hungry for blood, fun and anything that give them master privileges. She is a mighty second generation demonic-beast. Or god as some put it. She was once a greater god than she is now. But she is still dangerous.”
“How can I now?” asked the Sergeant.
“Good question, Sergeant Snemelc. You will know if s/he is the wrong god when s/he tries to afflict you in the following manner, I’ll give you a list:

1) Wanting to curse the One in Three God
2) Getting rid of the stone, for freedom of choice
3) Implanting suicide thoughts
4) Hatred toward other religions
5) Thoughts that are not yours
6) Using the tongue to destroy
7) Guilt after redemption
8) Depression, rage and nightmares
9) Restlessness.
They all have something to do with the other gods, I call it affliction.”

“I have never been in a Temple, or known such gods, they all scare me,” said the sergeant.
“That is what they want,” I said.
The sun was going down, we had walked a long ways, and twice I think around the fortress. He would have to choose something but it was better he do the picking, it is God’s way, the Almighty’s. I was not a priest, or preacher, or for that matter, a prophet, or soldier anymore, although I did bring down a message of doom from the Almighty. And at first they listened. I say at first. I was simply a retired old man.
“Mr. Sinned,” asked the Soldier, “Are you ok.”
“Yaw, I’m just thinking.”
“I made up my mind sir.”
“That was quick.”
“Yaw, I will go to all of them, and pray to an in-between god, to give me insight to whom I should go to. And like you said, the one that is god will not need me to empower him; he will have it all, already.”
“Good thinking, Sergeant.” I said.
He was a good soldier, maybe he will be good in all he does I thought.

Chapter Eleven

The Last Battle
[The idolized]
Marduk vs. the Tiamat
6790 BC

“Oh, but we all knew the time would come,” as I looked over the edge of the cliff, down below on the shores by the mighty sea stood the Tiamat, the cosmic serpent, winged devil, demon whatever; known through out the world as the dark spirit of the unconscious deep.
And Marduk was a perfect hero for the occasion. And so here we all stood like a gang watching a private wrestling match—all somewhat helpless. Infuriated the sky would not fall and swallow them up. But they had been fighting with words for centuries; and now within the cities walls ever since we had rebuilt the city. I was now 47-years old; the king seven years younger. Semas was now 74. Where did the time go?
The perfect hero to the priests; angelic and homespun; not like the Tiamat, who was the third generation of the demon species, having the beastly qualities, that is. Marduk had four eyes though could see from every corner what was going on: --a good thing for a soldier. And when he got mad his breath could be made to be fire, like the dragons. He was more the soldier type for sure; good with the bow and arrow, the net. The Tiamat’s poisons would not harm him either; he had herbs for that I knew, so it would be a waist of her time. He challenged her to this single battle, or so I was told by one of the priests.
“Sinned,” said the King, “Look, there both demonic gods are walking in a circle,” the battle had started; I turned my head to the heavens, and prayed we would not encounter their anger.
As they circled the third time, Marduk took his net and entangled her. Her wings got caught, and her perturbing face and horns were all interwoven in the net. As she struggled to get released Marduk filled his lungs with air, and like a wind coming from the open seas that turns boats over, he blew it out at her mouth, forcing her to open it, like a mammoth cave, her jaws were forced open, and the winds filled her belly. Like a cat stealing a mouse, he could see inside her belly the god-demons yet to be born.
Then he grabbed an arrow and shot it down deep into her heart. I think it split it the heart into two sections. She dropped to the ground on her knees. Then with a hidden club behind a rock, Marduk grabbed it and smashed her skull. She was no more. We all could see her essence, a black mist leave her body. And she went to the netherworld with the rest of her kind. It was all so quick; I think we were in disbelief. It was like Marduk had it planned, every second. It took no more than three minutes, maybe five at the most, and most of that time was spent walking in a circle. People stood with their eyes opened as wide as the moon at night in shock.
Marduk looked up at us. The priests from his temple fell on their knees. I stood as I had always; I was too old to kneel to new gods, or old demon-beasts. I think he was thinking I would not honor my word, and have him sent to the pit, but a man has got to value something, and when you violated your values, I have learned it is hard to sleep.
Today an ancient god was crushed I told myself, no more no less. I turned around and started walking back home, not wanting to look back, and I didn’t, I just kept on walking to the beautiful, mighty gates of my city, my home; where I belonged in this troubled world. Tomorrow would be another day, I told myself. Who knows, every day is an adventure.
Then I remembered what my father once told me, so many years ago, “Just before your days are through son [he said] for we all die, try to remember what you loved most, it will tell you where you spent most of your time while here on earth.”
And so with a whisper I cried to the heavens, “Father, it is easy now that I think of it,” a tear came from my old eyes, “It was my God I thought of the most, everyday of my life, my family, city and friends second, and my career as a soldier third.”
It has always been that way I mumbled to myself; looking down now to the dirt of the earth, my heart full of emotion.
Then looking towards the gates, I let a sigh out of my chest, “Yes, father and it is the way I liked it—just, just that way. Thanks for reminding me”.
And I walked through the gates to my home. I loved those walks, the woods, and my home. They always made me feel refreshed at their site.

The Tiamat’s Epitaph found on a rock in Asia Minor:

“In those days when the Tiamat roamed the earth freely in Mesopotamian, she left a dark cloud over the land for months on end. Upon her death, they disappeared.” Sinned

“…one learns … how things came…where to find them and how to make them reappear….” Mircea Eliade 1907--

End of book Two

Book Three

To Avalon, the Underworld & Atlantis

Daughter of the Tiamat

God made man in his own image, and maybe
That is what the demons hate. But the question
Comes up, in whose image was the demons made? Dlsiluk

“Stolid and stunned, a brother to the ox?
Who loosened and let down his brutal
Whose was the hand that slanted back this?
brow ?

Whose breath blew out the light within this
Brain ?”

By Edwin Markham
“The Man with the Hoe”

Chapter One

Sinned of Yort
6792 BC

Our city was known to the whole world, and although I was never a king, I was there; I was part of it all. We were feared in all the lands known. The Near East-Levant, land of Mesopotamia, and in the Germanic lands; in Upper Egypt, and Lower Egypt, Crete, and Malos, Malta. The Red and Black seas were our domains. As was the Mediterranean, and the Euphrates and Tigris. We had wars all the way down to the Nile.

I had always loved this city, with its mighty stone walls. Yes, we are talking about Yort, in Asia Minor; --where I was born. Where I shall die I hope, if not in battle, or for the sake of my God, let it be here. Yet, I daresay, I hope not by the likes of the demigods. Or the Great Plague of Germania, by the Rhine and Weser rivers, that thinned its warriors out making it easier for us to battle, but that was many years ago.
In my father’s day, there was a plague also, in Mesopotamia, better know as the land of Sumer, where the city-states of Uruk and Ur suffered the plague the worse. It killed many from Uruk. As it happened, however, they brought the plague to the great fortifications on Crete, as well as the Settlement on Melos, all the way to Thessaly. Some have said the reason it did not hit Yort was because of the Dark Sea, or as some have called it The Black Sea, things change. It has magic some of the Priests proclaim. Whatever the case, we did not have to suffer its consequence. And we forbid any trade with these nations for five years; --a wise decision from King Thesas I. You will say there is nothing wrong with that, and you would be right, but it was hard watching many of our old friends from far off lands turned away.

But again, I will not leave Yort for any other city, for there is none like her. It is where I helped plant orange trees with my father when I was but eight years old—that is, two years before he went to war in Mesopotamia, where he died at the hands of the Tiamat; but none-the-less, they acquired the Mesopotamia Stone, brought it back to the city. It outlines the laws, for the people, instead of letting the temple gods, demon of the city, force laws upon us. The One God gave us this stone. But times are changing. Like on the outside of the walls of the temples, and mighty walls of the fortress, where once there was angels and great figures of our past, now we are left with heavy and depressing scenes [illustrations] depicting themselves, their symbols of their bible for the most part. Their principle figures being their angelic ancestors, the Nefilim, or otherwise knows as the Angelic Warlords, and the Angelic Renegades, otherwise called the Watchers, and some have called them the Titans. But King Thesas the III says very little since Marduk and him became sidekicks. And so I am sure we can count on things getting worse.
Yes, I like picking the oranges now along the cannel that we, that is my father and I planted together years ago. There must be 100-of them now. And I liked helping my father plant the fig trees in the city courtyard likewise, northwest of our house. And that reminds me working on our roof with my father putting the acanthus tiles in place. Not all that high, I dare say, but if you stood on top you could see the forest trees right over the great walls of Yort.
The Great Yort Army back then, in my Father’s day that is, when King Thesas I ruled over Yort, there was not many demonic forces around. It was like they came and gone. Then they started to creep back into our society, like a mouse trying to steel the cheese; that was after my father left for Mesopotamia the second time. At one time my father said 90% of Yort believed in the One God in Three. But that is far from reality now.
Besides, King Thesas I was nothing like his grandson, the III, who is more of a scared mountain lion trying to fit into a mouse hole. But King Thesas I was a terror of a soldier. He runs a tight regime. Although a good and fair king, he took control, inflicting heavy damage, interrupted water supplies, leaving residents and the enemy in a state of shock, when doing a military campaign, which is not unusual, just aggressive. That is until the Tiamat halted his wave of violence, for her wave of crudity.
We were a great city-state, but we were not always at war for a just cause.
As I have said a thousand times giving lectures to my comrades, and being a soldier for many years myself, “We took our booty, even myself when I was with King Thesas I; especially while in the Germanic lands, or by the Pillars of Hercules.”
The Tiamat killed the King. But that was many years after the wars in the Germanic lands. And then the Tiamat, Mother of Demon, was killed by Marduk, and sent back to reside in the depths of the Underworld. He took over her temple now. As well as taking over the temple of the Baboons, both sects. I sent the leader to the Underworld the same way Marduk did the Tiamat.
I was there when it happened. And if there were anyway for the Tiamat to get her revenge on Marduk, or for that matter, me, she would.

When I was young I used to walk these solid stone streets. Lower middle class we were, but not bad for a grandfather that was from the peasant ranks of mankind. I liked them narrow streets, which went every which way, with one or two stores on each side of me as I walked. There used to be a dozens eating-places back when I was a kid; only about half them left now. More changes.
The houses corresponded to one another, that being, middle to larger sized in this area of the city. They looked calmly towards the woods, northwest.
A few trees, fences were around the few houses left by order of King Thesas II, the one I was a best friend with. I had fought with his father, but he was the wisest of all the kings that ruled the city. His son, the third was the worse. Most of the houses were torn down for government buildings, temples, and the king’s palace. Therefore, half the city had to live outside of the cities gates, where at one time, 90% lived inside. Changes and more changes, I guess as long as I live, I either adjust or die. For change I have learned is inevitable. Or so it seems. There were still small businesses, like blacksmiths, gold refiners, and so forth, along with little shops of food, clothing and bakery, and a few wine inns left. And many of the merchants would come into the fortress during the morning hours selling their goods until about 11:00 AM, and then rest until about 3:00 PM, and sell until about 6:00PM. That took place two days out of the week. I also liked the Night Market, where about twenty-merchants sold their goods in the plaza area. Sometimes along the cannel area when there were other events taking place in the plaza.
My next-door neighbor remained though, and was ordinary people like me. My father being a career soldier was gone most of the time, and so when my mother went shopping, they‘d watch over me. She’d come back with a piece of grass in her mouth, I remember, and I’d run to meet her. I loved it back then.
And going out to the woods with a blanket, putting it on the ground, tossing and turning about, while my uncles, aunts, mother and grandparents, cushions all ran about under the long days sun, I kind of miss them days.

Suddenly, I remembered what my One God told me, a while back, what He said He would do to Mother Earth, should it’s inhabitants not stop all their wickedness; King Thesas II was with me— yaw, why am I now thinking of that, funny. That was a few years back. When I took that journey to the Gates of Heaven, and talked to the Almighty. It was a scary and happy moment to say the least, on both sides of the coin. I knew there would a world disaster coming some day, but I did not know the exact day, or for that matter, century. He kind of reinforced it.
With a deep breath I told myself don’t worry about the orange trees or the forest; you have good memories, sad memories only reinforce you had good times with the people you are being sad over. You will have some more. But I couldn’t help the chain of thoughts going through my mind, like a caravan of camels. I was wondering if Yort’s thick walls would survive God‘s anger on the day He would bring the mighty curse on the earth, and to its inhabitants. What a thought to be thinking.

It was for these nights I saved my memories, so I could sit here on my porch, look at the stars and ponder on a thousand thoughts that were hiding in the back of my mind, cramping it, forcing it to come out. After they wiggled their way through my system and out of my mouth, I always became exhausted. But my heart felt better, and I seemed to be able to sleep better.
Yes, I like counting God’s stars, as I looked up into the dark dusty heavens. Oh, which one is the brightest tonight?
Back when I was a young lad, at dust, when the sky was turning gray, my mother would call “Ooooooo…Sinneddddddd ad“. It would echo throughout the whole city it seemed. My friends would say, “Sinned, your mom’s calling again.” I kind of shrugged it off, seeing how my friends would look at me, and then said calmly, “I got to go home.” And off I went.

As I walked home then, usually there was still daylight shinning softly through the tarnished side roads to guide me to my house. Father was slumped like a dead horse in his chair always, flopping around to get into the right position like-a fish that was trying to get out of a net.
I think memories are not for sad people, but for happy people, because they remind you of the good times you had with special people. Even though this city has brought me grief, I have given it unconditional love, or so it seems. It is a live city, alive in every way, that is. It is my lover of sorts. Since I have chosen not to marry, and I am getting to old to consider it now. Home is where you end up all the time. And here is where I seem to end up, for better or worse. Even all the years traveling with the military, I came back here.

I sat back farther in my chair, letting my back hit the stone wall of my home. The night was getting darker and becoming filled with many more stars. I was a lucky person to have been born in this time period I thought, to have enjoyed life, all 52-years of it. Most people died in their mid to late forties, some lived longer of course. It was war, disease or something like that, that got them. But I knew many priests who had lived much longer also. I seem to be drifting.
Awa yes, two-years have passed since I saw the likes of the Tiamat, why must she come to mind now, I told myself.
Let me enjoy the night. I don’t miss her.
Having said that, a light chuckle came from my lips: --I’m laughing at my own humor I guess, --she was in the Underworld now, with the rest of her kind; harvesting I suppose more followers. Yet, it had crossed my mind—I fear to say, but I will, it crossed my mind, several times previously in the past few years, how it must be down there, deep, deep, way ddddeep… in that damp at times and well as dry [cold and hot underworld]. I heard about it—but hearing is not necessary believing …I should say, as my father once said, ‘…seeing is believing [it can be to the contrary],’ and being in them cannels and such, would surely be trust. I could not be ruled by such a king. It is like saying you have a king that has never been in the trenches of combat, how can he rule a nation, he has no concept of security, only a written foundation; no experience of dying, killing, longing. Being retired from the military, I had a lot of time to think about it.
Looking down toward the cannel area, standing still on my porch, I thought about the past two years, how my faithful servant had passed away, my horse died, and no dog anymore, he left. It can be a lonely life for you at times that is for me; along with the city changing, there seems to be less to be hopeful for.

I still walk the cannel daily though, it is good exercise, and I like the oranges I pick along the way. And I still head out into the forest like I used to do, but not as much as I used to do, I’m a little clumsy now-a-days.
When you get to be over 50, you start to slow down a little, and you are less serious, more patient I think. My war wounds hurt make my bones ache.

These demonic gods, forces of evil will someday be gone, I told myself. They are now reducing men into submission by destroying their harvest, and water supply around the fortress. Thesas the II has died. Some kind of mysterious death, nobody really knows, but fingers point to King Thesas the III, and his sidekick, Marduk, for old age didn‘t get him, that’s for sure.
He had a hard life, especially with his son, the demons, and of course his daughter broke his heart when she died by the hands of the Amazons. She was brave though. He never got over it maybe that was a good reason for a Prince to squeeze his father’s heart a little, until it broke again. Hearts can only take so much you know and then comes death. People will say there is no proof of what I claim, and so I avoid giving my opinion. As it is, let the city take care of its own. I have done my share.
His son is but 19-years old, a king with a demon-god as his sidekick; Thesas III, ruler of the great Yort Acropolis, God forbid. Today my mind seems to be shifting all over the place. That’s what you get when you retire, fog and thoughts.

What a death, his daughter had I dare say, at the hands of them Amazons. She will always remain a part of my life though. A part of the cities history. But this new bread of King, who caters to the demon gods, Marduk in particular, and the White Baboon rulers, may destroy our present and past.
As Marduk still rules over the temples of the Baboon Demon, the Tiamat temple, and the Ram for the most part, he will surely try to rule Yort the same way, --when the time is right. One thing about him, he is patient.

The word got around that Lucifer’s temple, also called Satan, bore the name of the Great Serpent, was getting bigger by the month. It first had only five to seven members. Now it had fifty-to-sixty. But back to Marduk, he always wanted to be number one around here, and for the mean time is, Awa, but there is a war in the making. Them two will surely have to cross paths someday, Lucifer and Marduk that is.
I made many attempts to create a bigger following for the One God temple, but it became a fruitless task. There are only three of us left now in the temple; I fear it will go to the likes of Marduk, should I die. But the fear of the One God still dwells in all the temples of Yort; maybe that is why He has spared this city, and the world for that matter. No one thus far, or demon should I say, has ever entered His temple, and I dare say, I don’t blame them.
My hands are neither as steady, nor my legs from my weight this past year, some kind of nerve disease. It is like a snake slowly crawling up your back, but never quite biting you, just got his weight on me now.
Damn them old war wounds. Eleven years in the military, it seemed a lifetime. But I get a steady pension. I was second in command for a while, and for a while first in command. When the General died in the Great War of Germania, The war to end all wars, someone said, I was promoted on the spot. And since that war, there has been plenty more. Germania was a hard war though. It got cold in the winter, and if you went far enough, you would be close to the islands, called the beginning of the Wet Lands.

This porch is getting old just like me, rotting away. Oh, there’s the Commander, Commander Snemelc. I remember him when he was just a sergeant. He asked me for help when the Amazons tried to overtake the fortress. The old Commander died and I put in a good ward for him with the Priests and King, who made him commander.
He followed my orders during the Amazon War, and we won. He was a big part of the win. He never did believe in a god though.
“No god,” he said, “was better than having the wrong god, and there are too many gods around…” he added, “…and I’m not wise enough to pick the right one out. “ Or so he told me, and so he avoided the temples of the demigods, all of them.
None-the-less, he is still a good man though, a loyal soldier. Getting a little round about the belly, but he can still fight I hear.
“Sinned, how are you doing?” yelled the Commander Snemelc.
“Fine my young friend of the Amazon war.” I responded. A Commander at age 31, I had made the rank at 27. His son was now 15-years years old, a sergeant in the army. It sure pays to know people, and to have it in the household.

“You still fighting that war old soldier,” he said to me, with a smile.
“I don’t miss those days Sinned, but I am glad we met, you have been a great inspiration in my life,” his voice was low and soothing.
“How’s the wife and kids,” I countered, as he walked up to my porch where I was leaning in my chair against a wooden pillar.
“There fine sir. You know, as best as can be. Thank goodness I have a position with the king, or we’d starve to death. I’d never make a farmer like Ydoc.”
“You’re right“I commented, adding, “But you’re a hell of a good soldier.”
The Commander seemed a little disarmed for the moment, and then with a sigh said, “You should get a wife, or dog or some kind of companion. You know, someone to keep you company.”
“No, it’s not me. Not anymore.”
“You have disguised yourself as a loner, not like you used to be, a team player. You should find friends Sinned. Being alone is not good.” His eyes narrowed in on mine waiting for an answer.
“And I’ve learned Sinned; you’re a man of few wards.”
“Commander, the need is not there, although at times I might agree with you, but for the most part, I’d disagree.”
“Yaw, well, at 38, who am I to say.” Commented the Commander again.
Then to break the silence that followed, he added, “I think you like that grave site in your backyard, where the Amazon Queen motionless, rests. Or is it that little angel you seen a few times years back when the world seemed upside down, like it is becoming again.”
“No, no, the Amazon Queen was a moment in my life, and the little angel was as pretty as the day is long, and I guess I’ll have to wait until we meet again to find that out, although I’d like to take a journey, I do miss traveling. Maybe even fight a battle before I die. You know, get involved with the action part of life. If only my health was a little better. Got a lot of war wounds that seem to act up, at different times. ”
“Sinned, at your age, you’re better than most people at 60. Who are usually dead? Matter-of-fact, most people don’t even get to see your age.”
“There are a few like me, who seem to live forever.” The Commander gave me a little hug with his hand on my shoulder, a man thing I guess, and left me standing, as he turned about to check on the guards.

Asor’ el was a cut angel, I mumbled as I witnessed a half dozen people passing by. She was the angel that was in the sky with Serr’ el, a few years back, but it was blasphemy to talk in a bad way about angels, and so it is best I leave that area alone. I respect God’s helpers, the good Watchers.
The morning sun was coming out now. The sounds of dogs and horses and cocks were all about. The city was becoming alive. The smells of fire and food cooking were being shifted all about as the wind carried it throughout the city, unparticular, the smells of cooking bread, as if the tops of the loafs were slightly being burnt, and the center soft as an angels wings, filled my nostrils. I thought about a good cup of good morning wine along with the bread; life for a moment was great. If I must grow old, let me do it in style.
My father always said, “To fully live you must have something to die for, “and I guess that made sense to me. It stuck with me all my life and so I guess I did somewhat cherish his philosophy. And so somehow in my daily thoughts were the people of Yort, the farmers, the women and children, all the working class, skilled and general labors, servants of the king, temple priests; the demigods. You can’t take one without the other. Why God mixed us all in one pot is still beyond me, but I am just a grasshopper, not the Almighty, for who can understand Him.
As the last few years had passed I noticed the demigods when they wanted something build, or a new law enacted, they would go to King Thesas III, and it would become law. The demigods used to go to the Priests, who went to the king, but King Thesas II was not too agreeable. I guess his son figured it would be better to be alive and live under their rule, then dead. He would always tell the people it was for the betterment of the establishment. Such as the Law of Government Free Labor, thus, all who were called upon had to come and work without pay. I think the King over used the phrase: “For National Security.” And of course the soldiers enforced it, they had little choice, other than to rebel and dethrone the king, but most of the citizens by now had joined one demonic temple or another. And Marduk had control of all but Lucifer’s and the One God temples. And Lucifer’s never really got in Marduk’s way. Matter-of-fact, they both seem to share the same qualities.
New laws were being put into place monthly. What was next who knows, maybe soon the Great Mesopotamia Stone itself would become obsolete without even moving it from the temple, like the Tiamat wanted to do. I think the demons were becoming more of a challenge, if not simply more cleaver. Laws are not good if no one adheres to them.
One can have all the carvings he wanted on them, and keep it in a safe keeping area, as in this case, the One God Temple, but no one respected it anymore. Or should I say, not many in Yort came to see it. At one time 100-people daily came. Other cities from all over the world would come to see it. The Amazons wanted to see it after we had the war with them. It was like a world monument. Yes, I firmly believe with the way the world is going, it will be taken out someday and replaced with Marduk‘s laws. The Macedonian Stone, the pride of Yort most likely will become no more than a gravestone, like everything else here. It is no more than a rock I know, with old print on it. But why then did the Tiamat want it so bad. It was what it represented. Marduk was patient if anything, he could wait until I died to make his move, and if the chance came up, maybe not. He will surely go for the stone when it was time. And if he lost his patience, he would go sooner.


