"The Last Tales of the Tiamat" (To inclued :"The Death of Sinned")
“The Last Tales of the Tiamat”
(To include: “The Death of Sinned”)
Now completed after seven- years
By Dennis L. Siluk
Copyright © by Dennis L. Siluk
“The Last Tales of the Tiamat”
Dennis L. Siluk
(Written between 2000-2005))Revised in-between, and reedited, and
Again reedited and revised in 2007))
The Tiamat and the King
The Ghost of the Tiamat
The Invisible Tiamat
The Tiamat and the Mesopotamia Stone
The King and the Island
New Adventures (6-2007)
The Coming of the Tiamat to Yort
(The Haste of the Tiamat)
The Tiamat and the Winter Withdrawn
(In Three Parts)
The Creation of Yort
Notes on the Making of “The Last Tales of the Tiamat”
Dedicated to Brynna Siluk
Yort, in Asia, Minor 6840 BC
Between the primitive wilds of a demonic world and a hum civilization trying to adjust to its time, Sinned in the first book of the three Tiamat series called “Tiamat, Mother of Demon,” tries to create a balance between them, so every one can co-exist. He even tries to convince the Almighty to spare the world on these grounds.
In book two of this saga, his goal starts to change. With the new demonic forces in place, especially, Gwyllion, Daughter of the Tiamat, he sees this goal in a less positive way; where maintaining a laze-fare status quo, seems fruitless. He is starting to give up on his city, for the world he lives in is being held together by the terror of the demigods.
In Revenge of the Tiamat, book three [which maybe should be book one] Sinned is but 20-years old, and just gets to know the Tiamat for the most part. His father and step-father have both died by the hands of the Tiamat, while he was quite young. In this book you see his development, what made him as he was to become, as shown in books one and two.
If you were to look back at the previous three books he does gain recognition as a warrior, and well liked among the many peoples an cities and lands of the world of it day. He learns to live with the evil as well as the Godly, and a philosophy: we somehow must all live together, and the balancing act can never stop. He observes the Commander, the King and the Tiamat as they rule by might, not right.
In these short sketches of The Tiamat tales, Sinned is much older than in previous books, and finds himself teaching the younger cadets the principles of honor and dignity, and the love for their great city; along with other things: feeling, even though he is burdened with old age, he still has a place in Yort’s destiny, to include the Underworld and King Thesas III. And this is really where the journey starts. It ends of course with the movement of the cosmos, and destruction of earth, and his death. In-between, there are still tales to tell.
The Short Tale/Book: Four
[The unfinished story—Last Tale of the Tiamat
Now completed after seven- years]
Done in a Reporting Narration, as if in a Play or Script
The Tiamat and the King
King Thesas III
The Conclusion of the Tiamat Series and Tales
It has been said: revenge is never the winner,
simply because it kills both the giver and the
receiver, but try and tell that to the Tiamat…
Sinned, Resident of Yort
Please join me for another unsung tale, unsung in the wilds of far off times—in a world that searched for what it meant to be human; ruled by the inhuman: in the Last Tales of the Tiamat [approximately 6840 BC].
The Commander of Yort
The Commander of Yort, Commander Snemelc (Sinned’s old friend from the Amazon War), who also had lost his son by the demigods of the wet-lands (England, Germany and parts of France—or Gaul; in years past) is still not a believer in any temple religions, to include Sinned’s God. But he has hired Sinned to teach at the academy of military warfare, for a while at least, until the King orders him to become a prisoner in his own home; which I predict is not far off. Sinned is presently an old man in his 90s.
Marduk and Satan returned from Pergamun, Avalon, Hydra, Stonehenge, and Egypt, where they were setting up or designing, and starting to build new temples for themselves, mostly for Satan, the Adversary as he is also known (that is, having them built by the hands of slaves)—it is really Satan’s quest at this point—more so than Marduk’s: Satan whom wants to become the prominent figure on the world scene (although Marduk would like to remain the second main power on earth, he is unsure if he is really a prospect) even though he is wiggling in a few converts, he has more or less become a follower to Lucifer’s cause than a leader to his own, or so it seems, as once he was. Yet it would be unwise to say Marduk is not trying his best to build an empire of temple sites himself (while at the same time trying not to upset Satan), and in the process demolishing all the other demonic-beasts temples, hence, eliminating the competition in the god-head area in the known world of this millennium, and especially at the great city of Yort, their home city-state; the city of the world (in Asia Minor); --furthermore, becoming the one and only to be worshiped on earth besides Lucifer.
Satan tells Marduk that at this point: he has under estimated his enemy [Sinned, a man of God, God Almighty]: that he is acting out of emotion, not thinking—Sinned being that enemy, who has favor with God, who is also the enemy to the world of demigods, and renegade angels. Thus, Satan, adds to, telling Marduk, “I know Him well [Sinned’s God], and if he is for Sinned who can really be against him?” waiting for Marduk’s response. Marduk shows fear not only for Sinned’s God but now for the first time—outright fears Lucifer; the alliance seems to be quivering. Yet the fearfulness of Sinned is in a more docile way, yet it carries its apprehensiveness nonetheless. For the most part, the dread seems to steam from the ability that Sinned can put him in the pit, almost at will; but than, so can Satan, and Satan knows this is a fear of his; consequently, Satan is trying to duplicate that fear
[The Tiamat’s Revenge] The Tiamat has waited for a long time to get her revenge on Marduk, Marduk in particularly that is for it is he that she wants to settle some old scores with. She knows he has befriended the angelic renegade, called Lucifer [now Satan], but all the same, she will try to avenge the misdeed he has done to her (by killing her in battle and being cast down into the Underworld—years earlier), and perhaps, just maybe, get a little help from Lucifer on the way, providing she can offer him a pleasing recipe for his quest, that is, for his pursuit to be accomplished without reservation. She knows Satan by reputation of deed, which of course is malice, her lifestyle. He is a being liken to her, a personality for revenge, if it can be had at a subtle price; for domination if it can be had without a curse, and worship, as long as it can be granted without any interference: all these are the traits that make up a good demigod, if not learned by the Angelic Renegades themselves—like Satan, and genetically imprinted in each demigod, for surely Satan himself is the prince of malice and cleverness, so much so, he could be her ally and teach her more than the old ones.
At this point, she (she: being the Tiamat (although the Tiamat is a s/he—, a demonic hermaphrodite if you will) has given up her underworld crown and dictatorship to gain a spirit form of life in the upper world. Hence, realizing she cannot have a physical body any longer this was her only way to gain entrance into the earths gravity belt (for she had her one and only chance to be likened to humans in the physical form and lost it by way of a fight with Marduk some years back) and now having lost it, revenge remains—un-quenched to this day. But by way of accepting her new form, and a ghostly form at that, and being the unquestionable Underworld’s absolute ruler, has now left her kingdom to roam the invisible earthly globe, hungry as a roaring vampire she is, with plans and ideas to stretch out her influence and quest over Marduk during this new journey of hers.
Although the demonic-beings can see her, the earthlings cannot. But it wasn’t the earthlings for the most part anyway that dominated her mind—her will. Yet, her agonizing bitterness, which twisted in her stomach, was craving for retribution from the one who inflicted pain upon her, caused her physical death. As for the humans, should they get into her way they would of course, face her might, her anger.
On another note, Sinned was never any help to her in the physical world, should he get in her way that could be very interesting, she pondered. On one hand, she liked him for some odd reason, on the other, she could eat him just as easily as she vomited up his father, now many years in the past. But that was simply a fleeting thought racing through her head as she is now getting ready for her new expedition, mission of sorts. On the other hand, if she can avoid, now the old man Sinned, whom is (to her idea) too old to fart even, all the better: in thought, she told herself, ‘…why stir up trouble with him, especially before I get my revenge on Marduk, it makes no sense, there is a time and place for that, should it come to that.’
And now, now that she was entering a new life, a new adventure, who would worship her, this is of course, a part of every demonic beings nature, yes oh yes, the need—indeed, the need to be worshiped, the fancy to be worshiped.
It is like man’s nature to hide his real thoughts, to use language to simple talk, which was not the essence of the person, the part that he hid, that is what she had learned anyhow, what Satan worked with, what all demons knew of man. It didn’t matter what language you spoke, it was human nature, that was the language you had to understand; this, she felt, would take some thought, she really needed to re-invent herself, and work on getting a following, a few to follow her, worship her, that would just be a plus, Satan she knew was sewing up most of the worship areas in his favor, and Marduk, oh well, she thought, he will not need to be worshiped, nor given the time to be with her new plans in store for him, which she would deliver shortly. Plus, she had to simply get used to this new spirit form of life without touch, physical touch that is, and a lot of other non-sensory items built into her new body of sorts, or whitish configuration she had to float around in.
“Yes,” she moaned, “I have no smell, touch, no feeling of cold, wet or heat, all the things Marduk is subject to [has], who took them away from me.” Surely, life would not be the same should she take them from him she thought, but again, she told herself: ‘…first things first.’ She also knew more sooner than later, Sinned would get news of her transformation—and presence, she knew he’d adjust well, he always did in the past, and it would just be a matter of time for him to get involved somehow, someway with her life again. So in a way, time was of the essence; consequently the Tiamat’s way of thinking was, ‘People think time will heal past outcomes,’ and it may, but it also gives the enemy time to plan better. And this she had done. The question that begged an answer, or would beg one was: should Sinned appear on the scene, what then? She concluded: ‘What can I do in a physical world, where I’m like a ghost?’ (Only time would tell.)
(As the Tiamat had now joined the upper world, several weeks had passed. She has now visited several locations on earth, gathering information here and there for her announcement that she was back.)
—Sinned, had heard the Tiamat had capabilities to materialize, and he was told he was given the gift of trans-vision at the same time, that is, he could see into both worlds should the Tiamat appear. Matter-of-fact, the day she was granted this new ‘self’, she had to make a deal, and part of it was Sinned would be granted this transparent vision to be able to see into both worlds within the first appearance of her on earth, meaning, if she materialized just once, just one time, in any location, he would at that point be given this trait. Moreover, during these several weeks she—the first weeks of her new voyage into earths atmosphere—she kept a low profile of her activities, and did not materialize for that very reason.
In addition, the Tiamat didn’t know for sure, one way or the other, if he [he: being Sinned] still held the capability of casting her into the pit, the Abyss (which was of course different than the underworld, more gruesome, and confining). The Abyss, or the pit, was where no beast or devil or demon, creature, and sure no human, wanted to go; where bones rot just because of the heat and smell. Where you continuously fall, fall and fall: --hanging onto roots, and ugly insects looking at you, grabbing at you, scaring you on and on and on—; where horror was the nature of things—and crimson round one-hundred-legged quarter size insects bite you night and day, with sad eyes that seemed to stick inside of their heads haunted you night and day; ah, I forgot, there is no day there, so it is just gloomy dark like night. And so life would be interesting for the Tiamat, as well as the world that awaited her. Yet, her secret appearance, or her debut, would be kept secret, secret that is until s/he had to appear (for she was of both sexes, as I have already mentioned; or sexless), as long as she didn’t expose herself to the physical world she could produce her plan better.
At this juncture, Sinned had told Serr’el (his holy angelic friend) he had no intentions of exposing her, as long as the demons kept their fighting among themselves. That is to say, exposing her to the world at large, thus, causing more fear to his city of Yort, which had enough fear within their bones and walls; Sinned had always felt it a privilege to do service for his city, yet it was a thankless task during his older years, or at least it had become that now.
Meeting with the Ram god
The Tiamat has now left the Underworld, and made her way to Yort, where she has met with the Ram-god, who Marduk has threaten to kill. As she materializes, she tells him about her new spirit-form, and what she has done to acquire this new freedom. At first the Ram-god is a little taken back by this, not knowing her abilities, if any at all; inasmuch as, she once was the Queen of the Seas and feared in all the lands of the world—that is, until Marduk came into the picture—and of course the Underworld that eventually became under her control, her legend proceeded her all the way to the Netherworld, she was not one to be trusted, nor overlooked either.
At this occasion, the Ram-god now explains about Lucifer’s new agenda, that is, on becoming the number one challenger to Marduk, yet they have not fought, or tried to eliminate one another; not a surprising step, the Ram-god feels, for each is using one another for the moment, yet the Ram-god indicates to the Tiamat, he feels this is because he is somewhat submissive to him [to Lucifer], and in need of his allegiance for the moment, which indeed he is.
The Ram-god also explains he is aware his days maybe numbered; in as much as, he knows he could very will be on his way to the underworld at any moment for the most part, when he is no more useful to Lucifer that is; meaning in essence, any day, any day depending on the mood of either Marduk, or again I say Satan.
Narrowly the Tiamat looks deep into the Ram’s eyes, knowing he is in need of a ally, and he could be, and she could meet that very need for him, fill that very want of his, so she says to the Ram-god (in a calm tender voice ((unlike hers: and as it has been written somewhere in history: beware of a women who speaks beautifully, she’s maneuvering waywardness.)): ”…they may have plans for you already my friend, it is best we, you and I united, if not outright, silently and clearly.”
As well it must be, thought the Ram-god, and with more thinking: ‘…the Tiamat wants to make a deal with me (he concludes hesitantly in his mind’s eye), assuring me of something.’ He then asks: “What is it you want from me?”
Said she (with that infamous grin of hers, a jeer if you will): “…he will take you out [meaning: Marduk], and when he does you will have to go to the underworld; so it is just a matter of time, but I have friends there in the Netherworld, I will instruct the Underworld to make you [the Ram-god] second in command, which is of course, second to my daughter—Gwyllion. And when Marduk shows up, and I assure you he will in time, he will be the scorn of the Underworld, and under you.”
The Ram-god’s head now has shifted emotionally to the ground, staring, thinking—deep emotions going to and fro, throughout his huge cantankerous body which is wanting to argue, but no words coming out from his mind or out of his mouth; he ascends his eyes, his brow to her level, “And what…” he implies with a harsh voice.
Says the Tiamat to the Ram: “Hmmh…its better you give me help, and possibly give up your physical life on earth if need be, if called for, and be assured of a ruler-ship in the Underworld—better than, better than, not having a pack with me, and a future dominion elsewhere if not here: Lucifer is taking everything slowly anyhow. And by the way, it is also just a matter of time, not an ‘if’, but a ‘when,’ that Marduk or Satan will get rid of you, it will happen, that is, when the duel-twins [Marduk and Satan], come to you one night and kill you for your temple, as they have killed many before. And you will end up being a dog in the Underworld like the rest of the humans, demigods and creatures you have no idea ever existed. There are only three, only three in the Underworld with power of any real kind, or maybe four, but Satan does not come down there (as many people think) but once in a great while, he can’t stand it, it smells too bad. And the three I mention are, me, my daughter Gwyllion, and the Mantic ore, and so it can be you and my daughter and the Mantic ore.”
After hearing all this the Ram-god makes the exchange, the demonic pack, a curse unto one another; should it be broken, a curse that will follow either one; now it is implemented, and both are allies.
Lucifer and the Tiamat
In: The Death Valley
The next step for the Tiamat was to find Satan [the Adversary], and she does so, shortly after talking to the Ram-god: the Tiamat makes a deal with Satan to fight Marduk in place for finding out Sinned’s secret, the secret that tells about the time and place of the end of the world, plus how it will end; him knowing it, and given directly to him by the Almighty God Himself. This troubles the angelic-Lucifer, the Adversary to the Almighty, and He senses time can be short, or possibly long, either way, but he wants to know what way. Because he can’t put a finger on it, on what the secret is, that is, the date, what date, the date it will be; as a result, he will be able to plan his future and it is starting to irritate him that he can’t, and he is a thinker, a planner if anything. He sees something more to it, and ponders on such thoughts (call it intuition).
‘Is this the beginning or the end? the beginning of something new after the end? or the end of ends?’
This is what bothers him, for if it is the ‘end of ends’ then where is his stead, or his end abode? On one hand he thinks it can be possibly sooner than he had previously anticipated, for he feels it is several-thousand years in the future. But he could be wrong, he was wrong once before, and it was a coasty wrong; as the demons were absolutely wrong about him. They thought they have power over him, when in essence; it was the other way around. Some are finding this out the hard way now. This he has not made known, now it fits into his scheme of things to let them think what they will. For he speaks their language, yet it is their heart he wants to know. It is easy to enslave a man, he knows that, but to own his soul is different. And that cannot be gotten simply by language, or having them think he is over-powerful. He knows the nature of demons as well as men, as well as the nature of humans and beasts and all sorts of in-between creatures. And shortly, he will become the Prince of Demons, in all realms, in particular the underworld, the upper world, and in the physical and invisible worlds; just a matter of time.
Furthermore, Marduk has been quite helpful, in that, he stays out of his way; plus, people are more fearful of him, so Lucifer has been playing the good guy, and gaining more of Marduk’s followers, and worshipers, while he plays his old devilish self. But no matter what, Sinned’s name keeps popping up as a danger to not only the demons, but to the world order at bay: he has likened to a spiritual fence around him, no one can really get to him without being cast either into the pit, or scorned by God Himself, so how can the Tiamat, or for that matter anyone get to him, to find the information Lucifer wants?
Ah yes! This is the question that comes to his mind.
Another question that seems to arise is: what is underneath the mind of the Tiamat? With the Tiamat’s desperation to have Marduk killed and his endless haunting revenge once and for all settled, quenched, and begs the question how strong is Marduk’s friendship with Lucifer. On the other hand, Satan would take out Marduk sooner or later anyway; so feels the Tiamat. And Sinned would die (for he is quite old now, just a matter of time, so most of the demonic world feels) and then he could rule this kingdom without any interference (which Satan was just waiting for, feeling he had time and patience, but now somehow he had found out about a secret Sinned might have, and time is the very thing that is questionable (it is worth its weight in gold, perhaps the weight of the world); yes, time, more precious than silver and gold; even food and shelter). But then again, why wait for the answer, if he could get the ball rolling sooner, than later—which would make for a good head start on things. So Lucifer thought all the better, and after a moment of deep thought, calculations on needs and wants to his benefits, he agrees to kill Marduk in a fight for the Tiamat, with the stipulation of finding out the secret of Sinned, thereafter, and if not, says Lucifer to the Tiamat,
“I will hunt you down like a hungry bear hunting down his prey, and Hell will not save you from my rage.”
The Tiamat left her face flat of emotions so Lucifer could not read her.
The Fight
In the ‘Valley of the Armies,’ below the cliffs of Yort, where the Great Sea rests, where legend has it, creation first took hold, Lucifer has called Marduk to meet him there for a summit concerning the return of the Tiamat, and the destruction of Sinned, along with the taking over of the Baboon Temple. Along with killing the Ram-god (many issues on the table he proclaims); he has asked the King to attend also, King Thesas III, and to bring his young bisexual-weakling lover along, whom he wishes to take for himself.
As all has been arranged, and the day’s heat is over their head, it is late morning (forenoon), a cool breeze shifts through the valley, and all who were asked to come, now are present. As surprised as one could be, Marduk notices the King, and others nearby, and like a sword of light, Lucifer turns himself into a dagger of death: the fight starts, and Marduk not sure why or what for, tries aimlessly to defend himself, but quickly, surprisingly quick, Marduk becomes unconscious, subdued, with one crushing blow from the lightening force of Lucifer. The onlookers are frightened, and Marduk is almost dead, except for one last blow, as Satan is about to give it to him, then out of the blue, the Tiamat yells:
“Wait, wait, not yet!”
The Tiamat now shifts to his second part of her plan, a plan only she knows. As Lucifer waits, with a pondering sly look at the Tiamat, as if to say: get on with it, the demonstration is almost over. The plan would be simple, kill Marduk, and let the King and the Ram watch, and let the rest of the plan ooze out like black-blood from contracting muscles (Lucifer feels he has did his part of the bargain).
It would be a simple fight Lucifer figured, yet everyone else was amazed at how quick Marduk was taken down. As Marduk lay there, now awakening, he knew he had no friends anywhere, only himself, no one would help. And now in the Valley of the Armies, man had the right to kill at will, no laws forbid such things—there was no laws there for man, beast, devil, demon or ghost; it was a death valley for just such matters. It was written into the ancient laws, to pick out a battlefield instead of fighting in ones own backyard, and there settle your issues, feuds and desecrations, as best you could, which was normally in a blood-battle; all unrepentant today.
Sinned was watching from above the cliffs—second observation. It was high morning and the sun was overwhelming hot. Just coming out of his senses again, Marduk stood up leaned against a huge tree, brooding what was next. Frightened he found himself in back of the tree, pacing and pacing, not quite knowing what was going to happen. He saw Sinned on the hill, and now the Ram-god, and the King. Something was wrong, very wrong. Possibly he could fight Lucifer again, if it came to that, no one really knew his strength, but they were finding out today. The Tiamat had now manifested herself a hundred yards behind Lucifer; something was very wrong thought Marduk. His mind now shifted from one thing to another, in rotating circles on the deals he and Lucifer had made, but now the return of the Tiamat was involved, a plight Marduk was not prepare for, did not take into consideration; on his thinking, he came to the conclusion he did not want her to make an alliance with Lucifer, but maybe they had already. Although he had a reputation of the most wicked of all creatures, Marduk had never seen him in battle except for now.
He saw now, a serpent growing legs, out of its skin. He looked closer, it seemed quite odd, and he was all of light,
“Is that,” he was about to say Lucifer.
And then with the speed and validity of a roaring tiger, the snake-of light jumped onto Marduk, opened up its jaws and sunk his teeth into, into the towering figure’s forehead (it was becoming obvious the Tiamat wanted to see Marduk cringe and weep and so she became a spectator, but she had started something with Lucifer and he was to finish it now; and she had a price to pay); Marduk shocked for the second time: like a second title wave, with all his eyes shifting here and there trying to figure out what just took place, what happened; trying to shake the giant snake free from its imbedded mouthful that sunk deep into his forehead. He then witnessed legs come out of the serpent, going into its body, leaving it as smooth and slippery as silk; now in disbelief, yet with a little reality, Marduk knew he was doomed.
Marduk tried to grab the snake around its slimy and slippery frame, but its scorching light forbid it to be touched but for a millisecond, as it ate its way into Marduk’s forehead, but the snake grows smaller, and slips right through the giant demons hands like a blood-tic, as he went into a paroxysm. The snake now has eaten through the bone-skull of the beast
[as everyone watches these two happenings, Lucifer remains standing there waiting for the Tiamat’s demand, and only Sinned can see the other part, the ongoing drama, but all see the Tiamat for the first time; she was invisible, and had come from the underworld after making her deal there]
now encircling its brain [the snake], now compressing it, squeezing it like one might expect the heart to be squeezed in a heart attack (while Marduk is running in circles, running crazy, continuing in a wild fête, hitting his head on a huge nearby rocks and then running into trees, trying to kill the snake inside of him, which had now gone so far into his head, he knew not how to stop the new assault. The griping of the snake had now stopping the blood flow to the brain, as Marduk dropped to his knees, and onto the ground.