“Ydoc,” I called with the top of my lungs. “Can’t you hear me, my young friend?” He was but a kid of 19 when I killed the Tiamat’s sons. He took over his father’s farm now. He must be at least 25 or 26. Oh, time goes by, like the hay in the fields; one day you plant it, the next you harvest, and when you turn about, wake up, it is gone again, like the seasons.
“Yes, Sinned,” answered Ydoc.
Oh, here he comes. He’s always got something good to say. I wonder how that son of his is doing.
“Nice to see you again, friend of my father from so many years ago, my father’s old war friend that is; but now Sinned, we both look the same age.”
“How is that son of yours, Ydoy?”
“It’s like always, a little different. He likes playing and seems to be very close to his mother. I fear he will have learning problems when he is older. He doesn’t seem to understand as well as other children do for being 6+ years old, can’t figure it out. My son should be closer to me, but then people tell me to wait, he will someday.
“How is your friend, Kulis, he’s in the Army now, isn’t he?”
“Yaw, he is in the army with Divic, the Commanders son, and he is not much different than the Greeks, or the demonic gods of the Baboon temple.” He commented.
They used to take the men of the village when they came looking for their wives and make them as if they were women. Some of the men got liking them more than their wives, and came back willingly to mate with other men, and the White Baboons. It seemed to me they were all a little sex craze.
“He seems to like the boys a little, Sinned.”
“Yaw, Kulis has tried to talk to me about it but I just can’t seem to adjust and so I am quiet when it comes to answering him.” I replied.
“But you, you always have an answer, Sinned.”
“No, --not always,” what more could I say without pushing over a rock and uncovering a hundred worms.
“Ydoc, are you asking for some kind of answer for his behavior from me?”
“Maybe Sinned, do you have one?”
“No, not really—not, not really, none other than what I gave you. That is that it is not so uncommon, and actually becoming more accepted. Back when we were young it wasn’t talked about much. I guess I can think of worse behaviors, if that is any comfort. We can’t control anything or any body. In the Satan Temple, everyone exchanges mates all the time.”
“That reminds me Ydoc, some day Marduk and Satan will get into it like the Tiamat did with Marduk.”
“Yaw you are right and you are changing the subject Sinned. And if I remember right Kulis goes to the Ram’s temple, with his father pretty frequently, and at night sneaks into the White Baboons Temple for the sex orgies.”
“I’m sure you are right,” I answered Ydoc. “But you haven’t given me an answer to my problem, Sinned. “
“I don’t know if it should be a real problem for you. You can have him killed if you have enough money that would solve it.”
“Oh, you’re just joking. You know I wouldn’t do something like that Sinned.”
“Well, then, on the other hand, if you are not going to have him killed, you can accept him and not his behavior, and keep a friendship up, -- in other words, support him, and it might be wiser to simply keep things light. It is like the women who commit infant-side. Some of us do not believe in it, as do most of the temples here used to, but we do not hang the woman for it. We accept her and not her behavior.”
“Sinned, what is next? Pretty soon we will be killing old men because they are useless to our society.”
“Ydoc, they already do that in many of the cities throughout this region. You simply do not leave Yort that much. This is your world.”
“You are right my friend. I do not wish to have a death on my hands, and so that is out of the question. And you are right, there is not much I can do about his undesirable behavior in my mind accept tell him I care for him, and leave it at that. Maybe someday I will understand, or he will, or we both will. And you know my sister, Ennyab, has done just what you said before, left her baby on the side of the outer wall of the city. It died ten days ago. She told everyone it was a miscarriage, but she just didn’t want it. I got to deal with that also. I know it is not against the law, one can do as they please with the child, especially when there is no father to claim it, but I feel life is life, and she just put it out like a candle.”
“Have you forgiven her for her decision, since it violates your values?”
“Yaw, I guess so. You know she wants to get married and having a child would have stopped it I suppose. She got infatuated with some young stud, she still is. He is 20-years old, she is only 13.”
“I know she is, Ydoc, but many women get married at that age, and the husband takes on the children. And then on the other hand, many men want virgins. We men are a funny group of people. She has learned her youth is very important in landing a good man, or at least she has learned it now.”
“I guess the laws nature say, maybe things just will work themselves out. And you know Sinned, I don’t like the other new law they passed some time back, the one that says the bride must sleep with the king, or his appointed one before a marriage is legal,” commented Ydoc.
“I think the problem is, most of the new laws only damage the people, and give abusive powers to a certain class, or clan. But when you get rid of one good law, the rest start to crumble, until there are no laws other than survival. Most people would rape at will, had we no Army and laws to stop them. And you can see this almost daily at the Baboon Whites temple. What is this world coming to?
Again my friend, it is not a new thing, maybe in this city it is, but in other parts of the world laws are much different. And maybe some of them old laws are catching up with our new laws. But you are right, our place, with its written down laws on the stone forbid such behavior. But the new young king, Thesas III, likes his games. And whatever laws Marduk and Lucifer make up, he approves them.”
Having said that Ydoc left; I think he was going to visit his friend in the military, Kulis, and then back home to his family. I think he knew he could not violate his values no more than Kulis could his, right or wrong.
Everyone is stopping by today I thought, that is, my young friend the Commander, than Ydoc, whose next.

The King Passes


Here the king comes, now what, I said to myself.
“Sinned, how are you doing, my father’s old friend?”
As always King Thesas the III, was joyfully fine; looking as healthy as ever.
“Sinned, I think you will out live me, are you never going to die?” said the King with his eyebrows up, --as if to tell an honest joke and his right hand wiping away the slush on his lips from an apple.
“We all die sir; it is the one thing the gods of this city can not control, except mine.”
“Is that so Mr. Sinned? Now how would you figure that? I have never seen him, nor has anyone here, except you.”
“I hate to differ with you sir, but I think Marduk, your close friend of sorts, has had a few close calls with him, and would prefer leaving well enough alone, with Him. Matter-of-fact, I could possible set a meeting up for Marduk with Him, if you so desire.” The king just looked at me dumbfounded. I was hoping he’d ask me to fix a meeting up for him as a counter joke, but I would make it come real, if the Almighty would accept. He just put that apple back to his face and took a bigger bite though.
“Sinned, I do hope you are not becoming insulting with your king.”
“I give to my king what belongs to him, and to my God what belongs to Him.”
“And Sinned, what belongs to me, --and Him?”
“Good question my king,” he was smiling at me as if he had put me into a hole, with a lid ready to fall on top of me.
I have called very few he was one hell of a fool.
“My king, I owe you tax’s, my house if you demand, my warrior hands, and my life if I must protect you, they all belongs to you, because my God has allowed you to live, to be king, and this would be his intent. And my place is to serve you if need be. But the moment He decides different, my soul will pass me the message, and things could change, for he knows my heart and soul, are his.
“My father once told me Sinned not to argue with you, that it was fruitless, that you were a good soldier, putting aside your beliefs. And so I go with that, nothing else, your god is not mine. And your soul, well, you or He can have it, as long as I have your right hand, and your faithfulness to the city, and its king. I do wish we could be more of friends though, like my father was with you, you know, keep it in the family.”
I thought as we stood there, he wants me in his family as a master wants his dogs in a pin, but I couldn’t tell him, it was not my place. I try not to cross the line, or out guess any one, it is not wise, for there is a thin line between wisdom and foolishness. And as soon as we think we are wise enough, pride creeps in, and soon follow destruction. Matter-of-fact, I do not compete for competing sake. I like who I am, and have become. To do otherwise would not be me. But someday I would step into the limelight of the Almighty’s shadow, and I would have to deal with it then, so I was better off dealing with it now.
The king turned about waiving me off like a servant he passes in his hallways. It was beginning to be a busy day. I was getting tired just greeting people.

Chapter Two

Sesophe - City of Marble
Two months later

I was called upon to travel to the city of Sesophe, in Asia Minor to lecture on the laws and history of our city, in-particular the Mesopotamia Stone, by request of their king. I was also given a hidden agenda to talk to their king about the demonic forces of Gwyllion, who is said to be from the Wet Lands [Wales and England].

I had never been to this city before; I didn’t really care for its wide openness. As I entered its cities stonewalled entrance, and beyond, I was not impressed with its vulnerability to the attack of an outside force. It was hardly enclosed compared to our city-state. Now I was in a wide area with temples, a palace and market courtyard. Most of this area looked like it was made out of marble. Streets of marble, pillars all over the place of marble. But being a soldier, I could tell their city was very open for attack; I guess this bothered me, but not them for some odd reason, I was surprised none-the-less, and unparticular, that this city was still standing.
As I walked about the market area, my donkey, and Ydoc’s friend Kulis, one of the two soldiers the Commander gave me for protection, the other one being, none other than his son, Divic, although young, he was a brave and knowledge sergeant in Yort’s army, standing about 5 foot five inches already, light brown complexion; somewhat passive, and quiet, but a heart of a lion when needed. He was built well, and his black wavy hair and deep dark eyes made him look quite handsome. He reminded me, of myself, I was only 16 when I went in the service. The other soldier Kulis was a private, and again the worry of my friend Ydoc.

The Captain

As I looked about the city, a young Captain called Rekcur greeted me, along with the king of Sesophe, and several members of the city, I was brought to the podium stand in the cities orator center, where I talked on the rights of a free society; how that a free society must first hold up responsibility, for even freedom can go too far to the right, allowing everything under the sun to take place in its name. And on the other hand, a totalitarian form of government, like he demigods would like to have, would surely go too far to the left, making it a controlled society to the point of everyone would be would be watching everyone else. And even such a regime would require a responsibility to its people in allowing certain rights and movements. The Greeks like the democratic way; the Assyrians more on the order of the watchdog type, both were extremes. What people really want is freedom or control without responsibility.”

The lecture went well, and Sergeant Divac and Private Kulis, stood by the king, and the Captain, along with his group of followers, watching me at every step to insure no one would attack me for what I was saying. For as many that loved the right to have such freedoms, there were the wealthy that had not liked such talk, such as the priests. In both cases the king was worried for my life, and showed it quite well, by protecting me. As I got to my last paragraph, the several hundred onlookers stood up and clapped. It pleased me to hear their hands and voices giving approval, it was always like gold inside of my chest. For I loved the freedoms I had at Yort, and the responsibilities.
Although I had never been here before, my name preceded me, as it also did along the coast of the Great Seas, where many battles had taken place, I was in, and some that I had commanded. I had out lived many of my soldier comrades. And the city was impressed with this kind of reputation. But I was more curious on why the king wanted me in the first place.
As I stepped down from the stand the Sergeant and Private ran up to assist me with my walk. And again the King and Captain came to greet me, but with a new agenda.
Said the Captain [with an uncanny smile, hands clasped and tight around one another; his legs tight together as if he was about to address a harsh issue]:
“Sinned, the lecture was great. And freedom of rights is what this new issue I bring to your attention is all about. In short, the right to live in this city, as we have for five hundred year, and now it is being threatened.”
I knew there was something happening but not sure what the Captain was trying to tell me. I would guess the demon would be mentioned shortly, I told myself.
“Gwyllion, is her name,” explained the Captain. “She comes from the Wet Lands.”
As the Captain continued to speak, I couldn’t hear a word; I seem to be entering a tunnel of sorts. And not far from me, about 100-feet stood a creature of sorts; could this be the Gwyllion demon he is talking about, I asked myself. I shook my head to get out of this trance state.
“Captain,” I said loudly, not realizing it was as loud as it was until I seen him step back. “Who is this Gwyllion, where did she come from? I got the feeling I know her, that is, my body and senses, call it intuition or whatever, know her simple by her presence…. kind of that is, if that makes since.”
As soon as I said that, all heads turned to look over their shoulders, where my eyes were staring, “As I was saying, her presence seems to bring me back a bit. Like my body has knowledge of her.”
“Funny way of putting it sir,” replied the Captain.
Divac and Kulis were just looking very protective, stepping a few feet closer to me. I smiled at the boys, but they never smiled back because they were looking at me and at the demonic woman called Gwyllion, now about 75-feet from me.
Said the King, “None of us know exactly who she is, or where she came from, only that her powers and presence we can’t seem to get away from. She is slowly paralyzing our city into chaos.”
Said the Captain with a deep threshed sound; “Here she comes,” in disbelief.

Gwyllion Speaks

“Hello my friend,” said Gwyllion with a grin. A grin I had seen before I feared on that Sea Devil I believe, the one I met going from Malta to Yort, a few years back. But I just couldn’t put my fingers on her. There was a change in the mood of all the people around me. I turned to look at each one and it was like the lights went out in their eyes.
“Hello, hello Sinned. Don’t you greet your old friends?” She complained.
“And so Gwyllion, hello to you, and as far as old friends go, you need to explain.” Now unfolded a flame in her eyes, she was waiting for this moment I believe.
She had her secret in her head. She looked at all the faces, as I had, all were looking at her; she seemed to like the attention. Tall faces, short faces, fat faces and square faces. She made sure she completed a little contact with every ones eyes; even mine, which I noticed right away. She liked to control I could see right from the start.
The mystery she had inside of her was seeping out slowly; the way she wanted it to. She was waiting for a response. But I had learned one need not answer a question simply because some one expects you to. As if my wanting to know would give her control. But if she knew me, she knew I could live without knowing also. It would be better for her to let me know, than to try and control, in fear of being put on the spot, and made to look dumb which I was about to do. Just as I was about to turn away, she opened up?
“I will give you the secret, my dear friend, I will tell you who I am, and why I call you my old friend.”
The Captain and King looked shocked. They couldn’t get an answer from her for three months, as she had waited for this day I expect.
“I’ve been waiting for you to arrive, for months now. I couldn’t go to Yort, simply because my mother wouldn’t like it. You get it Sinned, MOTHER!!”
I looked at her as she opened her mouth wide when she said “MOTHER” the second time. It again reminded me of something. Then with spite and a wicked tongue she screamed with uncontrollable emotion:
Underworld, on the Isle of Avalon! [Wherever that was I thought] and I have to come to this stinking city for my mother! You see my friend, you have a secret I want to know, but first let me introduce myself. I [she started to calm down] am the daughter of the Tiamat. You know! … The one Marduk sent to the Underworld. You killed her two sons did you forget? She hasn’t. But if you tell me what I want to know, the secret, I will forgive you on behalf of my mother. Matter-of-fact, she will not forgive you ever, but I will.”
I looked at her; she didn’t look like her mother fare from it. She did although carry a kind of gray look about her; denoting a little gloom and darkness around her eyes. She did remind me a little of the people who lived in the mountainous areas, they had the same look. Or the deep forest areas, having a pale, deadly look of sorts. Her hair-raised laughter was sort of like that also, like her mother’s. Her ash colored clothing didn’t help her appearance; only set her off from among others. She actually looked to be somewhat of a kindly old woman. But God forbid should someone take that remark seriously. Her cackling was deadly, like her mother’s also.
Said Gwyllion, with an upbeat to her voice now, “Let me give you a little history my mother’s friend, for the sake of you questioning me, and prove my heritage. I was given the right to leave the underworld because my mother conceived me while in the visible world I was in her stomach. Thus, I was allowed to leave the underground chambers because of that little oversight. Not like my sister, who was conceived within the process of her transformation while in the physical body and the spirit change over. She still lives in the dungeons way, way down. To be quite honest with you, I hated the clamor down there, if anything.
As you can see I grew quickly, so I could come up here and, you know, live ‘among’ everybody. But when I did I went to the Wetlands, where I was a god among men and women. And I had lots of women to make love to [she started laughing like a cock in a cock fight], and my friend I helped built the Labyrinth, something you know nothing about, but history will record my presence. I call it the Living Rock, or should I say, terrace walk. We built a pathway to the sun you see. That is why the Tor, which is in the Wetland, is known to be pointed to the rising sun, the eastern horizon that is. Then we had the inhabitants light a fire on the hilltop, and the fire extended to the pathway, thus it became a sacred hill, and sanctuary. It is not called the Mother Circle for nothing, as my mother is not called the Mother of Demon for nothing. She will find her way back here, and you should be careful, she wants to eat your headfirst.
But let me get back to where I want to be with all this. My mother hates Marduk, and wants revenge, but first I want… What… I want, and what I want, I get like my mother, and yes, I do get a little over emotional, anyways; and that my friend only you know. I want to know where the Cave People are. They are from the Wet Lands and escaped, or so a certain person named Hecate and Vodyouoi, some of my new angelic-demonic friends, has told me. They used to live in this endless land of green, and are still talked about today. If I could bring them back, this lost tribe of sorts, I would be a hero god of sorts, like my mother. Now you can help me, or work against me. And I tell you; I do not fear your God like my mother does. He is your God, and He couldn’t keep me in the Underworld could he? See, I ’m here. He had to keep his word, and let me go; I think he regrets it now though.”
I stood there waiting for her to take a deep breath, but like her mother, she kept talking.
“And you, Mr. King, I will make love to all your women in this dump of a city. And to any man I want to pregnant me. Maybe your son, Sesophe II, he is 13-years old I hear. I will teach him how to get an erection, if he doesn‘t already know.”
The king didn’t know what to say, and as his soldiers started to step forward as to grab her, he held them back in fear she would put them into a trance state and leave them in it forever. I had got noticed at first hand, she had such powers.
“I‘d try you Sinned, but I think you couldn’t get it on; I hear you don’t like boys or girls, maybe its animals, ha haaaa !“ She laughed headedly, then added, “…but you have a nice ass, above and beyond!” She started laughing again as a mad woman.

The Trance

“You surprise me,” I explained to Gwyllion. “You profess to know me through your mother, and if you really did, you would know I would not give you the answer to your question.”
She smiled [there was a riddle to this I sensed and I wouldn‘t find out quite yet, a psychological path to her statements-questions I think].
As I stood there I seem to go drift farther away from her. Loosing my will to focus and stay in the present, as if I was being put into a trace, I was going into a dream world.
Gwyllion was saying something to the King and the Captain. My two guards were watching me with helplessness as if they were frozen in place. The world was different at the moment.
What kind of awful trance was this? Like my whole body was paralyzed and I was being taken into a distorted world, drugged with magic potions to make my body stop suffering; this must be I thought, the drug God puts into animals just before their prey eat them, thus, releasing them from the pain of death. She tapped into my system some how, and is using its natural herbs to drug me. We are all born with these safety features my father once told me. Plus, I had learned that in war, by watching people die around me. How at death this drug within a persons body can be withdrawn from the bodies inner walls, according to the will of the body, according to God’s will, all pain stops then.
I started shaking, and as my body was about to fall to the ground for lack of balance, the Sergeant caught me, and I was out of my trance as was the sergeant.

“See how easy it is to control you my friend,” she laughed as she turned about and grabbed a soldier by the groin ripping off his penis with the force of two wild men.
Holding his legs, and grinding his teeth after being castrating, he fell too his knees bleeding as she continued to laugh and hold his item in the air for all to see. One of the soldiers without orders ran at her with his sword about to cut her head off, and as fast as the sword came down, she entered his body, and like a snake racing to its hole, he was jumping all about, and his right hand was forced to drop the sword, while his body was made to run to a dead tree stump where he jumped upon it, as it entered his lower body, killing him instantly. At that point she was out of his body walking toward the same path, looking back at the item in the dirt, and the king, everyone was amazed at her abilities, even me.
As she came upon a small house, she notice a young girl in the doorway, it reminded me of the women years ago who was raped by the Tiamat’s son, Gwyllion’ s brother to be exact.
She walked up to this girl, ripping her clothing off completely, grabbing her with force and tore the door off its hinges, laying her on it for all to see. It was a power show, for everyone knew they could do nothing. I couldn’t do anything I felt somewhat helpless, or at least I didn’t try, I’m not sure why. For some odd reason, I didn’t feel it was my place, or stand, I guess, it was the kings.
Said the Captain, “Now Sinned, you see our problem, I am not sure what this cave thing is about, it sounds like a lost civilization of cave people you met and she would like to visit them.”
| “No Captain,” I replied, “It is more like she would like to rule them, bring them back to a country they escaped from. I will not trade them for your safety.”
He looked dishonored, as he should have, and replied, “You’re right, I’m only thinking about our people, not the others. I am a bad soldier for such a thought.”
It was not that it was so bad, it was simply a trade off I was not willing to make. I owed him less than what I owed the cave people.
I said nothing to comfort him though time would do that. And I needed to think about what I just said. But I did return a smile, a hand to his right shoulder, that was saying I understood, but no more than that. The king didn’t look so pleasing with my answer, but comment, “You are so right Sinned.”
Then he came close to my side and whispered, “ For the sake of safety, you should tell someone where they are in fear Gwyllion may find out and if you were not around to help her, --well, I could do somehow.”
I hesitated, and then he added, “Do you not trust your host?” I smiled at him.
“She has powerful magic,” the king went on to say, as if the other subject was put to the side for the moment.
If I was in fear of anything it was my age, and talking in my sleep or trance, not knowing what I was saying. I did not fear her pain, or powers other than what they might pull out of me without my knowing. And by the looks of things she shared the same hate for Marduk as her mother did: --anyone waits three-months until I came to the city to see me that was devotion to her quest.
The king kept looking at me. Gwyllion was now out of sight.
“Malta,” I whispered in his left ear, “They live in a cave on the Isle of Malta, but no one must know this,” I explained. Having said that, we were taken down to the marble road to the palace of the king, given our quarters, and food and wine. I was quite tired, and thereafter took a long nap.

Chapter Three

The Secret Underworld

Late that evening I went for a walk as I usually did back in Yort, and unexpectedly saw Gwyllion, or was it intentional? I didn’t know. I had some fear in my heart, and stomach for some odd reason, maybe because she overpowered me before, maybe because I didn’t do anything to help that woman and soldier, not like when I was young. The heart of the lion had left me; I was left with the heart of caution, like a child. I wanted to turn about, get out of her way, like a man in a boat, afraid he will fall over and not be saved, but I had to stand my ground. I would rather die with honor, at this moment, than die as an old man in twenty years with no honor. For being cursed and laughed at by heaven and those I would leave behind in Yort would be too much for me to take.
As she walked toward me, she ended up standing within three feet of my shadow, about 6-feet from me.
“I do think Mr. Sinned you are showing fear, the brave Sinned. Has your throat dried up yet?”
“You are right, I seem to have this unknown fear going through my vanes, but do not be foolish demon-woman, have you not heard God uses man’s weakness to show his strength? My One God will destroy you at his will. Like a giant squashing a bug.”
She opened her eyes as wide as they could go, yet remaining her focus on me, then she hesitated, she saw me pray in whispers.
“Wait, wait,” she cried, “I have a deal for you.”
“I’m listening, “I replied, stopping my praying.
“I will give you two things for one. First I will never put you in a trance again; I give you my word, never, no matter what. Second, I know you have interest for some odd reason in the Underworld, and I will tell you where its entrances are. If…”
“Well, let’s hear the ‘if’, Ms Gwyllion,” I said with a breath of fresh air, or relief.
She pushed an eyebrow up when she heard the ‘Ms part,’ adding, “Now Sinned are you trying to make it with me, you know, take me to bed and use that old item you have there, if it still works.” She started laughing. “You know old man, fuck me.”
“I said finish the ‘if’, and stop with the name calling, it only waist my time.”’
I knew she was trying to get to me emotionally, get me off balance.

“OK, sure, here is the deal, I will only ask of you one thing, and I want a promise, and I want you looking up to your God when you promise, I will be watching you. Promise me you will never ask your God to send me to the pit, or curse me there. Or try to destroy me, if I am not trying to destroy you. You see Sinned you have one gift, or maybe two. The one I’m thinking about is you being single, you have no one I can punish you for not doing what I want done. You see most people have family, girlfriends, children, wife, you know, but you have only you, and that God of yours, whom is your second gift, and now you know my fear, if you can send me to the pit, it would not be to my liking. And it is not of your God I personally fear, for I do not know Him, but rather of my mother’s fear, of your God. That is what I carry in me. And you are some kind of vessel for him. For some mysterious reason he sees fit to use you, I can’t figure out why. You are nothing more than a dried up old soldier and you got nothing but a little love and faith.
“It’s a deal, I swear to the Almighty,” I said, looking up to heavens.
“So that is what you call this person, The Almighty, what a name. Doesn’t He have a certain name like, Sinned, or Gwyllion, or Tiamat, or Lucifer, you know, a personal name?”
“I FEAR FOR YOUR SAFETY Ms Gwyllion, if I told it to you and you repeated it, you would be cast to the pit for its abuse. It might be better you do not know it in fear you may awake some night cursing it; unless you want me to tell you?”
“No, no, don’t tell me, I have no reason to remember his name. And promise me you will never tell me.”
“A deal is a deal, I already made my promise, and there will be no more.” As I looked at Gwyllion, I almost felt I had a new weapon, God’s name. She looked worried, but shook it off quick as if to hide it from me.
“And now you want to know the information, right?” said Gwyllion.
“Right,” I said.

“Well, so be it, you must not tell anyone else this though, if you did, you open the door for them to The Underworld, your God may not be too happy. I will tell you where it is, how to get to it, but you must do the work. And my dear friend, no human has ever gone through its doors from this physical world, nor left it while within its walls once placed into its dungeons; but I know you are special, so who knows, maybe you may survive it. Well, it is called the Blood Springs Entrance, or Gateway to the Underworld. There are actually about four of them on earth. But I will tell you about two, since they are both by one another. And I do want you to make the journey; my mother would be so, OH SOOOO Very happy to see you. Anyhow, it is on an island called Avalon, in the Wetlands, as you humans call it. It is a labyrinthine, spiral of tunnels as you may call them that coil, with chambers leading into and throughout the earths crust; some even going into the earths mantel, and under the frozen parts of the world. Places my friend you have never even heard of.
The second gate is by the huge rock, called the Tor Burr, on the Tor [hill of Avalon], which you will have to crawl through to get to the entrance leading down farther into the earths crust into the tunnel systems of the Underworld; more towards the back of it, on the Tor is this Burr, or huge round rock the giants of old carved with their hands.
But be careful, there are two giants, 35-feet tall, called Gog and Magog. And to the West lies another land you must not get caught in, two more giants live there, called Finn and Benandonner, they have been fighting with words for 200-years, since [7000 BC], and are building a path, a giant causeway from Antrim to the island of Staffa. The Causeway is almost done, over 40,000-stepping stones; some 40-feet high Finn has done his work. He will be tired when he meets his rival. But Finn being 50+ feet tall will be surprised when he meets his rival he is even bigger. And be careful around the Tor, there are two twins, demons; they line to play with boys, and sometime older men. They are not all that tall, only 9-feet. They are called Yeti, or Migyur. You will know them by the red face they have, nose like a chimpanzee and claws, and narrow heels and toe pads. I only ware you because I want my mother to have here day, and you will make it for her by showing up.
Also Sinned, I like it in the Avalon area more because I feel at home being around the gates to the Underworld, and all the giants and demon. Furthermore, the main palace of the underworld was not meant for travelers, rather those lucky enough to leave would never want to visit it again. There is a silent atmosphere in the tunnels; it will get to you as you walk the granite stone floors.”

“Well, tell me more about the other gate, the Blood Springs Gate?” I asked.
“Some have called it the Chalice Gate, some prophets that is, but none-the-less, close by this area is Hecate, death goddess, and a close friend of mine. Look her up Sinned she may help you willingly, she can point the entrance out to you, her friends are the twins, so be careful.
She is also a prophetess of sorts, she has predicted that on this hill called the Tor, the one I helped build, in the year AD 1275 in the month and day called 9/11 there will be an earthquake, destroying what ever godly church or temple you humans build on its back. And in the 21st Century, on 9/11 there will be destruction in a far off land. You see my Sinned, us demon have our secrets, conspiracies, and our plans go back far, we have patience.
At any rate, to this quest-journey to the land of the dead, my dear friend, where no one but you wants to go, is underneath this spring I am talking about. It is like a well of sorts, the spring that is, and you have to drain it, about 15,000 gallons of water. It has lost its higher water level lately. Moreover, draining is possible, for it had to be done by my mother to get me here, and the helper was none other than Hecate, -- she‘s a sweet heart, she told me this location goes back 65,000 years from the day I walked through the gate of death. Now don’t be all impressed with the great work I did on the terrace forms on the Tor, but what I like is the astrological signs we built within its structure. I like the psychic communion, harmony it gives me. Oh, Avalon is my real home away from home, and I got to go back, but I must be a goddess you know, and have respect, like my mother used to have. Everyone says, ’your mother… this, and that,’ I am tired of hearing it; I want to be greater than she.
Under this spring is a vault door you must open, although you’re too old to open it, most likely, maybe you’re too old to walk to it. However, in heavens name maybe you can drain it? Anyway that is that.
Now Sinned, maybe we can make another deal, for the Cave People?”

“Your death is the only deal I would make with you over them.” I told her in a matter-of-fact way. She got red in the face, spitting and sputtering out sounds I never heard.
“The vault door will crush you like an ant, I wish I could be there to open it for you, and push you down on the dirty earth toward your journey. But I’ve spent my time there, I leave that for you now, I have no interest to venture into them damp, cold, hot, dirty tunnels and endless dark river paths. But I am curious now that I think about it, why do you want to go?”
“Why what,” I commented.
“Now you’re playing games, you know the why I’m asking about. “
She was right I was avoiding her questioning.
“No need Sinned for the gallant soldier you were long ago, it is gone. But going to the Underworld would bring you no glory, or maybe it would, providing you got out alive, but not to your God. Maybe it is your last journey, to show off.”
I looked at her strange, she had a good question, and point. But I really didn’t have a good answer for her. It was simply the last place on earth to go. I had been all over creation, and this was the land before time to me. Now she talks about cold lands I’ve never seen, and that too intrigues me.
“Are you going to answer me Sinned, or must I guess?”
I just stood there looking.
“Guess,” I said.
“Well, since you are not sure of the reason yourself, and I do think that is were you are with this, and according to my mother, you are not dumb, so maybe you’re being cleaver. But neither is I a dumb demon. And so my guess would be is that you would like to leave a legacy, a name for yourself that would last a 1000-centuries. That is what my ancestors wanted, the Watchers. That is why they build so many monuments throughout the world. That is why I worked on the Tor.”
Maybe she was right. I didn’t know myself.
“Well Ms Gwyllion, I’m getting tired, like all humans do, and must go to bed. And to your guess, you might be more right than wrong, time will tell.” Having said that I made an about face, and headed back to my room, never looking back at the ungodly figure of a woman.

Chapter Four

The Map-Letter from Gwyllion
[To the Underworld]

As I tossed and turned in bed, trying set my pillow right to get another ounce of sleep, I saw the sun seeping though my window, shifting through the dark parts of the curtains like a snake sticking its head through a doorway, when nothing else would fit. It must be mid morning I told myself, maybe 9:00 AM or so. I should get up, but my subconscious told me to hide under the covers, sleep. My body got used to appreciating sleep, as a soldier, you don‘t get that privilege often. The regeneration process can do wonders for your health though.
As I looked about my room, trying desperately to focus, and opening my eyes wider, I noticed a note on my floor by my bed. I leaned over picking it up. It had a symbol on it, like a snake with two heads, or maybe a scorpion, I broke the read seal. As I might expect, it was written in blood, signed by none other than the great Gwyllion. I brought it closer to my face to read:

“I have some additional information for you, hope you kill yourself on your journey to the Underworld, and end up there eternally; and so with best wishes I give an update in this letter. I do want to make sure you have every opportunity to see my mother once again. Read it carefully, the blood is mine, and it will disappear before noonday. Least you try to use this to endanger my good name.
Like all demon, we lie when it is to their benefit, but you already know that, for it has been said has it not, ‘If you play with the devil don‘t expect him not to cheat“, and so many never take that phrase literally, and they really should. And so with as much honesty in my bones, I will assist you on your quest, but never to repeat this to you again. Plato, a man you will never meet will be born in the future, He too will try to write about this lost world, of which is called Atlantis and parts of it are in the Underworld. This Atlantis at one time was heaven on earth, and now it’s under the earth.
But again, that is no real concern of yours; it is just something that came to mind. There are a few more entrances I didn’t tell you about. You can enter the Underworld by the hole behind the Burr; you will connect within the labyrinth of the Tor that way. Keep crawling south and you should end up by the Wookey Hole, which is another entrance; and there are two springs’ entrances’ also, about 1000-feet from the Tor. Be sure to follow Thesas rules, because if you do not, and get lost in the Tor, it will drive you insane; for there are many bones in them tunnels already by men who have tried to go from one end to the other. But just forget them all except the first one I mentioned. About 48-feet under theTor is where you want to be. But I am getting a little ahead of myself here. Do not use the two springs, they interconnect and produce at least 70,000 gallons of water per day, along with the other springs in the area, creating quite a water level. And when you are in the tunnels and caves on the way to the Underworld gate, it can get a little dark, chilled, and wet. You would have to swim my friend, and you are too feeble and old for that.
As I was saying, go behind that damn egg-stone of a rock, the Burr. It is safer, and I do want you to make it into the Underworld, I do not care if you make it out though. The terraces on the Tor, I helped build, so I know this for a fact, they will soak up the water from the springs like a sponge; releasing it like a thirsty camel when it is needed. And so, although you will become wet, you will not drown.
There are manly forces built into this sphinx of a mound called the Tor, and so be careful of the morning sun coming up, its rays can paralyze you. That is, depending where you are on the Tor, like the trance of my eyes. Thus, if you are right under the Tor, after you have entered through its doorway of sorts, you have a better chance of not drowning. And to be quite honest with you, Hecate may not assist you. I kind of threw that in, but rather, she might try to kill you, and I would not get the glory, or my mother. So you might be best to avoid her. You know how we think, something like humans, we want it all, and when we get it, we want all of what you have. And when we get that, we look else where for more. The bad thing with us demons is we know no limits, especially when confronted with humans. You Sinned are one of the few that know our weaknesses, and our fears. There will be a King also who will be born after this Plato guy, called Salmon, no one is really waiting for him, and like you like, he will be a thorn in our demon side. But he will also be a little like us, and you, hungry for everything. But he will be blessed, like you also. I would like to be around for that day, trying to eat his heart out.
Let me get back on track, once you have made it this far, and you are still alive, wait, I forgot something, be careful of the people in this area, many have cholera, or did I tell you that; I do not want the Wet Lands to bury you before my mother. Besides, you will find a path in the Tor as you get deeper under it, of limestone, keep on the path, the vault door is right ahead. But even when you get to the heavy 80-ton + granite mammoth door, how you will open it is beyond me. And once through this door you have six more, all of iron. The last door has a Gatekeeper; he will be resistant to letting you in. Although I ’m sure I’d like to see him stop you. But he has his job and will have to try, or lose his job. A gatekeeper in one way has a pretty safe job down there.
There you have it all in a nutshell, or should I say, in a water shell, the truth from my bones, and the blood from my ass. What more could you ask for my weak old friend. I did notice you had some muscle in your biceps; I want to eat them, so save them just for me. The rest of your body is too old; your hateful companion, and ass itching friend, Gwyllion.”

Chapter Five

Curse of the Daughter Demon
The Captain’s Guilt

I had been in what everyone called, “The Marble City”, going on two weeks just sucking up the hospitality. For some odd reason Gwyllion had left. Not that I wanted to talk to her, but one of the reasons I came was to talk to the King more about her, and other issues; he seemed to have been avoiding me though. The more I pondered on this idea, the more I could not put the pieces together. Something didn’t fit. Like the night when I could not put the pieces together of the sounds outside the fortress at Yort, the Amazons were building a dam, and shutting the water supply around the city, instead of under the city, and marched under the walls right into the city by way of the dried up cannel. Now I was getting that same feeling.
Why would Gwyllion leave, and the king and Captain not visit me? Divic and Kulis were as always, checking out the scene, the girls, and a few boys. I got thinking maybe Divic might have liked some of the boys like Kulis, or maybe even they liked each other, sexually. I should not make hasty statements, not even to my mind; but Commander Snemelc would be quite taken back should this be true. In any case, he was very protective of me, as was Kulis.
As I looked out the window, I saw the Captain.
“Captain!” I hollered. I quickly got dressed, walked into the street. He heard me, and now seen me.
“Hello Mr. Sinned,” said the Captain looking toward his feet, as if he was a little emotional.
“How can I be of assistance to you?” He asked.
“You sound as if there is a fence between us, what are you guarding my soldier friend and great warrior of the city?”
He looked up to the heavens, as if to try and put a picture together. Searching for the words; a tear came from his eyes. I had learned long ago, with King Thesas II, not to assist anyone so quick with a tear; rather see where the need is before the hand.
Said the Captain, with a profound sense of guilt, “The King has told Gwyllion where the Cave People reside. He said to me, he was given a choice, to inform him, or have his son face the consequences the soldier and girl did. I’m so very sorry. I am a shame of my King, but I also understand. And for myself, I am not a proud soldier today. That is, a soldier to another soldier.”
“So Captain, when did Gwyllion leave for Malta?” I asked.
“The moment she found out, she left for Malta, which was two days after you and her met and talked.”
I didn’t say a word; my thoughts were on her being in that cave and ruling all those people. How they must think I betrayed them, and I did. How they must hate me. How I hated myself at this very moment. But then I have learned in life and war, not to call yourself names, it only lowers your self-image, and you feel as if there is something wrong with you. I did feel shame for my wrong, and guilt, but quickly I dispersed the shame, for one cannot go forward caring that on his shoulders. As for guilt, I will forgive myself when I get to Malta, and take care of what I need to, and hope they will understand. If not, I will simply do the best I can. God help me should I think I am perfect like He.
I turned to the Captain, and told him I was leaving in the afternoon to the island of Malta. And so he offered me his services, and company, and I had the two soldiers from Yort, Divic and Kulis. I wasn’t sure if they wanted to go, Divic being quite manly about things, and Kulis, a little to the feminine side of life, but honorable, and trustworthy. When I asked them they quickly agreed though, and the four of us was on our way to the great seacoast, where the king had a large boat waiting for us; the least he could do he said, his eyes never meeting mine. There were several rowers on board so we would not have to waist our energy, and a sea captain that knew his business we set sail before dust.

Chapter Six

The Cave People of Malta
And Gwyllion

When I showed up on the shores of Malta, I took only the Captain, Divic and Kulis with me. I remembered the way to the Cave. It was a hike of a several hours. But then I was wounded from the bended sea waves that slapped me around like a piece of cloth, and that huge fish took a bite out of my leg. When I got better it was more like a walk of about 2 ½ miles.
As we walked overland we reached a glimpse of the cave within the last part of the first hour, we showed up outside of the cave just before dust, several people saw us, and were surprised, straight ahead stood Gwyllion, with her black shadow filling the length of the cave from its mouth where I stood, all the way through to its darkest ends.
The huge cave was like a great underground city. As the people stopped their daily chores, trying to getter a better look at the figures in the huge door way, us, there heart started beating, and the words they had said to the stranger a few years ago, which was me, started coming back to haunt them. I had betrayed them.
Here I was, and their Gwyllion. I had left an everlasting charm within their hearts. But now all they could see was fear, brought in by the mighty Gwyllion, by my exposing them.

Gwyllion must have gotten here less than 10-days ago. She didn’t look surprised to seem me though; a smile filled her face, as if she already had the cat by the tail.
The little girl I met a few years ago, when I was here, had gotten a little bigger now. She used to bring me water and wine at night while I was sitting with the elders and talking about life in general. Arthur, her father was standing by her, as was Gwyllion. She pulled away from her father and started running to greet me.
“Sophie Marie, that is my new name Sinned, “she said to me as she stopped in front of me, hugging me with all her might.
“You have come to chase that wicked creature away, haven’t you, “she cried as her big eyes looked up into mine.
“Sophie Marie, “I said, “Why did you change your name? “
“My mother never returned, and I am angry at her. It will stay that way until she comes home to me and daddy. “
Well, I told myself that was one way of protesting. And it kind of made sense, I guess when one cannot do a damn thing about something, it helps to do any thing.
Her mother had been gone quite a long time if I recalled right, about three years by now, more or less. She had traveled to another connecting island of Malta. I know she wanted me to go get her mother last time I was here but I couldn’t. And that sadness was unmoving on her face I noticed.
I hugged her back, and told her she needed to go back to her daddy, and I needed to think on how to deal with this situation. I told myself not to react too quick, or out of emotion. Think and plan this one, like a soldier.
We walked through the entrance of the cave, and as we got within a few feet of Gwyllion, she proclaimed she was now their god to worship. She was taking them back home to the Wetland with her. She was a legend, and a curse to these people, and their shadow of death.

The In Question

I asked for a place for us to rest, and Arthur gave us four, -- the same spot I had last time I was there. A few woman bought straw and blankets for us to rest. During this time Gwyllion just watched us like a hawk ready to eat us for her next meal.
I had learned from Arthur, during the past 10-days Gwyllion was here using some kind of magic on everyone. As if she had done to me, putting them into a trance slowly, along with some king of brainwashing process, along with promising them everything under the sun not to fight what she said was inevitable. And if she they did, she would start burying their children alive. She also threatened to call on her friends Hecate, and the two Demonic Twins of the Wetlands, and Vodyauoi, god of the rivers, and several others.
As a few days passed I noticed Gwyllion had avoided certain areas of the caves. These areas I checked out had a certain kind of iron ore in them. I asked Arthur about any past legends with these demonic beasts of the Wetlands, seeing if it could help me form a plan to deal with this force. Usually everyone has a weakness; it is just a matter of finding it out. It is like a battle; you look for the weak points, and attack them.
Arthur found an old seer of sorts who told me a story that at one time all their forefathers would ware necklaces made of iron-ore to keep the bad spirits away. Some were subject to them, if they were more demon than human, but not all. Why I thought. Then I went deep into a hidden area of the cave where they had layers of this ore sticking out of the rock everywhere. And on the 3rd night of my stay at the cave, I prayed to my One God for the answer, and Serr’el showed up.

“The God of the Universe has heard you, and I was sent to explain to you his message; although it will be beyond your understanding, none-the-less, I will explain for your senses will pick out what is needed, that and faith will be enough, and you must do what you can for these are your people, as is Yort. But these are simple people. And the Lord God will make the simple prevail over the strong, to show His might. So Sinned, Gwyllion is more beast and human than spirit, thus needing more regenerating of body elements. The spirit, or angelic part, allows her to be immortal; she has a deathless spirit. Marduk is half human and half spirit, and thus, would not be affected with such a regeneration process as Gwyllion. As would not the Tiamat, who was not a 3rd generation demonic being like Gwyllion is, as the Twins of the Wetlands are also.
Let me explain the structure process, it has to do with generation and equilibrium of the body. This regeneration gives life to the human body, not to the deathless spirit; the flesh qualities need to be feed to remain immortal. That is to say, not decay. This ore breaks the generating or current of the application thereof, down. She becomes weak, and cannot regenerate naturally. It is simply a neurological process.”

I looked at him as if he was talking Greek. “Serr’el, what I got out of all that was, Gwyllion, will simply fall apart if she is confronted with this metal of sorts. So if we put it around our necks, or make rings out of it, she will have no choice but to keep her distance, or visit the Underworld sooner than she would like to.”
“Very well put, Sinned. And so now you know what you got to do.”
“It seems so simply now. Thanks, I mean really thanks.” And Serr’el was gone in a flash.
I ran back to Arthur and told him what I had learned, and we both snuck out of the main area of the cave and started chipping hundreds of chips off the walls trying to get the right pieces of ore. It must have been 5:00 AM when we stopped. Arthur got word to his daughter to assemble the community as if they were about to get ready to leave, and that we would bring out the ore in a big wheel barrow for every one to grab two or three pieces of, there were about 175-people to the community.
As they all gathered, and we brought out the wheelbarrow of ore, Gwyllion stood definite I thought she was crazy. But I soon found out she really didn’t know about the ore. Of course, I told myself, she was really too young. She stared to breathe hard, looking at us. Trying to put a trance look into my eyes; all of us just stood like an Army facing her; --the huge cave door to her back allowing light in.
Her legs started to look like noodles, and her balance was becoming week.
“Sinned,” she called. “What have you done?”
“It’s the ore Gwyllion,” I said, adding, “I suggest you go quickly while you can or you could be visiting your mother for a very long time.”
Her eyes opened up as wide as my fists, and like a man putting out a fire with a bucket of water, she was out of the cave.

The Last Farewell

Arthur came to me and put his hand on my shoulder, his daughter hugged me, and the rest of the people smiled. I knew I would never win their trust again, but maybe somehow they had forgiven me for telling of their location. They never asked me why I did what I did; they were just that kind of people, and I left well enough alone. Turning my head, I knew I had to say my farewells quick, I was overcome with shame, and I’m sure they could see it bothered me, and that was enough punishment.
And so I bid them goodbye, as I did the Captain, and we went our own ways, they went back home, and I had my mind fixed on the Wet Lands.

Chapter Seven

City of Cydonia-The Wet Lands
[Queen of the damned]

The Ghosts of Avalon

As I laid upon her grassy slopes
And ancient terraces--
I felt her shifting winds, and moat
The one that time gave and took
Never to give a back gain.

I seen a skull, vision
Within the silence of my mind
Alignment of the planets
An occurrence within the night
Then came many skulls
Within the Tor of Avalon.

As morning broke, --again
I wondered how she found peace
Amongst her war torn past?

And then I remembered,
The skulls, --
The Ghosts of Avalon.

I journeyed to the Wet-Lands; it took several months by land, sea, and now by horseback. It was a trying journey to say the least. In my younger day I could have made it in 4-months. I went to the land called Avalon, the one Gwyllion had mentioned, and which was also known as New Cydonia.
I rested from the long journey, by two Yew trees, whereupon, it was not more than thirty minutes Hecate showed up, the Queen of the Dead. She kicked me in the foot to wake me.
“Yaw,” I said in surprise.
“Dreaming Sinned?” asked Hecate.
“No, I was sleeping, dead to the world,” I replied.

As I tried to gain focus, this creature of sorts was looking down over me, a bad position to be in especially if someone wanted to hurt you. She had a monkey-bat about ten inches tall, with black wings about half its size coming out of its back on her right shoulder; it had little squinty eyes. As I wiped my eyes clean, I could see her now better, her breasts perturbing from her gown. She had earrings pierced through her nipples, and one through the left side of her noise. She had a tattoo along her left thigh that of coiling snakes, with a fish like body. She had claws not finger nails; and wild long hair, down to her waist. She had dark small wings that came from the side of her butt going about one third the ways up her back. She had tattoos around her waist down to her garden area. A double horned dragon crossed the upper part of her love nest.
As she moved about checking me out, her sex parts exposed themselves as freely as a cat jumping a wall. But she paid little attention to the exposure. Her limbs floated effortlessly in the air, her buff butt piercing through her veil, and her face was a little spotty with aged blotches, as if the sun had disagreed with her. From her forehead to the upper part of her temple, to her jawbone her ears covered her head, somewhat like a cats.

“If only I had that privilege,” she commented, adding, “but I don’t. Do not be vain old fool, just because your name has preceded you to this area of the world. I fear if I could eat you I would, but your God would make me vomit you up anyways, so hurry and let me know why you are here?”
“You know my God and you fear him,” I said with surprise.
“Why sure I do, why wouldn’t I, I’m as old as the stars.”
This didn’t make sense, demon were not old as the stars. And so I asked, “Please explain, I thought you were like Gwyllion, a demon, or possible like Marduk, half and half.”
“Funny she didn’t explain the species part of this. But for your sake let me update you. I am the last of the Titans. Have you heard of them?”
“Yes,” I answered, “They were some kind of angelic force. Some say demonic giants.”
“Well, again let me inform you. I assure you I am not demonic. How could I be?
I’m angelic, when the Watchers, the angelic renegades that came down from the clouds and cohabitated with women, a few of the archangels were sent by God to cast them into the pit. Prior to this Lucifer, another archangel left heaven along with a few million other angels, they were the Nefilim Warlords, and I was one of them. But I joined the Watchers for a moment in time, and then rejoined one of the groups of the Nefilim, a group that did not go along with Lucifer. The angelic one called Satan that has a temple in your great Yort. We lived for a long while on the planet Mars, the red one you know. You understand Demon is different than angels I hope.”
“Yes,” I commented, adding: “I have met Serr’ el, and a few other angels’ years ago, but none of the original Nefilim.”
“Will, you have now Sinned. I was made the goddess of death of the underworld. It was either that or faces some unknown banishment. Let me add, at one time I lived in heavens gates. I was by the Almighty, as you call him. And I guess I wish I could die and never remember anything, knowing where I was once, and where I am now, kind of like being a king, and now being cast into a prison. We had access to the whole Universe, the Watchers, the Nefilim, and all the angels. Things you could never imagine happened in them heavens above you.”
I guess she wanted to tell her story, not sure why, but I listened. But you do not play ball with the enemy, and expect them to play fair. But she was upfront if anything. She missed who she was, and where she was at one time. It didn’t sound like she missed who she became.

Sinned’s QuestW

“I came looking for the Underworld, as described by your old friend Gwyllion, who says to be careful of you.”
“Oh she does, does she?” laughed Hecate.
“She also told me to be careful of the diseases around here.”
“Yes, they can bring about a bad result. So you want to find the lid to the opening to the underworld?”
“Something along them lines,” I replied. “But I wasn’t going to seek your help; Gwyllion said you couldn’t be trusted.”
“Her again—it sounds like she likes to talk a lot. And speak of trustfulness, boy she should talk.”
“Why do they call this land by the name they do? Tell me more about how the infection got here in the first place. I had never heard of it until I met your lost tribe.”
“So you know them, do you?” She said with interest. “Tell me where they are.” She commented.
She didn’t know I knew Gwyllion was no longer in Malta. I wasn’t sure if she would leave her thorn to go get them or not, if asked.
I said, “Ask Gwyllion, “to see if she knew, -- plus I didn‘t really need any information from her.
“Oh, I have nothing you want haw, how about the source of the deadly disease? In any case, I do not want to go get those creeps, good for nothings. Gwyllion only wants to get them to show the Cydonians, the inhabitants around here that she is a god like her mother used to be. You know, kind of like trying to be the big shot. Those people are worthless. Matter-of-fact, if they came back they would only steer up trouble, and Gwyllion doesn’t see that. All the better they stay away.”
“She had a point there.” I said, “Ok, I agree, that if you can give me enough information of the disease, and this city and a little about the Underworld, I will give you the location. But if you go there you go at your own risk, and I shall call long and hard to my God to bind you in chains in the pit of the abyss.” She snarled at me, but within a few seconds, commented by saying, “A deal.”