At this instant, replied the Tiamat (Marduk’s conscious eyes barely open, on the ground):
“He is mine Lucifer, all of him!”
And so Lucifer steps back to allow her, her revenge, her deadly, lifeless revenge (it was all the same for Lucifer, a deal was made, and it shall be kept was the only thing he deliberated on).
And consequently the giant demon [Marduk] stood up, and fell back down onto the rock he had struck his head on a moment ago. And the snake came out and materialized into his semi-earthy and demonic form; satanic that is, it was some residue of Lucifer. Which to be quite honest was a much more pleasant form then the Tiamat’s or Marduk’s.
As Lucifer now looked upon the huge figure laying against the rock, back up against it, he looked harmless, the once Great Marduk, as harmless as a grasshopper. He then put a leather band around the forehead of Marduk, to cover up his nasty work. For to the rest of the onlookers it just appeared out of nowhere it all took place so suddenly, it was as if he, Lucifer was only seen for a moment only allowing the onlookers to see a few blows, and his residue do the rest; but he knew Sinned had seen it all, every split second of it. Again I say, for some odd reason, he did not want the rest of the world to see his power, possibly they’d turn to Sinned’s God in fear, and that would be the worse of all events, the very thing he was fighting against. He wanted to own souls of man and beast, and be worshiped.
Lucifer knew, as well as everyone else, this once demonic god figure was no more than a vegetable now; he would have to be feed or he’d starve to death. He was helpless. There, behind him, behind Lucifer, the Tiamat stood in her ghostly form, her revengeful glory, and the young King of Yort, shaking like the coward he was born to be, simply watched in panic, in his sacred purple and orange gown, given to him by none other than Lucifer. The noon sun was out now, completely out, it was hotter than normal, possible 117F [degrees], and the breeze had thickened with a death mode to a horribly dusty intake of air, almost choking air. The dust of the land seemed to be a morsel salty today, the breeze from the sea I suppose, but was no more seeping in through the valley perhaps than yesterday, it just seemed so. Death and fear has its way of circulating in circles. But for the Tiamat, it was a glorious day, a day she had thought of for many days prior. It was worth going to the pit for, she felt, if need be. Or at least that is what she thought at this very moment, this magnificent moment that had been arranged, arranged on top of other moments. But often times, after the fact, things and attitudes of people, change, they don’t seem as so ‘necessary,’ anymore, in the same order they were planned that is, one regrets. But if so, this was not a thought in her mind now.
“And so, Ms Tiamat!” said Lucifer with a sly eye movement, and a brow heightening, a fiery grin (the Tiamat was quite impressed how easily the great Marduk was taken down, it was awe if anything; for she could not beat him).
“Yes, yes, you have made my day Lucifer, and I will now go forward with the rest of my, I mean, our plans (looking at the King).”
The Ram demon stood by in shock, he was quite disturbed (asking himself, why he needed to be here, plus he never expected to see Marduk degenerate from power so quick).
The Fortress called Yort
Yort, 6800 BC to 6000 BC
The Shinning One
The king seeing all what had happened, now offered Lucifer his personal cupbearer, handing him over for whatever services he may need in the future, his bisexual servant-slave, or his bisexual needs. He had done the same thing with Marduk, and now wanting peace at any price he has done what he does well, compromised his kingdom, his people, his servant with no security in mind, rather his survival, his seat at the throne, be it at his will or not, he still had it, and that was important to him: or at least for the moment (for what else could he do but be king? he had no trade or skills); the way he figured it: power was only power if you had it, and it was better to have a once than to have nothing, and possibly be dead. For who could defy this new ruler ship? —he asked himself. By doing so, the Cupbearer (his price, more likened to a female than a male it would seem, young and willing), will to become the go-between, between the king and the wishes of the new real ruler of Yort, none other than Lucifer: yes, yes, yes: that’s the way it was.
The Tiamat now, absorbed the dying carcass of Marduk, as they both stood stone-still, like tall oak trees next, next to one another: Marduk like a broken piece of pottery just being held together by mere clay slouching against the tree, and with a sweep of her mighty hand the Tiamat grabs him by the head, slips inside of his mouth like a vapor coming from a bonfire: slips inside his mouth, down into his body: Marduk’s body, and she feels him up (like a balloon), as his carcass starts to rot inside, —a body now without a will, and the essence of the Tiamat inside that body—commanding it, only a shell of a demon remained alive, but she will keep him alive for a while longer, as she rampages his insides like a thief breaking anything that is left intact out of revenge: like shattered glass. Motivating him like a puppet now.
She looks at Lucifer, as he looks at the Ram, ‘sure she figures, he will take him out, for he wants his temple, his followers.’ Perhaps she is right; the Ram looks both ways, at Lucifer, and his smiling grin, and at the dying body of Marduk, with the Tiamat speaking through his mouth. She realizes Lucifer has done much damage to Marduk; —that he is next to dead, and her quest at the moment is simply to have revenge. As Lucifer looks on with arrogance, and patience, knowing when her fun stops, she will be bonded to him: bonded in an agreement.
Marduk the Demigod
—She has now sucked the will out of MARDUK, it was her quest, her desire to pull his lungs apart, to kick open his groin area: to pop out his eyes, revenge has its horrid-obsessions; realizing now there was nothing left for her to destroy in his body, she could no longer live in a dead corpse, it needed muscle, and blood to run through it. She could control it but not keep it balanced in a physical sense. She had but one choice, one she figured she’d have to use, use sooner or later, and evidently, it had to be sooner now. Henceforward, she now steps out of the destroyed body and into the body of the Ram-god, but before she does, she has the Ram-god, grant her the life of his body willingly, consequently, if he dies (that is, if the Ram-god dies), his body [like Marduk’s] and their essence will go to the underworld, that is to say, the Ram’s black essence, will meet Marduk’s there, for his will be on its way to the underworld shortly; and again, the Tiamat will remain in this new ghostly form, shifting the will of the Ram’s body, blocking his mind as need be. But it was the price agreed upon to rid the world of Marduk.
As the Tiamat explains to the Ram-god again: free will, which is free to allow the Tiamat to take over his body, is only free if there is no threat lingering around, which there is according to Satan, as long as he lives, in consequence, one must count the options, as she so clearly had explained before.
Now the Ram-god with the Tiamat within its body structure has grown twice it normal size, the Ram was before, but less than the Tiamat was. Her new stretched out body has given her also twice the strength she had before more powerful than she had previously been. While all this is taking place, Satan is standing by watching, calculating, measuring, and not saying a word [I can see him now] —not one word ((let her enjoy the moment he figures)) he will have his one way or another—it’s just a matter of time).
She now takes Marduk, helpless as he is (and what a pity it is: I kind of like Marduk in the story, but he is on his last steps), like an infant and drags him around the tree like a nut, like a crazed wolf, as she continues singing and talking to herself (if you were there you’d understand: as I was). The Tiamat has had her day, this was it, life could not be better…revenge sweeter. Like a rotten apple lying about to be crushed by someone else, Marduk’s body was now left against the huge cypress tree, slumped against it like a thrown away rag (a piece of torn cloth). The body was torn open by the Tiamat, and she’s dragging him around the trees and bushes, and the huge roots perturbing from the ground are making wounds all over his body, and you can see blood to oozing out, which seem to be and deadening the surroundings: the grass the few flowers that were there, even the tree looks pale: black and red blood covering the roots of the tree; he had no sense of danger, only pain in his face. He could not talk, insult, or even signal a gesture, or for that matter feel all that much on his right side, or possibly any side: what kept him alive was his demonic and immortal soul: he was not human like you a me, he was from another time period: on year, yes, but not of earth, no, not made up of clay like you and I, he was what he was—different. The Tiamat—out of a last breathe, exhale of air, of revenge—turned him around to his other side, his good side, his less damaged side, so he could feel the pain, and kicked him mercilessly. And by the time she had left with the King, and Lucifer, he had taken his very last breathe, his last suck of air.
The New Order
At this time, that being shortly after the takeover of the Ram’s body by the Tiamat, while in Yort, the King does the bidding for Lucifer, and one might say, the Tiamat. For the most part, he is no more than a puppet, a figure head if you will. By the way--: the White Baboons, and the followers of the Ram-god, can now see the Tiamat’s configuration within the old structure of their demonic-god, the Ram, with all its stretching, and fear for their order and sect, and is so doing, so honors both: the Tiamat and Lucifer as the new undisputed rulers. Although this does not sit well with Lucifer, he rationalizes [‘…for all good things come in time’]. By and large, the Tiamat reinforces her commitment to keep her agreement with Lucifer by finding out the ‘secret’, as Lucifer gives his famous edgy grin-and-smile, gesturing with his eyebrow and forehead: a follow-up should be quickly implemented, to say the least. But brave or uncouth as she is, she knows getting rid of Sinned would be difficult without reprisal by his God, and then, then it is really information Lucifer wants and so she tells Lucifer, with her callous, harsh and dogmatic voice, saying, “First things first.”
The, said he, with a lions hum to his voice: “I have nothing but time,” he admits, adding: “But you don’t.” A small dialogue with the Tiamat is all he feels is needed. (The Tiamat says nothing, --and reflects how quick He took Marduk down; she has come to the conclusion, settled in her mind, at any cost: work with the conqueror is better than being destroyed, conquered or worse.)
—As weeks and then months pass, Yort has come to see a new City-State Order take hold. The King is no more than a fly on the Tiamat’s ass, a bothersome insect at best, but she simply swats him away harmlessly, for Satan still enjoys his worshiping countenance, and presence at times, and uses him so he does not have to be the bad word of bad deeds brought down to masses at the city-state level of Yort—its fragmented people. And for the most part, the Tiamat is more visible than Satan now-a-days, and is being seen, or look at as the full and new leader (thus, he is getting all the hate and anger, frustration and annoyance from the people ((the cost of kingship)). When Lucifer speaks, everyone listens, even the Tiamat; everyone that is, but Sinned. This angers Lucifer to the point of deep resentment, but not enough to challenge him, for he still needs to know the secret (inconsequential, some may say, no, no—it is much more than that) yet, his antagonism is coming out of him, sideways, onto the Tiamat, especially when he feels she is just buying time because she does not have a good plan: with his inner eye he wonders where is her preparation, has any arrangements at all to extract the information been put into theory and action? Yet sealed is the deal they made.
The Plan
The Tiamat calls in for a surgeon, he is known as Ra, also as one of the, ‘The Shinning Ones,’ of the ancient world: the time before time was a word. Not spirit, nor human, or even angelic in nature, or the essence of such: they are not even beastly or considered creature’s, demigods; but rather, part of an Intergalactic Think Tank of high intelligence of long ago; so far back in time only Satan remembers them from their original origin, and vaguely, for they—angelic forces—were not allowed or even told about all the creations God had done (Satan even admitted Earth was kept a secret from the horde of angels for a long time), they were called, according to legend, the “Ancient Ones,” and in parts of Egypt, are worshiped, as well as on an island in-between the two great land masses called the island of Poseidon [Atlantis].
Sinned had also head about these ancient beings, briefly, but had heard about them nonetheless: that they go back to a time called –pre history [118,000 BC]; that is, before humankind knew how to write and communicate as they do now: yet man was man, back when the human race was young, and parts of this newer race, were finding ways to preserve fire, to warm their caves, and island spots in and on the bogs. As word got out, Ra was coming to Yort, Sinned wondered why; for this Ra, was the elite of the group of seven shinning beings that were left, left in the sense of this earthily existence, somewhat marooned on this planet within the universe. If there were more of their race in the universe, the seven didn’t know, for their ship [space craft] had left them there a thousand years ago; saying they’d return, but never have—never did, not up to this moment anyhow: up to this time anyhow. Or if they had, they did not make it known to them, or to anyone of the human or demonic races. Their planet had been in another galaxy, thus, too far, way too far for one to come and visit at a whim, lest he have some secret transformation process available. It was also said they had outposts on Mars and the Moon, and they were destroyed, and therefore, were left here as the ship went back to their land, with gold and other substances for their livelihood, and to command their craft in the outer space of the heavens. And so possibly, just perhaps, there were no more of their race in the entire universe. They had a life expediency of over thousands of years and there ancestors much longer. But they were not warriors, although they very well could be, they had powers far beyond humans, and not like the physical demons, they could fly, or seemingly disappear, or so it was told, foretold, as legend says.
—By and by, Sinned learned the Tiamat was back for good, but was curious on what her plan was, for she needed to reestablish herself, and playing friends with Lucifer had become a most dangerous game for those folks in the past, so what was her scheme he asked himself? The Adversary as he was often called, had control of Yort also, it was just a matter of time he knew, when things would unravel, and surely they would unravel at his door step, or so he conjured up in his head, but it seemed most obvious as one simply watched what was happening to Yort—it seemed to be inevitable.
But he had a secret, one no one knew but him and so whatever kind of really took place was secondary to him; on the other hand, the Adversary [He being: Satan] knew Sinned knew something of interest, of interest to him that is, something bigger than big; something worldly; something his foe, the Almighty had possibly had one of his angelic beings bring to him, to Sinned—information only given to a few people; and surely not him, not Satan. This Mighty God, who named him the Adversary [Ephraim], had cursed him with darkness over light, he was the favorite one in heavens dome, he just simply got tired of being a torch for another King, what was so wrong with that he thought: thought he, Lucifer’s life was altered at that point, but what was of most concern now was, ‘…did God change his plans, alter His sketch, and was He having human existence come to an abrupt end sooner than he thought, if so, he was cursed to an eternal-fire within some damn lake, or was it a sea in the heavens that kept this fire going, he didn’t know one way or the other, and figured this was (according to his diagram of human existence would go to a fifth quarter: it was now the 5th millennium BC), he just wanted to have a little more time for either trying to persuade Him he was unfair to judge him so harshly, and on the other hand, if his time was limited, he wanted to know so he could make evil really evil. I mean, in a way God was young on His end, and Satan, who of course was not around when God figured all these thing out, was young on the other end. But God had not planned for him to get sour grapes, or plan a take over of heaven, it was kind of instantaneous, a thought after a thought you might say: and one thing led into another, and well, you all heard the story, at least the basic have been written. But Satan of course got mad, because God left out his portion of the story. So he was writing it now in blood and sand.
But this was the Tiamat’s job to fine out this information, the better off he would be within his mind anyway. It wouldn’t alter his future designs for the Tiamat: for evil breeds evil, and what is more evil than sucking the blood out of evil only to make it more red; but for the mean time, he needed her. This is what troubled him on one hand, and on the other, if the Tiamat could rid the world of Sinned once and for all, again, all the better for Yort, and Satan’s temples; possibly God would not be watching him and Yort so much. At present, Sinned has been kept prisoner in his own home. Not allowed to even do daily shopping, or walking by the cannel he loves so dearly, the one he and his father used to walk together, in fear he may create some kind of resistance in Yort, against the new rulers. These orders to confine him were given by Commander Snemelc, his one time friend, of which was given to him by orders of the young King and Marduk, and now reinstated by the Tiamat. Lucifer again is staying out of the lime-light in fear of the unknown. His way of thinking is: as long as I get what I want at the end, it doesn’t matter if they want to feel they are in charge, in which case they are living an illusion.
The Shinning Ones
As the Sinning Ones appear at the request of the Tiamat (of which three out of the seven came), the Tiamat appeared to greeted them at the gates of Yort. As the Adversary looked from the tower within his Temple, by where the Ram’s Temple is located, onto the plaza and gates observing all the movements. Sinned, also was standing by watching the greeting taking place, and were a number of priests, and usual citizens. At there feet was laid many gifts: as they walked through the gates of Yort, as promised, for coming: twenty slaves presented them with offerings, great sums gold and silks, etcetera; and other wealth, to include, horses, and swords for their soldiers. But with the gifts came the request, which was: the to do a surgical job for the Tiamat, of which they were well known for, among other things, that being, medical experts on the anatomy of the human race, for they had been among them, and had watched them: the human race, mold into a civilization for the past 80,000-years.
As they are now standing in the Temple of the Tiamat, with Lucifer standing by a pillar, the Tiamat explains what he wants done; the King is nearby and so is the Cupbearer, whom is constantly wiping and cleaning the feet and brow of Lucifer. In addition, giving him air, by fanning him; at times they go behind the pillars where he makes his body naked for the Serpent King’s sexual diversities. Satan giving nothing more than a flat affect and watching the young man quiver over his powerful overbearing demeanor. Other women are lined up outside the temple for services he may wish to have at any given moment. His pleasures are many, and his patience is short.
Says the Tiamat, to Ra, one of the three Shinning Ones, which is his full title:
“I want you to cut open the skull of Sinned, it has to be you, neither demon, nor angelic being, nor human can do the operation, if it were so, it would cause reprisals from the His Almighty God, the one no one has seen, but grant you, he is powerful. I want you to cut away half his brain, put the other half of it in a glass for posterity, and put the Ram-god’s half brain left into his head, so I can control him, at the same time, put Sinned’s other half brain, connecting it to the Ram-god’s brain, thus I will have control of both individuals, and domination of the body of the Ram-god, my will, will be twice as strong, and I will be three times as smart, and, and I will have no further interruptions with this Sinned person in my life, and Lucifer will be happy. Hence he will lose his reasoning [Sinned], and I will have access to his God’s wishes: which is a secret I must find; this can be done through his brain waves, oh yes oh yes. Matter-of-fact, of all involved I also I will have access to future information… [pause, the Tiamat looks at Lucifer]…”
Says Lucifer [destructively]: “Do you want to say, ‘his God?’ because if you do, it is not what I expected; and that makes you a bigger fool than I anticipated. I want to be equal to Him, to Sinned’s God. How do you think you would turn out if you had access to God’s brain waves—stupid! Think about it? He would never allow you to get one-filth of an inch in front of Him. You do not even have the slightest understanding what you are asking, or what you are talking about, this is not even applicable—and you are nothing, nothing, and me you must not understand me either…you dare say, ‘… capable of knowing what he is thinking…’ then, that is the dumbest statement I’ve ever heard? No, no He is a jealous God, and if He seen you trying to listen in on his secrets, you would not be around to explain them. I thought you had some kind of good plan. You have nothing, seriously nothing at all. Plus, plus do you think God is a grasshopper, He is laughing at you right now, and you make me a fool in front of Him for I made a deal with you, He is most likely saying, ‘Who is the dumb one you listened to, the Tiamat’, foolish as I was to do so (the Tiamat is starting to panic, almost froze with alarm).”
“Plus,” spoke the leader of the three Shinning Ones, called Ra, “We do not kill the will or the spirit of a person; it is forbidden, it is part of our heritage, left by our forefathers, who have been coming her for thousands of years; it would not be conducive to our faith, our belief.”
Satan’s Thoughts:
Satan knows about this race of beings, but says very little, it is a mysterious one that doesn’t get involved with the politics of another planet; for he has seen them on many other planets, if anything, experimenting, while trying to prolong their race.
In the eyes of Satan, the Tiamat was now becoming more useless, a liability if anything—a burden by the minute, and so he looked at the Tiamat with a startling glare, a challenging posture.
Says Satan in a harsh and offended voice:
“…you cannot force this to be done on Sinned without God crushing you and possibly me, along with you; it has to be done willingly, like giving him something he wants in return for something you have: a favor for a favor, if you will. No more foolishness, like the undertaking you just foolishly did, wasting my time, I want to know the secret Sinned holds within his head from the Almighty, the second part of the agreement, and for your sake I want to know it soon, and give to the Shinning Ones what you offered, and let them go, I do not want them involved—lest we disrupt the whole city and they start prying to Sinned’s God, that’s all I need. If you do not want to outright kill him, then find out the information. If you kill him, and I am not saying to, the blood is on your hands (Satan now washes his hands in a granite bowl filled with water) —I will not dirty my hands in this, your god is me, my God, may possibly be me also, but one must remember as much as I do not want to, it is He who through me out of bliss through the universe to this abode, not I Him. But I am no fool; I will leave that alone for now. You are a demon, a high and powerful one from the first race of Angelic Renegades, born from the seeds of angels that left their abode, I grant you that, but nothing more, I, and only I on this earth am a real, God of the Air, I am the live physical god, and don’t forget it (the Tiamat shut up like a child who just got a whipping).”
She remembered how Marduk beat her, killed her, and how the Adversary took Marduk down like killing a grasshopper; she wanted nothing of it, even though she had pondered the thought.
Said He [Satan], “…and I’d like to tell you, time is very short for you Ms Tiamat!!!!!!!!!! (his roar echoed throughout the temple, and shook the foundation of the building like a hurricane.)”
As they walked out of the temple, the King pulls the Tiamat to the side, by a pillar, says: “I overheard the other day you have a short time to find out a secret or be killed, a secret of Sinned’s; killed in the since you will be cast into the pit…. That Lucifer was talking about it to his lover the cupbearer, who of course told me.”
[She moans as she stumbles walking out of the temple, still trying to adjust to the body of the Ram-god, stretching, and pulling the elasticity of the skin from face to toes.]
Sinned and the Secret
As the king and the Tiamat go to the house of Sinned, they find he is not at home, that he has left, while under restrictions, not to leave. This, the Tiamat feels is cause for expulsion from Yort, and as he declares this so, Lucifer just looks at her strangely. The Commander being asked by the Tiamat, yet not knowing of his whereabouts, calls the King, who reprimands the Commander for not watching him properly, and is ordered to take a platoon of men and go find him and bring him back.
Mumbles the Tiamat in an unknown language to the inhabitants of earth, one that no one understands:
It has come to the point I will either have to torture him to death too get the information, and hope he still does not have the power to cast me into the pit, or face Lucifer, and he cast me into the pit for failing twice.
(Translation) “It has come to the point I will either have to torture him to death to get the information, and hope his will does not have the power to cast me into the pit, or face Lucifer, and He cast me into the pit for failing twice.”]
She knows if she tries to kill him, he will, most likely will, try to in all means and ways, cast her—if he can, into the pit, as he has said he would do (the pit being the abyss); or possibly there might be a third option, simply get out of the city fast, but then, she would be found sooner or later, if Lucifer really wanted to find her that is, he could.
(The Shinning One’s have left and gone back to Egypt, and the Commander is leaving Yort, in search of Sinned.)