“Now Sinned, this is going to be way over your old head, but none-the-less, I will explain to you the finer details of my presence, the infection that is in the land and the Red Planet as you know Mars to be.
The ancient ones, my comrades as it is known in this area, had many children; somewhere giants, others simply demon, and still others were part human, demon, and beast. Many of these were taken to Mars to build a city, a great city. The city was called, Cydonia. What happened was that, during this process of extracting a fetus from a human woman and bringing it to another planet, there became a disease factor that emerged. The angelic forces of which were called the Nefilim, as I previous explained, and of which I am the last on earth, which were also called Titans, to the humans, well, they put these diseased hybrid humans, who were now diseased demons, onto asteroids; that is, flying mountains which go throughout our solar system, and into others, and some of these asteroids became meteorites, that is, smaller forms of metals and rocks and light forces and water elements, all that kind of stuff. Do I still have your understanding, Sinned?”
“Oh yes, yes, I’m trying to stay with all this crazy information.” I commented.
“Well then, to make a long story short, some of the demon died on these forces of nature, and left germs frozen on their surfaces. Some of these meteorites came through earths atmosphere, or as you may call it, one of heavens doors; some landing in the Wetlands, others in deserts, and still others in the South and North of this world, in places that remain frozen for centuries if not longer. And they are like time capsules. When the ice melts, the disease will be carried by water. If a bird catches it, it will be carried by air. And so forth.
Prior to this dilemma, the demons were used for construction on Mars. The Nefilim befriend a species called the Shinning Ones to manage and direct the building of the great city. They were live physical shapely forces of light and chemicals. This city has to this day mile long pyramids, a “Face” like the Sphinx in Egypt, but much bigger. One can see it from looking through a crystal at night. The city was grand it was home. But the city was deserted as fast as it was built. The Shinning Ones had to leave in fear they would get some kind of disease. And the demon left also. And so the Nefilim was left to rule them. And that wasn’t all that much fun. We had a military order when we were with God, but now it was one for one, not the all for one thing. And so you see, some of these germs have come to the Wetlands. I wouldn’t expect Gwyllion to inform you on this matter, she likes people having others think of her as being more powerful, or equal.

And so she told me a wild story, I told myself, but it was a good one. I was now subject to letting her know where the Cave People were. But what was going on in my head was a cure for the present disease. That over shadowed my quest to journey into the Underworld. As she was telling me the story my mind went back to the Germanic war I had been in years ago, east of here. And yet it was considered at that time, the beginnings of the Wetlands. But it had cold winters, but nice summers.
I loved walking along the rivers, the Rhine, the Mosel. But I also remember in that four-year period [6824 to 6820 BC] the Tiamat’s mischief and curse, and her friend Vodyouoi, who was cast into the freshwater rivers many centuries before my time, by some great angel called Michael.
I heard Vodyouoi, at one time was one of the Nefilim angels or Fallen Ones as they called them. Also he was a friend with the Watchers I had heard. He didn’t get cast into the pit though, not like the other 200-Watchers. Yes, this area brought back some memories even though we were far from the rivers. Who knows, maybe this river I see called the Tames, has that same creature in it. I didn’t ask and I wasn’t about to. I had a different agenda, and it meant, let dead dogs lay, so you can go forward.

Then all of a sudden I heard a melody it was a praise singer. His sounds came through the wooded area like the sent of a bear, a fox. These poetic singers were scarce and usually were either at the whims of kings or in some public place putting on a show, telling a story, or singing a ballet. We had them following us during our military campaigns.
The sounds I was hearing sounded like the voice I heard years ago, during the Germanic wars. His name was Sivle. He made lots of money with his voice. Put many a soldier to tears. Made them either forget about home, or remember it. Like a swarm of bees it brought me back into a vortex of emotions, almost into a trance.
Then shaking my head to clear the sounds, I said “They are on the Isle of Malta.” I said it quickly as if it would slide by her without catching it.
“You know, that island has passed my mind a few times. But again, they are not worth my time,” commented Hecate.


For some odd reason I seem to have fallen back into a sleep, after Hecate stopped talking. I found myself drifting, farther and farther back, like a sailor going out to sea as the praise singer kept singing. I could hear him in the background, a harp, echoes, and light drums, and sounds of birds. Then all of a sudden my dream took me to the Black Forest; I was 27-years old again, in the Germanic lands. I was with General Schmitt. A funny name, but I never forgot it; it was a bad year for us warriors. We had lost many men in the two years we had battled the Stlec‘s, and other tribes. And our surgeons were going through the opium and wine like water, trying to subdue the pain the men had to endure on the operating tables. Many lives were lost because of messengers being captured and our messages read. I had learned quickly, to have the messengers destroy our thoughts on bark and stone, and to kill themselves if captured in fear of the priceless advantage they would have if they knew our plans.
And many returned wounded not able to get to our other camp, and thus, we had to use the wine quickly, before it turned into vinegar, and so we used the opium only after the wine supply was all used up. I like military surgeons; they were adept at extracting various weapons and foreign bodies from our torsos. I had a wound on my back on one occasion, and another on the side of my leg. Once someone put an ax to the top of my head, and I had several other wounds. And so I had my share of blood flowing. But then I had wounded many of the enemy with spears and arrows also, no; I was not free of guilt. I was no different than the rest of the soldiers. The wounds were usually pretty dirty from the trenches and battlefields we had to fight in. And if a tooth needed to be extracted we always had the blacksmith, thank god. A few of the psychos were using a technique called hypnotism for an anesthesia; it was something like what Gwyllion used on me to put me into a trance. But those days are gone. I am too old to be a soldier, but at 27, I was a mad man, and I like it.
I remember the battle on our ship going over to Spain. We were not good seafaring fighters; we were skilled in land fighting. And when the two ships came close to do battle with us by trying to ram us with their ships, and throwing huge stones and spears at us, we kind of felt vulnerable. But one day I watched a crow fighting with another crow on our ship. When he was starting to lose the battle he flew back to the other ship. Standing on a platform extended out for the men to walk guard, but exposed to the sea somewhat. The Crow watched the other crow, and when he wasn’t looking, he’d fly over again and attack. And that gave me an idea to build a platform, get close up to the ship at night, and have our soldiers use the platform to fight on, and to cross over to the other ship. It would out great. Matter-of-fact it worked out so well, we took over the ship, I got a promotion, and we drowned the crew. It was the only way we knew to get rid of the threat of them killing us in the middle of our sleep, or taking over our ship. And we didn’t want to fight them again. Actually what we did was sink the whole ship. And the other ship took off, not wanting to fight with us.

As I tried to wakeup from my dream, I saw the General die again. Like I did so many years go, in the mighty river, pulled under by the Tiamat’s friend Vodyauoi. We had fought four years by now, in this land. Neither side was not winning, nor as I had learned the hard way, are battles won or lost by the side that makes the least mistakes. And we made a few big ones.
As I was about to say, the other side made a pack with Vodyahoi, who was a fallen angel cast into the river by the Archangel Michael. The Tiamat, whom the General trusted for some odd reason, tricked us but the Tiamat was really friends with Vodyahoi. And so we marched to the river to meet the enemy on the other side. The Vodyahoi pulled under and drowned over 1000-of our soldiers to their death while crossing the river, by horseback, swimming and barge. It was a bad day, a day of defeat that could have been victory. Vodyauoi, was an old looking man back then, with a greenish beard, something like the Sea Devil I met some years after the war sailing from Malta to Yort the first time. In any case, he was covered with muck and scales, and a tail. I guess what the Angelic Nefilim got out of it was the local tribes to worship him, a good laugh, and something to do during his past time. We lost the General that day, and I then became the Commander.

I called to my One God a week later, and He sent me Serr’el, my angelic friend whom has been helping me ever since. The praise singer we had at our camp went also to the enemy’s camp, befriending both sides. As we got our army ready, he lulled them to a light sleep. And Serr’el told my army to stand down, and he walked in the camp, sword in had, and slewed over 20,000 of them within an hour. No one back at Yort really believed me when I told them this story. But they gave me the credit for winning the war. I often thought if there were three angels, heck, they could take over the world. But on our way back to our beautiful city, the praise singer with all his women, and drinking, and such, became ill, and died of heart failure. He was in his early forties. It’s funny how I still hear him singing.

Divic & Kulis

“Wake up Sinned,” called Divic. “Wake up, uuuppp sir.” As I opened my eyes it was late, the moon was full, and all about me was strange. I had slept well, old dreams, memories. I looked up at the voice that called my name, “Haw, it is you Divic and Kulis, you followed me here.”
“Yes old Soldier,” said Divic, “My father told me to watch over you, and I must keep my word. It took us all our energy to keep up with you.”
I looked about again; I could see the Tor from where I stood. The moon was like a candle shinning over it. I slept for good 15-hours I fear.
Said Divic with a hesitation in his voice said, “I’ve seen several dead bodies on our way through these Wetlands some with arrows through their noses and jaws, others with them through the sternum and still others through the eyes. Do they not bury them here?”
“I am not sure, but avoid the bodies, they could be diseased.” I commented.
Divic’ s eyes opened up, saying, “I guess I never thought of that, I was going to bury them, but I didn’t in fear I’d lose your trail, now I’m glad I didn’t.”
“How are you Kulis,” I asked. He shook his head as if to say ok, and then looked about trying to absorb everything.

Chapter Eight

The Unholy Journey

As I stood up, trying to wake up my body more, from my long sleep, Kulis and Divic were by my sides trying to make plans for our next move. And for me it would be the Underworld. I told them they were not expected to follow me, as we sat by rock structure of a serpent, next to the Tor. Kulis and Divic seemed quite chummy. It seemed to me, they liked each other more than a little, they had a lot of eye contact.
“Sinned,” asked Divic, we would accompany you into the bowels of the Underworld, if you would like, for it is our duty to insure you are safe.”
“I think Divic; I would be more worried about you all the time. It might be better you stay here, and if I need assistance, be available. If I do not return in a week or so go back to Yort.”
I added, “Build a tent with two or three trenches around it, so when it starts to rain, under your tent will remain dry, and the trenches will collect the water, but to make sure it runs into the wells some 1000-feet from the Tor.

The Tent and the Entrance

And so Divic and his Private Kulis took the supplies off their horses and quickly put up a tent. As I went looking for a shapely rock called the Burr. When I found it, I dug underneath it, way deep under its back area, digging several feet around the structure. As I wedged the dirt out, I noticed a door with some symbolism on it. It was a round door made of iron, stone and wood.
“Well,” I told myself, Hecate was right; there is a passageway here. I pried the door open with a metal and stone bar I had brought along for this very occasion. I put the sharp part of the rod around its chains, and twisted it to break them. But the chains loops were two inches long, and very thick. I couldn’t bust them. And so I took the rod I had in hand, put it upright and wedged it into the side of the circular lid door. Then I went to the top of the Tor, and waited for morning to come. As the sun was rising, I took a mirror, shifting its brightness, and hoping its internal forces built into this massive structure of the hill, would connect with the iron pole wedged into the sides of the door to the underworld.
Then like magic, the sun came, as beautiful as looking at the green, green grass after being cooped up in a cave for a hundred years. Of which I did experience in one of the campaigns of a war that is, locked up as a POW for three months. It was in the land called Germania, the one I was dreaming about.
This happening was more than beautiful it was powerful. It fractured in several places and directions, and ended up hitting the pole I had placed beside the burr-rock, and when it did, blew the lid right off the door-frames foundation, cracking the stones that led down its tunneling passageway.

As I rushed back to Burr Rock, for at this point I was standing above it, I looked down into the hole, and then like a fish being thrown back into the water, I jumped down. I fell about 12-feet. The terraces of the Tor were now above my head. It was as damp as a man walking out of the great sea, and humid. The mud instantly started soaking into and around my sandals, ripping them off upon my 4th step. They were worthless in this kind of terrain, and so I wiped them off, and put them into my backpack, I carried. Now I faced the mush, and crud journey ahead. The whole tunnel area was dark, and without light. I had to crawl, with a lit candle; I had several on me, along with a number of torches. I started crawling around the maze-terraces, water dripping all about, and mud pulling my feet down, and the sides of the Tor sucking my body in. Piles of mud here and there, a few rats keeping their distance, no real dry surfaces. Then all of a sudden I heard a thump. The door was resealed I told myself. I noticed a few skulls, rib bones, people who had got lost in these terraces, went crazy, and simply laid down to die. Roots were all about me.
My knees were getting sore from the crawling.
All around me I could smell droppings of something. Yaw, they were bat stink all right. But I followed the smell. As I looked about, there was buried multiple layers of bat excrement over aged old bones, everywhere. But my mind kept saying follow the smell. There were a few entrances coming cress crossing mine, but I didn’t take them, I followed the smell.

Journey thorough the Tor
And the Underworld Tunnels

It took me several hours crawling around the terrace-tunnels of the Tor, before I realized this labyrinth was not leading me downward, as I initially headed for, but around South to East, and then North, upward and then down to its lowest terrace and back up again, going South and North, not finding anyway out or to the lower section to the door to the underworld which would have put me into the spring area that was only 1000-feet from the Tor. At this rate I would loose all my energy, and be like that skull I seen awhile back. I was lucky to get in because of the solar alignment, of the sunrise, and taping into its forces, being spring. I kind of knew where I was by the pare-shape of the Tor, and my smelling the bats kept this in mind. But I was not finding what I needed, and the dampness was getting to me.
As I now found myself back where I started for the second time, I decided to tunnel myself to the next terrace to see if I could make some king of connection to its top, something the dead man back there did not think of. For such a big maze, I’m sure some of the tunnels caved in. And I couldn’t find its bottom this way, and so I tunneled to the West, and sure enough it was but 10-feet away. The walls were of huge boulders, round mostly, and so I dug with my hands around them. Twisting my body like a coiled snake to reach the new terrace, and on my hands a knees walked the labyrinth slowly until I reached the top. There at the second terrace in the middle, towards the top, was a door that leads straight down. As I climbed down this well like structure of rock, I must have gone 50-feet below the lowest terrace of the Tor, finding myself in a dryer area, and cave like opening. I pointed myself in the only direction the cave went, I think it was northwest; my direction was somewhat off in my head from all the twisting I had done. I couldn’t tell the time, but I had journeyed at least 13-hours, and my body was feeling it; knees weak and back legs cramping up, neck sore, sweating and trying to keep it out of my eyes so I could see where I was going.
After about another two hours of walking, I assured myself this was all cave. Many passages narrow going every which way. Some I could walk upright, others I had to crewel on my hand and knees again through, like I did in the pyramids of Egypt, and the Tor. I could hear along my sides a river of water running. I had now used one of my four torches. Since the tunnel-cave was in one direction, I did not need at this point to leave any reminders on how to get back, if I were to even use this passage way again. To my right on the wall I saw a painting of a jellyfish; a typical hand stencil; bison, three quarter face. String artistic traits, much older than my time; as I walked another hour, I seen charcoal painted figures on the walls.
After another hour, the cave looked more like a riverbed, and was much straighter. I was notice also, a shadow follows me, and it was a big lizard, watching me it seemed. Maybe this was one of them demonic creatures of the Tiamat, cast into this maze of tunnels for a punishment, to wonder aimlessly. Some of the carvings I noticed now were carved out of the perturbing rock of the walls; horse heads being a few, and rhinoceros. A species I had heard about, but never seen. Like a unicorn I heard of, but again, I had never seen a unicorn. This cave had brought my mind back to Malta. Figures of reindeer were all about. And I kept walking, and walking. It was now 19-hours being in these underworld tunnels along with about 16-hours in the Tor, making it almost a day and a half, I needed to rest, and found a Stella type pillar, sticking out of the ground, and decided to make it home, and so quickly I build a fire. My lungs were not breathing properly, I was starting to get a little fatigued trying to get enough air into my body, and at the same time warm my bones up, and so I moved close to the fire as I used my right hand as a pillow to rest.

Meanwhile, in the Upper world
The Castration

Divic and Kulis kept a fire-circle going around them; at the edge of the Tor in fear the demons may come and try to capture them. They had heard Sinned had done this in times past, which kept them at bay. Outside their tent was a coiled circle of rocks that resembled a snake, leaning up to the Tor.
After they had fallen to sleep, and the sun rising, disaster struck. A group of wild looking men, of the Wetlands surrounded their campsite.
As Divic tossed and turned, the fire almost out, he suddenly sensed a presence, then opening the corner of his eye, he seen a number of body-figures barely clothed sickly looking, glancing down at him. He looked up, as if looking at a ghost; he knew he was in a vulnerable position. Kulis was immobile, sleeping close to his right side. As soon as Divic stood up, grabbing for his sword, Kulis opened his eyes in disbelief, and froze. They looked at one another. Then Divic took a long stare at the two standing closest to him, both red headed, wild-eyed looking men, built like they had a rock hard body.
As Divic started to stand up his fingers grabbing his sword, but not firmly, he noticed three men in front of him, the two red heads on each side of him and Kulis, and another in front of him, with a number of others in the background, Hecate was hiding behind a tree watching every move, Divic caught her eye. He then looked at Kulis again, he wasn’t moving, so he started to push his body up as he grabbed a firmer grip around the handle of the sword, but just before he could tighten his grip one of the warriors went firmly in a stance, a spear was thrust then through his stomach; Kulis’ eyes opened wide, in shock, he was paralyzed in disbelief of what was happening.

Divic was still alive but had fallen backwards pinned to the ground with the spear going right through him; at the same time the taller of the two redheads grabbed him by his hair, cutting his head completely off, and tossing it to another soldier in back of him.
With tears in his eyes Kulis, started to throw up at the site of his companion’s death. The two redheaded warriors then stood over Kulis, as a younger man walked up to him on the left. The two huge beings ripped the loincloth from Kulis’ body, each grabbing one of his legs, holding them firm with a grip on his thighs and his lower part of his foot.
Then the young man walked around the tall redheaded warriors to the left, grabbing a curved sword and gliding it along Kulis’ inside thigh down to his testacies hanging loose, and completely exposed. As the two huge men held him almost upside down, his shoulders and half his back resting on the ground.
The two men pulled harder, almost disjoining Kulis’ legs. The pain started making his face contort.
The young boy took the sword, swiftly, and carefully but impetuous, cutting his testacies off in one sweep, catching them before they dropped to the ground. Within seconds, the boy was jumping up and down, saying something to the effect; he had passed his test and become of age, a man. He wanted to leave quickly, show them to his village people.
The two red heads joined the festivities, dropping Kulis to the ground, as he was no more than wolf meat. His smelled of hot blood, a helplessness dying smell of sorts, with pain still covering Kulis‘ face, the attackers then left swiftly, as if they were on a timetable.
After the group of warriors had left Kulis simple lying there thinking about his trial of pain, the loss of Divic, and this insane and cruel behavior, ritual of manhood; Kulis lay with his hands over his head, crying, mumbling, and “What could I do I couldn’t do a thing.”
Then about two hours had passed, when Hecate came to his side, comforting him. Like a vulture circling its prey, a lion, insuring her pray would not be taken by another.
“The humans got the prize,” she said as she combed his hair with her fingers, but I got the gold,” she added.
And she laughed, and laughed, as Kulis looked dumbfounded at her, not knowing what to do or say; still looking in severe pain.
Wiping his tears with her hair, Hecate carried him back to her cave. As she entered it, two large eight to nine foot male demonic naked hairy beings, with charcoal colored skin, quickly got up and made bedding out of straw and dried leaves for Kulis.
As Hecate put him down to rest, she commented to the Neanderthal looking beings, “Here is your toy, your playboy.”
Kulis was still bleeding bad, and so one of the two beings grabbed some cloth padding with some chemicals from a tree near by, packing his castrated area. Kulis, trying to hold back his tears, looking at the hug creatures, and at Hecate, he saw no mercy. The young lad just fell down into the straw-bedding head first, while the two creatures lay along each side of him, stroking him, as if to let him know, they were waiting.

Chapter Nine

The Gates--In the Underworld

As I awoke after a four-hour sleep, I looked about; I could actually see in the dark, my eyes were adjusting. I lit my second torch, and could see beautiful huge stalactites and stalagmites, as huge as the pillars holding up the temples in Yurt. In a like manner, they seemed to be holding up the earths ceiling. There were orange and white colors all about painted on the walls, making the cave brighter with the reflection of my torch. As I glanced along the walls of the caves with even more interest, I saw of Tekhenu’s [obelisks]. My grandfather told me when I was quite young these four-sided pieces of stone had hieroglyphs on them, this kind of writing was used to teach history, a shrine of sorts, giving, representations that told of the leaders and kings of their countries, that they had been around for thousands of years. When man learned from the Atlantians, who had learned from the Angelic Renegades the secrets of moving these huge stones, and carving them. He had mentioned this was done by way of anti gravity methods and ultra sound frequencies, and having giants carving them from the quarries. I never quite understood this, but he said Atlantis had a tower called “Maxt” a crystal tower that cast power into the atmosphere, maybe that had something to do with it.
As I looked about, there was that six foot lizard again, about 100-feet from me. I blew out my candle, and it was dark again, then I grabbed a bone I found on the floor of the cave, and climbed up one of the sidewalls. The lizard had turned about, not knowing what I was up to, and by the time she turned around again, she was looking for me. She looked more like a saber tooth freak, zigzagging around in circles now. As I got her in site, I jumped on her back with the bone, and shoved it through her skull, killing her. A black mist came out of her. And it went forward as fast as a wind caring a leaf to master; I suppose it was the Tiamat. She no longer had a physical body, and that is where the demonic beasts end up, that is, in the dungeons of the underworld. Maybe I did the creature a favor.

I started walking down the pathway in front of me again, these seemingly eternal and endless looking vanes. I could see orange dots depicting bulls now, and birds. A gallery of caves seemed to come one after another petroglyphs of cows being the main seen now.
Then all of a sudden, the forms of the caves started to take a different shape, as did the pictures on the ceilings and walls. They were now of demonic forms unknown to mankind. The copper colored walls were turning dark colors, as if the walls were scorched with head, burnt. I figured now I was at least between 10 to 15 miles below the earth’s surface.
I had walked another several hours and needed to rest again. And so I just sat myself down along the side of the wall. My torch was going strong. I seemed to she shadows again, but I think this time I was a seeing ghost or simply my eyes were failing me. And I don’t think ghosts are around much anymore, if at all. My father once told me that Atlantis came into being, there were no more ghosts because of the tall obelisk which produced some kind of electrical energy, thus killing all such wondering souls; --these souls who came back to earth to resolve some unresolved issues. I suppose in another era, these creatures may come back, but they were never seen at Yort, maybe my father was right.

The Bone Room

As I awoke I found myself surrounded by bones, I hadn’t noticed this prior to my stopping for a rest, other than where the bats were behind me now. I noticed the bones were covered with bat residue, for I couldn‘t see much of the bones. I was so tired I must have dozed off for several hours; the torch was still burning but not half as bright as before. I stood up, looked about, and notched several feet in front of me a huge rock with a skull on it. It seemed almost to be melted into the rock, as if it was there for 10,000-years. The ceiling had imprints of bones sticking out of it. As I walked about some more, having the torch in my hand, it was nothing less than amazing. As far as I was concerned, at this point, I was really buried alive. But was these bones demonic or human, or what? I notice in one rock a nose, teeth and ears coming out of the granite, and then I thought who could survive way down here in the earths crust?
Paw prints were scratched deep into the entrance stone pillars, alongside the arch of the door ahead of me, in the next chamber, but I wasn’t about to enter it quite yet, I wanted to explore this area. It ceiling was only about 20-feet high. The open area was somewhere around two hundred feet long, and the same for its wreath. I noticed a child like partial upper jaw with central incisor tooth. I knew these demons had been around awhile, but maybe there was even another kind of civilization older than them that had lived in these underground caves. Maybe there was a civilization of demon before this demon race, because these bones were as old as the ages. On some of the skulls they had enormous brow ridges; pronounced facial features. Many of the teeth showed their upper and lower jaws, they didn’t seem to fit each other for a good bit, rather they over lapped, as if they were only made for pulling or ripping, not eating. Warrior’s teeth one might say.