—Sinned travels to the interior of Turkey [Asia Minor] finding an old man working on a large vessel, actually putting on the last touches of a huge and monstrous boat; polishing up the seams and insuring the boat is sea worthy; just as his friendly angel, Serr’el had told him he would; he asks the man in charge the question:
“When do you predict you will be done with this boat Sir?”
The man says: “Very soon (and smiles at Sinned).”
No more is said, or needs to be said for that matter, hence, Sinned travels back to his city-state, whereupon he meets the Commander along the way and they both enter the gates of Yort together. He takes him into custody, putting him in a cage, nine feet by nine feet; it would seem the old friendship is dwindling down, he hands the Commander one hand. As the Commander suggest, Sinned has abused his privilege and his friendship with him. Yet Sinned says nothing, which surprises the Commander, whom feels, he would protest, or surely try and make him feel bad about doing this, since they had been friends for many years, yet Sinned says nothing, not one word, he knows time is very short for the whole world, and even shorter for him.
As the Tiamat shows up at the cage with her demands, wanting to know the secret, the secret Satan feels Sinned has. She [she: being the Tiamat] is explaining, she has freed the city of Marduk, but must cage him like an ape until she finds the secret, she has no choice, she is almost pleading to him not to cast her into the pit, but falls short on the actual words—and simply begs for the information; she even goes as far as telling him: he has no choice in the matter, just as she has none, that she cannot win, nor him, win in either situation, meaning, Sinned will cast her if he can, into the pit if she kills or tries to kill him, or Satan will for not finding out the information she needs. She stands by the cage waiting for the information.
“When is the world to come to an end?” She asked, not really knowing if that is the question, but feeling that is the information Satan wants, what else could it be; Satan wants to rule, and rule for how long is the big question. Plus, he can not rule an uninhabited world. At this point, she is more like pleading, her case twice with Sinned to cooperate, or give her a way out; almost as if he owed her a favor.
Sinned, knowing time is short for the Tiamat, as well as mankind explains:
“There is a huge boat being built, when it starts to rain it will be too late, it will not stop raining, --that is, too late for everyone, for the foundations of the world will crack and swallow up everything and everybody, that is the secret, which is really no secret, if the Adversary had simply looked at the boat, he could have figured that out, and you can tell it to your friend, Lucifer….”
Confused, yet surprised he had given her the information, and gave at that moment; the answer she had asked almost struck her blind. Thought she, ‘I simply should have asked sooner.’ She was delighted, still felt in a fog of dismay. Sinned hoping the information might get out to the people and they could plead for forgiveness, was his real motive.
Said the Tiamat mystified,
“What should I do, if the world is coming to an end?” Looking at Sinned, yet he didn’t answer [a long pause takes place].
“Sinned, Sinned, answer me—PLEASE!” No answer, again a long pause, she looks deep at him resting so peacefully against the back of the cage, touches him: Sinned had fallen to sleep and with her touch, he stops breathing, and does not wake up. A panic seems to go up and down her body, chills, for now what does she do, and then out of the heavens it starts to rain, and rain and rain.
When Lucifer hears of this news, he stomps his feet, looking at the Tiamat, says, “It’s all yours….” And with his angelic abilities ascends beyond the clouds of the pouring rain. And it continues to rain, and rain and rain: for 40-days and nights. The Tiamat now jumps out of the body of the Ram, as it has been destroyed, ruptured, pulled apart—all its organs are rotting, and he also sinks in the mud and the rain, and descends to the underworld [the nine-hells].
—By the time it stops raining, the world is different. As Lucifer, the Adversary, or otherwise known as Satan, looks down from the clouds, he sees the mud of the city Yort, and it is thirty feet deep. It will take, he mumbles “…it will take four-hundred years to settle and dry up…” that is, before it is worthy of his domination, yet he is angry, like a pacing lion through out the sky he walks and talks to himself, a hungry lion indeed, like a dragon with fire coming out of his mouth and nostrils, he spits insanity and evil all about, for it was almost, I say almost, his empire, but possibly he will have better luck next time (so he is thinking, and adds to his thoughts, his days that he thought were over, had just gained a few more); he yells through the clouds, ‘I’ll return,’ the Tiamat in her now, ghostly form, looks from a distance, and is gone, with no particular destination at the moment. The Commander who wanted to play it safe all his life and not choose between this or that god ended up with no god, has now lost his life buried in the mud and the quiet winds of time. Sinned, he is dead, and remembers his betrayal after all them years of friendship, now he has been weighed and balanced, and as it continues to rain, has no fear of death, he had simply said to the Lord:
“I’m ready, I’m OK with it, it doesn’t matter…I don’t want to live like this.” He went to paradise, awaiting the Messiah.
(And the shock waves from the asteroid hitting Mercury, shook the solar system, and there came a shockwave across the cosmos, which entered the crust of the earth, which also caused Earth to wobble on it axis, creating a fracture within the heavens, and it rained and rained killing humanity…and so it has been written.)
The Ghost of the Tiamat
The Ghost of Death
The Account of:
The Apparition of the Tiamat
[A Vignette/sketch #4: introduction into a new series]
(A Letter found at the late H.L. Lovelit Home, in Boston, had the following story.)
It was in the spring of a lost year, one yet to remember, save for that fact, Sinned had died in the year previous to it; Sinned, the name still echoes throughout Yort, yes, the mighty Yort, with its towering gates and walls. Yes indeed, Yort was still interesting and fashionable in the world that was dominated by the demonic-beings left behind from some golden age long forgotten. The young and foolish King Thesas III was still ruling, as was the new certified demonic-god, Lucifer, or is that he, an angelic being has allowed Yort to know his identity? Many at Yort have deliberated this fact out for quite a spell, and the Tiamat: mother of demon; she was here, in spirit one might say, or rather, in ghost form. Yes, with these three, to include the Commander of the Military, much if not all, was suppressed from the public’s eye. Only now, after a decade of over looking at Yort, and its inhabitants, it comes to mind, the missing links between the human and demonic world. Sinned always said it was his One God, and of course, the demonic forces within Yort said their was no other but them and us (this has been of course explained in the three books I wrote about the Tiamat some years ago.
When the world was flooded, it did not the Great Flood of Noah’s day, for there were a number of smaller floods in the area prior to this, thus, Yort was rebuildable.
I, Nwahs, the brother of Ydoc, have lived an adventurous life myself, perhaps not as much so as Sinned, but somewhat. I find myself thrilling as I think about my brother’s death and the parting of Sinned when, thrilled that I, a farmers boy have survived, and become who I am, in the high offices of Yort. Sinned, who utterly submerged his mind with this One God business, brought on his own demise, I do believe; yet he remains a legend in our city, and as far as Yort can reach. His God is somewhat, or almost extinct now, other than a few folks bringing forth a few glimpses of interest, occasionally, but like putting a fire to ashes with water, so reacts the demonic forces of Yort, stopping the thirst for this One God, by the demons when it surfaces.
Perhaps it can be imagined, my close friendship with the three I have mentioned:
The King, Lucifer, and the Tiamat whom now is a ghost in her own right; for she has shed the skin, like a snake of the Ram-god, who now is second in command in the underworld. She as we all know made a deal with him and thus, entered his physical body, as she distorted it, and it rotted away with her inside of it.
I have come to realized more clearly as time has gone by—there is no point in resisting the wants and demands, if not needs of the three most high in Yort, ‘twas they that have now given me my position, and for them who do defy them, risk death, like Sinned, who would not hear of it that way, he did risk life and limb and did die so doing.
And here I was, given the 5th highest position in Yort, under the Commander. The newly made position called: ‘Overseer [detective] of Arms,’ kind of the monitor of Yort, for I had no real force of my own, yet the soldiers under the Commander, were also subject to me, for they are the ones that kept peace and order in the city. My position simply called for me to review all circumstances of the military, and citizens, and possibly the enemy outside our gates, and report back any derogatory information that might hinder our Yort, or the good name of the demonic forces that now run the fortress. I needed not to do anything about anything just report and that in itself would demolish any residence within any growing conflict between leaders and followers.
It seemed to me, most of the young soldiers at Yort were turned into loafers (for the most part), not warriors, or nationally proud soldiers. It became kind of a lifeless and thankless job, no longer a career.
With a snarl of disgust, I took my new position, as a gift and a death sentence all in one. For no one ever survived the maltreatment of these three forces--: other than, Sinned and the Commander.
[From the view of Sinned, prior to his death, Yort had become a most uninteresting city of death]
Meeting of the Tiamat
Said the Tiamat in her ghostly form to me, Nwahs:
“You need to invoke into the citizens of Yort their need to worship us more, not only I, but Lucifer, and the King, we are all one, all three of us.”
I answered, “How?”
“Well, well,” she slurped out of her selfish condescending way, with her infamous smirk,
“You are the man in the field, the consultant, whose occupation has become the 5th highest in the city: no more pulling weeds out of the field for this one time farmer--: its called possibilities, create possibilities.”
How I wish I’d had never taken the job, and had I known at the time, the flood God sent, would only destroy everything but Yort, perhaps I would not have taken this job so quickly. You see, it was Satan who vanished into the sky when Sinned died, and the world turned purple and blue, black and gray, and that man over in Asia Minor, building the boat, stopped for a spell, and perhaps there is another flood on its way, but this one only drowned the sea around us, not us on top of the cliffs—not completely anyway. And whom would have ever figured Satan would forgive the Tiamat, and let her come back to rule Yort, as a ghost with him.
I suppose Sinned was the antagonist for them, and now he is gone, and the world starts over again. Now what?
The Invincible Tiamat
(And the Mad King of Uruk)
It has been said revenge is never the winner,
Simply because it kills both the giver and the
Receiver, but try and tell that to the Tiamat…
Sinned, Resident of Yort
The Tiamat and Uruk
Sinned doing scribing—
“In the city of Yort a great city that I have lived in all my life the floor was once made of kiln-baked brick that withstood several attacks, the Amazons, and the shaking of the earth, some call it earthquakes, but my grandfather called it Marduk’s horses. This is now a city ruled by the demigod spirits of the heavens. I have heard in the far Southeast in the land called Sumer, there are such cities that are as great as ours, one called Uruk, in which a demigod ruled it by the name of Lugalbanda, he was a young king I was told I didn’t know much of it, but I suppose somewhere along the line we’d go to war with that area, we always did go to war with cities we felt a rival to.
But the Tiamat, he has been gone for awhile, Marduk sent him to Underworld, otherwise known as the netherworld. What I remember and not sure if I’ll get this written correctly, for posterity sake: the Tiamat goes back a ways, but even much farther then humans know. The story, this story goes back to when the big armies, the creatures with three toes, called the Dinosaur, I know we have some now, but this was when they first came to existence I think. Our land, which I am coming to realize is not as small as I think; yes indeed, it is much bigger, that some kind of destruction caused the land to disappear under the sea, or should I say, the sea level rose some 500-feet covering much land through out this egg we live on. Oh yes, my grandfather knew many things, this land is the egg of the serpent he told me, the thing we live on circling the Sun, and among the angelic beings that fly in the heavens.
But the mystery, yes, I will tell you, that in the land of Sumer, the land I had just written down here was where the Tiamat first came. They have the story there. I think I’d like to visit that land, and get the whole story, to see if truth follows truth, or if in the bending of time, the truth is bent also. I heard this, that this egg [earth] was flying in a orbit and there was a 12th planets in the heavens, but this planet cannot be seen as clearly as the others, for it does not come into our orbit as frequent as the others do and is visible in the Mesopotamia once every 3600-years. And a very long time ago, a planet called Nibiru was on and connected to an orbit crossing our solar system, and Phaeton [our egg] was twice the size as it is today, and when Nibiru hit Phaeton it sliced our planet into two pieces, and the egg which water under its ground and above, let loose all its water, covering the land mass. And thus, the land of Phaeton was called Tiamat, the Water God. And then the actual birth of the Tiamat, an offspring of the infamous Watchers, the angelic renegades that left their abode to inhabitant our egg and raped our women.
Because of this happening we have had what some trouble with asteroids colliding with earth ever since, the other half, became some kind of asteroid belt, creating its own orbit of sorts. O I know this a far fetched story, but their must be some truth to it. Maybe I will see it out in the land unknown to Yort, called Sumer. I do not know why we have not seen these cities, for there are five of them to my understanding by two great rivers called the Tigers, and Euphrates.
They have a goddess there called Inanna, like Yort, do we not all have our gods, but this king is known to be aware of my god, The Almighty, the Father of all the Heavens. It is funny how we learn all these things when we are old, and ready to die, just in time to pass it on to another. If you should read this letter, and I have long been dead, it is not fully written, and I am my own scribe, and must write slow. Be kind to me if I leave out details.” Sinned
The Commander of Yort
The Commander of Yort who had lost his son to the demigods of the wetlands [Ancient England], while assigned to protect Sinned during his journey some years prior; however, his son along with another Yort citizen, military resident lost their lives also. But the Commander was not angry at Sinned for it, rather the demigods that roamed the lands freely were. If anything his father was proud his son died a military death, what more could a brave soldier ask for. Having no personal commitment to anyone god at Yort, made the Commander quite unique; meaning, He had fewer enemies. Rumor had it that both his son and his comrade both young soldiers were lovers of a sort. It bothered the Commander, yet it was not uncommon. In the land of Sumer, many kings had boy lovers, as did the elite of such cities as Ur, and Kish.
The Commander was not worried about the burden of trying to establish his own political career, it was just gossip he cared to avoid. Sinned had helped him secure his position as Commander many years before, as he was the one who stopped in the mist of a battle to ask Sinned his advise, for the Amazon war on Yort was about to begin, and to them the world was put together by terror. Sinned’s words encouraged him to fight even harder.
And so, years had passed, and the friendship never faltered. Yet, the Commander was still not a believer in any temple-religions, or in Sinned’s God. Even though down in his heart he was broken, because he did not have SOMEONE TO PUT HIS burdens on, or for that matter, worship, he was a man unto himself, at times empty, but as he had told Sinned, time and again, it is better to have no god, then the wrong god.
Often he would notice Sinned’s in prayer at his house, as he went to visit him, to see how he was doing. Sinned was now ageing as was he. Sinned would be knelling on one knee with his tunic open somewhat, and the Commander would normally wait until Sinned finished, for you could see him from the street, through his window, and then approach Sinned as he stood up, and then a short conversation would pursue. Almost like a father and son gathering one might say; for here were two high ranking soldiers. One retired, the other one in active duty, both patriots.
Yet, once a soldier in Yort, you remained one forever. Sinned was considered the same rank as the Commander, yet retired. If war was to break out, like his father before him, he would be expected to accept responsibility of the soldiers left behind at the fortress, until his the Commander returned from war or battles outside of the compound.
In the past the Commander had hired Sinned to teach at the academy of military warfare. Especially in his absence; but things were changing, Marduk the demigod who was for the most part the new ruling authority, along with Lucifer, who had his temple at one time outside of the fortress, and now it was inside had joined forces, along with intimidating King Thesis III, into being a figurehead rather then a ruler of Yort, he was no real power figure.
King Thesis III, was not like his father or grandfather, who Sinned, fought side by side with. And now the order of the day was for the Commander not to continue with the employment of Sinned at the academy, for the King openly objected to his trying to influence the young cadets not only into hating the demigod rule, but trying to convert them over to his God, and Temple, of the One in Three God. Thus, the Commander this morning had the dirty task of telling Sinned the bad news.
Diabolos had now two helpers, one a side kick who was the keeper of his temple in the woods outside of Yort, and one who was a high priest, for his temple inside of Yort, and a sidekick when needed. In addition he had two others he called his sidekicks, their names being Angra Mainyu [an angry spirit]; he hand selected [Satan/Lucifer/Diabolos] for that very reason, his out burst of anger, and the fear he instilled into people. And Pruj, which he went to the Pit of the Abyass to release, to use him as another helper, but mostly keep him for his deceptiveness, and his ability to produce disease.
Marduk and Diabolos had came back from Pergamun, his head quarters, where the She Ocean lived, and where Diablo had hidden from the Creator for over 1000-years; for some reason, now he had found the courage to attack his creation, and slowly he crept into the world scene, for he was building a network of helpers, Marduk being one, the King, his priests, and his sidekicks, or as some called them, bodyguards, and in the process he was making the decision to come out in full strength, and see what God would do; for he new he true God, as did Sinned, and this was not in his favor within Yort. Diabolos new, if anything, he would have to control the demigods, dominated their world, then willingly the weaker earthlings would cry for help, and he would give him his hand for worshiping of him.
When Sinned was but 20-years old the She Ocean had an affair with him, and still remembered him quite well, as Marduk and Lucifer arrive back and forth from their trips abroad. Marduk’s and Satan play games with the She Ocean, sexual. It irritates her, but she has little room to move except out of the haven Satan has given her at PERGAMINE, and she has been there for over 400-years. And so she is forced to have sex with both at their whim. But Sinned seems to creep into her mind every so often. It has been 36-years since they had their affair.
Upon their arrival to Pergamun this time, Lucifer’s trips had taken him and Marduk to Avalon, and Stonehenge, the Islands of Hydra and Malta, and Easter Island, along with Egypt … they had been gone for 18-months, setting up temples for the future, along with Marduk, who is trying to also build his temple sites, while ridding himself of competition, with other demonic-beasts, either having them as followers, or enemies.
Satan [Diablo, the devil] tells Marduk, he has under estimated his enemy, acting out of emotion—that Sinned is his main enemy, not the demonic beasts, for it is his God that gives him his power.
Lucifer tells Marduk [referring to Sinned’s God] “I know Him well, and if he is for Sinned, who can really, be against him?” Cries Marduk, while showing fear in his force, “I will kill him and the King; Satan hisses at Marduk as if he was a dead enemy for he wants to use him, be it by Sinned’s fear, or his own. It is his way of ridding the city of Sinned through Marduk, at the same time building temple sites, whale everyone is simply going on with daily living, and killing the King would be good, for a city without a leader will chose anything to substitute for chaos. He creates an emblem for him self and his church-of-followers, The Snake of Wisdom, he calls his pentagrams symbol.
Chapter 2:
Return of the Tiamat
The Tiamat wants revenge of Marduk, and Lucifer knows this. She has given up her underworld rule to gain a spirit life in the upper world; knowing she will most likely not be able to return to the underworld as the ruler, should her plan work out, and Marduk be cast to the underworld. But it is worth it. She will no longer be allowed to have a physical body, since it was taken away. But she can possess, and simply be a spirit. The deal she makes is with the Ram god, who Marduk has threaten to kill. He knows he will soon be coming to the underworld, and it is better he give his physical life on earth for her rule ship in the underworld. Thus they make the exchange. His right to be in the upper world, she takes as a spirit, that can manifest it self, be physical but not of flesh and bone. And the Ram God disappears into the lower word, and is crowned King, and gathers his Army if fear of the day Marduk may come, and have to be subdued.
A) the Tiamat now has entered the upper world, she has Returned. She listens to Lucifer, Marduk and the King as they all plant deadly seeds for Yort, and Lucifer, feels he will do the harvesting, he wants to move his kingdom from PERGAMINE, to Yort, but has two elements in the way.
She hears about Lucifer’s work in creating temples all over the world, and having people submit to his new religion of the Snake. The Tiamat makes a deal with Satan to get to Marduk. Provoke a fight possible. But what can she offer Satan is the question. For what he wants is dominance, so she will kill the King, if Satan kills Marduk.
That will leave Yort open for his take over, and the rest of the world can be blackmailed into submission; thus, he will have dominance.
As they sit and talk about the ways and means, Sinned comes up, and Satan needs to figure out a way how to rid the city of this menace, for the Tiamat will not have anything to do with him, for if she does, she can be cast into the pit, which is 100-worese than the underworld.
Lucifer tells the Tiamat, Sinned is old, and proud, he will not remember what God told him, and the Tiamat says: “What did he tell him,” and Lucifer replied, “I remember, and it is best you do not know, for then you can not tell any think.” He infers he will work on his weakness, saying “Like Pergamun, Yort will end up being his graveyard.”
Chapter Three:
Sinned, Serr’el and the King
During this time, while the Tiamat [third person] is planning with Lucifer on how to kill Marduk, Serr ‘el shows up. He explains to Sinned the King Thesas III, will be killed, and will enter the underworld, and he needs to protect him. Should the king not return Yort will loose hope, as it did with King Thesas II deaths? And the city will be ruled by the angelic-beast Lucifer. Right or wrong, the people of Yort want a leader. It will be the King or Lucifer. For he also tells him, the Tiamat is back in Yort, in spirit form, making a deal with Lucifer for Marduk’s death fight.
The World according to Serr’el
In this process Serr’el informs Sinned Lucifer will use your weakness against him; but refuses to tell Sinned his weakness. And then he takes him on a journey of through time and space. They go back to the time of 997,981 BC, and show him how the world was. As Serr’el shows Sinned, he protects him within an invisible canopy over him. Showing him that the earth has two moons, and there are no poles where the glacial come from, and explain to him how the First Angelic Force, now in the Prison House for Angels, caused havoc in the universe, causing the earth to loose it rhythms, and a tilt came about, causing the earth to lose it orbit, causing curst movements on earth, and continuant shifts, putting Greenland between two great contestants and causing the North pole to come into existence. He tells Sinned, should Lucifer win Yort, and builds his temples, his other forces will appear on earth knowing they can not be stopped.
Serr’el adds, should you remain on earth, in Yort, and bring the King back to his city, Lucifer will have not choice but to leave, for they will follow you and the king. Should the people choose Lucifer over the king, and God’s One temple he will destroy the world. But it must be the will of the king, and the people to come to an understanding. For the days of the physical demigods are numbered, it will be man who will have to chose if his are, or are not. The demigods will be going either into the underworld, the pit, or invisible world. And for Satan, he will be left to haunt the bad out the pretending well.
Chapter Four:
The Fight
There will be a fight with Marduk and Satan. After the fight, Marduk is unconscious. The cupbearer is handed over to do the Tiamat, who was Marduk’ s gift from the king of Yort; he now does her bidding, and can enter his body at will to get things done
Marduk, is cast into the underworld. The Tiamat now must kill the king get him.
Chapter Five
Prophecy of the She Ocean
The She Ocean still young looking as if time did not pass for her, and Sinned now in old age, cast his eyes upon her. She is brought in form Pergamun where she was living as Lucifer’s sexual item.
She Ocean informs Sinned [Lucifer knowing they had an affair but not if she still likes him] started to walk towards them, never blinking an eye, or looking back, and an echo came f rom her mouth, as Lucifer looks from behind her, and she said: “You will rise and fall, than the rooster will sing no more, and the sun will be darken as it rises over the Eastern sky, and the legend of Yort will be buried, and lost forever. This is the sign of the end of this time. Only the sounds of the winds form the four corners of the earth will be heard, and that to will die also. This is not your world Sinned; it is Lucifer’s, as it was Marduks, for a short time. Let it go before he crushes you. He will continue to play rope-a-dope with the world and Yort, while he develops his plan to crush every living thing.
Satan does not like her notifying him of his doom or Yort's for that matter, but leaves well enough alone, for the time being.
Sinned infers to her he will cast Satan, like he did with other demon into the pit, and continued to walk slowly, “Go home Sinned, it is not your day, or duty to cast Lucifer into the pit, nor will you need to cast Marduk, for he is gone; Lucifer now is becoming nervous, she knows too much of Sinned’s weakness, his pride, and a secret.
The revenge of the Tiamat, will solve this, is complete, it is the King he wants out of the way, and Sinned as well. “Go to your One God, he is waiting,” says the She Ocean. Then she walks to Satan’s temple. Sinned is confused.
Then like a storm, Lucifer roared like a lion, starts hissing like a snake. And with a powerful blow hits the She Ocean to her knees, as Sinned observed. The She Ocean knew her time was about to end, but Lucifer remained steadfast, thinking, looking.
Sinned then said to the She Ocean,”Come with me…you will be safe.” She looked, and replied, “But I am 400-years old, if I leave I will die shortly.” Said Sinned, “Have you not heard of a place called Paradise, where no one dies.” She replied, “Oh, yes, it is for the sin free.” Said Sinned, “Oh no, you are wrong, it is for sinful, who have been washed clean and become sin free. You are of flesh you have a second chance, come while you can. But you will have to leave all you acquire behind.”
Chapter Six:
The She Ocean Is Killed by Lucifer
Chapter Seven:
The King Must Live
The Tiamat tries to kill the King, and is cast into the Underworld by Sinned before he is [thus, flesh and blood in the Underworld]
Chapter Eight:
Galapagos/or Azores
The King is released from the Underworld via island of the Galapagos for renewal and brought back to Yort, where he meets cannibals. Sinned has made a deal with Serr’el to have him there for 1-year and this will be his kingdom, should he want to return to Yort, he must rule by the will of God, and the Mesopotamian stone. The king agrees and is brought back.
Chapter Nine
Pride vs. God
Lucifer now goes to Sinned’s house, for the King is back and is trying to get people to close up the temples, and really does not care if he becomes a martyr. Sinned tries to force Satan from his home and Satan tries to give him a heart attack, short of killing him; tries to drawn him with demonic night mares. And Sinned tries to cast Satan in to the pit, Satan knowing he can’t do it. Sinned thinks his God has left him, and then the She Ocean comes into his dreams. And whispers to him the secret Satan knows, and his pride, for Satan can not be cast, only the name of the Messiah can cast Satan from his haunting presence, and still, he may come around. But this is his weapon.
And so there is a show down, in the Messiahs name and Satan’s temple along with the rest are torn down. And then a storm appears a cosmic storm.
End of Book and Story
Index of names, and Main Characters *
1) * Marduk; demigod
2) Sinned – [born 6840 BCE] after aging and being a soldier in Yort, and living their [6790 BCE/70-years old]; he has now open up an academy of antiquity, theology and philosophy. Sinned was the main character in the past three Tiamat series, but takes a back seat in this one
3) *King Thesas III
4) The Commander of Yort [Sergeant]
5) *The Tiamat, demigod of the Underworld [once demigod of the seas]
6) Semas is not dead yet [helper in Sinned’s house]
11) The Ram god of Yort
12) *Ganymede’s - prince of Yort [slave prince] given to Marduk; he is given back to his father King Thesas III when he is ordered to live five years on the Isle of Cannibals [Galapagos]
13) Angra Mainyu (angry spirit) Satan’s helper
14) The She Ocean, a Human Spirit given life for 1000-years
15) Pruj, demon from the pit/deception, disease
16) *Satan [Lucifer]; he is now branching out and planting his temples around the world. In the first three volumes he was most in the background
17) The Spirits and Cannibals of the Galapagos
18) Serr’el the good angel, and friend of Sinned, takes the King to the Galapagos, and relays the message from Sinned on behalf of King Thesas III
The Tiamat,
And the Mesopotamia Stone
The Great Stone of Yort
Advance (Sinned, born 6820 BC): this was the fifth part of the sage of the Tiamat written, or the last of the earlier works. In the trilogy, it is indicated what took place but never drawn out. In this short sketch, written between 2002 and 2003, when most of the saga fragments were written to make a new book in future time, so was “The Tiamat, and the Mesopotamia Stone,” feeling it was too quickly passed over in the original text: done in a narrative reporting style (information approach).
Sinned is perhaps ten years old at this juncture of his life, living in the city-state of Yort (in what today is Turkey). The Tiamat, lives out in the woods with her two young sons (Untamable and First Born), she also has a daughter, Gwyllion, who is in the underworld of Avalon (present day England). Sinned´s man, his father, a long time soldier, as his father was, and as Sinned will become is off fighting with King Thesas I, in Mesopotamia, where he finds the blessed stone, and his father is told by an angle of God, to put the laws of Yort on them, and the stone will be blessed, and to put the stone in a temple in Yort, and there it should remain for the people to see, read, and go according to. Should any force try to destroy it, or harm it, or harm anyone around it, it would be to their downfall.
This is done accordingly, and swiftly, but to the discomfort of the Tiamat, for she has her eyes set on entering Yort, it is just a matter of time, and when she does, she expects to dominate the king or kill him (and she will kill him in time), then she will have the people of Yort build a temple to her, and for her (this will come about in time, but not during this period of her live). And so her intentions at this corner is to destroy the stone before the laws are written on it, and it becomes blessed, and she accomplishes this, that is, capturing the stone, and puts it close to her body as she sleeps. She expects to take it to the bottom of the sea in the early morning, so it will never be found, and during her sleep the King, King Thesas I, and Sinned’s father take it, the angel Serr’el (whom will become Sinned´s guarding angel after his father’s death, puts his hand on the Tiamat, she can’t move, and remains in a frozen sleep.
In the process of the King and Sinned’s father, of escaping out of the area, and into the woods near Yort, the Tiamat wakes up, and follows the scent of the two. She does meet up with both of them, and in a trying battle, swords against her wicket claws, Sinned´s father is fatally wounded, whom cries out for the king to take the stone to Yort, which is now not all that far. With horse and wagon—for the stone is huge—the king heads the dying mans words, and as the king takes off, the Tiamat’s intentions are to block him, but Sinned´s father blocks the Tiamat, and she tares his limbs off, eats him part by part, which allows the king to advance towards Yort, and now full, she cannot run, and thus, loses the Great Stone.
Thereafter the stone is placed in the temple of the One God, of Yort, for there are other temples, in particular, one called the Mystery Temple (of the Angels whom are in prison), here the priest worship an angle they know little about (which is in the trilogy). The citizens of Yort all go to see this mysterious stone, and Sinned is told by his mother his father was the source in saving the stone, and is proclaimed a hero of Yort: Sinned wants to follow in his father’s foot steps, and will in time.
The Tiamat, now in the woods, is visited and told by Serr’el not to try to take the Great Stone of Yort, as long as King Thesas is king of Yort, or she will face the doom of Almighty God, and be cast into the depthless abyss, and never see a flicker of light again. Thus, the stone remains in place, and Yort, has its rules.
The King and the Island
Advance: “The King and the Island,” In this short sketch, the king will be sent to an island, normally I do not write an advance, thus telling the reader before hand what happens, but this sketch is so short, it seems to me it does matter. Many things happen, in a short period of writing space. This sketch was actually written before the “The Tiamat and the King,” at which time I felt Sinned should die: written probably in 1999, or 2000, when the trilogy of the Tiamat was being written. It was in essence meant to be a book or a chapter in a boo, but only the outline was produced. The name given to this story, “The King and the Island,” was given 6-29-2007. The story was meant to be an in-between story of the trilogy, or again I say, interwoven into second, or the last book of the trilogy. As it comes to mind, a chapter that could be put into the last book, seems more reasonable, but never was, a chapter story in essence, although the outline was written in case I wanted to do so in future time. The name of the story now being called The King and the Island, because the Island was meant to be the central theme of the story, but of course it was never given that name at the time, so it simply became part of this story, in a avalanche of events.
The Story: The King and the Island
The story takes place in Uruk (present day Iraq); Yort, present day, Asia Minor, and the Underworld, present day Hell, and an island we shall look at later in the Atlantic. The She Ocean is involved in here as well as in the Tiamat trilogy, and is involved with Sinned´s quest; she lives in the ruins of Pergamun, Asia Minor, this is where Sinned had met her first as a youth, a soldier of Yort, and one who went to many lands to fight for the might of Yort, and where she tried to seduce him. The information Sinned seeks is where Uruk is and how Creation came about (and he will find out some of what he seeks, such as: will there be a flood in his time. Actually, Sinned finds out there will be three floods, one in his time and that there was one about 2500-years before his time (9600 BC), and there will be one after his time, which is around 3600-3700 BC. Serr’el, his guarding angel, assists him with this. In addition He finds out there are cities in the world called Ur and Uruk in the land of Sumer, with the help of The She Ocean, an old friend, and one who sought after him, to get away from her master and teacher, Satan. At this time, Sinned is sixty years old; he has perhaps 30-more years to live. And as it was a time for war and adventure for him in his youth, it is no a time for him to seek out the mysteries of life, as it will be in later days, a time for him to die and to rest and will give up the conquest of trying to save the city and its peoples, as now it seems to be sketched in his will.
The Tiamat, comes back a third time as a spirit, after being in the underworld, this time. The King goes to an island off the coast of where the Pillars of Hercules are (present day, the Rock of Gibraltar). He feels the Tiamat will kill him; this is the frightened and mousey King Thesas III. At the island he finds he is not very well liked, for his reputation precedes him, and is pushed around a bit by the barbaric inhabitants. Pushed and abused in all forms, he sees the other side of life of course, yet in future time, this will all fade and will not produce a good king out of him, that is to say, this experience will not mold him to be a better man, to humanity, if anything, it will cause him to be more less revenant, and more deviant. Thus, he returns to Yort, to take his chances with the demigods and in particular, the Tiamat.
And so now we see the king is reunited into Yort, and the Tiamat feels he can be used as an authority figure, one that will do her bidding, for now she is in spirit form, and realizes she either has to enter another person and possess him soul and all, or be less restrictive for herself, and dominate the king, and back him up, as she slowly commands all of Yort.
During this time, Sinned is given visions of the end of Yort, and Uruk, a land with a king that will be known as Gilgamesh. He sees both cities in mud, and he sees the son born, called Gilgamesh, and he sees a Vampire High Priest, whom is called the father of Gilgamesh, but this is in question of course, he cannot make out the details. But he is seeing the development of his ancient world take place, to him it is present day, and the visions are future time.
During this period of time, as I had mentioned, when the Tiamat and Sinned were not friends, and I mean that in the sense of working together, because in time they will have to, Sinned cast him into the sea, where she originally was as a physical creature long before Sinned came onto the world scene. The Tiamat knows, Sinned has a power that was given to him by the Almighty, and all the demons and citizens of Yort know this as well, Sinned is in a way, the safety belt, or zone for the righteous citizens. If indeed they wish to be part of the One God Temple in the city, where Sinned goes, they are safe, but the demigods realize if anything, the nature of the human being, which is power and pleasure, and this is the premise the work on in Yort.
And so, for a very short period of time, Yort is free of its demigods again, for Sinned has ordered them out, lest they want to be cast into the pit, the abyss (where in future time this will not be possible simply because the inhabitants will not wish it to be, and therefore, as any democracy goes, Sinned will not stand in his their way); and as Sinned has done many times in the past, he is sitting on the Great Walls of Yort, looking down into the valley, and down into the city-fortress of Yort, his city, the one he loves so very much. And he is proud, not that he has done what he has done, but that he was part of it, usable, and available for God, and his city.
The Coming of the Tiamat to Yort
(The Haste of the Tiamat)
Advance: the coming of the Tiamat to Yort” was the most recent story written, and written from the “Last Tales of the Tiamat,” in particular. It tells a little about the history of the Tiamat, and how she came to be in the Mediterranean, area, in which she seems to have drifted into it out of the cold Atlantic about 7000 BC. It also mentions for the first time, Sinned´s Grandparents. Written 6-20-2007.
The Story
Chapter One
The haste of the Tiamat
There was a time prior to the advent of man on earth, one might even say it was a long road from the birth of this time to the time of the Tiamat and on to man, perhaps 118,000 BC might be a good starting point for this prior statement, to the time now of 7000 BC, where the great walls of Yort can bee seen from the woods and Great Sea.
She (the Tiamat) came out of the icy waters of the Atlantic before the earth was healed by the Great War of the Demigods.
Thence she came pass the Pillars of Hercules, came bitterly half frozen from the new continent now known as Antarctica (back then perhaps known as the Peril of Atlantis, for prior to Atlantis (9600 BC, there was no Antarctica, so it was said.
At this given time in history the Artic receded far below where it is today, perhaps all the way to New Orleans, and Antarctica crept almost up to the Azores, where Atlantis was born. And the winds from the Arctic swept south, so there was no relief for the waters the Tiamat swam in, lest she go to the Pacific, and that land populated with the Bird-gods and Moai people, and many other mysterious creatures.
Alas, the oceans were a perilous place to live in those far off days, and thus, she came in haste to find a new abode, and that she did, the waters of the Great Mediterranean Though for three and twenty millennium, had past since her birth, now she has found a new path to be trodden upon, and she will soon find out, it leads into the great forest of Yort, and there she will be able to see the Great Walls of Yort, city-state, in Asia Minor. And so great was each step (parting the cold waters of the Atlantic), it was carved in her heart and evil mind, she had found the Garden of Eve, which of course she did not.
The land where she had now come to was now bleak and bare, from a great flood that had taken place 9600 BC, just 1600-years prior to this arrival. It took all of 700-years to dry this landscape to what it was now. And it was that many of these lands were re-peopled.
The Tiamat did not understand at first the harsh tongues of the new world, so she walked warily into the many corners of the lands and sea, listening and learning, in due time spotting the walls of Yort, and set up a hiding place in the deep of the woods, living silently in those days, that is to a certain degree anyway.
Wherever she was, no living thing felt safe, strayed slowly away, she was a deadly looking creature, she that took by force, all she wished.
As rim as she was, form her travels, she asked now and then of the news of the Great City of Yort. And suspiciously she was, and lived.
She spoke at this time the old tongue of the demigods, a language now forgotten for the most part. And in time she would learn several languages of the area, she had a lot of time to do so.
It was a soft spoken language, with no tidings, just bare facts of the moment, and focused on the present.
At this time, Sinned was not yet born, but his Grandparents were.
Chapter Two
The Lord of Arms
…and so King Thesas I was not even the king yet, which would be in the time of Sinned, 6840 BC, and during this time there were no beggars in the city as there would be in latter days, the days of Sinned. His grandfather was a soldier, likened to his father and himself, the time is 7000 BC, and the Grandfather will live to be around 250-years old, which was not uncommon for it day.
They called Sinned´s Grandfather, “The Lord of Arms,” he was a general in the Army of Yort, and a fierce fighter indeed. His wife, LADY Newrom, and the grandfather were known as Lord Rom.
Here in this great stone house, Lord Rom lived, and his wife gave birth to Sinned´s father, and would inherit the house, and likewise, Sinned in time would inherit the house.
(To update the reader on the trilogy of the Tiamat, Sinned´s father would be slain by the Tiamat, and his mother by the Amazons. And so Sinned´s family had a history with the Tiamat from almost the on start of her arrival, for Lord Rom, will also have his dealings with her.)
No one dare touch Newrom, when Lord Rom was out to war that is until the appearance of the Tiamat, who showed, or had no fears, not yet anyway. She aided the poor, farm children who lived in the fields and outside the walls of Yort, with food and advice.
It is not known for sure but an old man gave some credence (and testimony after the fact) to the event, that Lady Newrom, with one of the farm daughter’s were plundered by some strange event, thing—she was stripped for her cloths, which lay loose on the ground and there was no sight of her. It was said by the old man, he saw a green colored object, perhaps hand, grabbed her and the young girl, quick like an alligator and the cloths remained where she was grabbed, and that was the last anyone had ever seen of either one of the two females. The old man was too frightened even to send in his hunting dogs to save the couple, lest he expose his whereabouts, and be subject to the same fate. Assuming it was the Tiamat, and it seems most probably it was; accordingly, that was the beginning of what was to be called, “The Cursed Forest of Yort.”
The Lord of Arms…
The Tiamat and the Winter Withdrawn
(In Three Parts)
The Creation of Yort,
And the Land of Sorrows
(Part of the Tiamat Tales)
Written 6-21-2007
Part I of II I Parts
The Tiamat escaped the great winters of 9600 BC, when Atlantis sunk, and the creation of a new continuant was born, called “The Frozen Lands of Poseidon” (present day Antarctica).
At this time, a great catastrophe took place upon the continent of Europe, and Asia as well as—all the way down the Southern Atlantic, the underground, bottom of the sea, opened up and swallowed much of what was land, turned it upside down, or so it seemed, covered what didn’t sink with mud. Legend says, it was then called ‘The Land of Sorrows,’ much of the Atlantean elite, left the so called tips of the mountains of what was left of Atlantis and fled to Crete and Egypt, creating a new race and life, and a secret society within these societies, that would someday become worldwide.
At this time, many of the inhabitants also fled to a land near the Black Sea, where now stands Troy, but before Troy, it was Yort. It was a land set aside, alone on a mountain top, sort of. It could guard itself from the many nations that would in time envy her.,. a great enclosure her people would build, and man and beast would marvel at Yort’s great walls, the envy of the new world. Gilgamesh would try to copy these same walls in his day (2700 BC), the demigod from Sumer.
The Tiamat withdrew from the islands in the Atlantic and during the eruption was cast into the frozen waters of now, the new land, Antarctica.
At this time, Yort, was but a few months old, being build after the destruction of the old world order, which was by the leadership of Atlantis, thus, the first king of Yort was but a King for a very short period of time, called Hellsink (He was as wicket as he was sadistic, he had courage alright, and people of Yort grew to dread him and his ways: he loved the hunting of the wild bear and humans, with hidden eyes. He was at one time an Atlantean with a tinge of Greek heritage in him, a simple soldier, who now became a king. He would take at will, and call it his right, the brides to be in Yort, and if there was any resistance, he would kill the whole family of the bride, to include the groom.
Sunrise, the king’s young wife, also of Atlantean stock, but with Egyptian blood also, feared the king less than anyone, and above all, loved his new found kingdom. In truth, she proved to be a better Queen, than he a king. Straight she walked, and tall, for she had come from a royal house in the Port of Poseidonia, the land of Atlantis. And although the king would rule for less than two years, she would rule for one hundred and twenty-seven, and die at the ripe old age of 175-years old.
And so this is the history of the beginnings of Yort, and the coming of the Tiamat, and the winter she would withdraw from to find her new nest.
Lemuria —the Tiamat’s Peril
Written 6-21-2007
Part II of III Parts
The Queen of Tears
(A Sad Tale of the Tiamat)
Part III of III Parts
Written 6-21-2006
Notes on the Making of “The Last Tales of the Tiamat”
“The King and the Tiamat,” written in chapter summation originally, and put aside and misplaced; but now stretched out, reshaped or reworked recently. This short book [story] was written [in part] during the time period [about four years ago] while the other three books were being published on the Tiamat, but set aside for the most part [written in: 2000-2001]; rewritten 2003, and restructured and finished 11/19/03. I was not going to finish it but when I decided to do the “Tales of the Tiamat,” I felt it a must, to finished the story to give the other three books an ending; now, not finishing the tales I have found or added to this volume, and gone over it once again in September and October of 2004, a few modifications only; for this might be put into a short story book yet [which now is in the making]. I hope you enjoy it. First time published, not in any other books, to include the trilogy of the Tiamat, or magazines.
“The Ghost of the Tiamat,” (3-pages, or 1118 words), this is another fragment to the short stories of the Tiamat series I started writing, this in particular story was written 1-2004, and updated on 12-4-2005.This short Vignette/sketch was to be #4: introduction into a new series, which was never produced, but in 2005, I decided to created with these four short stories, “The Last Tales of the Tiamat”, to include the twenty-five plus pages of “The Tiamat and the king”. (Revised 6-2007)
“The Tiamat, and the Mesopotamia Stone” is a story started but never grew, perhaps because it has been told in part in the first three books of the Tiamat, although it set some firm dates, I forgot, such as the birth of Sinned being 6820 BC; the time the King and his father are gone to bring back the great stone: Sinned is five years old at the time, or the year is 6815 BC, when they return, the father is dead, killed by the Tiamat, and Sinned is 15 years old, the year is 6800 BC. I would seem in other writings I put Sinned´s death birth at 6800 BC. But I tend to feel I miscalculated, thinking BC goes forward when it goes backwards if to catch up with the AD period. He would have been born, 6820 BC. The king and his father were gone ten-years, as I wanted it to be. (Revised 6-2007)
“The Invincible Tiamat, and the Mad King of Uruk” this short story, about 2000-words was written in 8-2002, a few years after “The Tiamat and the King”, after
“The King and the Island,” In this short sketch, the king will be sent to an island, normally I do not write an advance, thus telling the reader before hand what happens, but this sketch is so short, it seems to me it does matter. Many things happen, in a short period of writing space. This sketch was actually written before the “The Tiamat and the King,” at which time I felt Sinned should die, probably in 1999, or 2000, when the trilogy of the Tiamat was being written. It was in essence meant to be a book, but only the outline was produced. The name given to this story, “The King and the Island,” was given 6-20-2007 (revised, 6-2007).
“The Coming of the Tiamat to Yort” was the most recent story written, and written from the “Last Tales of the Tiamat,” in particular. It tells a little about the history of the Tiamat, and how she came to be in the Mediterranean, area, in which she seems to have drifted into it out of the cold Atlantic about 7000 BC. It also mentions for the first time, Sinned´s Grandparents. Written 6-20-2007.
“The Tiamat and the Winter Withdrawn” is a three part story of the Tiamat, and the city Yort. “The Creation of Yort,” and “Lemuria, the Tiamat’s Peril,” and “The Queen of Tears” are three tales of the Tiamat, which predate all the other tales in time, according to the story. That is to say, all other tales are around the date 6800 BC, now the tales take you deeper into time and pre history.