The Dark Chamber

As I proceeded to enter the dark chamber ahead of me, through the archway where the paw claws were scratched deep into the bedrock, the underworld was becoming more of a reality to me. I had been down here now two and a half days. But it seemed like a lifetime, it seemed I was missing time somehow, as if it stood still. I was not getting as tired as I thought I should be, or as hungry. I had eaten a little dried meet I had packed for the journey, and dried apples and other breads, but I didn’t eat, as I should, I was simply loosing my appetite.
My body was going through many emotions, from pains in my chest, stomach, ankle and throat, and bowels, along with enduring the cold, hot, damp changes in this underworld. I felt scared at times, and as well ass brave as the angels I knew. I felt I was going into an area no other man had been. I prayed to my God, that He deliver me from any evil, and back to earth’s surface when the time was right, from this underground prison of sorts that is, and after my quest was done. But should not a man have a reason for doing such things, I asked myself? Or is it already built into him? Yes, maybe man was created to step beyond the boundaries set for him, to test his limits for the sake of life itself. If this was taken from me, I might pray to the Great God of the Sky to take my life, for what is left but to have children, work, pay tax’s, sleep, shit, and pray. Maybe that is good enough for some people. Why not me? Too many questions, not enough answers to go around. The journey I will someday take back to heaven will be a great prize.
I never liked killing, but I didn’t mind it, I hope the Almighty will over look it, in the name being a soldier, and time served. I sure hope my side was right, as I didn’t mind facing the Tiamat’s sons years ago, I wouldn’t mind facing the Almighty again, although I wanted to make sure I had my house in order, that is, my life in order. Oh yes, there is a price to pay, for everything I believe. My bones ached all the time from war wounds that are the price for being a soldier.
This chamber was as dark as the Tiamat’s insides. How deep was I? I didn’t know, nor care to guess. I noticed magnificent crystallizations, white as if I entered a second chamber, or was I under a riverbed, or entering another level of the earth. I had heard there were many levels, one being the mantel. I had also heard and now discovering that there are cold and hot spots in different locations. That the farther you got into the Underworld it would start melting away, and I did not want to test fate in every direction, this was enough.
As I marched on through this next chamber, I noticed animal paintings on the walls again, but these were created by orange dotes, and hidden in a corner of this one room I had just entered; a pyramid with three circles, was behind it. Something likes the one on the Mesopotamian Stone, our national treasure. The one that spelled out our laws, and was kept in the One God Temple. I felt now I was not alone. Thank God, I told my mind, then I walked about 100-feet more, I had a candle burning. I wanted to save the two other torches I had for my journey back, and felt I had a few extra candles to spare. As I got through this somewhat of a white chamber, there it was; a door three times my height, 20-feet long, and two feet thick. All of 80-tons I would expect. Iron grips on the door, as if someone could open it. But I made it. If I couldn’t get into it, I had made it this far, and this was in itself a feat to be cherished. Matter-of-fact, I told myself, I had made the quest even if I didn’t get inside. I think I was trying now to convince myself to turn back. But I stood there in awe.

Meanwhile in the Upper world
The Rape of Kulis

To Hecate, and her twin-demonic friends, who cohabitated with her in her cave, murder was no more than a sport. Like the Wet Lander’s, except they did have some kind of crazy ritual involved for their behavior, but even to them life was not precious.
The two huge beings now started to sodomize Kulis as if he was no more than a corpse to be; dragging him from one bed to another, each pulling him away from the other. At times heaps of blood came spurting out of his would. They would simply put ointment back on it, allow it to dry and start the rape back up.
The Twins would have Kulis to pose naked, as they would draw on the walls of the cave with his blood. When he got tired, they would lay him down again, turning him over on his stomach, and tortures him, mutilating his body, forcing them inside of him, through the rectum. A few times they tied him to a chair, and forcing their sex on him. Death was but around the corner.

On the third day, early in the morning, one of the Twins shook him to wake him, and He never responded he was dead; Starved, tortured, and half clawed to death.
It was as if the Wet Lander’s left him there for a sacrifice, possible to their god, Hecate. And maybe to Hecate it was displaced anger on Sinned for although she feared the God of Three, as much as Marduk, she wanted revenge, displaced or not, she would accept any king she could.
One of the Twins picked up the body and brought it back to the edge of the Tor, where Kulis and Divic had made camp, and left it there for all to see.

Chapter Ten

The Mantic ore

Sinned in the Underworld
[An insane moment]

During the next ten minutes I stood staring at the huge door, I think I was starting to loose it. I felt dizzy, odd, alone in this temple of the Tiamat, or Mantic ore, as if their claws, teeth could just pull me in. Why can’t I open this door I told myself?
The whole cave seemed larger than it really was now; I was loosing my balance, physically and mentally. This room was hollow and soundless at moments. No com-in of daylight expected. No life forms. I commanded the door to open, but it wouldn’t. I tried to pull it open, but that was a joke. I stated talking to the door as if it were a person.

Uyaw, ---aw yu aw you--let me in: in: in
Aw you, let meeeeeeeeeeee in…
(What can I do, I stood there looking at the monster beast door like a lunatic trying to blow it open)
Leeeeeeeeet…meeeeeeeee ee mm… I N IN IN IN (the door moved)


I want want wannnnnnnnnt in
Ya yyyyyaaa…. I knw know

I released a long breath, very slowly, taking in more air and pushing it to my stomach. Calming myself down, and decided to rest and leave things until after my sleep. I could think well, it all was getting to me now for some reason.
“I ought-at-see a doctor,” I told myself, it was going on the 4th day within this abyss of a cave, as I lay against the door, I imagined that by about now, Divic and Kulis should be pretty good friends; sitting around a warm fire, eating the fruits and meat of the land. Some eggs sound good, if they can find a chicken.
I laid in a “dark” sleep. I felt as though I was in a dry silence, one that would not let me wake if need be. Total sleep was dying, at least for my body that was hitting the other side of the door.

I opened my eyes.
“My God, open the door that I may be comforted; Lord God, Lord of all melt away this cold brick solid stone, heartless door.” I caught my breath, and then said again: “And Lord, if it be Thy will, for what man can do such a thing, certainly not me.”
I must just trust in God, I said to myself, almost aloud. Just do His will, and just trust, believe in Him.
A sound passed, a voiced cried out. I had heard this voice before; it was the Tiamat’s:
“God has gone to visit Yort, but we are here Sinned, waiting for you; I have a kiss of death waiting for you: --when you are asleep tonight.”
The door opened as if a wind had pushed it out of nowhere, light as a feather. As it moved to an opening of about four-feet wide it stopped. I looked through the entrance, and seen about five hundred-feet down the tunnel way, there, another iron door standing. It was time to do what I came to do, search for some meaning, and so I started walking through the shadows of the door.

Meanwhile in the Upper world
The Ram of Yort

Bulis, father to Kulis, only son and married to Lidina, of Yort, got word from the Commander that his son was killed by the Twins of the Wet Lands, who lived with the god queen known as Hecate. She had relayed it to Gwyllion, who quickly relayed it to the priests at all the temples of Yort. The Ram Temple, where Bulis’s son had attended with his father, who was of no real faith, but went there to assure his son, would be treated rightly. And to Marduk’s temple, and to the Satan Temple, as well as the Three God Temple, and the Baboon Whites, temple that Marduk had taken over, and the Tiamat’s old Temple, that Marduk also had taken over.

No words were left out in describing his condition. With profound grief, Bulis grabbed a knife and putting it to his stomach started to push it in, in an act of suicide, but his wife forcefully knocked it out of his hands with a broom handle.
Said Bulis with revenge written all over his face to his wife: “If you have nothing to die for you have nothing to live for. It was Commander Snemelc, who ordered him to go with Sinned, and it was Sinned who took him into that god-forsaken land, and it was the Ram god, who allowed these other demon to torture him and Hecate to enjoy the game. I hate them alllllllllll,aaalll…kill,,,,,,, them the eee
He was shaking, stuttering, almost to the point of having a stroke.
“How can I live…and how can I fight them. I have no weapons…” His wife now sitting in the bedroom watching her husband pacing the floor, hoping he would gain his senses; also, in fear he would hurt her. She remained quiet. And he looked several times at her. And quickly turned away, knowing he might kill anyone at any moment.
“No justice, no no no just…tice. No no god to help. Why go to a temple when your god cannot do a damn thing for you. WWWWWhy!!
Bulis walked out side stood on the street looking at the Ram temple. And started talking loud as passers by looked at him, knowing what had happened yet too afraid to help.
“No hope, no no Hope pppp,” he cried with tears rolling down his cheeks, over his nose and mouth.
“Nothing too ooo live for,” he jerked out of the side of his mouth.
As he looked stronger at the Ram Temple, he started walking over to it. When he got to the steps he called the Ram God out.
“Come with me, my son is dead, and I need to talk with you. Come to the cliff where I can kill myself after I have explained my pain to you. You are supposed to be my god, protector of my son.”
The Ram god looked at his disciple with glaring eyes; and nodded his head with one eyebrow up, as to show doubt. And even less pity.

The Cliff

As they got to the cliff, several of the cities folk had followed about 500-feet behind them. The tall husky Ram god, asked, “And so you want to kill yourself, so be it and what is it you wish to inform me before you do. I am a busy god, and have much on my mind.
“Can you not get revenge for me,” asked Bulis.
“Perhaps, if wanted to, but I do not want to. It is your fault you left your coward son go on a journey not very well equipped for.
Bulis’ face turned pure red at the insult, then grabbing the Ram god in a bear hug; he jumped over the cliff, with intentions of suicide. There was a big thump when both the bodies hit the ground, 1500-feet below. Bulis had made sure he let go of the Ram so he would not fall on him, or escape death, thus killing him and himself.
As they both lay there, the Ram moved slightly. The cities folks looked with haunting eyes. Questioning if either one was alive. Then like a dead man coming out of a coma, the Ram stood up. Felt his ribs, and pushed three back into place. He shifted his jaw, to place it into the proper position. Then he looked at his foe, Bulis.
Bulis looked knocked out, dead, but then his eyes opened. A sigh came from his lungs as if they had collapsed from the fall, and was letting out the last remaining air. It seemed he had a once of dead-life making its body movements for the last time like a chicken with his head cut off. It was as if his anger and hate would not let him die naturally. He had his own little war for a moment, a right to kill, as a soldier has a right, except he had no government or temple’s approval. There was no poetic justice, the Ram god walked away as if he was walking away from a cool swim in the sea.
As he walked by the city folk he said loud enough for them to hear, and to install fear, “I could have saved him.”

Chapter Eleven

The Ring to the Seven Doors
Sinned in the Underworld

The Dream

As I walked over to the side of the wall, the door’s shadow remained visible as laid against the coolness of the garnet walls. I fell to sleep. As I was starting and falling deeper into a sleep, I found myself walking down some stairs within my dream, --a voice told me, “Stop on the steps, look around.” It was Serr’el’s voice.
The voice said, “Look for a ring, carved with seven gates on it.”
At this point, I was trying to wake myself.
Said the voice again, “With this ring, you will be able to open up the gates of the Underworld. But if you lose it, or trade it, you will remain until the Judgment Day.”
Having heard that, the voice told me to continue down the steps, at which time I should stop. And so I did. Upon reaching the bottom one, I fell completely dead into a sleep.

“Wake up,” said a voice.
I looked at the bottom of my feet, having slept on my back for the most part, slipping down the rock completely during my sleep. There was Serr’el. I took a deep breath.
“I am sure happy to see you. I had a dream of you.”
Serr’el commented, “I know.”
As I started to look around I found the ring that had the carvings in it, a seal ring.
Said Serr’el seriously; “I can not go on this journey with you into the dark world. But you have the ring. Spend as little time as possible on your quest, and find your way out. ”
Then he explained what the Demonic Twins had done to Kulis, and what had happened to his father with the Ram demon. The news was sad, but I had learned in life, we here on earth are only left with memories, one way or another that is all we get, and death will come to all, we will not escape it. Why I have lived so long is beyond me.

Serr’el was about to leave as fast as he showed up until I quickly jerked out my voice by saying, “Wa wa i t, I have a few questions if you don’t mind, Serr‘el”
Serr’el stood there listening.
“The first thing, why did Bulis try to kill such a powerful being; I know I couldn’t? Not that way at least.”
Serr’el just kind of stood there, looking up as if he was thinking, or trying to draw a picture for me.
“Good question,” Serr’el said, “but when you put fear and desperation together, everything becomes blurred. Everyone kind of becomes like you Sinned, a soldier. And soldiers kill. Matter-of-fact, it is all the justification needed in most cases, in this world anyway. Yes, soldiers are neither right nor wrong, only justified. Call it in the name of God, country or liberty. That is how they justify killing. Man will find a way to whatever he is looking for--toxic as it maybe.”
Serr’el added, after looking into my confused face, “You have learned one thing in life, and it is one of the most important things, you are at peace with God, yourself, and man. This is something the ghosts do not have, or the demons, or the angelic renegades. And now Sinned you must start on your journey. Take the first step, so you get to the last.”
Very well put I thought, as I went to pick up my supplies. Then from my puerperal vision I could not see Serr’el anymore.
He comes in like a summers day, and is gone like a storm. But I guess this is something I have chosen to do. If I had been a little younger I might have consoled myself with the thought that life was more precious than putting it on line like this, but I had no such graces anymore. It was some kind of accomplishment I needed to do.

The Gate Keeper-- Opiel

As I made it to the last gate, there was a gatekeeper. I already had learned his name and so upon approach I said: “Hello, Opiel!”
He didn’t respond, nor did he open the gate. I think he didn’t want to lose his job, and so like all the other gates, I put my ring against the iron bars, and the gate became unlocked, the door slowly with creeping sound, open.
There standing about 500-feet to my left, was none other than my old foe, the Tiamat. With a grin as wide as her face she smiled. She was with someone else, another demonic beast. For some reason my hands started to tremble. I had been in these caves and tunnels over four-days. I told myself, I had heard myself talking, and talking and talking. Now I heard the Tiamat’s voice, as she started to walk towards me. By an act of will I forced my hands to stop shaking.
“Let me introduce you to my military friend, she commented, here is the Mantic ore. You both being soldiers of sorts, you might even get along well. Mr. Sinned.”
No one shook hands or claws. We all stood there for a silent minute seemingly trying to out stare the one another. I noticed the Mantic ore, had the head of a man, and body of a tiger. I had head tales of him, but that was all.
“When I heard you were coming Sinned,” said the Tiamat, “I was a little surprised. I asked myself, now what is he up to? But I just couldn‘t answer my own question. Maybe you can?”
As I looked about, pondering on her request, and question, it dawned on me; everyone here was really a hostage. Funny, I thought that way. Yet, they tried to normalize things, like they did on earth with terror. Was that what I would discover on my investigative quest? Like climbing a mountain only to fine out there is snow on top, as you expect, and it is slippery, again, as expected. Just being here and waiting must be a terror of sorts.
As I looked to my far right, I saw several men and woman, with demonic beings dancing. I moved closer. I had heard them kind of chants before, in the Marduk, Ram, Baboon, and Tiamat temples. They were doing the “Dance of the Demigods,” as they called it. They had learned it from their ancestors. It was to proclaim, and provoke war on the enemy. They would cut the throats of civilians, children, and woman, whomever they could find. Animals would do also if they could not find any humans; this killing or sacrifice was done in the name of their selves, for they were the gods. And then they’d start to plan their subversion. The infidels were their enemy, meaning all those that were different than them, [or not in their cults]. The chants were: “Finish off the humans, kill them all! Exterminate them! No peace ever! Do not bother to talk politics.” That was their credo.

Sinned in thought

My mind seems to be shifting off a little as the two beasts stood there waiting for an answer. Maybe now I knew what Bulis was feeling. At Yort it was becoming a demon haven for they killed and raped at will, sacrificed our human offspring at will if anything, Bulis seen it more than me. He lived there day after day after year. It was democide [genocide] that was slowly taking place. The King of our government was doing nothing to stop it; rather he was in support of it. Our priests for some odd reason went along with it, and to be quite frank, the Yortites did little to combat it. I guess maybe no one was paying any attention. It all seemed to come along so naturally, like cooking a frog alive, slowly. Maybe Bulis had no choice after his son was raped and killed, but to sacrifice himself for the people as confusing as it may sound.
“Sinned, are you day dreaming or are you not going to answer my question?” asked the Tiamat, with a rustic voice now.
The Mantic ore, was eyeing me up as if he was ready to have dinner.
I said with curiosity, “The reason haw,” because I wasn’t sure myself.
Then the Mantic ore spoke, “I know the reason.”
The Tiamat looked at the Mantic ore, said: “Well then, let’s hear it.”
Said the Mantic ore, in a military assured tone of voice that was more of a reporting narrative than a free thought, “It is like many battles if you take a new general who has never been in a war, and is put into such a situation, and who can avoid the killing, or side track it, he most likely will not. The reason being, he never had it before, the taste, yet he has always had a passion for it, and he likes it. Why become a general if you don’t have that kind of mind set. You see Sinned, and I’m sure you do, many battles could have been talked out, but for hidden reasons, they were not, and rather they were fought out.”
As I nodded at his him, for he did make sense, even though my mind set was not that far into his kind of thinking, the Tiamat looking at him as if he was either crazy, or had some good insight, she then turned to me.
“Well, Sinned, is the Mantic ore right or wrong?”
“He sure seems right, took the thoughts right out of my mind.” I left it at that.
The Mantic ore smiled, knowing fully well I could say no less without an argument, and I wasn’t here for that.
I was there for personal reasons beyond that. To try to understand the unknown, the mind set, and for the adventure part of it; I suppose not much different than some people climbing mountains, simply trying to get a natural high.
Now I looked over the huge shoulders of the Tiamat, and the Mantic ore, to see the many other passages, tunnels that crisscrossed this plaza like area. The ceilings were as high as 50-feet. The open area I was standing was at least 100-meters in circumference.

The Tour


As I started to walk past the Tiamat, and her sidekick, trying to see what I was hearing, and upon stepping through one archway into another smaller chamber, I saw beings, being whipped by iron-tipped whips for juridical torture, mostly on Human souls, also on humanlike demon.
Kings I had heard about from my grandparents, and father, and other kings of Yort, where there—I might say, there were over 30-people being whipped at one time—at that very moment. The Tiamat explained with a fancy grin on her face, that these were the ones she and other demon had tricked on earth, and possessed, and sent to the underworld.
Said the Tiamat with the only compassion I had ever seen on her face, and it was not for the others, but for me to see, and feel sorry for her, “Each person selects his own God, and they are the ones who tell you where and when to go. It’s called free choice. If these humans, and ghosts and demons are here, they are here because they chose to be, or most of us notwithstanding. You see God never comes down here, or his angels. But you maybe can put in a good word for me.”
I said nothing; she was out of her head. All she wanted was revenge on Marduk, if any thing. You don’t make deals with the devil and expect to come out ahead.
“I will give you a tour of some of our underground fortress, if you go back and tell my daughter, Gwyllion, I have a plan for revenge. And she needs to help me with it. She needs to contact me. Now that she’s got her freedom, she has not even sent me one word to my ears, the bitch.”
I agreed, but only if the chance occurred, if I seen her. But she felt it would some how happen that I would see her. And I was really the only resource she had.

Underground Prison

I had brought many men to prison in my day, cowards mostly. You know, the ones in battle that run over the hill, hiding from the man who may take your life, and give you as food to his dogs: a traitor. I have no time for them, never have. I was in the Army for many years, a solder of honor. As I walked throughout this underground maze, this labyrinth, prison of sorts, these creatures were far from honorable.
I was seeing human-bodies, souls distorted, faces screaming, stretching their mouths as wide as they’d go. These were being from the upper world as well as the hybrid demons of the lower world. And other ones, I couldn’t name. Thousands of human-bodied souls caught and chained in 6 x 10 cells. Husbands screaming for wives, long lost to the world above. Others were screaming for alcohol to obliterate their time here. They were alive but a few hours ago, only to wake up here in a fog, thinking it was deliriums, but to their surprise, it was not, it was reality. Where was death hiding, everyone was looking for it, but no one found it. For now I knew, death was not the heart stopping on earth. No sir, it was far from that, for surely they were all begging for that.
Many men were forced to exchange sexual encounters with other men, and men with women. The demon watched, examined. And if it didn’t arouse them, they would grab the men by the testacies almost ripping them off; squaring them harder and harder, until their sacks looked like a swollen jaw after a fiacre fight. Watching them suffer in pain was their second high. If they could get both in one, the sexual and the pain, it was all the better I noticed.
I seen one demon now, over to my right, I shall call him the Eagle-Headed one, he is huge, about 9 feet tall, around 350-pounds. He has three women, all of them naked, but then that is not unusual for the underworld I noticed. He is taking them by the hair while little rodent beasts, with penis as long as feet, dragging behind them, are grabbing their legs trying to pull them part. He is pulling them into a dark corner of the cave, the little two-foot beasts following those getting erections. It is too dark to see now I only hear screams now. I dare say the dark in this world is no big think, only to the new comers. The ones just arriving like them three women.
I am finding out pain is not obliterated here rather it is just endured.
Broken hearts turn into revenge displaced onto to others. There is no starvation here, only hunger and thirst. There is nothing holy here, only demonic. It was a world made for them I could see. Although I do believe there are other sectors in this underground that might be less demonic. Maybe paradise is on the other side, possible a golden age will be born from another side of this underground world, but not here, not where I am at this moment standing, but anything is possible, and nothing seems to surprise me.

The Tiamat and Mantic ore walked me through some more chambers, tunnels of this subversive dry waterway of caves. Whatever man was made for it was not for this alternative prison. But it’s funny how we seem to adjust, or as I look around, how they—the beings here—have adjusted, in this god-forsaken dungeon below all dungeons [other than the Pit]—I mean what if you didn’t adjust, then what? Heartless to say, you had to, no one here to save you; God doesn’t even hear your whispers, and mainly not your cries.
The beasts and their followers had a variety of sexual choices I noticed. Men were on men and Beast inside women, ripping their legs apart like chickens. Where pain never existed they seem to find a ways to get it out of the boys, men and women; legs trembling, while the bodies were being bruised with boils. I heard their voices say, as I walked the river bed, from chamber to chamber,
“Give me death, “or “Sleep, let me sleep, “and “I want to wake up. “ All these sayings were sticking in my mind. Wake up from what, I sense the wish was that they’d wake up and this would all be a dream, just a simple little misunderstood nightmare.
There was no crime here, nor judge, only witnessing, nothing was criminal, and abuse was tolerant, matter of fact it was expected, mater of fact, one might say, the worse was with the worse; for some odd reason it occurred to me, the devil himself, would rather be with the good, so he can control them, rather then be down here with the same as him. The demon hated it here, I could see it on their faces, they wanted to be with the others, meaning, and the folks they could hurt. Here it was no game. Yet, what a better and bitter prison, the blood seekers with the blood sucker. Was this inhuman I thought, was this too drastic. Not sure, but I doubt they would like to be in a holy place, unless they could control it, and it would not be holy very long. This really was the best place for them. They were like dogs entangled with their sex partners, while others were like apes pulling naked bodies by the hair to strange places.
I noticed three somewhat human forms, in the chamber to my left, up ahead, almost in the walkway, trying to roll around like a wheel with everyone’s sex in and out and wherever. Like three flies caught in a spiders web. Like I heard was going on in the temples of Yort, good for them, they took their old ways with them. It tells me, should they have gone to heaven, they would just contaminate it.
The demon had control of the chambers, dungeons, and the section I was walking through. The port entry of sorts I would guess.
I would also guess, and I hate to guess for at best I would only be telling half truths, but, be that as it may, one of the big thrills, I gathered was getting the virgin, the new arrival, watching them. Whatever demon could do this was empowered. For I’m sure once the new comer had adjusted, half the fun was gone for the praetor. For few would trade the innocent for the professional on earth, in such cases. Is that not why the soldier looks for the young virgins taking baths in the springs as he travels to and fro his camp sites.
Many of the new-comers were trying to commit suicide, but it is fruitless, an impossible quest, they even tried to out run the demon, again, it was them sporting them, like swatting flies. It was almost funny, as they would chase them, and show up before them, whenever they’d stop, being quite exhausted, and unable to fight back they ended up worse than they were before. It seemed to me this suicide thing was like trying to hold your breath underwater while bathing, in the upper world, not possible. But I couldn’t blame them.
As we continued the tour, many of the inhabitants were looking at me. A few even knew my name; I heard it said several times in a whisper.
One demon wanted to approach me, but another was holding him back. He was saying, “Not yet, he could still have that power of sending you to the pit, and that is 100-times worse than here.”
I notice some of the chambers were freezing over with ice, and still others were simply damp, and one that was somewhat in the center of things, dry.
Said the Mantic ore, “There are seven gates to my right that you came through, [which was about several miles back somewhere] and there are seven to my left, about 300-meters to the Northwest of me, that go to Hates, another location, closer to the mantel of the earth, we call it hell. And if you go down deeper, you will end up in the Lake of Fire. Oh yes, we have many places here, Mr. Sinned the best being right here; well, maybe not the best, but one of the best.”
He continued with his explaining of the underworld as if it was going to be a choice for me to have to consider at a later time, and possible, accept.
“The Lake of Fire has not yet been designated a place for beings to be held,” said the Mantic ore, adding, “But will some day. And you Mr. Sinned, should be going back to your human hell on earth, down here there is only a hot humid existence.”
Not sure why the Mantic ore was being so forgoing in giving me information, maybe because he knew I would find out anyhow, and a good soldier never throws away a potential ally.
“What is beyond hell’s door? “ I asked.
Said the Mantic ore, “A river some four hundred miles wide, no one has ever crossed it I am told. It goes to the land called Paradise. Where good humans go before going to heaven, you know, the other God in One, as you put it.”
I smiled at him, yes, I knew, and knew very well, as he did. It was only the rest of the world that didn’t know. And by the looks of things, most of our human race was right here.