(To include: “The Death of Sinned”)
Now completed after seven- years
By Dennis L. Siluk
Copyright © by Dennis L. Siluk
“The Last Tales of the Tiamat”
Dennis L. Siluk
(Written between 2000-2005))Revised in-between, and reedited, and
Again reedited and revised in 2007))
The Tiamat and the King
The Ghost of the Tiamat
The Invisible Tiamat
The Tiamat and the Mesopotamia Stone
The King and the Island
New Adventures (6-2007)
The Coming of the Tiamat to Yort
(The Haste of the Tiamat)
The Tiamat and the Winter Withdrawn
(In Three Parts)
The Creation of Yort
Notes on the Making of “The Last Tales of the Tiamat”
Dedicated to Brynna Siluk
Yort, in Asia, Minor 6840 BC
Between the primitive wilds of a demonic world and a hum civilization trying to adjust to its time, Sinned in the first book of the three Tiamat series called “Tiamat, Mother of Demon,” tries to create a balance between them, so every one can co-exist. He even tries to convince the Almighty to spare the world on these grounds.
In book two of this saga, his goal starts to change. With the new demonic forces in place, especially, Gwyllion, Daughter of the Tiamat, he sees this goal in a less positive way; where maintaining a laze-fare status quo, seems fruitless. He is starting to give up on his city, for the world he lives in is being held together by the terror of the demigods.
In Revenge of the Tiamat, book three [which maybe should be book one] Sinned is but 20-years old, and just gets to know the Tiamat for the most part. His father and step-father have both died by the hands of the Tiamat, while he was quite young. In this book you see his development, what made him as he was to become, as shown in books one and two.
If you were to look back at the previous three books he does gain recognition as a warrior, and well liked among the many peoples an cities and lands of the world of it day. He learns to live with the evil as well as the Godly, and a philosophy: we somehow must all live together, and the balancing act can never stop. He observes the Commander, the King and the Tiamat as they rule by might, not right.
In these short sketches of The Tiamat tales, Sinned is much older than in previous books, and finds himself teaching the younger cadets the principles of honor and dignity, and the love for their great city; along with other things: feeling, even though he is burdened with old age, he still has a place in Yort’s destiny, to include the Underworld and King Thesas III. And this is really where the journey starts. It ends of course with the movement of the cosmos, and destruction of earth, and his death. In-between, there are still tales to tell.
The Short Tale/Book: Four
[The unfinished story—Last Tale of the Tiamat
Now completed after seven- years]
Done in a Reporting Narration, as if in a Play or Script
The Tiamat and the King
King Thesas III
The Conclusion of the Tiamat Series and Tales
It has been said: revenge is never the winner,
simply because it kills both the giver and the
receiver, but try and tell that to the Tiamat…
Sinned, Resident of Yort
Please join me for another unsung tale, unsung in the wilds of far off times—in a world that searched for what it meant to be human; ruled by the inhuman: in the Last Tales of the Tiamat [approximately 6840 BC].
The Commander of Yort
The Commander of Yort, Commander Snemelc (Sinned’s old friend from the Amazon War), who also had lost his son by the demigods of the wet-lands (England, Germany and parts of France—or Gaul; in years past) is still not a believer in any temple religions, to include Sinned’s God. But he has hired Sinned to teach at the academy of military warfare, for a while at least, until the King orders him to become a prisoner in his own home; which I predict is not far off. Sinned is presently an old man in his 90s.
Marduk and Satan returned from Pergamun, Avalon, Hydra, Stonehenge, and Egypt, where they were setting up or designing, and starting to build new temples for themselves, mostly for Satan, the Adversary as he is also known (that is, having them built by the hands of slaves)—it is really Satan’s quest at this point—more so than Marduk’s: Satan whom wants to become the prominent figure on the world scene (although Marduk would like to remain the second main power on earth, he is unsure if he is really a prospect) even though he is wiggling in a few converts, he has more or less become a follower to Lucifer’s cause than a leader to his own, or so it seems, as once he was. Yet it would be unwise to say Marduk is not trying his best to build an empire of temple sites himself (while at the same time trying not to upset Satan), and in the process demolishing all the other demonic-beasts temples, hence, eliminating the competition in the god-head area in the known world of this millennium, and especially at the great city of Yort, their home city-state; the city of the world (in Asia Minor); --furthermore, becoming the one and only to be worshiped on earth besides Lucifer.
Satan tells Marduk that at this point: he has under estimated his enemy [Sinned, a man of God, God Almighty]: that he is acting out of emotion, not thinking—Sinned being that enemy, who has favor with God, who is also the enemy to the world of demigods, and renegade angels. Thus, Satan, adds to, telling Marduk, “I know Him well [Sinned’s God], and if he is for Sinned who can really be against him?” waiting for Marduk’s response. Marduk shows fear not only for Sinned’s God but now for the first time—outright fears Lucifer; the alliance seems to be quivering. Yet the fearfulness of Sinned is in a more docile way, yet it carries its apprehensiveness nonetheless. For the most part, the dread seems to steam from the ability that Sinned can put him in the pit, almost at will; but than, so can Satan, and Satan knows this is a fear of his; consequently, Satan is trying to duplicate that fear
[The Tiamat’s Revenge] The Tiamat has waited for a long time to get her revenge on Marduk, Marduk in particularly that is for it is he that she wants to settle some old scores with. She knows he has befriended the angelic renegade, called Lucifer [now Satan], but all the same, she will try to avenge the misdeed he has done to her (by killing her in battle and being cast down into the Underworld—years earlier), and perhaps, just maybe, get a little help from Lucifer on the way, providing she can offer him a pleasing recipe for his quest, that is, for his pursuit to be accomplished without reservation. She knows Satan by reputation of deed, which of course is malice, her lifestyle. He is a being liken to her, a personality for revenge, if it can be had at a subtle price; for domination if it can be had without a curse, and worship, as long as it can be granted without any interference: all these are the traits that make up a good demigod, if not learned by the Angelic Renegades themselves—like Satan, and genetically imprinted in each demigod, for surely Satan himself is the prince of malice and cleverness, so much so, he could be her ally and teach her more than the old ones.
At this point, she (she: being the Tiamat (although the Tiamat is a s/he—, a demonic hermaphrodite if you will) has given up her underworld crown and dictatorship to gain a spirit form of life in the upper world. Hence, realizing she cannot have a physical body any longer this was her only way to gain entrance into the earths gravity belt (for she had her one and only chance to be likened to humans in the physical form and lost it by way of a fight with Marduk some years back) and now having lost it, revenge remains—un-quenched to this day. But by way of accepting her new form, and a ghostly form at that, and being the unquestionable Underworld’s absolute ruler, has now left her kingdom to roam the invisible earthly globe, hungry as a roaring vampire she is, with plans and ideas to stretch out her influence and quest over Marduk during this new journey of hers.
Although the demonic-beings can see her, the earthlings cannot. But it wasn’t the earthlings for the most part anyway that dominated her mind—her will. Yet, her agonizing bitterness, which twisted in her stomach, was craving for retribution from the one who inflicted pain upon her, caused her physical death. As for the humans, should they get into her way they would of course, face her might, her anger.
On another note, Sinned was never any help to her in the physical world, should he get in her way that could be very interesting, she pondered. On one hand, she liked him for some odd reason, on the other, she could eat him just as easily as she vomited up his father, now many years in the past. But that was simply a fleeting thought racing through her head as she is now getting ready for her new expedition, mission of sorts. On the other hand, if she can avoid, now the old man Sinned, whom is (to her idea) too old to fart even, all the better: in thought, she told herself, ‘…why stir up trouble with him, especially before I get my revenge on Marduk, it makes no sense, there is a time and place for that, should it come to that.’
And now, now that she was entering a new life, a new adventure, who would worship her, this is of course, a part of every demonic beings nature, yes oh yes, the need—indeed, the need to be worshiped, the fancy to be worshiped.
It is like man’s nature to hide his real thoughts, to use language to simple talk, which was not the essence of the person, the part that he hid, that is what she had learned anyhow, what Satan worked with, what all demons knew of man. It didn’t matter what language you spoke, it was human nature, that was the language you had to understand; this, she felt, would take some thought, she really needed to re-invent herself, and work on getting a following, a few to follow her, worship her, that would just be a plus, Satan she knew was sewing up most of the worship areas in his favor, and Marduk, oh well, she thought, he will not need to be worshiped, nor given the time to be with her new plans in store for him, which she would deliver shortly. Plus, she had to simply get used to this new spirit form of life without touch, physical touch that is, and a lot of other non-sensory items built into her new body of sorts, or whitish configuration she had to float around in.
“Yes,” she moaned, “I have no smell, touch, no feeling of cold, wet or heat, all the things Marduk is subject to [has], who took them away from me.” Surely, life would not be the same should she take them from him she thought, but again, she told herself: ‘…first things first.’ She also knew more sooner than later, Sinned would get news of her transformation—and presence, she knew he’d adjust well, he always did in the past, and it would just be a matter of time for him to get involved somehow, someway with her life again. So in a way, time was of the essence; consequently the Tiamat’s way of thinking was, ‘People think time will heal past outcomes,’ and it may, but it also gives the enemy time to plan better. And this she had done. The question that begged an answer, or would beg one was: should Sinned appear on the scene, what then? She concluded: ‘What can I do in a physical world, where I’m like a ghost?’ (Only time would tell.)
(As the Tiamat had now joined the upper world, several weeks had passed. She has now visited several locations on earth, gathering information here and there for her announcement that she was back.)
—Sinned, had heard the Tiamat had capabilities to materialize, and he was told he was given the gift of trans-vision at the same time, that is, he could see into both worlds should the Tiamat appear. Matter-of-fact, the day she was granted this new ‘self’, she had to make a deal, and part of it was Sinned would be granted this transparent vision to be able to see into both worlds within the first appearance of her on earth, meaning, if she materialized just once, just one time, in any location, he would at that point be given this trait. Moreover, during these several weeks she—the first weeks of her new voyage into earths atmosphere—she kept a low profile of her activities, and did not materialize for that very reason.
In addition, the Tiamat didn’t know for sure, one way or the other, if he [he: being Sinned] still held the capability of casting her into the pit, the Abyss (which was of course different than the underworld, more gruesome, and confining). The Abyss, or the pit, was where no beast or devil or demon, creature, and sure no human, wanted to go; where bones rot just because of the heat and smell. Where you continuously fall, fall and fall: --hanging onto roots, and ugly insects looking at you, grabbing at you, scaring you on and on and on—; where horror was the nature of things—and crimson round one-hundred-legged quarter size insects bite you night and day, with sad eyes that seemed to stick inside of their heads haunted you night and day; ah, I forgot, there is no day there, so it is just gloomy dark like night. And so life would be interesting for the Tiamat, as well as the world that awaited her. Yet, her secret appearance, or her debut, would be kept secret, secret that is until s/he had to appear (for she was of both sexes, as I have already mentioned; or sexless), as long as she didn’t expose herself to the physical world she could produce her plan better.
At this juncture, Sinned had told Serr’el (his holy angelic friend) he had no intentions of exposing her, as long as the demons kept their fighting among themselves. That is to say, exposing her to the world at large, thus, causing more fear to his city of Yort, which had enough fear within their bones and walls; Sinned had always felt it a privilege to do service for his city, yet it was a thankless task during his older years, or at least it had become that now.
Meeting with the Ram god
The Tiamat has now left the Underworld, and made her way to Yort, where she has met with the Ram-god, who Marduk has threaten to kill. As she materializes, she tells him about her new spirit-form, and what she has done to acquire this new freedom. At first the Ram-god is a little taken back by this, not knowing her abilities, if any at all; inasmuch as, she once was the Queen of the Seas and feared in all the lands of the world—that is, until Marduk came into the picture—and of course the Underworld that eventually became under her control, her legend proceeded her all the way to the Netherworld, she was not one to be trusted, nor overlooked either.
At this occasion, the Ram-god now explains about Lucifer’s new agenda, that is, on becoming the number one challenger to Marduk, yet they have not fought, or tried to eliminate one another; not a surprising step, the Ram-god feels, for each is using one another for the moment, yet the Ram-god indicates to the Tiamat, he feels this is because he is somewhat submissive to him [to Lucifer], and in need of his allegiance for the moment, which indeed he is.
The Ram-god also explains he is aware his days maybe numbered; in as much as, he knows he could very will be on his way to the underworld at any moment for the most part, when he is no more useful to Lucifer that is; meaning in essence, any day, any day depending on the mood of either Marduk, or again I say Satan.
Narrowly the Tiamat looks deep into the Ram’s eyes, knowing he is in need of a ally, and he could be, and she could meet that very need for him, fill that very want of his, so she says to the Ram-god (in a calm tender voice ((unlike hers: and as it has been written somewhere in history: beware of a women who speaks beautifully, she’s maneuvering waywardness.)): ”…they may have plans for you already my friend, it is best we, you and I united, if not outright, silently and clearly.”
As well it must be, thought the Ram-god, and with more thinking: ‘…the Tiamat wants to make a deal with me (he concludes hesitantly in his mind’s eye), assuring me of something.’ He then asks: “What is it you want from me?”
Said she (with that infamous grin of hers, a jeer if you will): “…he will take you out [meaning: Marduk], and when he does you will have to go to the underworld; so it is just a matter of time, but I have friends there in the Netherworld, I will instruct the Underworld to make you [the Ram-god] second in command, which is of course, second to my daughter—Gwyllion. And when Marduk shows up, and I assure you he will in time, he will be the scorn of the Underworld, and under you.”
The Ram-god’s head now has shifted emotionally to the ground, staring, thinking—deep emotions going to and fro, throughout his huge cantankerous body which is wanting to argue, but no words coming out from his mind or out of his mouth; he ascends his eyes, his brow to her level, “And what…” he implies with a harsh voice.
Says the Tiamat to the Ram: “Hmmh…its better you give me help, and possibly give up your physical life on earth if need be, if called for, and be assured of a ruler-ship in the Underworld—better than, better than, not having a pack with me, and a future dominion elsewhere if not here: Lucifer is taking everything slowly anyhow. And by the way, it is also just a matter of time, not an ‘if’, but a ‘when,’ that Marduk or Satan will get rid of you, it will happen, that is, when the duel-twins [Marduk and Satan], come to you one night and kill you for your temple, as they have killed many before. And you will end up being a dog in the Underworld like the rest of the humans, demigods and creatures you have no idea ever existed. There are only three, only three in the Underworld with power of any real kind, or maybe four, but Satan does not come down there (as many people think) but once in a great while, he can’t stand it, it smells too bad. And the three I mention are, me, my daughter Gwyllion, and the Mantic ore, and so it can be you and my daughter and the Mantic ore.”
After hearing all this the Ram-god makes the exchange, the demonic pack, a curse unto one another; should it be broken, a curse that will follow either one; now it is implemented, and both are allies.
Lucifer and the Tiamat
In: The Death Valley
The next step for the Tiamat was to find Satan [the Adversary], and she does so, shortly after talking to the Ram-god: the Tiamat makes a deal with Satan to fight Marduk in place for finding out Sinned’s secret, the secret that tells about the time and place of the end of the world, plus how it will end; him knowing it, and given directly to him by the Almighty God Himself. This troubles the angelic-Lucifer, the Adversary to the Almighty, and He senses time can be short, or possibly long, either way, but he wants to know what way. Because he can’t put a finger on it, on what the secret is, that is, the date, what date, the date it will be; as a result, he will be able to plan his future and it is starting to irritate him that he can’t, and he is a thinker, a planner if anything. He sees something more to it, and ponders on such thoughts (call it intuition).
‘Is this the beginning or the end? the beginning of something new after the end? or the end of ends?’
This is what bothers him, for if it is the ‘end of ends’ then where is his stead, or his end abode? On one hand he thinks it can be possibly sooner than he had previously anticipated, for he feels it is several-thousand years in the future. But he could be wrong, he was wrong once before, and it was a coasty wrong; as the demons were absolutely wrong about him. They thought they have power over him, when in essence; it was the other way around. Some are finding this out the hard way now. This he has not made known, now it fits into his scheme of things to let them think what they will. For he speaks their language, yet it is their heart he wants to know. It is easy to enslave a man, he knows that, but to own his soul is different. And that cannot be gotten simply by language, or having them think he is over-powerful. He knows the nature of demons as well as men, as well as the nature of humans and beasts and all sorts of in-between creatures. And shortly, he will become the Prince of Demons, in all realms, in particular the underworld, the upper world, and in the physical and invisible worlds; just a matter of time.
Furthermore, Marduk has been quite helpful, in that, he stays out of his way; plus, people are more fearful of him, so Lucifer has been playing the good guy, and gaining more of Marduk’s followers, and worshipers, while he plays his old devilish self. But no matter what, Sinned’s name keeps popping up as a danger to not only the demons, but to the world order at bay: he has likened to a spiritual fence around him, no one can really get to him without being cast either into the pit, or scorned by God Himself, so how can the Tiamat, or for that matter anyone get to him, to find the information Lucifer wants?
Ah yes! This is the question that comes to his mind.
Another question that seems to arise is: what is underneath the mind of the Tiamat? With the Tiamat’s desperation to have Marduk killed and his endless haunting revenge once and for all settled, quenched, and begs the question how strong is Marduk’s friendship with Lucifer. On the other hand, Satan would take out Marduk sooner or later anyway; so feels the Tiamat. And Sinned would die (for he is quite old now, just a matter of time, so most of the demonic world feels) and then he could rule this kingdom without any interference (which Satan was just waiting for, feeling he had time and patience, but now somehow he had found out about a secret Sinned might have, and time is the very thing that is questionable (it is worth its weight in gold, perhaps the weight of the world); yes, time, more precious than silver and gold; even food and shelter). But then again, why wait for the answer, if he could get the ball rolling sooner, than later—which would make for a good head start on things. So Lucifer thought all the better, and after a moment of deep thought, calculations on needs and wants to his benefits, he agrees to kill Marduk in a fight for the Tiamat, with the stipulation of finding out the secret of Sinned, thereafter, and if not, says Lucifer to the Tiamat,
“I will hunt you down like a hungry bear hunting down his prey, and Hell will not save you from my rage.”
The Tiamat left her face flat of emotions so Lucifer could not read her.
The Fight
In the ‘Valley of the Armies,’ below the cliffs of Yort, where the Great Sea rests, where legend has it, creation first took hold, Lucifer has called Marduk to meet him there for a summit concerning the return of the Tiamat, and the destruction of Sinned, along with the taking over of the Baboon Temple. Along with killing the Ram-god (many issues on the table he proclaims); he has asked the King to attend also, King Thesas III, and to bring his young bisexual-weakling lover along, whom he wishes to take for himself.
As all has been arranged, and the day’s heat is over their head, it is late morning (forenoon), a cool breeze shifts through the valley, and all who were asked to come, now are present. As surprised as one could be, Marduk notices the King, and others nearby, and like a sword of light, Lucifer turns himself into a dagger of death: the fight starts, and Marduk not sure why or what for, tries aimlessly to defend himself, but quickly, surprisingly quick, Marduk becomes unconscious, subdued, with one crushing blow from the lightening force of Lucifer. The onlookers are frightened, and Marduk is almost dead, except for one last blow, as Satan is about to give it to him, then out of the blue, the Tiamat yells:
“Wait, wait, not yet!”
The Tiamat now shifts to his second part of her plan, a plan only she knows. As Lucifer waits, with a pondering sly look at the Tiamat, as if to say: get on with it, the demonstration is almost over. The plan would be simple, kill Marduk, and let the King and the Ram watch, and let the rest of the plan ooze out like black-blood from contracting muscles (Lucifer feels he has did his part of the bargain).
It would be a simple fight Lucifer figured, yet everyone else was amazed at how quick Marduk was taken down. As Marduk lay there, now awakening, he knew he had no friends anywhere, only himself, no one would help. And now in the Valley of the Armies, man had the right to kill at will, no laws forbid such things—there was no laws there for man, beast, devil, demon or ghost; it was a death valley for just such matters. It was written into the ancient laws, to pick out a battlefield instead of fighting in ones own backyard, and there settle your issues, feuds and desecrations, as best you could, which was normally in a blood-battle; all unrepentant today.
Sinned was watching from above the cliffs—second observation. It was high morning and the sun was overwhelming hot. Just coming out of his senses again, Marduk stood up leaned against a huge tree, brooding what was next. Frightened he found himself in back of the tree, pacing and pacing, not quite knowing what was going to happen. He saw Sinned on the hill, and now the Ram-god, and the King. Something was wrong, very wrong. Possibly he could fight Lucifer again, if it came to that, no one really knew his strength, but they were finding out today. The Tiamat had now manifested herself a hundred yards behind Lucifer; something was very wrong thought Marduk. His mind now shifted from one thing to another, in rotating circles on the deals he and Lucifer had made, but now the return of the Tiamat was involved, a plight Marduk was not prepare for, did not take into consideration; on his thinking, he came to the conclusion he did not want her to make an alliance with Lucifer, but maybe they had already. Although he had a reputation of the most wicked of all creatures, Marduk had never seen him in battle except for now.
He saw now, a serpent growing legs, out of its skin. He looked closer, it seemed quite odd, and he was all of light,
“Is that,” he was about to say Lucifer.
And then with the speed and validity of a roaring tiger, the snake-of light jumped onto Marduk, opened up its jaws and sunk his teeth into, into the towering figure’s forehead (it was becoming obvious the Tiamat wanted to see Marduk cringe and weep and so she became a spectator, but she had started something with Lucifer and he was to finish it now; and she had a price to pay); Marduk shocked for the second time: like a second title wave, with all his eyes shifting here and there trying to figure out what just took place, what happened; trying to shake the giant snake free from its imbedded mouthful that sunk deep into his forehead. He then witnessed legs come out of the serpent, going into its body, leaving it as smooth and slippery as silk; now in disbelief, yet with a little reality, Marduk knew he was doomed.
Marduk tried to grab the snake around its slimy and slippery frame, but its scorching light forbid it to be touched but for a millisecond, as it ate its way into Marduk’s forehead, but the snake grows smaller, and slips right through the giant demons hands like a blood-tic, as he went into a paroxysm. The snake now has eaten through the bone-skull of the beast
[as everyone watches these two happenings, Lucifer remains standing there waiting for the Tiamat’s demand, and only Sinned can see the other part, the ongoing drama, but all see the Tiamat for the first time; she was invisible, and had come from the underworld after making her deal there]
now encircling its brain [the snake], now compressing it, squeezing it like one might expect the heart to be squeezed in a heart attack (while Marduk is running in circles, running crazy, continuing in a wild fête, hitting his head on a huge nearby rocks and then running into trees, trying to kill the snake inside of him, which had now gone so far into his head, he knew not how to stop the new assault. The griping of the snake had now stopping the blood flow to the brain, as Marduk dropped to his knees, and onto the ground.