A New Journey-the Underworld
And the Atlantis Seed

The tour seemed to be somewhat over now as we had come to a huge wooden gate, with strips of embossed bronze at intervals. They were not binged, but attached to vertical posts that turned on pivot stones. The gates [two] were 20-feet high, and a foot thick.
I now needed to start on a new journey, but I wasn’t sure how this was going to take place. The Mantic ore, for some odd reason took me into his room, which was to the left of the gate, down several flights of stairs, and through a tunnel about a mile long. When we arrived at his room, he said it was under some ocean, of which was really a continent of water above our heads, I had heard the name of this city before, my father told me as a kid growing up, it existed some 3000-years before my time, called Atlantis, but I thought it to be a tale of sorts. My father said the gods made this city.
As I circled this small room of about twenty feet in diameter, the ceiling about 20-feet above me, the walls indicated some kind of palace did exist here at one time.
I could hear this ocean talking above me making sounds, echoes.
The Mantic ore said this ocean was greater than the Mighty Sea by Yort, which was hard to believe, but so be it. I didn’t want to argue, and he was right on many things. And all he could to with me was impressing, no more, or at least I hoped so. I noticed he liked to talk, when given the chance.
As he showed me his room, I noticed graphic pictures on the walls. Like paintings I had seen on the island of Crete, and stone carvings coming out of the walls as I had seen on Malta. The paintings that were baked into the stone suggested that our skies had two moons at one time. How could this be? And so I turned to the Mantic ore and asked. He gave me an unbelievable answer, saying, “The second moon was no more than a huge rock also calling it a slow moving mountain or asteroid, that fragmented, left its place by the other moon, and parts of it hit earth, causing it to give a tilt to its axis, which caused Atlantis a watery grave.
There were twin lions gods called yesterday and today, on a panel, carved into the stone, back-to-back position.
As I got more interested into the artwork on the stone, the Mantic ore, called Atlantis the Golden Age of his forefathers, the Watchers, also known as the Angelic Renegades. That it was now known as The Leonine Age.
The Mantic ore, went on to explain out of the two hundred Watchers, that came to earth prior to Atlantis, and was cast into the pit by God’s Favorites, there were Ten Kings that ruled Atlantis, Azaz’el being one. A Serpent King being two, who was also a Watcher, There was also three hybrid demon, first generation like Marduk that ruled as kings on Atlantis [half human, and half spirit]. Two kings were crowned by birthright, after cohabitating with a woman from Peru, and another from Egypt, and inheriting the kingdom, and having supernatural powers like their forbears, that the Atlantians genetic pool had been tainted by the influx of immigrants from other lands, causing a particular brand of civilization and culture to take place.
I asked where Atlantis was. And the Mantic ore explained he was one of the Military Sergeants in command of the Island City, as he called it. And that it was outside of the Pillars of Hercules; Hercules whom was also one of the 1st generation demigods, who live in a village called Seville, in the land called Spain. He explained Hercules did not necessary like the gods of Atlantis, and so he went on his own. But he feared them somewhat.
I felt odd for wanting to stay and talk about this lost city. I loved Yort, but my curiosity got the best of me. I almost felt pulled into this vacuum of the Mantic ore’s story; like being pulled into the Tor of Avalon, it to have its magnetic force, that is, the will to make a man want more of it.
“Do you have any more questions, Sinned?” Mantic ore said.
“YES” I said with excitement, “I saw such things on the island of Crete, when I was preparing for war. How this fits with the Pillars of Hercules, “I asked.
The Mantic ore said with a jerk of his neck as if it was too simple of a question,
“Crete is simple the residue of Atlantis, nothing more. They can only support the tales of Atlantis; --like there Bull Court, and bull-leaping ceremonies, and statues of goddesses, which are those of Atlantis. And if you notice the symbols, the spear with three prongs, and other such things, you will only be naming old gods. They will come alive again someday. Like Poseidon, who will be known as Neptune? God’s of the sea like the Tiamat.
Prior to Atlantis, the Wetlands, as you call them were nothing but part of an ice age. The disruption of earth caused it to stop. Do I not know many things, Mr. Sinned?”
“Oh yes, very much,” I said with enthusiasm, for I wasn’t lying. And if he was one of the military soldiers on the island of Atlantis I believed, maybe the story was more true than false. But demon lie all the time, and so I took about ½ of it and accepted it as truth. I must not let my guard down so I kept walking and looking at the walls covered with carvings, and colored baked stones.
The scenes were of offerings to a king with wings, soldiers with two double-ax columns at the extreme left, goddesses on chariots, drawn by goats, griffins; another scene showing Atlantis having a gulf stream around it, an ocean of water, currents, mountains, all too much for any normal man to absorb in such a short period of time.
I seen names of cities, linking to this major hub called Atlantis, one name was, Teotihuacán, Serpent Mound, Gilgamesh the First, from the land of Samaria, and The Temple of the Sun, Tiahuanacu, The Mask of Tikal; where the Mantic ore said the Watchers hand their giant sons cut it out of rock, along with human helpers.
Giant mammals that my father said disappeared hundreds of years ago were on the walls, along with saber-tooth tigers, and dire wolfs, ancient maps all around me. I got to believe their society was more advanced than even ours.
Then as I looked on the floor in the center of the room, there was a large map carved into the stone. I asked him to explain it.
With a rustic throat, the Mantic ore, cleared it, then pointed to the carvings on the left side of the floor, saying: “Just read it for yourself,” and his finger went to the names, they had dates before and after me: I started looking from the top, down, the graph was about three-feet by three-feet. It was called “The Ancestral Seed, “or bloodline, for this underground world, and its ancestors.
The graph seemed to be a irreversible separated pathway setting off in different directions, like a tree, showing the first to the last of the species, blood lines transferring from one species to another, and creating all sorts of a mixed blood. But all started from the angelic species to mankind:

The Graph

118,000 BC to Present
1-the Nefilim= Azaz’el [118,000 BC]
The Watchers
Vodyauoi [river god]

3-Giants=the seeds of the Watchers [13,450 BC to 3750 BC]
4-Marduk/first generation of demon [human and angelic]
5-Tiamat/second generation of demon [human, angelic, beast]
6-Third generation of demon=before and to Gwyllion
Ram god -after [as 5 make up]
12,900 BC to 6000 BC
7-New Generation seed: mixed with humans and angelic beasts
None have left the Underworld as of yet [5000 BC to present]


Chapter Twelve

The Journey Home
To the Upper World

The grand tour was over for the most part. As I looked about, I simply felt this sub- terrain world‘s wet and chilled tunnels, was nothing more than a continues orgy of conflict; everyone trying to forget where they were, something on the order of the Upper World I thought but different. It made me think of the infamous “abyss-pit”, which I had never seen but only heard of. It was suppose to be 100-times worse than this underworld. If this was the case, I could understand how it would transform any man’s thoughts or beast for that matter, standing on its edge looking down it.
I thought how this view of the underworld had changed my own attitude and assumptions. As the abyss does to the demon that felt they could be going there. And in a way, it was no laughing matter, as death to a human is no laughing matter. That was an inside fear for them. Unless there was a lone star, one that didn’t care where s/I went, and felt killing me was worth the trip to the endless pit.

Mount Vesuvius

As I started to tell the Mantic ore and the Tiamat I had to make my so called investigation short, which I had stayed at this point about seven hours now. I asked in what direction it would be best for me to start my voyage back to the surface of the upper world.
The Tiamat gave a little grin, which was really her normal look.
I thought, boy, she was quite the emotional creature, when I knew here years ago, and is still now, some things just don’t change. But she is none-the-less, keeping her distance. Thank god I told myself, for I knew anything could trigger her, and that was in itself, a good enough reason to get the hell out of here and start my ascend upward.
On the other hand, I felt the Mantic ore, which was a military person, and acted on planning and thinking, might be more dangerous in the long run but not in the short, I would have time to figure him out as soon as I got going.
At that moment Marduk’s horse was causing underground activity. I knew it was something else, but that is what filled my mind. The roar came shaking the underground like a horse running down a cliff. Everyone took little notice to it, but me. Then some one came up to the Mantic ore, whispered in his long horned looking ears something.
I had also heard the giants of the West-Wetlands were building a Causeway,--out of huge round and leveled stones, some 40-feet high, across one piece of land to an island, this crossed my mind as I stood listening to the earths roar.
He looked at me and said, “IIEPMOP, has been buried under volcanic ash again.”
The underworld started to go crazy with exoneration. This activity, explained the Mantic ore to me, as we stood by the wooden gate again, was nothing but the underground trying to balance the earth out as it rolls around the stars. Those made sense too, better than the giant one, even if it was a lie. Yet, I still thought Marduk might have something to do with it.
As I started to open the first door, leaving the two huge demons behind him, walking slow, as if to be attacked at any moment the Tiamat and the Mantic ore, simply nodded their heads; this was too easy I told myself. And when something is too easy, there usually is a “danger” sign attached to it that says, watch out, it’s coming.
As I looked back, the Tiamat’s huge teeth were in grimes of a laugh, her eyes squinting as if to force a smile. The Mantic ore, all soldier, no smile, focus, and standing as if ready to salute.

Self Sacrifice

My new journey was a little unknown, but just getting away from the tyrants, the Tiamat, and the Mantic ore, made me feel a little more at ease. Maybe that was my high, the new journey; for it wasn’t anything they had here. It was a quick five hours walking through these new caves. I was hungry, and only had one piece of hard beef left. I ate it quickly; afraid something or someone might grab it. In a silent world alone, and only God to protect you, I knew I had to trust, but not be stupid. Something God frowned on I heard.
I didn’t look about too much, my bones, body and mind told me to sleep, just for a minute, but I told myself, I could not afford such a luxury at this time, it would be my death. The unpredictable could happen at any moment.
As I continued to walk the riverbed, pathway, I told myself the Tiamat looked as usual, under the circumstances, like a self-anointed god of the demons, or under-world, a glorious leader of the pack.
I now started to think about food, a slice of lean meat, plenty of dairy products, everything I couldn’t have I thought of.
My mind shifted now to the Mantic ore. He was simply showing off to me I told myself; as military people often do. Being charming with a sense of humor was part of the program, but not saying what was on your mind was the other part, that was the strike, the military counter plan. See where the weakness is, then strike at it; be creative if you can and do not tell anyone your secrets.
A master at every aspect of a meeting he was, and I expected something terrifying to take place. The Tiamat would make sure he was part of it.
The Mantic ore simply wanted my mind to be off guard, my system down. Get your mind off the track that you need to be vigilant, alert, and watchful. Make the enemy stupid. A battle or war is something like a house. The house is worth no money until you sell it. The battles are worth nothing until the war is won.
As I got to a higher level in the underground caverns, I closed another gate behind me, the second gate of seven. The Manti core had told me to continue going straight on this path, until I was in hell’s chambers; at which time, it would be getting hotter, being it was closer to the mantel of the earth. Then I was to find a way to swim across the Gulf Stream, a four-mile wide river of sorts. And then see if I could locate my friend Serr’el, on the other side called Paradise. A helpful lad he was, but I’m sure that is not all he wanted for me, I’d find that out soon I’m sure. His nature was to be subversive, and thus, lie whenever possible. A force deep within every demonic force I believe; but where was the lie?
As I lit my second to last candle, holding it in my left hand, and keeping my ring finger free to open the gates with, I came upon the third gate, went to open it, but it didn’t open. I tried a second time again it didn’t open. I stood staring at the ring and the door, checking the candle with my puerperal vision. I then seen a movement, a shadowy figure, it knew I seen it.
“Sinned!” shouted a jumping up female figure.
It kind of startled me, although I knew something was there before hand. I fell back a few inches; her head was by the bars that cress-crossed the gate. She looked a bit familiar, a little resemblance to Gwyllion.
“Yes,” she commented, “I am another daughter of the Tiamat,” seeing me trying to figure her out.
As I blinked to rest my eyes, she snarled like a snake ready to bite. It seemed she did not regenerate properly [if every she was on earth in the past]. That is to say, she had stitches going around both her thighs. As if to keep her flesh looking body together. Her face was 90% bone, big eye sockets. Long finger nails, maybe two inches. She had put one of her fingers into the keyhole, and told me that was where it was going to stay.
“You’re trapped, mighty human,” she said with a grin like the Sea Devil, another of the Tiamat children I had a run in some years back going from Malta to the shores of the great cliffs by Yort.
“If I end up in the pit, at least I will know you are rotting in-between gates. You see Sinned; God’s angels will not come down here to save you. They have no ear for this underground world.” she spit slime every time she finished a sentence. It came out flying in pieces all over the place.
She was most likely right, but that didn’t stop God from giving me his blessings in being safe, for He had told me I had power over the demons.
As I went to the key hole again, I started to put the candle towards her eyes, and like a snake snatching a bug with its tongue, she took her finger nail and sliced off my ring finer, I dropped the candle and grabbed the finer out of her hands. She and I both fell back. I held the finger in my mouth lit another candle, and put the finger in my right hand. I was bleeding but I could take care of that later. She was laughing, and then everything went silent.
“Well,” she commented with a smart, “I am still here. I thought you had the power to send me to the pit!”
“As you say,” I commented, by adding, “So disappear to the pit, in the name of the Almighty God of Three.”
She looked worried for a second. Then said again, as if trying to either see if I could, believing I couldn’t, send her to the pit, and like her brothers and sisters wanted to go back and tell the Tiamat how brave she was.
But the Tiamat and Mantic ore were not so stupid, as she, they were not here.
“Well again, Mr. Sinned, I am still herrrrrrrrrrrr…!” She commented again.
As the last ‘r’ came out of her mouth, she was taken into a vortex of black winds, like a funnel, and I heard screaming, I think the whole underworld heard it, and I heard a thousand voices, and echoes coming from somewhere, as if she was falling, falling into an eternal hole, then there was the sound of suction, and then all was quiet. I think the underworld had a moment of silence for her. Then I heard the ocean and noises all about me as before.

The Short Cut

I kept my finger held tight with my thumb and index finger, while I held the candle with my right hand and quickly put the key to the gate and it opened. I must have walked a few miles when I seen an opening to the right of me, an entrance of sorts. I went to check it out, moving a few stones to the side. In my minds eye I could see the grass on top of earth’s surface.
As I investigated this cavern within the earth it looked like an underground tower of sorts, maybe from the city of Atlantis. The Mantic ore said it sunk in this area, and the residue went all over the world, and the underworld got its share, the Mantic ore preserving one of its rooms. Maybe my wits were playing games with me and I just wanted to get out of this lost Underworld too bad.
I started to look up its round shape of spiral stairs. It was about six feet in diameter, going up, up and up. It could only lead up to the surface my mind convinced my body. And for the Mantic ore, I ’m sure he was hoping I would have taken the long way home. For God only knows what would be in store for me. He avoided me not wanting to get sent to the pit, both of them, having talked the daughter with the long fingernails into it, - the cat that cut my finger off. Oh well, I am still alive. And so I started to climb the stairs.
One step at a time, --slowly, --step by-one, I climbed the stair way. I then noticed the fragility of the walls as I stopped occasionally to rest, and lean against them. They started to crumble, and so I avoided resting against them. No need to start a cave in I thought.
As I continued to climb for hours I counted the steps, it came to 10,468 stairs I calculated, and then I saw light. I stopped to catch my breath.
A few more steps, just a few more I told myself, and the light became brighter, but the hole didn’t become much bigger. With my finger cut off and in my right hand, which had a tourniquet bound around it been throbbing.
I would be on the surface in a few minutes so I tossed the finger, my precious finger, it tortured me to do so, but I had been holding in my hand so long now, I had to, so I tossed it down the multi stair tower, saying, “I’ll never be back,” almost as if I had to grieve it on its way. It was enough to have seen daylight, I had to act, and a soldier as I was, and will always be at heart, made a decision, that had to be made—quickly.
As I got to the opening, I pushed the dirt and a few rocks aside allowing more light to come in. As the light got brighter, a dozen bats emerged from the dark, slapping my face, I quickly threw my arms through the hole, like a fetus trying to come out of a woman’s womb, and found myself prostrate on a plaque, -- a green valley of sorts.

The Monument

There were huge stone structures about. Strange and mysterious looking they were, I starred at them for a long time. Such signs of interest, I told myself. Who could have built them? I went over to where they were; a circle. They were at least 25-feet high. The giants of long ago must have built them I commented to my mind. Walking around them like a hound trying to sniff his pray. A stone maze, maybe the Titans built it. Then all of a sudden I was hungry. I put my arm on one of the stones. It pleased me; however, it brought many thoughts to me, again more questions than answers.
I ended up talking to myself. The mysterious monument stands alone as if it was disconnected from the rest of the world: avoiding events. As I looked about I could not find a central doorway, it was one big doorway of circling rock pillars. Huge as no man had ever seen.
There was a chill in the air. I heard stories of this place, that back about 4000 years in time there was an Ice age, and it has just slowed down in this area the past 800-years. That winter was year round. I was told this by the wise men of our temples when I was but six years old. I thought it to be a tale of sorts. But now I think there is truth to it. I am sure if I would go now to the highlands it would be colder, and more believable. But my decision is that I must turn about and head on back to Yort.
Having made that decision, I headed back South, to the Coastline. On my way I discovered, what some of the priests had said might be true, that there were fossils from: trees, ferns, fish and dolphins all about. Signs of a melt down had at one time taken place here. As the days turned into weeks, I noticed farmers didn’t really clear level ground in fear this would raise the water table and create bogs. Something we at Yort never had to worry about. It seldom rained there. And then I made it to the seashore after six weeks of walking, getting a few rides, and eating at a few farmers’ houses. I was happy the oak trees were behind me now, along with the moss, blanket-peat, and open areas of the farmers. Of which there was only a few friendly enough to assist me in my travels. I hadn’t realized before this, that this area of the world was virgin forest, stretching from one end of The Island [Britain], to its neighboring continent. Little else did I know though.

Chapter Thirteen


10-Months Later
Back in Yort

It was a Saturday morning; I was sitting on my porch, as often I had done, thinking about my journey home from the Wetlands, and the many changes that were taking place here in Yort. I remember the first day I came back, I thought about the people from Malta. And I thought about the many bridges I had to cross, roped bridges as well as wooden ones to make it back home.
I thought about how I felt the day when I arrived back at the cities gates. I was but 500-feet in front, when I started noticing the grand sculptures of the lions and snakes on Yurt’s exquisite Jeweled Gates, otherwise known as the Lion Gate. They were unique with their human-beaded winged lions from lands unknown to me; colored in brown stone, with painted beards of green, and gold breast plates, and crowns. They always seemed as if they were holding the walls of the city together.
A mist came over the city that morning, uncovering the gates like a canopy being sucked up by the sky, as the orange sun crept over the temple roofs and guardhouses. The over powering beauty stunned me to the point I stood their just gazing at everything. There was no equal to Yort on earth.
I hoped my friends in Malta would not be bothered with any new demonic forces after I left, so many thoughts going through my mind this morning. Where they come from, I asked myself.
I thought about the king, how he is agreeing with every thing Marduk suggests, they are like two peas in a pot, both plotting how to take away all the rights of the people of Yort, destroying the written law carved on the Mesopotamia Stone.
How the men and woman must feel about the old rule coming back into effect, where a woman prior to her wedding day, was obliged to sleep with the king, and now they added Marduk. The sanctification of marriage was no more.
This was not much different than being kidnapped in the middle of the night by the Baboons and brought to their temples to perform to the whim, perform that is what ever their desires happened to be at the moment; this was not much different, than the child sacrifices being under consideration, like in the old days. But again this was being done is secret, it will simple be in the open now that I’ve told myself. Is it not true, agreed to whatever anyone wants, as long as the end product turns out to be what you want. And who can dispute you once you are in charge; matter of fact, who would be foolish enough to?
My father once told me before there was many gods, there was a time when mankind recognized just One God, Him. And how funny, how all these other gods got into the chain of events. And when people talk now-a-days, they think it out of fashion not to have many gods; --that the one with one god is the one alone.
The Ram god, had joined the Marduk cult as expected, in fear of what I suppose might do if he didn’t; it was dangerous to be alone in the complex web of domination of the world gods, which was inside Yort for me.
The one cult left alone for the most part was that one called the Lucifer’s cult, Marduk kept his distance, not sure why. Maybe because Lucifer I heard was more of an archangels, renegade type being, like the Old Watchers of their ancestors. A good question for my mind to ponder I thought. Thus, he could be more powerful than Marduk.

I was told by my friend Commander Snemelc a few days after I had arrived back from the Wetlands how Gwyllion, had not returned to the Wetlands in fear they would laugh at her. And she knew she couldn’t return to Sesophe, in fear they had the iron ore there, as did the Cave People. And so she came to Yort, to open up her mother’s temple. In doing so, Marduk got worried about her starting up a new cult so close to his, he put her in a bear hug, and broke her spine, sending her back to the underworld, like he did with the others whom he feared might diminish his power.
Also, Commander Snemelc, somewhat unwilling, but none-the-less, had to informed me that I was confined to my house and yard, under a new law of “House Arrest”; naming the law, “The Law of National Security.” It was really Marduk and the King wanting to insure I would not cause any problems for them with this New Order of theirs. Thus, I was given the chance to leave the city--which I would never do, or cooperate, and so I guess I did, in a small way by not complaining of my isolation.
As I looked about, listening to the Commander, I told him point blank, “It took 2000-years of war to produced 200-years of freedom, and now only 20-years of internal strive to wash it away. What a waist of lives, time and effort. ”
The Commander had nothing to say, what he could say I was right.
I did find a sidekick though, an old dog, kicked out by its owner, and brought to me by the Commander.
Like me, the Commander had to live in Yort, it was his home, but not like me, he had no god to offend, and so he was no threat to the King or Marduk, not breaking his values, or love by following their lead. Although maybe not liking it at times. Matter-of-fact, he was the only one now in a place and position to do good for the people of Yort. God works in funny ways. Anyhow, I named my dog “Tomasa.”
I thanked the commander when he left the dog he brought me, and as the Commander walked out of my backyard, through my house to the street, I could get a glance of him, the dog was sitting beside me, as I continued to carve into stone some writings. Said the Commander, with a muffled voice, but I heard him none the less, “They got something in common. That do and him let them rest in peace.”

Chapter Fourteen

The Dark Night

A week had passed since the Commander came to see me. And I knew something was wrong. He usually came by, if not to stop and say I to simply walk by on his way checking on the guards. And then on the 8th day, he came by, stopping by my porch.
“Sinned,” he said in a trembling voice. “I had visit about a week ago from an angel, his name was Serr’el, your friend. He instructed me not to have the Army or any demonic forces go into his temple, or your house. He told me to inform the king, and when I did, the King with his arrogance, laughed at me, as did Marduk, as he over heard it. They plan on going into the One God temple and taking out the stone.
I really do not know what to do.”
“Tell the king, that the only reason of his success is because of what God allows. That, no good will comes from this. And Commander, get sick that night when they plan on doing their deeds, and do not be part of this, I warn you.”
“As you have instructed me wisely before, I will do as you ask, are you sure you are right? I could loose my position. “The Commander asked.
I answered as stern as I could, “You can loose your life, for what is happening is the honor of God, he will not let this pass lightly, not if they violate his direct command.”