At this instant, replied the Tiamat (Marduk’s conscious eyes barely open, on the ground):
“He is mine Lucifer, all of him!”
And so Lucifer steps back to allow her, her revenge, her deadly, lifeless revenge (it was all the same for Lucifer, a deal was made, and it shall be kept was the only thing he deliberated on).
And consequently the giant demon [Marduk] stood up, and fell back down onto the rock he had struck his head on a moment ago. And the snake came out and materialized into his semi-earthy and demonic form; satanic that is, it was some residue of Lucifer. Which to be quite honest was a much more pleasant form then the Tiamat’s or Marduk’s.
As Lucifer now looked upon the huge figure laying against the rock, back up against it, he looked harmless, the once Great Marduk, as harmless as a grasshopper. He then put a leather band around the forehead of Marduk, to cover up his nasty work. For to the rest of the onlookers it just appeared out of nowhere it all took place so suddenly, it was as if he, Lucifer was only seen for a moment only allowing the onlookers to see a few blows, and his residue do the rest; but he knew Sinned had seen it all, every split second of it. Again I say, for some odd reason, he did not want the rest of the world to see his power, possibly they’d turn to Sinned’s God in fear, and that would be the worse of all events, the very thing he was fighting against. He wanted to own souls of man and beast, and be worshiped.
Lucifer knew, as well as everyone else, this once demonic god figure was no more than a vegetable now; he would have to be feed or he’d starve to death. He was helpless. There, behind him, behind Lucifer, the Tiamat stood in her ghostly form, her revengeful glory, and the young King of Yort, shaking like the coward he was born to be, simply watched in panic, in his sacred purple and orange gown, given to him by none other than Lucifer. The noon sun was out now, completely out, it was hotter than normal, possible 117F [degrees], and the breeze had thickened with a death mode to a horribly dusty intake of air, almost choking air. The dust of the land seemed to be a morsel salty today, the breeze from the sea I suppose, but was no more seeping in through the valley perhaps than yesterday, it just seemed so. Death and fear has its way of circulating in circles. But for the Tiamat, it was a glorious day, a day she had thought of for many days prior. It was worth going to the pit for, she felt, if need be. Or at least that is what she thought at this very moment, this magnificent moment that had been arranged, arranged on top of other moments. But often times, after the fact, things and attitudes of people, change, they don’t seem as so ‘necessary,’ anymore, in the same order they were planned that is, one regrets. But if so, this was not a thought in her mind now.
“And so, Ms Tiamat!” said Lucifer with a sly eye movement, and a brow heightening, a fiery grin (the Tiamat was quite impressed how easily the great Marduk was taken down, it was awe if anything; for she could not beat him).
“Yes, yes, you have made my day Lucifer, and I will now go forward with the rest of my, I mean, our plans (looking at the King).”
The Ram demon stood by in shock, he was quite disturbed (asking himself, why he needed to be here, plus he never expected to see Marduk degenerate from power so quick).
The Fortress called Yort
Yort, 6800 BC to 6000 BC
The Shinning One
The king seeing all what had happened, now offered Lucifer his personal cupbearer, handing him over for whatever services he may need in the future, his bisexual servant-slave, or his bisexual needs. He had done the same thing with Marduk, and now wanting peace at any price he has done what he does well, compromised his kingdom, his people, his servant with no security in mind, rather his survival, his seat at the throne, be it at his will or not, he still had it, and that was important to him: or at least for the moment (for what else could he do but be king? he had no trade or skills); the way he figured it: power was only power if you had it, and it was better to have a once than to have nothing, and possibly be dead. For who could defy this new ruler ship? —he asked himself. By doing so, the Cupbearer (his price, more likened to a female than a male it would seem, young and willing), will to become the go-between, between the king and the wishes of the new real ruler of Yort, none other than Lucifer: yes, yes, yes: that’s the way it was.
The Tiamat now, absorbed the dying carcass of Marduk, as they both stood stone-still, like tall oak trees next, next to one another: Marduk like a broken piece of pottery just being held together by mere clay slouching against the tree, and with a sweep of her mighty hand the Tiamat grabs him by the head, slips inside of his mouth like a vapor coming from a bonfire: slips inside his mouth, down into his body: Marduk’s body, and she feels him up (like a balloon), as his carcass starts to rot inside, —a body now without a will, and the essence of the Tiamat inside that body—commanding it, only a shell of a demon remained alive, but she will keep him alive for a while longer, as she rampages his insides like a thief breaking anything that is left intact out of revenge: like shattered glass. Motivating him like a puppet now.
She looks at Lucifer, as he looks at the Ram, ‘sure she figures, he will take him out, for he wants his temple, his followers.’ Perhaps she is right; the Ram looks both ways, at Lucifer, and his smiling grin, and at the dying body of Marduk, with the Tiamat speaking through his mouth. She realizes Lucifer has done much damage to Marduk; —that he is next to dead, and her quest at the moment is simply to have revenge. As Lucifer looks on with arrogance, and patience, knowing when her fun stops, she will be bonded to him: bonded in an agreement.
Marduk the Demigod
—She has now sucked the will out of MARDUK, it was her quest, her desire to pull his lungs apart, to kick open his groin area: to pop out his eyes, revenge has its horrid-obsessions; realizing now there was nothing left for her to destroy in his body, she could no longer live in a dead corpse, it needed muscle, and blood to run through it. She could control it but not keep it balanced in a physical sense. She had but one choice, one she figured she’d have to use, use sooner or later, and evidently, it had to be sooner now. Henceforward, she now steps out of the destroyed body and into the body of the Ram-god, but before she does, she has the Ram-god, grant her the life of his body willingly, consequently, if he dies (that is, if the Ram-god dies), his body [like Marduk’s] and their essence will go to the underworld, that is to say, the Ram’s black essence, will meet Marduk’s there, for his will be on its way to the underworld shortly; and again, the Tiamat will remain in this new ghostly form, shifting the will of the Ram’s body, blocking his mind as need be. But it was the price agreed upon to rid the world of Marduk.
As the Tiamat explains to the Ram-god again: free will, which is free to allow the Tiamat to take over his body, is only free if there is no threat lingering around, which there is according to Satan, as long as he lives, in consequence, one must count the options, as she so clearly had explained before.
Now the Ram-god with the Tiamat within its body structure has grown twice it normal size, the Ram was before, but less than the Tiamat was. Her new stretched out body has given her also twice the strength she had before more powerful than she had previously been. While all this is taking place, Satan is standing by watching, calculating, measuring, and not saying a word [I can see him now] —not one word ((let her enjoy the moment he figures)) he will have his one way or another—it’s just a matter of time).
She now takes Marduk, helpless as he is (and what a pity it is: I kind of like Marduk in the story, but he is on his last steps), like an infant and drags him around the tree like a nut, like a crazed wolf, as she continues singing and talking to herself (if you were there you’d understand: as I was). The Tiamat has had her day, this was it, life could not be better…revenge sweeter. Like a rotten apple lying about to be crushed by someone else, Marduk’s body was now left against the huge cypress tree, slumped against it like a thrown away rag (a piece of torn cloth). The body was torn open by the Tiamat, and she’s dragging him around the trees and bushes, and the huge roots perturbing from the ground are making wounds all over his body, and you can see blood to oozing out, which seem to be and deadening the surroundings: the grass the few flowers that were there, even the tree looks pale: black and red blood covering the roots of the tree; he had no sense of danger, only pain in his face. He could not talk, insult, or even signal a gesture, or for that matter feel all that much on his right side, or possibly any side: what kept him alive was his demonic and immortal soul: he was not human like you a me, he was from another time period: on year, yes, but not of earth, no, not made up of clay like you and I, he was what he was—different. The Tiamat—out of a last breathe, exhale of air, of revenge—turned him around to his other side, his good side, his less damaged side, so he could feel the pain, and kicked him mercilessly. And by the time she had left with the King, and Lucifer, he had taken his very last breathe, his last suck of air.
The New Order
At this time, that being shortly after the takeover of the Ram’s body by the Tiamat, while in Yort, the King does the bidding for Lucifer, and one might say, the Tiamat. For the most part, he is no more than a puppet, a figure head if you will. By the way--: the White Baboons, and the followers of the Ram-god, can now see the Tiamat’s configuration within the old structure of their demonic-god, the Ram, with all its stretching, and fear for their order and sect, and is so doing, so honors both: the Tiamat and Lucifer as the new undisputed rulers. Although this does not sit well with Lucifer, he rationalizes [‘…for all good things come in time’]. By and large, the Tiamat reinforces her commitment to keep her agreement with Lucifer by finding out the ‘secret’, as Lucifer gives his famous edgy grin-and-smile, gesturing with his eyebrow and forehead: a follow-up should be quickly implemented, to say the least. But brave or uncouth as she is, she knows getting rid of Sinned would be difficult without reprisal by his God, and then, then it is really information Lucifer wants and so she tells Lucifer, with her callous, harsh and dogmatic voice, saying, “First things first.”
The, said he, with a lions hum to his voice: “I have nothing but time,” he admits, adding: “But you don’t.” A small dialogue with the Tiamat is all he feels is needed. (The Tiamat says nothing, --and reflects how quick He took Marduk down; she has come to the conclusion, settled in her mind, at any cost: work with the conqueror is better than being destroyed, conquered or worse.)
—As weeks and then months pass, Yort has come to see a new City-State Order take hold. The King is no more than a fly on the Tiamat’s ass, a bothersome insect at best, but she simply swats him away harmlessly, for Satan still enjoys his worshiping countenance, and presence at times, and uses him so he does not have to be the bad word of bad deeds brought down to masses at the city-state level of Yort—its fragmented people. And for the most part, the Tiamat is more visible than Satan now-a-days, and is being seen, or look at as the full and new leader (thus, he is getting all the hate and anger, frustration and annoyance from the people ((the cost of kingship)). When Lucifer speaks, everyone listens, even the Tiamat; everyone that is, but Sinned. This angers Lucifer to the point of deep resentment, but not enough to challenge him, for he still needs to know the secret (inconsequential, some may say, no, no—it is much more than that) yet, his antagonism is coming out of him, sideways, onto the Tiamat, especially when he feels she is just buying time because she does not have a good plan: with his inner eye he wonders where is her preparation, has any arrangements at all to extract the information been put into theory and action? Yet sealed is the deal they made.
The Plan
The Tiamat calls in for a surgeon, he is known as Ra, also as one of the, ‘The Shinning Ones,’ of the ancient world: the time before time was a word. Not spirit, nor human, or even angelic in nature, or the essence of such: they are not even beastly or considered creature’s, demigods; but rather, part of an Intergalactic Think Tank of high intelligence of long ago; so far back in time only Satan remembers them from their original origin, and vaguely, for they—angelic forces—were not allowed or even told about all the creations God had done (Satan even admitted Earth was kept a secret from the horde of angels for a long time), they were called, according to legend, the “Ancient Ones,” and in parts of Egypt, are worshiped, as well as on an island in-between the two great land masses called the island of Poseidon [Atlantis].
Sinned had also head about these ancient beings, briefly, but had heard about them nonetheless: that they go back to a time called –pre history [118,000 BC]; that is, before humankind knew how to write and communicate as they do now: yet man was man, back when the human race was young, and parts of this newer race, were finding ways to preserve fire, to warm their caves, and island spots in and on the bogs. As word got out, Ra was coming to Yort, Sinned wondered why; for this Ra, was the elite of the group of seven shinning beings that were left, left in the sense of this earthily existence, somewhat marooned on this planet within the universe. If there were more of their race in the universe, the seven didn’t know, for their ship [space craft] had left them there a thousand years ago; saying they’d return, but never have—never did, not up to this moment anyhow: up to this time anyhow. Or if they had, they did not make it known to them, or to anyone of the human or demonic races. Their planet had been in another galaxy, thus, too far, way too far for one to come and visit at a whim, lest he have some secret transformation process available. It was also said they had outposts on Mars and the Moon, and they were destroyed, and therefore, were left here as the ship went back to their land, with gold and other substances for their livelihood, and to command their craft in the outer space of the heavens. And so possibly, just perhaps, there were no more of their race in the entire universe. They had a life expediency of over thousands of years and there ancestors much longer. But they were not warriors, although they very well could be, they had powers far beyond humans, and not like the physical demons, they could fly, or seemingly disappear, or so it was told, foretold, as legend says.
—By and by, Sinned learned the Tiamat was back for good, but was curious on what her plan was, for she needed to reestablish herself, and playing friends with Lucifer had become a most dangerous game for those folks in the past, so what was her scheme he asked himself? The Adversary as he was often called, had control of Yort also, it was just a matter of time he knew, when things would unravel, and surely they would unravel at his door step, or so he conjured up in his head, but it seemed most obvious as one simply watched what was happening to Yort—it seemed to be inevitable.
But he had a secret, one no one knew but him and so whatever kind of really took place was secondary to him; on the other hand, the Adversary [He being: Satan] knew Sinned knew something of interest, of interest to him that is, something bigger than big; something worldly; something his foe, the Almighty had possibly had one of his angelic beings bring to him, to Sinned—information only given to a few people; and surely not him, not Satan. This Mighty God, who named him the Adversary [Ephraim], had cursed him with darkness over light, he was the favorite one in heavens dome, he just simply got tired of being a torch for another King, what was so wrong with that he thought: thought he, Lucifer’s life was altered at that point, but what was of most concern now was, ‘…did God change his plans, alter His sketch, and was He having human existence come to an abrupt end sooner than he thought, if so, he was cursed to an eternal-fire within some damn lake, or was it a sea in the heavens that kept this fire going, he didn’t know one way or the other, and figured this was (according to his diagram of human existence would go to a fifth quarter: it was now the 5th millennium BC), he just wanted to have a little more time for either trying to persuade Him he was unfair to judge him so harshly, and on the other hand, if his time was limited, he wanted to know so he could make evil really evil. I mean, in a way God was young on His end, and Satan, who of course was not around when God figured all these thing out, was young on the other end. But God had not planned for him to get sour grapes, or plan a take over of heaven, it was kind of instantaneous, a thought after a thought you might say: and one thing led into another, and well, you all heard the story, at least the basic have been written. But Satan of course got mad, because God left out his portion of the story. So he was writing it now in blood and sand.
But this was the Tiamat’s job to fine out this information, the better off he would be within his mind anyway. It wouldn’t alter his future designs for the Tiamat: for evil breeds evil, and what is more evil than sucking the blood out of evil only to make it more red; but for the mean time, he needed her. This is what troubled him on one hand, and on the other, if the Tiamat could rid the world of Sinned once and for all, again, all the better for Yort, and Satan’s temples; possibly God would not be watching him and Yort so much. At present, Sinned has been kept prisoner in his own home. Not allowed to even do daily shopping, or walking by the cannel he loves so dearly, the one he and his father used to walk together, in fear he may create some kind of resistance in Yort, against the new rulers. These orders to confine him were given by Commander Snemelc, his one time friend, of which was given to him by orders of the young King and Marduk, and now reinstated by the Tiamat. Lucifer again is staying out of the lime-light in fear of the unknown. His way of thinking is: as long as I get what I want at the end, it doesn’t matter if they want to feel they are in charge, in which case they are living an illusion.
The Shinning Ones
As the Sinning Ones appear at the request of the Tiamat (of which three out of the seven came), the Tiamat appeared to greeted them at the gates of Yort. As the Adversary looked from the tower within his Temple, by where the Ram’s Temple is located, onto the plaza and gates observing all the movements. Sinned, also was standing by watching the greeting taking place, and were a number of priests, and usual citizens. At there feet was laid many gifts: as they walked through the gates of Yort, as promised, for coming: twenty slaves presented them with offerings, great sums gold and silks, etcetera; and other wealth, to include, horses, and swords for their soldiers. But with the gifts came the request, which was: the to do a surgical job for the Tiamat, of which they were well known for, among other things, that being, medical experts on the anatomy of the human race, for they had been among them, and had watched them: the human race, mold into a civilization for the past 80,000-years.
As they are now standing in the Temple of the Tiamat, with Lucifer standing by a pillar, the Tiamat explains what he wants done; the King is nearby and so is the Cupbearer, whom is constantly wiping and cleaning the feet and brow of Lucifer. In addition, giving him air, by fanning him; at times they go behind the pillars where he makes his body naked for the Serpent King’s sexual diversities. Satan giving nothing more than a flat affect and watching the young man quiver over his powerful overbearing demeanor. Other women are lined up outside the temple for services he may wish to have at any given moment. His pleasures are many, and his patience is short.
Says the Tiamat, to Ra, one of the three Shinning Ones, which is his full title:
“I want you to cut open the skull of Sinned, it has to be you, neither demon, nor angelic being, nor human can do the operation, if it were so, it would cause reprisals from the His Almighty God, the one no one has seen, but grant you, he is powerful. I want you to cut away half his brain, put the other half of it in a glass for posterity, and put the Ram-god’s half brain left into his head, so I can control him, at the same time, put Sinned’s other half brain, connecting it to the Ram-god’s brain, thus I will have control of both individuals, and domination of the body of the Ram-god, my will, will be twice as strong, and I will be three times as smart, and, and I will have no further interruptions with this Sinned person in my life, and Lucifer will be happy. Hence he will lose his reasoning [Sinned], and I will have access to his God’s wishes: which is a secret I must find; this can be done through his brain waves, oh yes oh yes. Matter-of-fact, of all involved I also I will have access to future information… [pause, the Tiamat looks at Lucifer]…”
Says Lucifer [destructively]: “Do you want to say, ‘his God?’ because if you do, it is not what I expected; and that makes you a bigger fool than I anticipated. I want to be equal to Him, to Sinned’s God. How do you think you would turn out if you had access to God’s brain waves—stupid! Think about it? He would never allow you to get one-filth of an inch in front of Him. You do not even have the slightest understanding what you are asking, or what you are talking about, this is not even applicable—and you are nothing, nothing, and me you must not understand me either…you dare say, ‘… capable of knowing what he is thinking…’ then, that is the dumbest statement I’ve ever heard? No, no He is a jealous God, and if He seen you trying to listen in on his secrets, you would not be around to explain them. I thought you had some kind of good plan. You have nothing, seriously nothing at all. Plus, plus do you think God is a grasshopper, He is laughing at you right now, and you make me a fool in front of Him for I made a deal with you, He is most likely saying, ‘Who is the dumb one you listened to, the Tiamat’, foolish as I was to do so (the Tiamat is starting to panic, almost froze with alarm).”
“Plus,” spoke the leader of the three Shinning Ones, called Ra, “We do not kill the will or the spirit of a person; it is forbidden, it is part of our heritage, left by our forefathers, who have been coming her for thousands of years; it would not be conducive to our faith, our belief.”
Satan’s Thoughts:
Satan knows about this race of beings, but says very little, it is a mysterious one that doesn’t get involved with the politics of another planet; for he has seen them on many other planets, if anything, experimenting, while trying to prolong their race.
In the eyes of Satan, the Tiamat was now becoming more useless, a liability if anything—a burden by the minute, and so he looked at the Tiamat with a startling glare, a challenging posture.
Says Satan in a harsh and offended voice:
“…you cannot force this to be done on Sinned without God crushing you and possibly me, along with you; it has to be done willingly, like giving him something he wants in return for something you have: a favor for a favor, if you will. No more foolishness, like the undertaking you just foolishly did, wasting my time, I want to know the secret Sinned holds within his head from the Almighty, the second part of the agreement, and for your sake I want to know it soon, and give to the Shinning Ones what you offered, and let them go, I do not want them involved—lest we disrupt the whole city and they start prying to Sinned’s God, that’s all I need. If you do not want to outright kill him, then find out the information. If you kill him, and I am not saying to, the blood is on your hands (Satan now washes his hands in a granite bowl filled with water) —I will not dirty my hands in this, your god is me, my God, may possibly be me also, but one must remember as much as I do not want to, it is He who through me out of bliss through the universe to this abode, not I Him. But I am no fool; I will leave that alone for now. You are a demon, a high and powerful one from the first race of Angelic Renegades, born from the seeds of angels that left their abode, I grant you that, but nothing more, I, and only I on this earth am a real, God of the Air, I am the live physical god, and don’t forget it (the Tiamat shut up like a child who just got a whipping).”
She remembered how Marduk beat her, killed her, and how the Adversary took Marduk down like killing a grasshopper; she wanted nothing of it, even though she had pondered the thought.
Said He [Satan], “…and I’d like to tell you, time is very short for you Ms Tiamat!!!!!!!!!! (his roar echoed throughout the temple, and shook the foundation of the building like a hurricane.)”
As they walked out of the temple, the King pulls the Tiamat to the side, by a pillar, says: “I overheard the other day you have a short time to find out a secret or be killed, a secret of Sinned’s; killed in the since you will be cast into the pit…. That Lucifer was talking about it to his lover the cupbearer, who of course told me.”
[She moans as she stumbles walking out of the temple, still trying to adjust to the body of the Ram-god, stretching, and pulling the elasticity of the skin from face to toes.]
Sinned and the Secret
As the king and the Tiamat go to the house of Sinned, they find he is not at home, that he has left, while under restrictions, not to leave. This, the Tiamat feels is cause for expulsion from Yort, and as he declares this so, Lucifer just looks at her strangely. The Commander being asked by the Tiamat, yet not knowing of his whereabouts, calls the King, who reprimands the Commander for not watching him properly, and is ordered to take a platoon of men and go find him and bring him back.
Mumbles the Tiamat in an unknown language to the inhabitants of earth, one that no one understands:
It has come to the point I will either have to torture him to death too get the information, and hope he still does not have the power to cast me into the pit, or face Lucifer, and he cast me into the pit for failing twice.
(Translation) “It has come to the point I will either have to torture him to death to get the information, and hope his will does not have the power to cast me into the pit, or face Lucifer, and He cast me into the pit for failing twice.”]
She knows if she tries to kill him, he will, most likely will, try to in all means and ways, cast her—if he can, into the pit, as he has said he would do (the pit being the abyss); or possibly there might be a third option, simply get out of the city fast, but then, she would be found sooner or later, if Lucifer really wanted to find her that is, he could.
(The Shinning One’s have left and gone back to Egypt, and the Commander is leaving Yort, in search of Sinned.)
—Sinned travels to the interior of Turkey [Asia Minor] finding an old man working on a large vessel, actually putting on the last touches of a huge and monstrous boat; polishing up the seams and insuring the boat is sea worthy; just as his friendly angel, Serr’el had told him he would; he asks the man in charge the question:
“When do you predict you will be done with this boat Sir?”
The man says: “Very soon (and smiles at Sinned).”
No more is said, or needs to be said for that matter, hence, Sinned travels back to his city-state, whereupon he meets the Commander along the way and they both enter the gates of Yort together. He takes him into custody, putting him in a cage, nine feet by nine feet; it would seem the old friendship is dwindling down, he hands the Commander one hand. As the Commander suggest, Sinned has abused his privilege and his friendship with him. Yet Sinned says nothing, which surprises the Commander, whom feels, he would protest, or surely try and make him feel bad about doing this, since they had been friends for many years, yet Sinned says nothing, not one word, he knows time is very short for the whole world, and even shorter for him.
As the Tiamat shows up at the cage with her demands, wanting to know the secret, the secret Satan feels Sinned has. She [she: being the Tiamat] is explaining, she has freed the city of Marduk, but must cage him like an ape until she finds the secret, she has no choice, she is almost pleading to him not to cast her into the pit, but falls short on the actual words—and simply begs for the information; she even goes as far as telling him: he has no choice in the matter, just as she has none, that she cannot win, nor him, win in either situation, meaning, Sinned will cast her if he can, into the pit if she kills or tries to kill him, or Satan will for not finding out the information she needs. She stands by the cage waiting for the information.
“When is the world to come to an end?” She asked, not really knowing if that is the question, but feeling that is the information Satan wants, what else could it be; Satan wants to rule, and rule for how long is the big question. Plus, he can not rule an uninhabited world. At this point, she is more like pleading, her case twice with Sinned to cooperate, or give her a way out; almost as if he owed her a favor.
Sinned, knowing time is short for the Tiamat, as well as mankind explains:
“There is a huge boat being built, when it starts to rain it will be too late, it will not stop raining, --that is, too late for everyone, for the foundations of the world will crack and swallow up everything and everybody, that is the secret, which is really no secret, if the Adversary had simply looked at the boat, he could have figured that out, and you can tell it to your friend, Lucifer….”
Confused, yet surprised he had given her the information, and gave at that moment; the answer she had asked almost struck her blind. Thought she, ‘I simply should have asked sooner.’ She was delighted, still felt in a fog of dismay. Sinned hoping the information might get out to the people and they could plead for forgiveness, was his real motive.
Said the Tiamat mystified,
“What should I do, if the world is coming to an end?” Looking at Sinned, yet he didn’t answer [a long pause takes place].
“Sinned, Sinned, answer me—PLEASE!” No answer, again a long pause, she looks deep at him resting so peacefully against the back of the cage, touches him: Sinned had fallen to sleep and with her touch, he stops breathing, and does not wake up. A panic seems to go up and down her body, chills, for now what does she do, and then out of the heavens it starts to rain, and rain and rain.
When Lucifer hears of this news, he stomps his feet, looking at the Tiamat, says, “It’s all yours….” And with his angelic abilities ascends beyond the clouds of the pouring rain. And it continues to rain, and rain and rain: for 40-days and nights. The Tiamat now jumps out of the body of the Ram, as it has been destroyed, ruptured, pulled apart—all its organs are rotting, and he also sinks in the mud and the rain, and descends to the underworld [the nine-hells].
—By the time it stops raining, the world is different. As Lucifer, the Adversary, or otherwise known as Satan, looks down from the clouds, he sees the mud of the city Yort, and it is thirty feet deep. It will take, he mumbles “…it will take four-hundred years to settle and dry up…” that is, before it is worthy of his domination, yet he is angry, like a pacing lion through out the sky he walks and talks to himself, a hungry lion indeed, like a dragon with fire coming out of his mouth and nostrils, he spits insanity and evil all about, for it was almost, I say almost, his empire, but possibly he will have better luck next time (so he is thinking, and adds to his thoughts, his days that he thought were over, had just gained a few more); he yells through the clouds, ‘I’ll return,’ the Tiamat in her now, ghostly form, looks from a distance, and is gone, with no particular destination at the moment. The Commander who wanted to play it safe all his life and not choose between this or that god ended up with no god, has now lost his life buried in the mud and the quiet winds of time. Sinned, he is dead, and remembers his betrayal after all them years of friendship, now he has been weighed and balanced, and as it continues to rain, has no fear of death, he had simply said to the Lord:
“I’m ready, I’m OK with it, it doesn’t matter…I don’t want to live like this.” He went to paradise, awaiting the Messiah.
(And the shock waves from the asteroid hitting Mercury, shook the solar system, and there came a shockwave across the cosmos, which entered the crust of the earth, which also caused Earth to wobble on it axis, creating a fracture within the heavens, and it rained and rained killing humanity…and so it has been written.)
The Ghost of the Tiamat
The Ghost of Death
The Account of:
The Apparition of the Tiamat
[A Vignette/sketch #4: introduction into a new series]
(A Letter found at the late H.L. Lovelit Home, in Boston, had the following story.)
It was in the spring of a lost year, one yet to remember, save for that fact, Sinned had died in the year previous to it; Sinned, the name still echoes throughout Yort, yes, the mighty Yort, with its towering gates and walls. Yes indeed, Yort was still interesting and fashionable in the world that was dominated by the demonic-beings left behind from some golden age long forgotten. The young and foolish King Thesas III was still ruling, as was the new certified demonic-god, Lucifer, or is that he, an angelic being has allowed Yort to know his identity? Many at Yort have deliberated this fact out for quite a spell, and the Tiamat: mother of demon; she was here, in spirit one might say, or rather, in ghost form. Yes, with these three, to include the Commander of the Military, much if not all, was suppressed from the public’s eye. Only now, after a decade of over looking at Yort, and its inhabitants, it comes to mind, the missing links between the human and demonic world. Sinned always said it was his One God, and of course, the demonic forces within Yort said their was no other but them and us (this has been of course explained in the three books I wrote about the Tiamat some years ago.
When the world was flooded, it did not the Great Flood of Noah’s day, for there were a number of smaller floods in the area prior to this, thus, Yort was rebuildable.
I, Nwahs, the brother of Ydoc, have lived an adventurous life myself, perhaps not as much so as Sinned, but somewhat. I find myself thrilling as I think about my brother’s death and the parting of Sinned when, thrilled that I, a farmers boy have survived, and become who I am, in the high offices of Yort. Sinned, who utterly submerged his mind with this One God business, brought on his own demise, I do believe; yet he remains a legend in our city, and as far as Yort can reach. His God is somewhat, or almost extinct now, other than a few folks bringing forth a few glimpses of interest, occasionally, but like putting a fire to ashes with water, so reacts the demonic forces of Yort, stopping the thirst for this One God, by the demons when it surfaces.
Perhaps it can be imagined, my close friendship with the three I have mentioned:
The King, Lucifer, and the Tiamat whom now is a ghost in her own right; for she has shed the skin, like a snake of the Ram-god, who now is second in command in the underworld. She as we all know made a deal with him and thus, entered his physical body, as she distorted it, and it rotted away with her inside of it.
I have come to realized more clearly as time has gone by—there is no point in resisting the wants and demands, if not needs of the three most high in Yort, ‘twas they that have now given me my position, and for them who do defy them, risk death, like Sinned, who would not hear of it that way, he did risk life and limb and did die so doing.
And here I was, given the 5th highest position in Yort, under the Commander. The newly made position called: ‘Overseer [detective] of Arms,’ kind of the monitor of Yort, for I had no real force of my own, yet the soldiers under the Commander, were also subject to me, for they are the ones that kept peace and order in the city. My position simply called for me to review all circumstances of the military, and citizens, and possibly the enemy outside our gates, and report back any derogatory information that might hinder our Yort, or the good name of the demonic forces that now run the fortress. I needed not to do anything about anything just report and that in itself would demolish any residence within any growing conflict between leaders and followers.
It seemed to me, most of the young soldiers at Yort were turned into loafers (for the most part), not warriors, or nationally proud soldiers. It became kind of a lifeless and thankless job, no longer a career.
With a snarl of disgust, I took my new position, as a gift and a death sentence all in one. For no one ever survived the maltreatment of these three forces--: other than, Sinned and the Commander.
[From the view of Sinned, prior to his death, Yort had become a most uninteresting city of death]
Meeting of the Tiamat
Said the Tiamat in her ghostly form to me, Nwahs:
“You need to invoke into the citizens of Yort their need to worship us more, not only I, but Lucifer, and the King, we are all one, all three of us.”
I answered, “How?”
“Well, well,” she slurped out of her selfish condescending way, with her infamous smirk,
“You are the man in the field, the consultant, whose occupation has become the 5th highest in the city: no more pulling weeds out of the field for this one time farmer--: its called possibilities, create possibilities.”
How I wish I’d had never taken the job, and had I known at the time, the flood God sent, would only destroy everything but Yort, perhaps I would not have taken this job so quickly. You see, it was Satan who vanished into the sky when Sinned died, and the world turned purple and blue, black and gray, and that man over in Asia Minor, building the boat, stopped for a spell, and perhaps there is another flood on its way, but this one only drowned the sea around us, not us on top of the cliffs—not completely anyway. And whom would have ever figured Satan would forgive the Tiamat, and let her come back to rule Yort, as a ghost with him.
I suppose Sinned was the antagonist for them, and now he is gone, and the world starts over again. Now what?
The Invincible Tiamat
(And the Mad King of Uruk)
It has been said revenge is never the winner,
Simply because it kills both the giver and the
Receiver, but try and tell that to the Tiamat…
Sinned, Resident of Yort
The Tiamat and Uruk
Sinned doing scribing—
“In the city of Yort a great city that I have lived in all my life the floor was once made of kiln-baked brick that withstood several attacks, the Amazons, and the shaking of the earth, some call it earthquakes, but my grandfather called it Marduk’s horses. This is now a city ruled by the demigod spirits of the heavens. I have heard in the far Southeast in the land called Sumer, there are such cities that are as great as ours, one called Uruk, in which a demigod ruled it by the name of Lugalbanda, he was a young king I was told I didn’t know much of it, but I suppose somewhere along the line we’d go to war with that area, we always did go to war with cities we felt a rival to.
But the Tiamat, he has been gone for awhile, Marduk sent him to Underworld, otherwise known as the netherworld. What I remember and not sure if I’ll get this written correctly, for posterity sake: the Tiamat goes back a ways, but even much farther then humans know. The story, this story goes back to when the big armies, the creatures with three toes, called the Dinosaur, I know we have some now, but this was when they first came to existence I think. Our land, which I am coming to realize is not as small as I think; yes indeed, it is much bigger, that some kind of destruction caused the land to disappear under the sea, or should I say, the sea level rose some 500-feet covering much land through out this egg we live on. Oh yes, my grandfather knew many things, this land is the egg of the serpent he told me, the thing we live on circling the Sun, and among the angelic beings that fly in the heavens.
But the mystery, yes, I will tell you, that in the land of Sumer, the land I had just written down here was where the Tiamat first came. They have the story there. I think I’d like to visit that land, and get the whole story, to see if truth follows truth, or if in the bending of time, the truth is bent also. I heard this, that this egg [earth] was flying in a orbit and there was a 12th planets in the heavens, but this planet cannot be seen as clearly as the others, for it does not come into our orbit as frequent as the others do and is visible in the Mesopotamia once every 3600-years. And a very long time ago, a planet called Nibiru was on and connected to an orbit crossing our solar system, and Phaeton [our egg] was twice the size as it is today, and when Nibiru hit Phaeton it sliced our planet into two pieces, and the egg which water under its ground and above, let loose all its water, covering the land mass. And thus, the land of Phaeton was called Tiamat, the Water God. And then the actual birth of the Tiamat, an offspring of the infamous Watchers, the angelic renegades that left their abode to inhabitant our egg and raped our women.
Because of this happening we have had what some trouble with asteroids colliding with earth ever since, the other half, became some kind of asteroid belt, creating its own orbit of sorts. O I know this a far fetched story, but their must be some truth to it. Maybe I will see it out in the land unknown to Yort, called Sumer. I do not know why we have not seen these cities, for there are five of them to my understanding by two great rivers called the Tigers, and Euphrates.
They have a goddess there called Inanna, like Yort, do we not all have our gods, but this king is known to be aware of my god, The Almighty, the Father of all the Heavens. It is funny how we learn all these things when we are old, and ready to die, just in time to pass it on to another. If you should read this letter, and I have long been dead, it is not fully written, and I am my own scribe, and must write slow. Be kind to me if I leave out details.” Sinned
The Commander of Yort
The Commander of Yort who had lost his son to the demigods of the wetlands [Ancient England], while assigned to protect Sinned during his journey some years prior; however, his son along with another Yort citizen, military resident lost their lives also. But the Commander was not angry at Sinned for it, rather the demigods that roamed the lands freely were. If anything his father was proud his son died a military death, what more could a brave soldier ask for. Having no personal commitment to anyone god at Yort, made the Commander quite unique; meaning, He had fewer enemies. Rumor had it that both his son and his comrade both young soldiers were lovers of a sort. It bothered the Commander, yet it was not uncommon. In the land of Sumer, many kings had boy lovers, as did the elite of such cities as Ur, and Kish.
The Commander was not worried about the burden of trying to establish his own political career, it was just gossip he cared to avoid. Sinned had helped him secure his position as Commander many years before, as he was the one who stopped in the mist of a battle to ask Sinned his advise, for the Amazon war on Yort was about to begin, and to them the world was put together by terror. Sinned’s words encouraged him to fight even harder.
And so, years had passed, and the friendship never faltered. Yet, the Commander was still not a believer in any temple-religions, or in Sinned’s God. Even though down in his heart he was broken, because he did not have SOMEONE TO PUT HIS burdens on, or for that matter, worship, he was a man unto himself, at times empty, but as he had told Sinned, time and again, it is better to have no god, then the wrong god.
Often he would notice Sinned’s in prayer at his house, as he went to visit him, to see how he was doing. Sinned was now ageing as was he. Sinned would be knelling on one knee with his tunic open somewhat, and the Commander would normally wait until Sinned finished, for you could see him from the street, through his window, and then approach Sinned as he stood up, and then a short conversation would pursue. Almost like a father and son gathering one might say; for here were two high ranking soldiers. One retired, the other one in active duty, both patriots.
Yet, once a soldier in Yort, you remained one forever. Sinned was considered the same rank as the Commander, yet retired. If war was to break out, like his father before him, he would be expected to accept responsibility of the soldiers left behind at the fortress, until his the Commander returned from war or battles outside of the compound.
In the past the Commander had hired Sinned to teach at the academy of military warfare. Especially in his absence; but things were changing, Marduk the demigod who was for the most part the new ruling authority, along with Lucifer, who had his temple at one time outside of the fortress, and now it was inside had joined forces, along with intimidating King Thesis III, into being a figurehead rather then a ruler of Yort, he was no real power figure.
King Thesis III, was not like his father or grandfather, who Sinned, fought side by side with. And now the order of the day was for the Commander not to continue with the employment of Sinned at the academy, for the King openly objected to his trying to influence the young cadets not only into hating the demigod rule, but trying to convert them over to his God, and Temple, of the One in Three God. Thus, the Commander this morning had the dirty task of telling Sinned the bad news.
Diabolos had now two helpers, one a side kick who was the keeper of his temple in the woods outside of Yort, and one who was a high priest, for his temple inside of Yort, and a sidekick when needed. In addition he had two others he called his sidekicks, their names being Angra Mainyu [an angry spirit]; he hand selected [Satan/Lucifer/Diabolos] for that very reason, his out burst of anger, and the fear he instilled into people. And Pruj, which he went to the Pit of the Abyass to release, to use him as another helper, but mostly keep him for his deceptiveness, and his ability to produce disease.
Marduk and Diabolos had came back from Pergamun, his head quarters, where the She Ocean lived, and where Diablo had hidden from the Creator for over 1000-years; for some reason, now he had found the courage to attack his creation, and slowly he crept into the world scene, for he was building a network of helpers, Marduk being one, the King, his priests, and his sidekicks, or as some called them, bodyguards, and in the process he was making the decision to come out in full strength, and see what God would do; for he new he true God, as did Sinned, and this was not in his favor within Yort. Diabolos new, if anything, he would have to control the demigods, dominated their world, then willingly the weaker earthlings would cry for help, and he would give him his hand for worshiping of him.
When Sinned was but 20-years old the She Ocean had an affair with him, and still remembered him quite well, as Marduk and Lucifer arrive back and forth from their trips abroad. Marduk’s and Satan play games with the She Ocean, sexual. It irritates her, but she has little room to move except out of the haven Satan has given her at PERGAMINE, and she has been there for over 400-years. And so she is forced to have sex with both at their whim. But Sinned seems to creep into her mind every so often. It has been 36-years since they had their affair.
Upon their arrival to Pergamun this time, Lucifer’s trips had taken him and Marduk to Avalon, and Stonehenge, the Islands of Hydra and Malta, and Easter Island, along with Egypt … they had been gone for 18-months, setting up temples for the future, along with Marduk, who is trying to also build his temple sites, while ridding himself of competition, with other demonic-beasts, either having them as followers, or enemies.
Satan [Diablo, the devil] tells Marduk, he has under estimated his enemy, acting out of emotion—that Sinned is his main enemy, not the demonic beasts, for it is his God that gives him his power.
Lucifer tells Marduk [referring to Sinned’s God] “I know Him well, and if he is for Sinned, who can really, be against him?” Cries Marduk, while showing fear in his force, “I will kill him and the King; Satan hisses at Marduk as if he was a dead enemy for he wants to use him, be it by Sinned’s fear, or his own. It is his way of ridding the city of Sinned through Marduk, at the same time building temple sites, whale everyone is simply going on with daily living, and killing the King would be good, for a city without a leader will chose anything to substitute for chaos. He creates an emblem for him self and his church-of-followers, The Snake of Wisdom, he calls his pentagrams symbol.
Chapter 2:
Return of the Tiamat
The Tiamat wants revenge of Marduk, and Lucifer knows this. She has given up her underworld rule to gain a spirit life in the upper world; knowing she will most likely not be able to return to the underworld as the ruler, should her plan work out, and Marduk be cast to the underworld. But it is worth it. She will no longer be allowed to have a physical body, since it was taken away. But she can possess, and simply be a spirit. The deal she makes is with the Ram god, who Marduk has threaten to kill. He knows he will soon be coming to the underworld, and it is better he give his physical life on earth for her rule ship in the underworld. Thus they make the exchange. His right to be in the upper world, she takes as a spirit, that can manifest it self, be physical but not of flesh and bone. And the Ram God disappears into the lower word, and is crowned King, and gathers his Army if fear of the day Marduk may come, and have to be subdued.
A) the Tiamat now has entered the upper world, she has Returned. She listens to Lucifer, Marduk and the King as they all plant deadly seeds for Yort, and Lucifer, feels he will do the harvesting, he wants to move his kingdom from PERGAMINE, to Yort, but has two elements in the way.
She hears about Lucifer’s work in creating temples all over the world, and having people submit to his new religion of the Snake. The Tiamat makes a deal with Satan to get to Marduk. Provoke a fight possible. But what can she offer Satan is the question. For what he wants is dominance, so she will kill the King, if Satan kills Marduk.
That will leave Yort open for his take over, and the rest of the world can be blackmailed into submission; thus, he will have dominance.
As they sit and talk about the ways and means, Sinned comes up, and Satan needs to figure out a way how to rid the city of this menace, for the Tiamat will not have anything to do with him, for if she does, she can be cast into the pit, which is 100-worese than the underworld.
Lucifer tells the Tiamat, Sinned is old, and proud, he will not remember what God told him, and the Tiamat says: “What did he tell him,” and Lucifer replied, “I remember, and it is best you do not know, for then you can not tell any think.” He infers he will work on his weakness, saying “Like Pergamun, Yort will end up being his graveyard.”
Chapter Three:
Sinned, Serr’el and the King
During this time, while the Tiamat [third person] is planning with Lucifer on how to kill Marduk, Serr ‘el shows up. He explains to Sinned the King Thesas III, will be killed, and will enter the underworld, and he needs to protect him. Should the king not return Yort will loose hope, as it did with King Thesas II deaths? And the city will be ruled by the angelic-beast Lucifer. Right or wrong, the people of Yort want a leader. It will be the King or Lucifer. For he also tells him, the Tiamat is back in Yort, in spirit form, making a deal with Lucifer for Marduk’s death fight.
The World according to Serr’el
In this process Serr’el informs Sinned Lucifer will use your weakness against him; but refuses to tell Sinned his weakness. And then he takes him on a journey of through time and space. They go back to the time of 997,981 BC, and show him how the world was. As Serr’el shows Sinned, he protects him within an invisible canopy over him. Showing him that the earth has two moons, and there are no poles where the glacial come from, and explain to him how the First Angelic Force, now in the Prison House for Angels, caused havoc in the universe, causing the earth to loose it rhythms, and a tilt came about, causing the earth to lose it orbit, causing curst movements on earth, and continuant shifts, putting Greenland between two great contestants and causing the North pole to come into existence. He tells Sinned, should Lucifer win Yort, and builds his temples, his other forces will appear on earth knowing they can not be stopped.
Serr’el adds, should you remain on earth, in Yort, and bring the King back to his city, Lucifer will have not choice but to leave, for they will follow you and the king. Should the people choose Lucifer over the king, and God’s One temple he will destroy the world. But it must be the will of the king, and the people to come to an understanding. For the days of the physical demigods are numbered, it will be man who will have to chose if his are, or are not. The demigods will be going either into the underworld, the pit, or invisible world. And for Satan, he will be left to haunt the bad out the pretending well.
Chapter Four:
The Fight
There will be a fight with Marduk and Satan. After the fight, Marduk is unconscious. The cupbearer is handed over to do the Tiamat, who was Marduk’ s gift from the king of Yort; he now does her bidding, and can enter his body at will to get things done
Marduk, is cast into the underworld. The Tiamat now must kill the king get him.
Chapter Five
Prophecy of the She Ocean
The She Ocean still young looking as if time did not pass for her, and Sinned now in old age, cast his eyes upon her. She is brought in form Pergamun where she was living as Lucifer’s sexual item.