That night when I went to bed I had nightmares of a slaughter going on, that an angel of the Lord had come down and struck down 2000-of Yort’ s army and demigods. And then as morning came, I quickly got up, and didn’t care about my confinement to the house, I needed to walk the city, and as I did I seen corpuses all about. The King was off in the distance with Marduk, they now were looking at me. There were soldiers by my One God temple, but no one dared to walk up the steps. They both were staring now, and two soldiers were guarding the king. Marduk quickly left his side, as if he did not want to be part of whatever might happen. On one hand he was a great warrior, on the other he was scared as hell of the Almighty. The king was not as smart as Marduk, much more careless with his arrogance.
I knew it was only one angel that had done this, the Warrior Angel, Suru’el. I seen him in my dream, and heard his name being called out. Again I thought, as I had before if one angel could kill 2000 or even 20,000 men like nothing, what could three or four do. They could slaughter the whole world. Marduk knew the results were of the Hand of God.
As I slept restless for the next few days, another tragedy happened. The two soldiers that guarded the King, had killed him in his sleep, and taken off to some far distant land. The city was silent now. No king and Marduk were scared to try and rule in fear he might be struck down. The Army continued to do their duties as the Commander got a safe note from me, that I felt he would not be harmed. And he gave that note to the troops. But who would rule was the question now. Good or bad, people want a King, a ruler. And his son was too young to rule.

Chapter Fifteen

The Law of Consequence

There I sat on an old stone-carved pillar, my backyard chair with no back to the chair; my dog lay half asleep by my side. The sun was hot, coming down on my back, and reflecting through my straw hat. I talked to the dog, as if he could understand: “You know, all these new laws when the old ones were good, they remind me of a story my father once told me, he said, ‘Son, there was a time before our great grandfathers called, The Time of Less Consequences, better know of the time when God spoke to you personally or directly. You see son, when a person would go out swimming he never drowned, God would be there to ask you what the heck are you doing, dumb boy, and tell you to get out of the water. Or if some one was going to jump out of a tree, He’d know, and tell them, you could break your leg, don’t do that. Or if you hurt some ones feelings, He’d be there to try and fix things up. It really was a time when gravity had no hold on any one. That is to say, not what necessary came down from the sky always landed the way you would expect it to? Well, He also would scold whole towns, and cities and villages directly. But when He did, the people would be so scared half would hide from Him. Others would stand in shock. Some would piss and shit in their pants in fear He saw what they were doing.
Well, to make a long story short, the people protested to God, saying they didn’t need a spy watching over them, or watching them constantly. And so God put into effect the Law of Consequence, or so I was told. Now was it better or not? A good question I believe. I don’t think so, I don’t necessarily think it was better, but possible less personal, and it gave a person a sense of not being watched, but how deceiving can a mind be, but then that is my opinion. You don’t get the personal touch, and that is what I want, the personal thing. But then others evidently didn’t think like me. Not sure way, it seems so simple, because He saw [or sees] everything in spite of the facts, in spite of someone thinking otherwise, that is to say, he saw everything in detail, like it or not. But now if you fell into the water you most likely would drown. Or if you fell off a house or tree, you would die or break a few bones I expect. Life would never be the same again, it had been rewritten.
And so you see son, new laws are not always better laws. They are in place of laws that don’t work. And people are the ones that make or break them.”’
As I looked at my dog, I told her, “You listen girl,” I said in a soft voice, adding, “I guess the old laws on the stones are not working, and so the people of the city will only have a memory to reflect on, --how it used to be.”
Then I remembered what Serr’el told me [the secret], that there would be world catastrophe, a great flood to wash the world of its sins. But I had also seen in visions many other things, things I wanted to ask Serr’el about, such as, a time when people walked under the waters, ships of sorts in the skies. I had seen all this but couldn’t make much of it out, not understanding it I mean. I had seen demons I never knew before. And so I knew, somehow, someway, they would find a way back to earth after the Great Flood that Serr’el was talking about. And in these visions I seen mighty ships in waters yet unknown to the people of Yort, they were in battle, towers falling in the area of the Wetlands, strange huge round asteroids or planets racing through the heavens towards earth. I wondered how the world would survive all this. And maybe, just maybe my time was not much different than any other century in the future. How would I know? And I fell to sleep, my hand on my dog’s head, just barely touching her hair, as did the dog fall to sleep also.

The Sleep

I am sleeping now, not a dead sleep, not quite, my eyes are twitching, moving, eyelids that is, they are going into a spasm type movement, they will not let me go into a deader-sleep. My life has been like an on going war; --mostly war it’s been, but there have been some soothing winds in my life. Some calm seas, you might say. Some light battles, here and there. I’ve even had time; made time that is to pick the oranges I planted years ago with my father of the trees we planted. I loved my God, my city, and my life. My father, maybe I will join him soon, along with my mother. She, my mother once said about our time, ‘Mankind will try to put the puzzle together,’ the puzzle being, the story of man; ‘…but when he comes to our time, after picking up objects, deposits, and tries to use them to figure out events with cultures and sequences, when he does this son, he will get tired of digging, looking, and creating concepts that he changes every decade, at that time and point, he will call our time, a myth; for the fragments of our time will be few and in-between, and a list of kings will be lost. But I think if he is lucky enough, at the end of days-- for we are but in a cycle-- man may open up his eyes, in disbelief, and try to shut them, but it will be too late. He will live in our world, as strange as it may seem.’

End of book Three


The Short Tale/Book: Four
[The unfinished story—Last Tale of the Tiamat
Now completed after four years]

The Tiamat and the King


The Conclusion of the Tiamat Tales

It has been said: revenge is never the winner,
simply because it kills both the giver and the
receiver, but try and tell that to the Tiamat…

Sinned, Resident of Yort

Please join me for another unsung tale, unsung in the wilds of far off times—in a world that searched for what it meant to be human; ruled by the inhuman: in the Last Tale of the Tiamat [approximately 6800 BC].

The Tiamat

The Commander of Yort

The Commander of Yort, Commander Snemelc (Sinned’s old friend from the Amazon War), who also had lost his son to the demigods of the wet-lands (England, Germany and parts of France—or Gaul; in years past) is still not a believer in any temple religions, to include Sinned’s god. But he has hired Sinned to teach at the academy of military warfare, for a while that at least, until the King orders him to become a prisoner in his own home; which I predict is not far off. Sinned is at present an old man.

Marduk and Satan returned from Pergamun, Avalon, Hydra, Stonehenge, and Egypt, where they were setting up, and building temples for themselves, mostly for Satan, the Adversary as he is also known (that is, having them built by the hands of slaves)—it is really Satan’s quest at this point—more so than Marduk’s to become the prominent figure on the world scene (although Marduk would like to remain the second main power on earth, he is unsure if he is really a prospect) even though he is wiggling in a few converts, he has more or less become a follower to Lucifer’s cause than a leader to his own, or so it seems, as once he was. Yet it would be unwise to say Marduk is not trying his best to build an empire of temple sites (while at the same time trying not to upset Satan), and in the process demolishing all the other demonic-beasts to include their temples, hence, eliminating the competition in the god-head area in the known world and especially at the great city of Yort, their home city, city of the world (in Asia Minor); --furthermore, becoming the one and only to be worshiped on earth besides Lucifer.
Satan tells Marduk that at this point: he has under estimated his enemy [Sinned, a man of God]: that he is acting out of emotion, not thinking—Sinned being that enemy, who has favor with God, who is also the enemy to the world of demigods, and renegade angels. Thus, Satan, adds to, telling Marduk, “I know Him well [Sinned’s God], and if he is for Sinned who can really be against him?” waiting for Marduk’s response. Marduk shows fear not only for the Sinned’s God but now for the first time—outright fears Lucifer; the alliance seems to be quivering. Yet the fearfulness of Sinned is in a more docile way, yet it carries its apprehensiveness nonetheless. For the most part, the dread seems to steam from the ability that Sinned can put him in the pit, almost at will; but than, so can Satan, and Satan knows this is a fear of his; consequently, Satan is trying to duplicate that fear

[The Tiamat’s Revenge] The Tiamat has waited for a long time at her end to get her revenge on Marduk, Marduk in particularly that is for it is he that she wants to settle some old scores with. She knows he has befriended the angelic renegade, called Lucifer [now Satan], but all the same, she will try to avenge the misdeed he has done to her (by killing her in battle and being cast down into the Underworld), and perhaps, just maybe, get a little help from Lucifer on the way, providing she can offer him a pleasing recipe for his quest, that is, for his pursuit to be accomplished without reservation. She knows Satan by reputation of deed, which of course is malice, her lifestyle. He is a being liken to her, a personality for revenge, if it can be had at a subtle price; for domination if it can be had without a curse, and worship, as long as it can be granted without any interference: all these are the traits that make up a good demigod, if not learned by the Angelic Renegades themselves—like Satan, and genetically imprinted in each demigod, for surely Satan himself is the prince of malice and cleverness, so much so, he could be her ally and teach her more than the old ones.
At this point, she (she: being the Tiamat (although the Tiamat is genderless—a demonic hermaphrodite if you will) has given up her underworld crown and dictatorship to gain a spirit form of life in the upperworld. Hence, realizing she cannot have a physical body any longer this was her only way to gain entrance into the earths gravity belt (for she had her one and only chance to be likened to humans in the physical form and lost it by way of a fight with Marduk some years back) and now having lost it, revenge remains—un-quenched to this day. But by way of accepting her new form, and a ghostly form at that, and being the unquestionable Underworld’s absolute ruler, has now left her kingdom to roam the invisible earthly globe, hungry as a roaring vampire she is, with plans and ideas to stretch out her influence and quest over Marduk during this new journey of hers.
Although the demonic-beings can see her, the earthlings cannot. But it wasn’t the earthlings for the most part anyway that dominated her mind—her will. Yet, her agonizing bitterness, which twisted in her stomach, was craving for retribution from the one who inflicted pain upon her, caused her physical death. As for the humans, should they get into her way they would of course, face her might, her anger.
On another note, Sinned was never any help to her in the physical world, should he get in her way that could be very interesting, she pondered. On one hand, she liked him for some odd reason, on the other; she could eat him just as easily as she vomited up her father, now many years in the pas. But that was simply a fleeting thought racing through her head as she is now getting ready for her new expedition, mission of sorts. On the other hand, if she can avoid the old man Sinned, whom is (to her idea) too old to fart even, all the better: in thought, she told herself, ‘…why stir up trouble with him, especially before I gets my revenge on Marduk, it makes no sense, there is a time and place for that, should it come to that.’
And now, now that she was entering a new life, a new adventure, who would worship her, this was part of every demonic beings nature, yes oh yes, the need—indeed, the need to be worshiped, the fancy to be worshiped.
It was like mans nature to hide his real thoughts, to use language to simple talk, which was not the essence of the person, the part that he hid, that is what she had learned anyhow, what Satan worked with, what all demons knew of man. It didn’t matter what language you spoke, it was human nature, that was the language you had to understand; this, she felt, would take some thought, she really needed to re-invent herself, and work on getting a following, a few to follow her, worship her, that would just be a plus, Satan she knew was sewing up most of the worship areas in his favor, and Marduk, oh well, she thought, he will not need to be worshiped also but not with her plans in store for him would he have it for long. Plus, she had to simply get used to this new spirit form of life without touch, physical touch that is, and a lot of other non-sensory items built into her new body of sorts, or whitish configuration she had to float around in.

“Yes,” she moaned, “I have no smell, touch, no feeling of cold, wet or heat, all the things Marduk is subject to [has], who took them away from me.” Surely, life would not be the same should she take them from him she thought, but again, she told herself: ‘…first things first.’ She also knew more sooner than later, Sinned would get news of her transformation—and presence, she knew he’d adjust well, he always did in the past, and it would just be a matter of time for him to get involved somehow, someway with her life again. So in a way, time was of the essence; consequently the Tiamat’s way of thinking was, ‘People think time will heal past outcomes,’ and it may, but it also gives the enemy time to plan better. And this she had done. The question that begged an answer, or would beg one was: should Sinned appear on the scene, what then? she concluded: ‘What can I do in a physical world, where I’m like a ghost?’ (Only time would tell.)


(As the Tiamat had now joined the upperworld, several weeks had passed. She has now visited several locations on earth, gathering information here and there for her announcement that she was back.)

—Sinned, had heard the Tiamat had capabilities to materialize, and he was told he was given the gift of trans-vision at the same time, that is, he could see into both worlds should the Tiamat appear. Matter-of-fact, the day she was granted this new ‘self’, she had to make a deal, and part of it was Sinned would be granted this transparent vision to be able to see into both worlds within the first appearance of her on earth, meaning, if she materialized just once, just one time, in any location, he would at that point be given this trait. Moreover, during these several weeks she—the first weeks of her new voyage into earths atmosphere—she kept a low profile of her activities, and did not materialize for that very reason.
In addition, the Tiamat didn’t know for sure, one way or the other, if he [he: being Sinned] still held the capability of casting her into the pit, the Abyss (which was of course different then the underworld, more gruesome, and confining). The Abyss, or the pit, was where no beast or devil or demon, creature, and sure no human, wanted to go; where bones rot just because of the heat and smell. Where you continuously fall, fall and fall: --hanging onto roots, and ugly insects looking at you, grabbing at you, scaring you on and on and on—; where horror was the nature of things—and crimson round one-hundred-legged quarter size insects bite you night and day, with sad eyes that seemed to stick inside of their heads haunted you night and day; ah, I forgot, there is no day there, so it is just gloomy dark like night. And so life would be interesting for the Tiamat, as well as the world that awaited her. Yet, her secret appearance, or her debut, would be kept secret, secret that is until s/he had to appear (for she was of both sexes, as I have already mentioned; or sexless), as long as she didn’t expose herself to the physical world she could produce her plan better.
At this juncture, Sinned had told Serr’el (his holy angelic friend) he had no intentions of exposing her, as long as the demons kept their fighting among themselves. That is to say, exposing her to the world at large, thus, causing more fear to his city of Yort, which had enough fear within their bones and walls; Sinned had always felt it a privilege to do service for his city, yet it was a thankless task during his older years, or at least it had become that now.

Meeting with the Ram god

The Tiamat has now left the Underworld, and made her way to Yort, where she has met with the Ram-god, who Marduk has threaten to kill. As she materializes, she tells him about her new spirit-form, and what she has done to acquire this new freedom. At first the Ram-god is a little taken back by this, not knowing her abilities, if any at all; inasmuch as, she once was the Queen of the Seas and feared in all the lands of the world—that is, until Marduk came into the picture—and of course the Underworld that eventually became under her control, her legend proceeded her all the way to the Netherworld, she was not one to be trusted, nor overlooked either.
At this occasion, the Ram-god now explains about Lucifer’s new agenda, that is, on becoming the number one challenger to Marduk, yet they have not fought, or tried to eliminate one another; not a surprising step, the Ram-god feels, for each is using one another for the moment, yet the Ram-god indicates to the Tiamat, he feels this is because he is somewhat submissive to him [to Lucifer], and in need of his allegiance for the moment, which indeed he is.
The Ram-god also explains he is aware his days maybe numbered; in as much as, he knows he could very will be on his way to the underworld at any moment for the most part, when he is no more useful to Lucifer that is; meaning in essence, any day, any day depending on the mood of either Marduk, or again I say Satan.
Narrowly the Tiamat looks deep into the Ram’s eyes, knowing he is in need of a ally, and he could be, and she could meet that very need for him, fill that very want of his, so she says to the Ram-god (in a calm tender voice ((unlike hers: and as it has been written somewhere in history: beware of a women who speaks beautifully, she’s maneuvering waywardness.)): ”…they may have plans for you already my friend, it is best we, you and I united, if not outright, silently and clearly.”
As well it must be, thought the Ram-god, and with more thinking: ‘…the Tiamat wants to make a deal with me (he concludes hesitantly in his mind’s eye), assuring me of something.’ He then asks: “What is it you want from me?”
Said she (with that infamous grin of hers, a jeer if you will): “…he will take you out [meaning: Marduk], and when he does you will have to go to the underworld; so it is a matter of time, but I have friends there in the Netherworld, I will instruct the Underworld to make you [the Ram-god] second in command, which is of course, second to my daughter. And when Marduk shows up, he will be the scorn of the Underworld, and under you.”

The Ram-god’s head now has shifted emotionally to the ground, staring, thinking—deep emotions going to and fro, throughout his huge cantankerous body which is wanting to argue, but no words coming out from his mind or out of his mouth; he ascends his eyes, his brow to her level, “And what…” he implies with a harsh voice.
Says the Tiamat to the Ram: “Hmmh…its better you give me help, and possibly give up your physical life on earth if need be, if called for, and be assured of a ruler-ship in the Underworld—better than, better than, not having a pack with me, and a future rule-ship elsewhere if not here: Lucifer is taking everything slowly anyhow. And by the way, it is also just a matter of time, not an ‘if’, but a ‘when,’ that Marduk or Satan will get rid of you, it will happen, that is, when the duel-twins [Marduk and Satan], come to you one night and kill you for your temple, as they have killed many before. And you will end up being a dog in the Underworld like the rest of the humans, demigods and creatures you have no idea ever existed. There are only three, only three in the Underworld with power of any kind, or maybe four, but Satan does not come down there (as many people think) but once in a great while, he can’t stand it, it smells too bad. And the three I mention are, me, my daughter Gwyllion, and the Manticore, and so it can be you and my daughter and the mantic ore.”
After hearing all this the Ram-god makes the exchange, the demonic pack, a curse unto one another; should it be broken, a curse that will follow either one; now it is implemented, and both are allies.

Lucifer and the Tiamat

The next step for the Tiamat was to find Satan [the Adversary], and she does so, shortly after talking to the Ram-god: the Tiamat makes a deal with Satan to fight Marduk in place for finding out Sinned’s secret, the secret that tells about the time and place of the end of the world, plus how it will end; him knowing it, and given directly to him by the Almighty God Himself. This troubles the angelic-Lucifer, the Adversary to the Almighty, and He senses time can be short, or possibly long, either way, but he wants to know what way. Because he can’t put a finger on it, on what the secret is, that is, the date, what date, the date it will be, he cannot plan his future and it is starting to irritate him, and he is a thinker, a planner if anything. He sees something more to it, and ponders on such thoughts (call it intuition). Is this the beginning or the end, the beginning of something new after the end, or the end of ends? This is what bothers him, for it if is the ‘end of ends’ then where is his stead, or his end abode? On one hand he thinks it can be possible sooner than he had previously anticipated, for he feels it is several thousand years in the future. But he could be wrong, he was wrong once before, and it was a coasty wrong; as the demons are absolutely wrong about him. They think they have power over him, when in essence, he has absolute sovereign over their realm. Some are finding this out the hard way. This he has not made known, now it fits into his scheme of things to let them think what they will. For he speaks their language, yet it is their heart he wants to know. And that cannot be gotten simply by language, or having them think he is over-powerful. He knows the nature of demons, as well as the nature of humans. And shortly, he will become the Prince of Demons, in all realms, in particular the underworld, the upper world, and in the physical and invisible worlds; just a matter of time.
Furthermore, Marduk has been quite helpful, in that, he stays out of his way; plus, people are more fearful of him, so Lucifer has been playing the good guy, and gaining more of Marduk’s followers, and worshipers, while he plays his old devilish self. But no matter what, Sinned’s name keeps popping up as a danger to not only the demons, but to the world order at bay: he has like a spiritual fence around him, no one can really get to him without being cast either into the pit, or scorned by God Himself, so how can the Tiamat, or for that matter anyone get to him, to find the information Lucifer wants?
Ah yes! This is the question that comes to his mind.
Another question that seems to arise is: what is underneath the mind of the Tiamat? With the Tiamat’s desperation to have Marduk killed and his endless haunting revenge once and for all settled, quenched, and begs the question how strong is Marduk’s friendship with Lucifer. On the other hand, Satan would take out Marduk sooner or later anyway; so feels the Tiamat. And Sinned would die (for he is quite old now, just a matter of time, so most of the demonic world feels) and then he could rule this kingdom without any interference (which Satan was just waiting for, feeling he had time and patience, but now somehow he had found out about a secret Sinned might have, and time is the very thing that is questionable; yes, time, more precious than silver and gold; even food and shelter). But then again, why wait for the answer, if he could get the ball rolling sooner, than later—which would make for a good head start on things. So Lucifer thought all the better, and after a moment of deep thought, calculations on needs and wants to his benefits, he agrees to kill Marduk in a fight for the Tiamat, with the stipulation of finding out the secret of Sinned, thereafter, and if not says Lucifer to the Tiamat, “I will hunt you down like a hungry bear hunting down his prey, and Hell will not save you from my rage.” The Tiamat left her face flat of emotions so Lucifer could not read her.

The Fight

In the ‘Valley of the Armies,’ below the cliffs of Yort, where the Great Sea rests, where legend has it, creation first took hold, Lucifer has called Marduk to meet him there for a summit concerning the return of the Tiamat, and the destruction of Sinned, along with the taking over of the Baboon Temple. Along with killing the Ram-god (many issues on the table he proclaims); he has asked the King to attend also, King Thesas III, and to bring his young bisexual-weakling lover along, whom he wishes to take for himself.
As all has been arranged, and the day’s heat is over their head, it is late morning (forenoon), a cool breeze shifts through the valley, and all who were asked to come, now are present. As surprised as one could be, Marduk notices the King, and others nearby, and like a sword of light, Lucifer turns himself into a dagger of death: the fight starts, and Marduk not sure why or what for, tries aimlessly to defend himself, but quickly, surprisingly Marduk becomes unconscious with one crushing blow from the light force he has turned himself into. The onlookers are frightened, and Marduk is almost dead, except for one last blow, as Satan is about to give it to him, then out of the blue, the Tiamat yells: “Wait, wait, not yet!” The Tiamat now shifts to his second part of her plan. As Lucifer waits, with a pondering sly look at the Tiamat, as if to say: get on with it, the demonstration is almost over. The plan would be simple, kill Marduk, and let the King and the Ram watch, and let the rest of the plan ooze out like black-blood from contracting muscles.
It would be a simple fight Lucifer figured, yet everyone else was amazed at how quick Marduk was taken over. As Marduk lay there, now awakening, he knew he had no friends anywhere, only himself, no one would help. And now in the Valley of the Armies, man had the right to kill at will, no laws forbid such things; it was a death valley for just such matters. It was written into the ancient laws, to pick out a battle field instead of fighting in ones own backyard, and there settle your issues, feuds and desecrations, as best you could, which was normally in a blood-battle; all unrepentant today.

(Sinned was watching from above the cliffs—second observation) It was high morning and the sun was overwhelming now. Just coming out, to his senses again, Marduk stood up waited by a huge tree, to see what was next. Frightened he found himself in back of the tree, pacing and pacing, not quite knowing what was going to happen. He saw Sinned on the hill, and now the Ram-god, and the King. Something was wrong, very wrong. Possibly he could fight Lucifer again, if it came to that; no one really knew his strength. The Tiamat had now manifested herself a hundred yards behind Lucifer; something was very wrong thought Marduk. His mind now shifted from one thing to another, in rotating circles on the deals he and Lucifer made, but now the return of the Tiamat was involved, a plight Marduk was not prepare for; on his thinking, he came to the conclusion he did not want her to make an alliance with Lucifer, but maybe they had already. Although he had a reputation of the most wicked of all creatures, Marduk had never seen him in battle except for now. As he paced he saw a serpent growing legs, out of its skin. He looked closer, it seemed quite odd, and he was all of light. And then with the speed and validity of a roaring tiger, the snake-of light jumped onto Marduk, opened up its jaws and bit into the towering figure’s forehead (it was becoming obvious the Tiamat wanted to see Marduk cringe and weep and so she became a spectator, but she had started something with Lucifer and he was to finish it now); Marduk shocked for the second time: like a second title wave, with all his eyes shifting here and there trying to figure out what just took place, what happened; trying to shake the giant snake free from its imbedded bite that sunk deep into his forehead. He then witnessed legs come out of the serpent, going into its body, leaving it as smooth and slippery as silk; now in disbelief, yet with a little reality, Marduk knew he was doomed.
Marduk tried to grab the snake around its slimy and slippery frame, but its scorching light forbid it to be touched, as it ate its way into Marduk’s forehead, but the snake grows smaller, and slips right through the giant demons hands like a blood-tic, as he went into a paroxysm. The snake now has eaten through the bone-skull of the beast

[as everyone watches these two happenings, Lucifer remains standing there waiting for the Tiamat’s demand, and only Sinned can see the other part, the ongoing drama, but all see the Tiamat for the first time]

now encircling its brain [the snake], now compressing it, squeezing it like one might expect the heart to be squeezed in a heart attack (while Marduk is running in circles, running crazy like, continuing in a wild fit hitting his head on a huge nearby rock and then a tree, trying to kill the snake inside of him, which had now gone so far into his head, to be bothered with the new assault. The griping of the snake had now stopping the blood flow to the brain, as Marduk dropped to his knees, and onto the ground.
At this instant replied the Tiamat (Marduk now conscious, eyes open, on the ground): “He is mine Lucifer, all mine!” And so Lucifer steps back to allow her, her revenge, her deadly, dead revenge (it was all the same for Lucifer, a deal was made, and it shall be kept was the only thing he deliberated on).
And so the giant demon [Marduk] stood up, and fell back down onto the rock he had struck his head on a moment ago. And the snake came out and materialized into his semi-earthy and demonic form, Satanic that is. Which to be quite honest was a much more pleasant form then the Tiamat’s or Marduk’s.
As Lucifer now looked upon the huge figure laying against the rock, back up against it, he looked harmless, the once Great Marduk, as harmless as a grasshopper. He then put a leather band around the forehead of Marduk, to cover up his nasty work. For to the rest of the onlookers it just appeared out of nowhere it all took place so suddenly, it was as if he, Lucifer was had planned it so, only allowing them to see a few blows, but he knew Sinned had seen it all, every moment of it. Again I say, for some odd reason, he did not want the rest of the world to see his power, possibly they’d turn to Sinned’s God in fear, and that would be the worse of all events, the very thing he was fighting against.
Lucifer knew, as well as everyone else, this once demonic god figure was no more than a vegetable now; he would have to be feed or he’d starve to death. He was helpless. There, behind Lucifer, the Tiamat stood in her ghostly form, her revengeful glory, and the young King of Yort, shaking like the coward he was born to be, simply watched in panic, in his sacred purple and orange gown, given to him by none other than Lucifer. The noon sun was out now, completely out, it was hotter than normal, possible 117 degrees, and the breeze had thickened with a death mode to a horribly dusty intake of air, almost choking air. The dust of the land seemed to be a bit salty today, the breeze from the sea I suppose, but was no more seeping in through the valley perhaps than yesterday, it just seemed so. But for the Tiamat, it was a glorious day, a day she had thought of for many days prior. It was worth going to the pit for, if needing be. Or at least that is what she thought at this very moment, this magnificent moment that had been arranged, arranged on to p of other moments. But often times, after the fact, things and attitudes change, they don’t seem as so ‘necessary,’ in the same order, one regrets. But if so, this was not a thought in her mind now.
“And so Ms Tiamat,” said the Lucifer with a sly eye movement, and a brow heightening, a fiery grin (the Tiamat was quite impressed how easily the great Marduk was taken down, it was awe if anything).
“Yes, yes, you have made my day Lucifer, and I will now go forward with the rest of my, I mean, our plans [looking at the King].” The Ram demon stood by in shock, he was quite disturbed (asking himself, why he needed to be here, plus he never expected to see Marduk degenerate from power so quick).