She Ocean informs Sinned [Lucifer knowing they had an affair but not if she still likes him] started to walk towards them, never blinking an eye, or looking back, and an echo came f rom her mouth, as Lucifer looks from behind her, and she said: “You will rise and fall, than the rooster will sing no more, and the sun will be darken as it rises over the Eastern sky, and the legend of Yort will be buried, and lost forever. This is the sign of the end of this time. Only the sounds of the winds form the four corners of the earth will be heard, and that to will die also. This is not your world Sinned; it is Lucifer’s, as it was Marduks, for a short time. Let it go before he crushes you. He will continue to play rope-a-dope with the world and Yort, while he develops his plan to crush every living thing.
Satan does not like her notifying him of his doom or Yort's for that matter, but leaves well enough alone, for the time being.
Sinned infers to her he will cast Satan, like he did with other demon into the pit, and continued to walk slowly, “Go home Sinned, it is not your day, or duty to cast Lucifer into the pit, nor will you need to cast Marduk, for he is gone; Lucifer now is becoming nervous, she knows too much of Sinned’s weakness, his pride, and a secret.
The revenge of the Tiamat, will solve this, is complete, it is the King he wants out of the way, and Sinned as well. “Go to your One God, he is waiting,” says the She Ocean. Then she walks to Satan’s temple. Sinned is confused.
Then like a storm, Lucifer roared like a lion, starts hissing like a snake. And with a powerful blow hits the She Ocean to her knees, as Sinned observed. The She Ocean knew her time was about to end, but Lucifer remained steadfast, thinking, looking.
Sinned then said to the She Ocean,”Come with me…you will be safe.” She looked, and replied, “But I am 400-years old, if I leave I will die shortly.” Said Sinned, “Have you not heard of a place called Paradise, where no one dies.” She replied, “Oh, yes, it is for the sin free.” Said Sinned, “Oh no, you are wrong, it is for sinful, who have been washed clean and become sin free. You are of flesh you have a second chance, come while you can. But you will have to leave all you acquire behind.”
Chapter Six:
The She Ocean Is Killed by Lucifer
Chapter Seven:
The King Must Live
The Tiamat tries to kill the King, and is cast into the Underworld by Sinned before he is [thus, flesh and blood in the Underworld]
Chapter Eight:
Galapagos/or Azores
The King is released from the Underworld via island of the Galapagos for renewal and brought back to Yort, where he meets cannibals. Sinned has made a deal with Serr’el to have him there for 1-year and this will be his kingdom, should he want to return to Yort, he must rule by the will of God, and the Mesopotamian stone. The king agrees and is brought back.
Chapter Nine
Pride vs. God
Lucifer now goes to Sinned’s house, for the King is back and is trying to get people to close up the temples, and really does not care if he becomes a martyr. Sinned tries to force Satan from his home and Satan tries to give him a heart attack, short of killing him; tries to drawn him with demonic night mares. And Sinned tries to cast Satan in to the pit, Satan knowing he can’t do it. Sinned thinks his God has left him, and then the She Ocean comes into his dreams. And whispers to him the secret Satan knows, and his pride, for Satan can not be cast, only the name of the Messiah can cast Satan from his haunting presence, and still, he may come around. But this is his weapon.
And so there is a show down, in the Messiahs name and Satan’s temple along with the rest are torn down. And then a storm appears a cosmic storm.
End of Book and Story
Index of names, and Main Characters *
1) * Marduk; demigod
2) Sinned – [born 6840 BCE] after aging and being a soldier in Yort, and living their [6790 BCE/70-years old]; he has now open up an academy of antiquity, theology and philosophy. Sinned was the main character in the past three Tiamat series, but takes a back seat in this one
3) *King Thesas III
4) The Commander of Yort [Sergeant]
5) *The Tiamat, demigod of the Underworld [once demigod of the seas]
6) Semas is not dead yet [helper in Sinned’s house]
11) The Ram god of Yort
12) *Ganymede’s - prince of Yort [slave prince] given to Marduk; he is given back to his father King Thesas III when he is ordered to live five years on the Isle of Cannibals [Galapagos]
13) Angra Mainyu (angry spirit) Satan’s helper
14) The She Ocean, a Human Spirit given life for 1000-years
15) Pruj, demon from the pit/deception, disease
16) *Satan [Lucifer]; he is now branching out and planting his temples around the world. In the first three volumes he was most in the background
17) The Spirits and Cannibals of the Galapagos
18) Serr’el the good angel, and friend of Sinned, takes the King to the Galapagos, and relays the message from Sinned on behalf of King Thesas III
The Tiamat,
And the Mesopotamia Stone
The Great Stone of Yort
Advance (Sinned, born 6820 BC): this was the fifth part of the sage of the Tiamat written, or the last of the earlier works. In the trilogy, it is indicated what took place but never drawn out. In this short sketch, written between 2002 and 2003, when most of the saga fragments were written to make a new book in future time, so was “The Tiamat, and the Mesopotamia Stone,” feeling it was too quickly passed over in the original text: done in a narrative reporting style (information approach).
Sinned is perhaps ten years old at this juncture of his life, living in the city-state of Yort (in what today is Turkey). The Tiamat, lives out in the woods with her two young sons (Untamable and First Born), she also has a daughter, Gwyllion, who is in the underworld of Avalon (present day England). Sinned´s man, his father, a long time soldier, as his father was, and as Sinned will become is off fighting with King Thesas I, in Mesopotamia, where he finds the blessed stone, and his father is told by an angle of God, to put the laws of Yort on them, and the stone will be blessed, and to put the stone in a temple in Yort, and there it should remain for the people to see, read, and go according to. Should any force try to destroy it, or harm it, or harm anyone around it, it would be to their downfall.
This is done accordingly, and swiftly, but to the discomfort of the Tiamat, for she has her eyes set on entering Yort, it is just a matter of time, and when she does, she expects to dominate the king or kill him (and she will kill him in time), then she will have the people of Yort build a temple to her, and for her (this will come about in time, but not during this period of her live). And so her intentions at this corner is to destroy the stone before the laws are written on it, and it becomes blessed, and she accomplishes this, that is, capturing the stone, and puts it close to her body as she sleeps. She expects to take it to the bottom of the sea in the early morning, so it will never be found, and during her sleep the King, King Thesas I, and Sinned’s father take it, the angel Serr’el (whom will become Sinned´s guarding angel after his father’s death, puts his hand on the Tiamat, she can’t move, and remains in a frozen sleep.
In the process of the King and Sinned’s father, of escaping out of the area, and into the woods near Yort, the Tiamat wakes up, and follows the scent of the two. She does meet up with both of them, and in a trying battle, swords against her wicket claws, Sinned´s father is fatally wounded, whom cries out for the king to take the stone to Yort, which is now not all that far. With horse and wagon—for the stone is huge—the king heads the dying mans words, and as the king takes off, the Tiamat’s intentions are to block him, but Sinned´s father blocks the Tiamat, and she tares his limbs off, eats him part by part, which allows the king to advance towards Yort, and now full, she cannot run, and thus, loses the Great Stone.
Thereafter the stone is placed in the temple of the One God, of Yort, for there are other temples, in particular, one called the Mystery Temple (of the Angels whom are in prison), here the priest worship an angle they know little about (which is in the trilogy). The citizens of Yort all go to see this mysterious stone, and Sinned is told by his mother his father was the source in saving the stone, and is proclaimed a hero of Yort: Sinned wants to follow in his father’s foot steps, and will in time.
The Tiamat, now in the woods, is visited and told by Serr’el not to try to take the Great Stone of Yort, as long as King Thesas is king of Yort, or she will face the doom of Almighty God, and be cast into the depthless abyss, and never see a flicker of light again. Thus, the stone remains in place, and Yort, has its rules.
The King and the Island
Advance: “The King and the Island,” In this short sketch, the king will be sent to an island, normally I do not write an advance, thus telling the reader before hand what happens, but this sketch is so short, it seems to me it does matter. Many things happen, in a short period of writing space. This sketch was actually written before the “The Tiamat and the King,” at which time I felt Sinned should die: written probably in 1999, or 2000, when the trilogy of the Tiamat was being written. It was in essence meant to be a book or a chapter in a boo, but only the outline was produced. The name given to this story, “The King and the Island,” was given 6-29-2007. The story was meant to be an in-between story of the trilogy, or again I say, interwoven into second, or the last book of the trilogy. As it comes to mind, a chapter that could be put into the last book, seems more reasonable, but never was, a chapter story in essence, although the outline was written in case I wanted to do so in future time. The name of the story now being called The King and the Island, because the Island was meant to be the central theme of the story, but of course it was never given that name at the time, so it simply became part of this story, in a avalanche of events.
The Story: The King and the Island
The story takes place in Uruk (present day Iraq); Yort, present day, Asia Minor, and the Underworld, present day Hell, and an island we shall look at later in the Atlantic. The She Ocean is involved in here as well as in the Tiamat trilogy, and is involved with Sinned´s quest; she lives in the ruins of Pergamun, Asia Minor, this is where Sinned had met her first as a youth, a soldier of Yort, and one who went to many lands to fight for the might of Yort, and where she tried to seduce him. The information Sinned seeks is where Uruk is and how Creation came about (and he will find out some of what he seeks, such as: will there be a flood in his time. Actually, Sinned finds out there will be three floods, one in his time and that there was one about 2500-years before his time (9600 BC), and there will be one after his time, which is around 3600-3700 BC. Serr’el, his guarding angel, assists him with this. In addition He finds out there are cities in the world called Ur and Uruk in the land of Sumer, with the help of The She Ocean, an old friend, and one who sought after him, to get away from her master and teacher, Satan. At this time, Sinned is sixty years old; he has perhaps 30-more years to live. And as it was a time for war and adventure for him in his youth, it is no a time for him to seek out the mysteries of life, as it will be in later days, a time for him to die and to rest and will give up the conquest of trying to save the city and its peoples, as now it seems to be sketched in his will.
The Tiamat, comes back a third time as a spirit, after being in the underworld, this time. The King goes to an island off the coast of where the Pillars of Hercules are (present day, the Rock of Gibraltar). He feels the Tiamat will kill him; this is the frightened and mousey King Thesas III. At the island he finds he is not very well liked, for his reputation precedes him, and is pushed around a bit by the barbaric inhabitants. Pushed and abused in all forms, he sees the other side of life of course, yet in future time, this will all fade and will not produce a good king out of him, that is to say, this experience will not mold him to be a better man, to humanity, if anything, it will cause him to be more less revenant, and more deviant. Thus, he returns to Yort, to take his chances with the demigods and in particular, the Tiamat.
And so now we see the king is reunited into Yort, and the Tiamat feels he can be used as an authority figure, one that will do her bidding, for now she is in spirit form, and realizes she either has to enter another person and possess him soul and all, or be less restrictive for herself, and dominate the king, and back him up, as she slowly commands all of Yort.
During this time, Sinned is given visions of the end of Yort, and Uruk, a land with a king that will be known as Gilgamesh. He sees both cities in mud, and he sees the son born, called Gilgamesh, and he sees a Vampire High Priest, whom is called the father of Gilgamesh, but this is in question of course, he cannot make out the details. But he is seeing the development of his ancient world take place, to him it is present day, and the visions are future time.
During this period of time, as I had mentioned, when the Tiamat and Sinned were not friends, and I mean that in the sense of working together, because in time they will have to, Sinned cast him into the sea, where she originally was as a physical creature long before Sinned came onto the world scene. The Tiamat knows, Sinned has a power that was given to him by the Almighty, and all the demons and citizens of Yort know this as well, Sinned is in a way, the safety belt, or zone for the righteous citizens. If indeed they wish to be part of the One God Temple in the city, where Sinned goes, they are safe, but the demigods realize if anything, the nature of the human being, which is power and pleasure, and this is the premise the work on in Yort.
And so, for a very short period of time, Yort is free of its demigods again, for Sinned has ordered them out, lest they want to be cast into the pit, the abyss (where in future time this will not be possible simply because the inhabitants will not wish it to be, and therefore, as any democracy goes, Sinned will not stand in his their way); and as Sinned has done many times in the past, he is sitting on the Great Walls of Yort, looking down into the valley, and down into the city-fortress of Yort, his city, the one he loves so very much. And he is proud, not that he has done what he has done, but that he was part of it, usable, and available for God, and his city.
The Coming of the Tiamat to Yort
(The Haste of the Tiamat)
Advance: the coming of the Tiamat to Yort” was the most recent story written, and written from the “Last Tales of the Tiamat,” in particular. It tells a little about the history of the Tiamat, and how she came to be in the Mediterranean, area, in which she seems to have drifted into it out of the cold Atlantic about 7000 BC. It also mentions for the first time, Sinned´s Grandparents. Written 6-20-2007.
The Story
Chapter One
The haste of the Tiamat
There was a time prior to the advent of man on earth, one might even say it was a long road from the birth of this time to the time of the Tiamat and on to man, perhaps 118,000 BC might be a good starting point for this prior statement, to the time now of 7000 BC, where the great walls of Yort can bee seen from the woods and Great Sea.
She (the Tiamat) came out of the icy waters of the Atlantic before the earth was healed by the Great War of the Demigods.
Thence she came pass the Pillars of Hercules, came bitterly half frozen from the new continent now known as Antarctica (back then perhaps known as the Peril of Atlantis, for prior to Atlantis (9600 BC, there was no Antarctica, so it was said.
At this given time in history the Artic receded far below where it is today, perhaps all the way to New Orleans, and Antarctica crept almost up to the Azores, where Atlantis was born. And the winds from the Arctic swept south, so there was no relief for the waters the Tiamat swam in, lest she go to the Pacific, and that land populated with the Bird-gods and Moai people, and many other mysterious creatures.
Alas, the oceans were a perilous place to live in those far off days, and thus, she came in haste to find a new abode, and that she did, the waters of the Great Mediterranean Though for three and twenty millennium, had past since her birth, now she has found a new path to be trodden upon, and she will soon find out, it leads into the great forest of Yort, and there she will be able to see the Great Walls of Yort, city-state, in Asia Minor. And so great was each step (parting the cold waters of the Atlantic), it was carved in her heart and evil mind, she had found the Garden of Eve, which of course she did not.
The land where she had now come to was now bleak and bare, from a great flood that had taken place 9600 BC, just 1600-years prior to this arrival. It took all of 700-years to dry this landscape to what it was now. And it was that many of these lands were re-peopled.
The Tiamat did not understand at first the harsh tongues of the new world, so she walked warily into the many corners of the lands and sea, listening and learning, in due time spotting the walls of Yort, and set up a hiding place in the deep of the woods, living silently in those days, that is to a certain degree anyway.
Wherever she was, no living thing felt safe, strayed slowly away, she was a deadly looking creature, she that took by force, all she wished.
As rim as she was, form her travels, she asked now and then of the news of the Great City of Yort. And suspiciously she was, and lived.
She spoke at this time the old tongue of the demigods, a language now forgotten for the most part. And in time she would learn several languages of the area, she had a lot of time to do so.
It was a soft spoken language, with no tidings, just bare facts of the moment, and focused on the present.
At this time, Sinned was not yet born, but his Grandparents were.
Chapter Two
The Lord of Arms
…and so King Thesas I was not even the king yet, which would be in the time of Sinned, 6840 BC, and during this time there were no beggars in the city as there would be in latter days, the days of Sinned. His grandfather was a soldier, likened to his father and himself, the time is 7000 BC, and the Grandfather will live to be around 250-years old, which was not uncommon for it day.
They called Sinned´s Grandfather, “The Lord of Arms,” he was a general in the Army of Yort, and a fierce fighter indeed. His wife, LADY Newrom, and the grandfather were known as Lord Rom.
Here in this great stone house, Lord Rom lived, and his wife gave birth to Sinned´s father, and would inherit the house, and likewise, Sinned in time would inherit the house.
(To update the reader on the trilogy of the Tiamat, Sinned´s father would be slain by the Tiamat, and his mother by the Amazons. And so Sinned´s family had a history with the Tiamat from almost the on start of her arrival, for Lord Rom, will also have his dealings with her.)
No one dare touch Newrom, when Lord Rom was out to war that is until the appearance of the Tiamat, who showed, or had no fears, not yet anyway. She aided the poor, farm children who lived in the fields and outside the walls of Yort, with food and advice.
It is not known for sure but an old man gave some credence (and testimony after the fact) to the event, that Lady Newrom, with one of the farm daughter’s were plundered by some strange event, thing—she was stripped for her cloths, which lay loose on the ground and there was no sight of her. It was said by the old man, he saw a green colored object, perhaps hand, grabbed her and the young girl, quick like an alligator and the cloths remained where she was grabbed, and that was the last anyone had ever seen of either one of the two females. The old man was too frightened even to send in his hunting dogs to save the couple, lest he expose his whereabouts, and be subject to the same fate. Assuming it was the Tiamat, and it seems most probably it was; accordingly, that was the beginning of what was to be called, “The Cursed Forest of Yort.”
The Lord of Arms…
The Tiamat and the Winter Withdrawn
(In Three Parts)
The Creation of Yort,
And the Land of Sorrows
(Part of the Tiamat Tales)
Written 6-21-2007
Part I of II I Parts
The Tiamat escaped the great winters of 9600 BC, when Atlantis sunk, and the creation of a new continuant was born, called “The Frozen Lands of Poseidon” (present day Antarctica).
At this time, a great catastrophe took place upon the continent of Europe, and Asia as well as—all the way down the Southern Atlantic, the underground, bottom of the sea, opened up and swallowed much of what was land, turned it upside down, or so it seemed, covered what didn’t sink with mud. Legend says, it was then called ‘The Land of Sorrows,’ much of the Atlantean elite, left the so called tips of the mountains of what was left of Atlantis and fled to Crete and Egypt, creating a new race and life, and a secret society within these societies, that would someday become worldwide.
At this time, many of the inhabitants also fled to a land near the Black Sea, where now stands Troy, but before Troy, it was Yort. It was a land set aside, alone on a mountain top, sort of. It could guard itself from the many nations that would in time envy her.,. a great enclosure her people would build, and man and beast would marvel at Yort’s great walls, the envy of the new world. Gilgamesh would try to copy these same walls in his day (2700 BC), the demigod from Sumer.
The Tiamat withdrew from the islands in the Atlantic and during the eruption was cast into the frozen waters of now, the new land, Antarctica.
At this time, Yort, was but a few months old, being build after the destruction of the old world order, which was by the leadership of Atlantis, thus, the first king of Yort was but a King for a very short period of time, called Hellsink (He was as wicket as he was sadistic, he had courage alright, and people of Yort grew to dread him and his ways: he loved the hunting of the wild bear and humans, with hidden eyes. He was at one time an Atlantean with a tinge of Greek heritage in him, a simple soldier, who now became a king. He would take at will, and call it his right, the brides to be in Yort, and if there was any resistance, he would kill the whole family of the bride, to include the groom.
Sunrise, the king’s young wife, also of Atlantean stock, but with Egyptian blood also, feared the king less than anyone, and above all, loved his new found kingdom. In truth, she proved to be a better Queen, than he a king. Straight she walked, and tall, for she had come from a royal house in the Port of Poseidonia, the land of Atlantis. And although the king would rule for less than two years, she would rule for one hundred and twenty-seven, and die at the ripe old age of 175-years old.
And so this is the history of the beginnings of Yort, and the coming of the Tiamat, and the winter she would withdraw from to find her new nest.
Lemuria —the Tiamat’s Peril
Written 6-21-2007
Part II of III Parts
The Queen of Tears
(A Sad Tale of the Tiamat)
Part III of III Parts
Written 6-21-2006
Notes on the Making of “The Last Tales of the Tiamat”
“The King and the Tiamat,” written in chapter summation originally, and put aside and misplaced; but now stretched out, reshaped or reworked recently. This short book [story] was written [in part] during the time period [about four years ago] while the other three books were being published on the Tiamat, but set aside for the most part [written in: 2000-2001]; rewritten 2003, and restructured and finished 11/19/03. I was not going to finish it but when I decided to do the “Tales of the Tiamat,” I felt it a must, to finished the story to give the other three books an ending; now, not finishing the tales I have found or added to this volume, and gone over it once again in September and October of 2004, a few modifications only; for this might be put into a short story book yet [which now is in the making]. I hope you enjoy it. First time published, not in any other books, to include the trilogy of the Tiamat, or magazines.
“The Ghost of the Tiamat,” (3-pages, or 1118 words), this is another fragment to the short stories of the Tiamat series I started writing, this in particular story was written 1-2004, and updated on 12-4-2005.This short Vignette/sketch was to be #4: introduction into a new series, which was never produced, but in 2005, I decided to created with these four short stories, “The Last Tales of the Tiamat”, to include the twenty-five plus pages of “The Tiamat and the king”. (Revised 6-2007)
“The Tiamat, and the Mesopotamia Stone” is a story started but never grew, perhaps because it has been told in part in the first three books of the Tiamat, although it set some firm dates, I forgot, such as the birth of Sinned being 6820 BC; the time the King and his father are gone to bring back the great stone: Sinned is five years old at the time, or the year is 6815 BC, when they return, the father is dead, killed by the Tiamat, and Sinned is 15 years old, the year is 6800 BC. I would seem in other writings I put Sinned´s death birth at 6800 BC. But I tend to feel I miscalculated, thinking BC goes forward when it goes backwards if to catch up with the AD period. He would have been born, 6820 BC. The king and his father were gone ten-years, as I wanted it to be. (Revised 6-2007)
“The Invincible Tiamat, and the Mad King of Uruk” this short story, about 2000-words was written in 8-2002, a few years after “The Tiamat and the King”, after
“The King and the Island,” In this short sketch, the king will be sent to an island, normally I do not write an advance, thus telling the reader before hand what happens, but this sketch is so short, it seems to me it does matter. Many things happen, in a short period of writing space. This sketch was actually written before the “The Tiamat and the King,” at which time I felt Sinned should die, probably in 1999, or 2000, when the trilogy of the Tiamat was being written. It was in essence meant to be a book, but only the outline was produced. The name given to this story, “The King and the Island,” was given 6-20-2007 (revised, 6-2007).
“The Coming of the Tiamat to Yort” was the most recent story written, and written from the “Last Tales of the Tiamat,” in particular. It tells a little about the history of the Tiamat, and how she came to be in the Mediterranean, area, in which she seems to have drifted into it out of the cold Atlantic about 7000 BC. It also mentions for the first time, Sinned´s Grandparents. Written 6-20-2007.
“The Tiamat and the Winter Withdrawn” is a three part story of the Tiamat, and the city Yort. “The Creation of Yort,” and “Lemuria, the Tiamat’s Peril,” and “The Queen of Tears” are three tales of the Tiamat, which predate all the other tales in time, according to the story. That is to say, all other tales are around the date 6800 BC, now the tales take you deeper into time and pre history.