The Fortress called Yort

The Shinning One

The king seeing all what had happened, now offered Lucifer his personal cupbearer, handing him over for whatever services he may need in the future, his bisexual servant-slave, or his bisexual needs. He had done the same thing with Marduk, and now wanting peace at any price he has done what he does well, compromised his kingdom, his people, his servant with no security in mind, rather his survival, his seat at the throne, be it at his will or not, he still had it, and that was important, or at least for the moment (for what else could he do but be king he had no trade or skills); the way he figured it: power was only power if you had it, and it was better to have an once then to have nothing, and possible be dead. For who could defy this new ruler-ship—he asked himself? By doing so, the Cupbearer (his price, more liken to a female than a male it would seem, young and willing), will become the go between the king and the wishes of the new real ruler of Yort, none other than Lucifer.
The Tiamat now, absorbed the dying carcass of Marduk, as they both stood stone-still, like tall oak trees next, next to one another, Marduk like a broken piece of pottery just being held by mere clay resting against the tree, and with a sweep of her mighty hand the Tiamat grabs him by the head, slips inside of his mouth like a vapor coming from a bonfire, into Marduk’s body she feels him up (like a balloon), as his carcass starts to rot inside,-- a body now without a will, and the essence of the Tiamat inside that body—commanding it, only a shell of a demon remained alive, but she will keep him alive for a while longer, as she rampages his insides like a thief breaking anything that is left intact out of revenge. Motivating him like a puppet now.
She looks at Lucifer, as he looks at the Ram, sure she figures, he will take him out, for he wants his temple, his followers. The Ram looks both ways, at Lucifer, and his smiling grin, and at the dying body of Marduk, with the Tiamat speaking through his mouth. She realizes Lucifer has done much damage to Marduk that he is next to dead; and her quest at the moment is simply to have revenge; as Lucifer looks on with arrogance, and patience. Knowing when her fun stops, she will be bonded to him.

Marduk the Demigod

—She has now sucked the will out of MARDUK, it was her quest, her desire to pull his lungs apart, to kick open his groin area, to pop out his eyes, revenge has its horrid-obsessions; realizing now there was nothing left for her to destroy in his body, she could no longer live in a dead one, it needed muscle, and blood to run through it. She could control it but not keep it balanced in a physical sense. She had but one choice, one she figured she’d have to use, use sooner or later, and evidently, it had to be sooner. Henceforward, she now steps out of the destroyed body and into the body of the Ram-god, but before she does, she has the Ram-god, grant her the life of his body willingly, consequently, if he dies (that is, if the Ram-god dies), his body [like Marduk’s] and their essence will go to the underworld, that is to say, the Ram’s will meet Marduk’s there, for his will be on its way to the underworld shortly; and again, the Tiamat will remain in this new ghostly form, shifting the will of the Ram’s body, blocking his mind as need be. But it was the price agreed upon to rid the world of Marduk.
As the Tiamat explains to the Ram-god again: free will, which is free to allow the Tiamat to take over his body, is only free if there is no threat lingering around, which there is according to Satan, as long as he lives, in consequence, one must count the options, as she so clearly had explained before.
Now the Ram-god with the Tiamat within its body structure has grown twice it normal size; huger than the Ram was before, but less then the Tiamat was. Her new stretched out body, has given her the strength and being even more powerful then she had previously been. While all this is taking place, Satan is standing by watching, calculating, measuring, and not saying a word—not one word (let her enjoy the moment he figures he will have is one way or another).
She now takes Marduk, helpless as he is, like an infant and drags him around the tree like a nut, like a crazed wolf, as she continues singing and talking to herself. The Tiamat has had her day, this was it, life could not be better…revenge sweater. Like a rotten apple lying about to be crushed by someone else, Marduk’s body was now left against the huge cypress tree, resting against it like a thrown away rag. The body was torn open by the Tiamat, and she dragging him around the trees and bushes, and the huge roots perturbing from the ground made wounds upon his body that produced blood to ooze out and deaden the surroundings, black and red blood covering the roots of the tree; he had no sense of danger, only pain in his face. He could not talk, insult, or even signal a gesture, or for that matter feel all that much on his right side, or possibly any side, what kept his alive was his demonic and immortal soul. The Tiamat—out of a last breath of revenge—turned him around to his other side so he could feel the pain, and kicked him mercilessly. And by the time she had left with the King, and Lucifer, he had taken his last breath.

The New Order

At this time, that being shortly after the take over of the Ram’s body by the Tiamat, while in Yort, the King does the bidding for Lucifer, and one might say, the Tiamat. For the most part, he is no more than a puppet, a figure head if you will. By the way--: the White Baboons, and the followers of the Ram-god, can now see the Tiamat’s configuration within the old structure of their demonic-god, the Ram, with all its stretching, and fear for their order and sect, and is so doing, so honor both the Tiamat and Lucifer as the new undisputed rulers. Although this does not sit well with Lucifer, he rationalizes [‘…for all good things come in time’]. By and large, the Tiamat reinforces her commitment to keep her agreement with Lucifer by finding out the ‘secret’, as Lucifer gives his famous edgy grin-and-smile, gesturing with his eyebrow and forehead: a follow-up should be quickly implemented, to say the least. But brave or uncouth as she is, she knows getting rid of Sinned would be difficult without reprisal by his God, and then, it is really information Lucifer wants and so tells Lucifer, with her callous, harsh and dogmatic voice, “First things first.”
Says he, with a lions hum to his voice: “I have nothing but time,” he admits, adding: “But you don’t.” A small dialogue with the Tiamat is all he feels is needed. (The Tiamat says nothing, --and seeing how quick he took Marduk down, she has come to the conclusion, settled in her mind, at any cost: work with the conqueror is better than be conquered.)

—As weeks and then months pass, Yort has come to see a new City-State Order take hold. The King is no more than a fly on the Tiamat’s ass, a bothersome insect at best, but she simply swats him away harmlessly, for Satan still enjoys his worshiping countenance, and presence at times, and uses him so he does not have to be the bad word of bad deeds to be brought down to the city-state of Yort—to its people. And for the most part, the Tiamat is more visible than Satan now-a-days, and is being seen, or look at as the full and new leader (thus, he is getting all the hate and anger, frustration and annoyance from the people ((the cost of kingship)). When Lucifer speaks, everyone listens, even the Tiamat; everyone that is, but Sinned. This angers Lucifer to the point of deep resentment, but not enough to challenge him, for he still needs to know the secret; yet, his antagonism is coming out of him sideways, onto the Tiamat, especially when he feels she is just buying time because she does not have a good plan, if any plan at all to extract the information, and seal the deal they made.

The Plan

The Tiamat calls in for a surgeon, he is know as Ra, also as one of the ‘The Shinning Ones,’ of the ancient world. Not spirit, nor human, or even angelic in nature, or essence, they are not even beastly or considered creature’s, demigods; but rather, part of an Intergalactic Think Tank of high intelligence of long ago; so far back in time only Satan remembers them from their original origin, and vaguely, for they—angelic forces—were not allowed or even told about all the creations God had done (Satan even admitted Earth was kept a secret from the horde of angels for a long time), they were called, according to legend, the “Ancient Ones,” and in parts of Egypt, are worshiped, as well as on an island in-between the two great land masses called the island of Poseidon [Atlantis].
Sinned had also head about these ancient beings, briefly, but had heard about them nonetheless: that they go back to a time called –pre history [118,000 BC]; that is, before humankind knew how to write and communicate as they do now, back when the human race, or parts of this newer race, were finding ways to preserve fire, to warm their caves, and island spots in and on the bogs. As word got out, Ra was coming to Yort, Sinned wondered why; for this Ra, was the elite of the group of seven shinning beings that were left, left in the sense of this earthily existence, somewhat marooned on this planet within the universe. If there were more of their race in the universe, the seven didn’t know, for their ship [space craft] had left them there a thousand years ago; saying they’d return, but never have—up to this time anyhow. Or if they had, they did not make it known to them. Their planet had been in another galaxy, thus, too far, way too far for one to come and visit at a whim. It was also said they had outposts on Mars and the Moon, and they were destroyed, and therefore, were left here as the ship went back to their land, with gold and other substances for their livelihood, and to command their craft in the outer space of the heavens. And so possibly, just possibly, there were no more of their race in the entire universe. They had a life expediency of over 1000-years and there ancestors much longer. But they were not warriors, although they very well could be, they had powers far beyond humans, and not like the physical demons, they could fly, or seemingly disappear, or so it was told, foretold, legend.

—By and by, Sinned learned the Tiamat was back for good, but was curious on what her plan was, for she needed to reestablish herself, and playing friends with Lucifer had become a most dangerous game for those folks in the past, so what was her scheme he asked himself? The Adversary as he was often called, had control of Yort also, it was just a matter of time when things would unravel he knew, and surely they would unravel at his door step, or so he conjured up in his head, but it seemed most obvious as one simply watched what was happening to Yort.
But he had a secret, one no one knew but him and so what every kind of really took place was secondary to him; on the other hand, the Adversary, knew Sinned knew something of interest, something bigger than big; something worldly; something his foe, the Almighty had possibly had one of his angelic beings bring to him, to Sinned—information only given to a few people; and surely not him. This Mighty God, who named him the Adversary [Ephraim], had cursed him with darkness over light, he was the favorite one in heavens dome, he just simply got tired of being a torch for another King, what was so wrong with that he thought, Lucifer’s life was altered at that point, but what was of most concern now was, ‘…did God change his plans, and was He having human existence come to an abrupt end sooner than he thought, if so, he was cursed to an eternal-fire within some damn lake, or was it a sea in the heavens that kept this fire going, he didn’t know, he just wanted to have a little more time for either trying to persuade Him he was unfair to judge him so harshly, and on the other hand, if his time was limited, he wanted to know so he could make evil really evil.
But this was the Tiamat’s job to fine out this information, the better off he would be within his mind anyway. It wouldn’t alter his future designs for the Tiamat, but for the mean time, he needed her. This is what troubled him on one hand, and on the other, if the Tiamat could rid the world of Sinned once and for all, again, all the better for Yort, and Satan’s temples; possibly God would not be watching him and Yort so much. At present, Sinned has been kept prisoner in his own home. Not allowed to even do daily shopping, or walking by the cannel he loves so dearly, the one he and his father used to walk together, in fear he may create some kind of resistance in Yort, against the new rulers. These orders to confine him were given by Commander Snemelc, his one time friend, of which was given to him by orders of the young King and Marduk, and now reinstated by the Tiamat. Lucifer again is staying out of the lime-light in fear of the unknown. His way of thinking is, as long as I get what I want at the end, it doesn’t matter if they want to feel they are in charge, in which case they are living an illusion.

The Shinning Ones

As the Sinning Ones appear at the request of the Tiamat (of which three out of the seven came), the Tiamat to greeted them at the gates of Yort. As the Adversary looked from the tower within his Temple, by where the Ram’s Temple is located. Sinned also is standing by watching the greeting, and so are a number of priests, and regular citizens. At there feet, as they walked through the gates of Yort, as promised, for coming, twenty slaves present their offerings, great sums of needed resources, to include gold and silver, horses, and swords for their soldiers, and other weapons. But with the gifts come the request, which is, will they do a surgical job for the Tiamat, of which they are well known for, among other things, that being, medical experts, as they have watched the human race mold into a civilization for the past 80,000-years.
As they are now standing in the Temple of the Tiamat, with Lucifer standing by a pillar, the Tiamat explains what he wants done, the King is nearby and the Cupbearer, is constantly wiping and cleaning the feet and cloths of Lucifer. Giving him air, by fanning him; at times they go behind the pillars where he makes his body naked for the Serpent King to play with, having sexual diversities; Satan giving nothing more than a flat affect, and watching the young man quiver over his powerful overbearing demeanor. Other women are lined up outside the temple for services he may wish to have at any given moment. His pleasures are many, and his patience is short nowadays.

Says the Tiamat, to Ra, one of the three Shinning One’s, which is his full title:
“I want you to cut open the skull of Sinned, it has to be you, neither demon, nor angelic being, nor human can do the operation, if it were so, it would cause reprisals from the mighty God, the one no one has seen, but grant you, he is powerful. I want you to cut away half his brain, put the other half of it in a glass for posterity, and put the Ram-god’s half brain left into his head, so I can control him, at the same time, put Sinned’s other half brain, connect it to the Ram-god’s brain, thus I will have control of both individuals, and domination of the body of the Ram-god, my will, will be twice as strong, and I will be three times as smart, and have no further interruptions with this Sinned person in my life, and Lucifer will be happy. Thus he will lose his reasoning [Sinned], and I will have access to his God’s wishes: which is a secret I must find; this can be done through his brain waves, oh yes oh yes. Matter of fact, of all involved I also I will have access to future information… [pause, the Tiamat looks at Lucifer]…”

Says Lucifer [destructively]: “Do you want to say, ‘his God?’ because if you do, it is not what I expected; and that makes you a bigger fool than I anticipated. I want to be equal to him, to Sinned’s God. How do you think you would turn out if you had access to God’s brain waves—stupid, think about it? He would never allow you to get one filth inch in front of him. You do not even have the slightest understanding what you are asking, what you are talking about, this is not even reverent, and you are nothing, nothing, and me you must not understand me either…you dare say, ‘… capable of knowing what he is thinking…’ then, that is the dumbest statement I’ve ever heard? No, no He is a jealous God, and if He seen you trying to listen in on his secrets, you would not be around to explain them. I thought you had some kind of good plan. You have nothing, seriously nothing at all. Plus, plus do you think God is a grasshopper, He is laughing at you right now, and you make me a fool in front of him for I made a deal with you, He is most likely saying, ‘Who is the dumb one you listened to, the Tiamat’, foolish as I was to do so (the Tiamat is starting to panic, almost froze with alarm).”

“Plus,” spoke the leader of the three Shinning Ones, called Ra, “We do not kill the will or the spirit of a person; it is forbidden, part of our heritage, left by our forefathers, who have been coming her for thousands of years; it would not be conducive to our faith, our belief.”

Satan’s Thoughts:

Satan knows about this race of beings, but says very little, it is a mysterious one that doesn’t get involved with the politics of another planet; for he has seen them on many other planets, if anything, experimenting, while trying to prolong their race.

In the eyes of Satan, the Tiamat was now becoming more useless, a liability if anything—a burden by the minute, and so he looked at the Tiamat with a startling glare, a challenging posture.

Says Satan in a harsh and offended voice:
“…you cannot force this to be done on Sinned without God crushing you and possibly me with you, it has to be done willingly, like giving him something he wants in return for something you have: a favor for a favor, if you will. No more foolishness, like the task you had set, wasting my time, I want to know the secret Sinned holds within his head from the Almighty, the second part of the agreement, and for your sake I want to know it soon, and give to the Shinning Ones what you offered, and let them go, I do not want them involved. If you do not want to outright kill him, then find out the information. If you kill him, and I am not saying to, the blood is on your hands (Satan now washes his hands in a granite bowl filled with water) I will not dirty my hands in this, your god is me, my God, may possibly be me also, but one must remember as much as I do not want to, it is He who through me out of heaven through the universe, not I Him. But I am no fool; I will leave that alone for now. You are a demon, a high and powerful one from the first race of Angelic Renegades, born from the seeds of angels that left their abode, I grant you that, but nothing more, I, and only I on this earth am a real, live physical god, and don’t forget it (the Tiamat shut up like a child who just got a whipping).”
She remembered how Marduk beat her, killed her, and how the Adversary took Marduk down like killing a grasshopper, she wanted nothing of it, even though she had pondered the thought.
Said he, “…and I’d like to tell you, time is very short for you Miss Tiamat!!!!!!!!!! (his roar echoed throughout the temple, and shook the foundation of the building like a hurricane.)”
As they walk out of the temple, the King pulls the Tiamat to the side by a pillar, says in so many words: “I overheard the other day you have a short time to find out a secret or be kill, a secret of Sinned’s; killed in the since you will be cast into the pit…. That Lucifer was talking about it to his lover the cupbearer, who of course told me.”

[She moans as she stumbles walking out of the temple, still trying to adjust to the body of the Ram-god, stretching, and pulling the elasticity of the skin from face to toes.]

Sinned and the Secret

As the king and the Tiamat go to the house of Sinned, they find he is not home, that he has left, while under restrictions not to have. This, the Tiamat feels is cause for expulsion from Yort, and as he declares this so, Lucifer just looks at her strangely. The Commander being asked by the Tiamat, yet not knowing of his whereabouts, calls the King, who reprimands the Commander for not watching him properly, and is ordered to take a platoon of men to go find him and bring him back.

Mumbles the Tiamat in an unknowing language, that no one understands: It has come to the point I will either have to torture him to death too get the information, and hope he still does not have the power to cast me into the pit, or face Lucifer, and he cast me into the pit for failing twice.
[“It has come to the point I will either have to torture him to death to get the information, and hope his will does not have the power to cast me into the pit, or face Lucifer, and he cast me into the pit for failing twice.”]

She knows if she tries to kill him, he will, most likely will, cast her, as he has said he would do before into the abyss; or possible there might be a third option, simply get out of the city fast, but then, she would be found sooner or later, if Lucifer really wanted to find her that is, he could.

[The Shinning One’s have left and gone back to Egypt, and the Commander is leaving Yort, in search of Sinned.]

—Sinned travels to the interior of Turkey [Asia Minor] finding an old man working on a large vessel, actually putting on the last touches of a huge and monstrous craft; polishing up the seams and insuring the boat is sea worthy; as his friend the angel, Serr’el had told him, he asks the man in charge the question: “When do you predict you will be done with this boat Sir?”
The man says: “Very soon (and smiles at Sinned).”
No more is said, or needs to be said for that matter, hence, Sinned travels back to his city-state, whereupon he meets the Commander along the way and they both enter the gates of Yort together. He takes him into custody, putting him in a cage, nine feet by nine feet; it would seem the old friendship is dwindling down. As the Commander suggest, Sinned has abused his privilege and his friendship with him. Yet Sinned says nothing, which surprises the Commander, whom feels, he would protest, or surely try and make him feel bad about doing this, since they had been friends for many years, yet Sinned says nothing, he knows time is very short for the whole world.
As the Tiamat shows up at the cage with her demands, wanting to know the secret, the secret Satan feels Sinned has. She [she: being the Tiamat] is explaining, she has freed the city of Marduk, but must cage him like an ape until she finds the secret, she has no choice, she is almost pleading to him not to cast her into the pit, but falls short on, and simply begs for the information; she even goes as far as telling him, he has no choice in the matter, just as she has none, that she can not win, or him, in either situation, meaning, Sinned will cast [If he can] her into the pit if she kills or tries to kill him, or Satan will for not finding out the information she needs. She stands by the cage waiting for the information. “When is the world to come to an end?” She asked, not really knowing if that is the question, but feeling that is the information Satan wants. At this point, she is more like pleading, her case twice with Sinned to cooperate, or give her a way out; almost as if he owed a favor.
Sinned, knowing time is short for the Tiamat, as well as mankind explains:
“There is a huge boat being built, when it starts to rain it will be too late, it will not stop raining, --that is, too late for everyone, for the foundations of the world will crack and swallow up everything and everybody, that is the secret, which is really no secret, if the Adversary had simply looked at the boat, he could have figured that out, and you can tell it to your friend, Lucifer….”
Confused, yet surprised he had, and gave at that, the answer she had asked. Thought she, ‘I simply should have asked sooner.’ She was delighted, still felt in a fog of dismay. Sinned hoping the information might get out to the people and they could plead for forgiveness.
Said the Tiamat mystified,
“What should I do, if the world is coming to an end?” Looking at Sinned, yet he didn’t answer [a long pause takes place].
“Sinned, Sinned, answer me—PLEASE!” No answer, again a long pause, she looks deep at him resting so peacefully against the back of the cage, touches him: Sinned had fallen to sleep and with her touch, he stops breathing, and does not wake up. A panic seems to go up and down her body, chills, for now what does she do, and then out of the heavens it starts to rain, and rain and rain.
When Lucifer hears of this, he stomps his feet, looking at the Tiamat, says, “It’s all yours….” And with his an angelic abilities ascends beyond the clouds of the pouring rain. And it continues to rain, and rain and rain. The Tiamat now jumps out of the body of the Ram, as it is destroyed, ruptured, pulled apart—all its organs are rotting, and he also sinks in the mud and the rain, and descends to the underworld [the nine-hells].

—By the time it stops, the world is different. As Lucifer, the Adversary, or otherwise known as Satan, looks down from the clouds, he sees the mud of the city Yort, and it is thirty feet deep. It will take, he mumbles “… four-hundred years to settle and dry up…” that is, before it is worthy of his domination, yet he is angry, like a pacing lion through out the sky he walks and talks to himself, a hungry lion, like a dragon with fire coming out of his mouth he spits insanity and evil all about, for it was almost, almost, his empire, but possibly he will have better luck next time (so he is thinking, and adds to his thoughts, his days that he thought were over, had just gained a few more), he yells through the clouds, ‘I’ll return,’ the Tiamat in her now, ghostly form, looks from a distance, and is gone, with no particular destination at the moment. The Commander who wanted to play it safe all his life and not choose between this or that god ended up with no god, has now lost his life buried in the mud and the quiet winds of time. Sinned, he is dead, and remembers his betrayal after all them years of friendship, now he has been weighed and balanced, and as it continues to rain, had no fear of death, he had simply said to the Lord: “I’m ready, I’m OK with it, it doesn’t matter…I don’t want to live like this.” He went to paradise, awaiting the Messiah.

(And the shock waves from the asteroid hitting Mercury, shook the solar system, and there came a shockwave throughout the crust of the earth, and it wobbled on it axis, creating a fracture within the heaves, and it rained and rained killing humanity…and so it has been written.]

Notes on making of the Tiamat: written in chapter summation originally, and put aside and misplaced; but now stretched out, reshaped or reworked recently. This short book [story] was written [in part] during the time period [about four years ago] while the other three books were being published on the Tiamat, but set aside for the most part [2000-01]; rewritten 2003, and restructured and finished 11/19/03. I was not going to finish it but when I decided to do the “Tales of the Tiamat,” I felt it a must finished to give the other three books an ending; now, not finishing the tales I have now added it to this volume, and gone over it once again in September and October of 2004, a few modifications only; for this might be put into a short story book yet [which now is in the making]. I hope you enjoy it. First time published, not in any other books, to include the trilogy of the Tiamat, or magazines.

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